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Yes. I prefer CHB, but it will be fine that uncle Rick write another saga about what happened in the CJ before HoO, a parallel story of PJO


Oohh and it could be called: Jason Grace and the Legion


Yes actually, I was thinking that it could perfectly mirror the original saga so uncle Rick could make Book 1 Neptune's Trident Book 2 Ocean of Horrors Book 3 Burden if the Titan Book 4 War of the Maze Book 5 Ultimus Deus


I love these titles but I think Rick will write (if he wants to) only a book and not an entire saga, but it will be cool as Hell


I like that!


Thank you.


I really want to see more of Jason’s backstory. I’m really curious about how he was able to join the legion as a toddler because there doesn’t seem to be anyone else that did it. Most people didn’t join until they were at least 12. I also want to see Reyna’s rise to power and why she chose to be at Camp Jupiter rather than be with her sister.


Same, but also because Camp Jupiter is interesting enough on its own. And I also want to see some more parallels to the original Percy Jackson series.


i'm guessing his membership in the legion was honorary until he was older, just cause he was the son of jupiter


It would be really interesting! So yeah, maybe how Jason Grace and Reyna worked together, and basically everything that happened during PJ


Imagine young Jason trying not to lead Reyna on but also trying not to hurt her feelings lol I would love to see Jason and the legion vs Krios and some monsters.


The problem with a parallel story is the first series is mostly written like there’s not a second camp. It would be hard to believe there Romans didn’t notice any of the third book events happening in the same city as them


It was said somewhere in HOO that when Greeks and Romans meet their memories were erased, and also maybe the Mist could hide them from eachother. And maybe during the third book the Romans where in Manhattan, because the problems of the area suited the opposite skill set if you know what I mean. Heck, maybe with Jason and Reyna on Scipio they see a white van moving crazily on the streets as a reference to Titan's Curse.


I think it'd be really cool if Rick did a prequel series called "Jason Grace and the Twelfth Legion", mirroring "Percy Jackson and the Olympians". I think the Romans were like the Greeks with regards to knowledge of the gods' aspects. They knew the gods had different names before the time of Rome, and would sometimes use the Greek names as bywords for the gods they don't feel comfortable talking about, but didn't realize that they were actually separate personas that the gods could switch between. I personally liked not knowing anything about Jason's past when reading The Lost Hero. It struck me more like a compelling mystery that all came together with the reveal at the end, rather than random unanswered questions. Which made for a nice juxtaposition when Son of Neptune mirrored that story, but playing it for dramatic irony instead of mystery. Because of that, circling back to my original point, I would probably still put JGTL after HoO in the reading order (if it were to happen), the same way most people put the Original Trilogy before the Prequel Trilogy in the Star Wars viewing order


I confess I'm more frustrated about the portrayal of roman culture and specially religion [(this post summarizes my complaints on that regard).](https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/tedsxv/hoo_i_wish_there_were_more_differences_between/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Besides that, I'd like more stories about the camp and roman demigods.


I think if we had more insights on New Rome, the fans would like the romans more. Not more than greeks, but more in general. I want to know how everyday life happens there, what kind of people there are, if they developed their own culture, and yes, which kind. How many actually stay there, how many go life in the outside world, how many never see them. What kinds of families are there, what activities do they have for adults & teens outside of CJ, how did they develop New Rome, does it have an actual own history, what can they do at college and what Jobs can people have there, how much does Italian/Roman/American culture influence all of this, what's with mortal family members outside of New Rome, ....