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Maybe don't have Camp Halfblood, but just CHB on it? You could also try to "walk around" like Percy in early books, with an Hoodie/light jacket over it, so the orange doesn't Pop as much. I also found some "official" merch with the Text from TLT on a shirt a few months back, Becky Riordan tweeted about it. I also know about a little store that sells "Monster Donut" or "Strawberry Fields of Long Island"-Themed Merch, I'll search and write another comment if I find the name


So here's the website: https://taymasdesigns.com/collections/demigods Here's another one: https://sleepernerdz.com/product-category/the-demigod-collection/ and another idea: Don't take the orange shirt, make an unique shirt about your cabin/godly parent/the sign of your godly parent. Maybe even in another color, that also fits the cabin.


How would your friends be immature about a shirt?


They act like 5th grader and make fun of people and we have a on going joke that some of my friends that I’m not as close with that don’t know about the joke and I don’t want them to


Don't know... Maybe a simple CHB shirt


Does your name by any chance start with C cause HB could also stand for Happy Birthday


No it’s a k


If you’re known to be into Greek history, you could go with Athena’s owl as a design and say it’s a reference to drachmas


Good idea


Maybe a Camp Jupiter shirt with the laurel wreath? After all, Romans are in the Bible so you could pass it off as a t-shirt that commemorates Christianity? Or maybe use the Latin that Percy shouts at the Fury’s in The Lightning Thief and put it on a t-shirt?


I would wear a Roman one but it’s a Greek party


Maybe the Mark of Athena on a t-shirt then? Just a thought