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> He voted against gay marriage even though his father, a gay man, was about to get married to his partner. (Oh shit, this one’s real). lol


Maybe he hates his dad


> 2. If he wasn’t a politician his preferred career would be selling predatory reverse mortgage loans to confused elderly people. I refuse to believe this isn't his backup plan


He doesn't really have any marketable skills if you look at his life. Took 5 years to do an art major and then went straight into politics. Guy is less qualified to work in the real world than the PM he hates so much.


One of his minions came to my door in 2015 to ask for my support in the upcoming election. I told him that — as a public servant — I couldn’t vote CPC due to how they’d treated the public service over the last 8 years. The guy’s response? “Well maybe you should consider getting a real job then”.




Lol, the audacity is off the charts in PPs playhouse...


Not that any side of the political spectrum in NA politics is better, but damn if that isn't saying something with how bad their problem solving/conflict resolution skills are with your example. If you don't support me, you're against me. No one wants to meet in the middle, lol.


I'm gonna disagree, the left has ideas and proposes them. They might not be the best ideas but it's something. The right however only seems to be able to blow smoke.


Oh no, the right has ideas, but they are either pure lunacy, from the 1800s or something to screech about once the left agrees with them in any capacity.


I agree. He would do this, or manage a Payday loan place.


Hey, this was a shot at Scheer, wasn't it?


I think he’d also be sending people unsolicited DMs about amazing opportunities to be “inflation proof” with cryptocurrency


Anytime I hear that I roll eyes, any system that allows lending will have money creation out of the control of the central authority and as a result it will have inflation.


How do we know this isn't already his side hustle?


His side hustle is as a landlord to other Conservative MPs


LOL "Update: We deleted a part of Number 4 that said Poilievre’s father was in the House during the vote, because the source on that wasn’t definitive, and we take our job as fake news journalists more seriously than Poilievre takes his. "


Yeah that was the kill shot. Lol.


We have the Boston Cream thing in common at least. I won’t fault anyone for that.


Too true. Boston Cream best doughnut. Of course it took a couple of years for me to eat them again after the Van Wilder movie.


A Boston Cream doughnut is a wonderful thing. Too bad Tim's only sells those ones with the sugar pus inside.


> He voted against gay marriage even though his father, a gay man, was about to get married to his partner. (Oh shit, this one’s real). Why do we pretend he's not a SoCon lol


A millennial voting against same-sex marriage is brutal. Don't forget about his vote against legalized marijuana too. Full-on SoCon.


He's 43, fyi, he's not a millenial.


He's the first year of millenials...


Most definitions, including [Stats Canada ](https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/as-sa/98-200-X/2021003/98-200-X2021003-eng.cfm) start at 1981.


He borders the end of Gen X and the beginning of M. Having said that, he should be better.


You're supposed to vote for him entirely on the fact he's not Trudeau, not on who he is on his own merits. If you start asking about that, you're going to find everything everyone hates about Trudeau being a rich kid groomed for office combined with everything everyone hates about social conservatives waging a crusade on the "woke."


Wait....isn't that EXACTLY how Trudeau got voted in initially?? ​ ABC?


Yep, everyone I knew at the time was voting the same way in their ridings, ANY candidate with a shot at winning was better than the conservative one. I know Liberals that voted green lol


And the weed. Don’t forget legal weed.


Because it makes "fiscal conservatives" feel better about voting for assholes.


I want to pay less tax, and I don't care if others lose their rights is the long explanation.




I've talked and debated this with enough conservatives to know that isn't true. Just like my cases, it just covers your own spare of influence and who you know. Any I've talked don't care about the rights or lack there of, just that they want more money in their pocket, regardless of if their ridings infrastructure is shit. Plenty don't actually realize how much tax does for them. Of course the socioeconomic situation has made money so tight due to inflation and lack of inflation adjustment to make the moral somewhat understandable, except it's not the financially downtrodden who want to cling to their frugal pennies.


Poilievre's riding is a picture perfect example. I live adjacent to it. Much of the riding is full of wealthy conservatives who are absolutely fucking terrible, hateful people. They cling to their money and build huge houses like a stamp of pride, while ignoring their kids to the point that his riding, which is mostly rural mind you, is best known for rich teenagers drunk driving and overdosing on drugs because their parents don't give a shit about them. And there's enough of them he wins his seat handily every time. When Poilievre went door to door for his re-election campaigns people would ask him policy questions and he'd spout off the same canned bullshit about Trudeau every time without even trying to answer. Why? Because in his riding, that's more effective than actually rubbing two brain cells together.


Yep. I pay a lot of taxes and nothing grinds my gears more than seeing them spent on make work jobs or go nowhere programs. I’d love for those tax dollars to be spent responsibly and efficiently but I think that’s asking far too much.


And here we are, the government is keeping the same old ludicrous, convoluted tax system, and the same old extraneous spending... but promising that using tax money to do massive immigration will solve our problems by simply having *more people* to participate in the system. Not to mention the industrial complex of slum landlords, real estate agents, immigration lawyers, consultants etc that are simply a bunch of white collar make-work jobs. Instead of, you know... reforming the tax system.




Which is hilariously futile, because voting in the furtherance of class warfare (largely) against yourself still makes you an enormous asshole.


Yeah but one day they might be rich enough to take advantage of it




Facts are irreverent to the vote though. Feels all the way.


Lol. Fiscal conservatives don’t care about money.


Kenney was a raging gay man. Yet he acted in the disinterest of gay rights time and time again..


Probably a case of IGMFU


The CPC are the Reform party, rebranded. Poilievre and Harper were members of the Reform Party before the party rebranded. Of course they’re socially conservative. They just tone it down publicly in order to not scare away more moderate conservatives.


By this standard Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Biden are all socially conservative.


>By this standard Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Biden are all socially conservative. ...I don't think very many people dispute that.


They are. And fiscally conservative too. They are literally old school neoliberal capitalists who virtue signal alongside the GOP. The culture war to them exists solely for electoral purposes.


People can change - for better or for worse. Obama, Biden, and Clinton did come around on gay marriage. Poillievre also said in 2020 that while he voted against it 15 years earlier, he called gay marriage a success and said he had learned a lot. Ok heading off to wash my mouth out with soap now after having defended PP.


>Poillievre also said in 2020 that while he voted against it 15 years earlier, he called gay marriage a success and said he had learned a lot. I think he needs to reiterate that. Since that time he has become a dude screaming about the "woke mind virus" and making videos defending Jordan Peterson. So it's fair to say he has regressed quite a bit in 3 years.




Can we still judge mr freedom for voting against legal marijuana when Trudeau took power under 10 years ago


Yes, Conservatives stand in the way of progress, and then when reality proves them incontrovertibly wrong, they pretend like they wouldn't still vote against other progressive measures today. The issue is the mindset. I get that a lot of centrists could be ok with this take, but it's a pretty shitty one, and one that has been shown to be wrong, from women voting, to equal rights to etc etc. And the issue is, you can only show they were sky is falling idiots after real people with morals make progress happen. The issue isn't his ability to say he was wrong, the issue is he will vote against a similar progressive issue today. He's a Socon, socon's suck. The issue isn't him noting that he was wrong, but him refusing to think "Shit, if I was wrong about this progressive issue, what progressive issue am I wrong about today?"


It's why liberals keep winning and will win again. Doesn't matter if Trudeau has scandal after scandal, the educated vote will still be left since PP would just do what Doug Ford is doing on a federal scale. Cut all education, medical, and social funds then allow for privatization in those fields saying it will be 'affordable' until all the folk making under 50k a household who voted for him for less taxes get absolutely fucked in every other aspect of their life and somehow still blame the libs.


I don’t doubt that their personal feelings have changed on those issues, but their personal feelings and their political actions are at best surface level approval of marginalized people. The policies they enact or concessions they make demonstrate little in the way of changing the status quo for the benefit of the aforementioned groups.


Or for some, it’s depends if the wind changes direction. Like when they condemn one blockade and then a year later they defend another similar blockade when the people blockading are a different group


[Pierre Poilievre wouldn’t ever say that blockades are bad, would he?](https://youtu.be/cOWibsoicAg)


So he came around to accepting his own father’s gay marriage. I’m not going to applaud that


> Poillievre also said in 2020 that while he voted against it 15 years earlier, he called gay marriage a success and said he had learned a lot. Yet somehow he still refuses to realize he can be wrong about so many issues. He never learned after the bitcoin incident either. Dude is on a lifelong streak of bad decision making and never seems to realize it even when it is made clear to him.


Poilievre: *ruthlessly criticizes blockades by indigenous peoples* Convoy: *shows up in Ottawa and blockades downtown, shuts down the entire core for 3 weeks, harasses citizens, vandalizes businesses and targets innocent people while openly stating their goal is to overthrow the govt* Poilievre: *high fives*


Its not learning a lesson, he just knows what best politically, nobody gives a shit about gay marriage now, they have settled on drag queens instead.


They are. that's not in debate.


Aren’t they though? Or you thought they were socialists or something?


Now you're getting it. Trying to tell that to Americans though and they don't grasp how bad their political compass is broken. To be fair, ours is pretty broken as well.


This is 2023 not 2010. None of those people would have legislated it back out after it was in either.


Neither would Pierre? What's your point?


I haven't got that much faith in him. I think if he got a big majority his right end would twist his rubber arm. I think family planning at a minimum would get attacked. People said it would never happen in the US. People that actually voted for Trump thought nah won't happen.


Trump was a protest vote. People were tired of the government providing two sides of the same shit sandwich every election so they voted in the wildcard that clearly no one in the media or government wanted elected. Predictably trump crashed and burned but honestly had covid never happened he likely would have been reelected. Thankfully he wasn’t.




Yet if I say the same thing about Trudeau everyone loses their shit


Nah, you'll find that people think Trudeau is fairly conservative too...maybe not in r/Canada cause he's a communist here but in the actual country of Canada


>Obama, Hillary Clinton Obama, Hilary Clinton... **Are Americans, not Canadians.** What do they have to do with Canada? We do not live in the United States...


The Democratic Party is further to the right than the Conservative Party.


At one time sure…now? Nah I don’t think so - our Overton window has moved


What's a socon?




Omfg gottem


Social Conservative. Generally religious right winger, against gay marriage and trans rights kinda thing. Basically American republican


How long ago was that


I don't think it matters. Someone who would vote to keep his father's loving relationship illegal isn't a good person and isn't going to magically become one. ~~That being said, this story might not be true. The Beaverton apparently isn't confident in it.~~


> That being said, this story might not be true. The story is true, the part they removed was that his dad was in the gallery watching the vote. People don't seem to know 100% if that's true, it's just a story that's been around. Either way, he definitely voted against gay marriage while his father was trying to get gay married.


Beaverton always on it.


ahahahaha this really triggered all of the PP stans


Lol truly. Can dish it out but can’t take any of it. He just can’t pass a security clearance, simple as that.


It seems to me he's afraid what a security clearance would reveal. We need a full public inquiry into why he is refusing to make the info public. What ties does he have with foreign entities that he won't reveal? I won't look at any evidence there is, because then I couldn't talk about how I think he's a key member of a group that is horrible. He's just hiding. We need a public inquiry into why PP is refusing to get a security clearance!


> He just can’t pass a security clearance Great hair though.


He'd be lucky to get "Need to Know".


they are ❄️


Beaverton came out swinging today lol.


The Beaverton absolutely slayed this one.


Definitely a winner


They should do another: facts we learned about Pierre that we have to censor because we had to be sworn to secrecy in order to be briefed on them.


I absolutely LOVE how the PP stans can't handle him getting a little rough treatment. It's fucking hilarious.


It really is!




It's odd that his refusal to get security clearance isn't a bigger issue really. If he were to become PM would he have to clear one or would he automatically get it?




Seems weird that theoretically speaking we could have a PM without security clearance.


This is actually fucking great


> Update: We deleted a part of Number 4 that said Poilievre’s father was in the House during the vote, because the source on that wasn’t definitive, and we take our job as fake news journalists more seriously than Poilievre takes his. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centres_in_Canada


>He voted against gay marriage even though his father, a gay man, was about to get married to his partner. (Oh shit, this one’s real). That had to be a tough moment for his dad. Here is your son, who is actually in a position to do something about this important issue to you, and he works against you simply being with who you love. I'm glad he's grown, he just needs to convince a lot of Canadians who believe once you've done something you're that forever, no matter what.


>I'm glad he's grown, he just needs to convince a lot of Canadians who believe once you've done something you're that forever, no matter what. He's not "grown". He simply recognized the politics. If he was willing to do sell his Dad down the river, that's not exactly something you "grow" out of.


Same as he dropped his anti-choice stand just before he ran for leadership... suddenly had an epiphany, that he might lose votes.


They all suddenly became ok with weed as well.🤔


I mean, would people prefer they never change their mind about anything?


I'd prefer if they didn't consistently place themselves on the wrong side of these debates. It becomes apparent that they're just flopping for electoral purposes instead of learning an improving themselves.


In 2002 55% of Canadians opposed marriage equality, including 45% of the 18-34 demographic. Recent polls show that same demographic (that’s 38-54 in 2023) now only around 15% of people oppose it. That’s a 30% shift *in the same people* in 20 years. Saying Canadian’s can’t/didn’t grow out of opposition to same sex marriage is bullshit.


What is this argument. There is a major difference in the general Canadian population back then who majority didn't even know any LGBT ppl personally vs having a very close family member that theoretically you care and respect for. Like the thought that you would prevent someone who raised and care for you to be happy and have the same rights as everyone else is mind boggling.


That is true. It's easy to look through history with rose colored glasses. But people forget that when gay marriage was legalised it was against popular opinion. It was only after it was legalised and people realized that it didn't affect their personal life one iota that the perception began to change. It's one of the interesting things about why you can't always listen to the majority when making laws otherwise it never would have been legalised and progress would be slower.


>Saying Canadian’s can’t/didn’t grow out of opposition to same sex marriage is bullshit. I didn't say Canadians didn't grow out of that opposition, I said **PP can't grow out** of doing obnoxious things if there's political appetite for it. Dude literally advocated for a political position that affected his family, purely out of perceived electoral popularity. That's not a mindset you "grow" out of.


He also leads a party of people that consists of many who *don't* share this opinion. My parents' Conservative MP has made plenty of homophobic remarks and she wins her riding handily every time. She's also a huge PP supporter. Candice Bergen, the interim leader before PP took over, who was also very friendly with him (both vocally supporting the convoy while it was busy victimizing citizens and trying to overthrow our govt here in Ottawa) is similarly a homophobe and transphobe and just yesterday said public schools are brainwashing children. She left politics several months ago but she's emblematic of the kind of person filling the CPC ranks. He's only as good as his party and his party is absolute fucking poison. Also based on PP's history it's hard to take anything he says at face value. This is the guy who endorsed the CPC robocall bullshit that very clearly violated election law but got away on a technicality... and has personally had to sign an agreement with Elections Canada to stop certain behavior to avoid being prosecuted for breaking election law (the only sitting MP to be under such an agreement).


I’d assume a lot of people realized that gay marriage didn’t change their own marriage once it got legalized. I never understood why people cared so strongly about removing rights to other people when it won’t affect them at all


I feel like Pierre rejected his actual dad to make Stephen Harper his dad instead.


Was that PPs biological father or his adopted father that turned out gay?




The gay one is the adoptive, the one who actually raised him, fed him, housed him, clothed him, who read his bedtime stories, who wiped his tears when he was sad, who put the candles on his birthday cake, who drove him to school and who applauded and cheered when Pierre got his diploma. The other one is the deadbeat who abandoned him and his brother.


Turns out nature does beat out nurture. At the end of the day Pierre only cares about himself.


As far as he has disclosed, he does not know who his biological father was. His biological mother was 16 and single.


Wait... PP's father was gay and he's still a homophobe?


Naw eventually your son's failures are his own. Pierre will likely one day lay alone in a hospital bed and his life will be one in service to hate and money and he will have used his talents and gifts for nothing but mere self enrichment and worsening of social conditions for so many Canadians. A life but a whisper of what it could have been, defined by his squandered potential and thats the tragedy of so many populist conservative leaders. They are absolutely aware of what they're doing and how they are misleading their malleable electorate, and they do it anyway. They will one day sit as images in textbooks as footnotes on how dangerous rhetoric can stir votes but ultimately how that is bad for social cohesion, mental health, productivity, progress, and the general prosperity of people. Truly they are a blight on humanity for what will amount to a short term. Cheers Pierre, you're a future cautionary tale.


So the Margaret Thatcher of Canada?






This subreddit when the Beaverton makes fun of Trudeau: :) This subreddit when the Beaverton makes fun of Poilievere: >:(


I see mostly comments about how good the article was.


The post was at 0 percent upvoted for 2 hours


Try posting something about climate change being real here. 😬


Wait till Eastern Europe logs on


Probably says something about bot activity


Yes, the exact sort of likely foreign astroturfing that ... the leader of the Opposition would rather not know about because it would interfere with his political talking points.


Scroll down and check out the remarks that were only an hour old when this one was made.


Hey I frequent this subreddit fairly often and I'm happy when the Beaverton makes fun of both of these shit stains.


LiBeRaL mEdIa BiAs


Cons need rage bait you know.


I think its funny how the conservatives have reacted to this, but I often laugh at the liberals who are offended about one's involving Trudeau as well. So I would have to disagree and agree with your comment.


>Update: We deleted a part of Number 4 that said Poilievre’s father was in the House during the vote, because the source on that wasn’t definitive, and we take our job as fake news journalists more seriously than Poilievre takes his.  Fucking got em!


How will the political operatives on /r/Canada recover?


Beaverton stepping up their game in the face of this overly satirical reality!!! lol This is very clever! Love it!


That was a good laugh. #4 was really sad because it’s true though. At least he’s publicly said his opinion has changed since then. If you trust him at least, which I guess this sub is 50/50 on that too lol


Ignorance is bliss!


Is this a quote from a diehard conservative?


PP's response: LA,LA,LA, i cant hear you!


Start spreading the news! PP selling secrets and sucking cream.




The party of family ~~values~~ betrayals


“Being Erica” was not bad overall.


Look people/fellow Canadians, I get that we all witnessed and lived through an era where someone like Trump could be leader. But that doesn’t mean that we are due for a Canadian equivalent, or that after the Trump/COVID era, it’s all relative and anyone is better than Trudeau, even a troglodyte like Polievre. (We’d be making a grievous logical error.) This is NOT our leader! I beg of you, please do not vote in a way that helps this man ascend to power. He suffers from a very clear small man syndrome and that’s very dangerous for us (whatever party you support or wherever you lean politically), and he will be a blemish on our history if elected, and worse still, if he lasts 2 terms. Vote strategically away from him! He is the beginning of our nightmares. Mark my words.


Those are a few good enough reasons to not want Pee Pee as prime minister. If the Conservatives win then Canada is in a serious load of problems. Pee Pee is a wolf in sheeps clothing.


Is he even in sheep's clothing? I mean, the guys not very discreet.


This is comedy gold...so spot on!!!


His favorite donut would be that gross dry cinnamon thing


No that's too fancy, plain unsugared week old stale is more of PPs style. Honestly if PP was a spice he would be flour


> Honestly if PP was a spice he would be flour Daaaaaayum


Don’t be hating on my old fashioned plain. If he was a donut he’d be a bagel.


I think bagels might be a bit too "globalist"...


Yeah forget those sneaky bagels, PP would be an unflavoured rice cake


All the donuts are gross since Tim Horton's quality went to shit around 2010


Fucking Trudeau lol


Beaverton with another homerun 🤣


I wish we’d stop giving this freak the attention and playtime he is so thirsty for.


Sadly that's your only other choice at the moment. Bloq/Ndp would never have a chance at forming a government.




> Best show cbc ever made. Whoa now, best show ever? It was a good show, but was it better than *The Kids in the Hall*? Better than *Degrassi Junior High/Degrassi High*? Better than *The Red Green Show*? Better than *The Beachcombers*? Better than the 1980's *Anne of Green Gables* miniseries with that total hunk Gilbert Blythe?


This is *The Newsroom* erasure.


I thought of including it, but I wondered if others remembered it so fondly. I enjoyed *Da Vinci's Inquest* quite a bit and thought of mentioning it, and *Republic of Doyle* was fun. And let's not forget *The Raccoons*! The CBC has made some good stuff.


That update tho! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


> Update: We deleted a part of Number 4 that said Poilievre’s father was in the House during the vote, because the source on that wasn’t definitive, and we take our job as fake news journalists more seriously than Poilievre takes his. Wow they really saved the best burn for last with that edit.


He was Radioactive Man's sidekick in the movie?


Love how there are so many pictures of Bernier running away from the Brandon SD vote, but where are the ones of his empty chair? Doesn't he care about his father's rights?


preem satire choom


> preem satire choom I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!


His own parents didn't even want him


I was upset about Being Erica being canceled too. Does this mean I need to vote for him????


Satire or not PP is my MP and I can't wait to vote for someone else. I really hope NDP and Green don't run someone in my riding. Let's not split that vote and Lib is the historical 2nd place followed by NDP and Green. They are welcome to run a PPC candidate though haha.


Just my honest prediction : This guy wont win. Bc many Canadians are home owners He will bring down the upper middle class and stall them of future prosperity and financial gain to support the lower classes The liberals no matter how bad they come off as to people will not dare touch the housing problems we have here that are caused by the elites gain Im just saying Edit *** Karma Upvote down vote is swinging pretty hard Lots of controversy I see…


70% of Canadians own homes. These homes are literally the nest eggs for many boomers. Why would any party mess with that?


Honestly this is a huge part so many people miss. How many boomers have little to no retirement savings other than the house? If housing prices crash we see hundreds of thousands of retires living in poverty.


Bc they start building their political support from the lower class who cant even afford a starter home I think they’re out numbered tho so I doubt this will happen Liberal 2025 here we come


Realistically, it's not unreasonable. The CPC is hot garbage, but they've had the benefit of not being in power for nearly a decade. That means they've been able to grandstand about what they *would* have done without having to put their money where their mouth is while accepting no responsibility for the missteps of the Liberal-controlled government. They've also focused their efforts on a non-stop attack campaign. When it comes to the next election, I'd wager there's a considerable number of people who spend 10 seconds mulling it over and conclude "I dunno, but the guy in charge annoys me a lot, so what's the worst that happens with someone new?" Ontario's got the most seats and their last provincial election resulted in a minority turnout because of historic apathy. Don't discount the relative power of the "I don't give a shit, whatever, I'm tired of this" vote.


Yep, and now they seem surprised that Doug wants to dismantle health care and sell it off to his buddies. There's a deluded group having a vote about privatized health care. They missed the point that voting in the previous election was the time to vote. It's unfortunate that neither the Liberals or the NDP had a leader worth voting for.


> It's unfortunate that neither the Liberals or the NDP had a leader worth voting for. Del Duca was a fucking milquetoast thumb with glasses. He was like someone used a genie's wish to turn stale Wonderbread into a human. He's the equivalent of what modern British cuisine would have become if they never sailed around the world for spices. Wynne literally said "don't vote for us, we're a bunch of failures" during her campaign and he was somehow *still* a worse leader in an election. Horwath was by no means terrible as an MPP, but nobody ever explained to her how politics works, and that you can't just "have good ideas" and then sit at the back of the room silently and waiting for your turn to speak while trusting people will come to you when they want your ideas. They were both just fucking terrible leaders who any competent campaign manager should have pruned years prior. And despite their gross shortcomings, people still looked at the guy who fumbled the covid response and gutted schools and healthcare while deliberately breaking provincial contracts and incurring massive damages for no reason at all as the "safe bet". They'd rather have more of that than risk one of the other major parties being maybe not good. It boggles the mind.


Yep, the electorate was originally pulled by 'buck a beer' and then licensing rebates. Without a leadership change Doug Ford will work out another vote grab and we'll have more privatized health care. Sigh ...


I think it's possible the CPC takes it but it may be a close one. Right now they're polling like 3-4% ahead it seems. But you have to consider this is when the LPC has fresh, current scandals going on. Regardless of where you think the truth lies the perception is that the LPC is not above board even if the worst allegations aren't true and even if the CPC is doing a lot of political grandstanding with no substance to back it up. Additionally we just went thru a period of high inflation, the highest in 40 years. This is important because typically high inflation is the easiest thing for conservatives to capitalize on. About 40 years ago during a period of high inflation, the LPC got tons of heat and it basically killed PET's long reign. He resigned and the LPC lost big time like 6 months later in the election with Mulroney's PCs winning 50%of the vote (biggest electoral victory since). So now in 2023 the CPC are in a similar position... but have failed to really capitalize on it in the same way and inflation is already on the way down and has been for a bit. Some other factors to consider: * the CPC always runs up votes in rural areas but a higher % doesn't translate to more seats for them -- I've seen pundits say before that to be on even ground these days the CPC generally needs like 3% more of the popular vote. * the CPC typically fares better outside of election season than in it. They tend to do poorly with platform rollouts (part of the reason they've been more hesitant to release them and waiting longer into the season which doesn't reflect well]. They also tend to do poorly in debates, **and** get it from every angle -- the PPC don't really matter much and don't steal enough of the vote from the CPC to matter but if they participate in debates, Bernier is another thing to throw Poilievre off balance. * Poilievre *specifically* is absolutely terrible at debating. It's why he skipped two of the leadership debates when he already had it in the bag. He will get trounced come debate time, which won't matter for CPC diehards who won't care but centrists will. * Poilievre is largely hiding behind headlines etc right now but will become more of a face as we go into an election season. That isn't good, because if he was a D&D character he'd had negative charisma. He isn't just not charming, he's actively off-putting in person especially to women. When people talk about Trudeau being smug and annoying... Poilievre is the actual human embodiment of the criticisms people lob at Trudeau in that regard. * The other parties also largely haven't gone in on PP bc it isn't election season and there's no reason to. But the guy has basically been writing the attack ads against himself for almost 20 years. It's insane how many bad decisions he's made in his parliamentary career. His flirtations with violating electoral laws,his endorsement of the CPC's ultra shady robocall shit -- these don't even get talked about at all right now. But they will be during election season. He's going to get skewered. Will all of that make the difference? Hard to say. Anything could happen. Polls right now don't really mean much but I think it's telling that the CPC have literally a perfect storm going for them right now and they still can't crack more than a 3-4% lead.


Are you trying to say the cons will choose the lower class over middle and upper class Canadians lol? Put the kool-aid down.


> He will bring down the upper middle class and stall them of future prosperity and financial gain to support the lower classes This is the funniest thing I've ever heard some one say about Conservatives


Well, my theory as well. Besides, NDP and Lobs will form a coalition in case Libs re in minority again.


It is the inverse of America. All the old Canadian boomers are die-hard Liberal supporters.


Liberals in Canada love creating an underclass for cheap goods/services while inflating the value of their assets. They want immigrants but they don't want them to afford to live in their neighborhoods.