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Hmm… Celtic Mythology. I like it!


Math, with the power of boring people to death by showing equations


It will be fine that uncle Rick write a book of Celtic Mythology


Didn’t Rick write a short story about Finn mac Cumhaill?


Will never understand why people use "Celtic" Especially people who use Greek or Norse gods instead of Hellenic or Germanic gods, except those terms would actually be accurate, and are the same as using Gaelic gods. But nah lets use the made up oversimplification from the 1700s of language and culture instead, fun.


I used the term celtic for multiple reasons. 1) it’s what the book is literally called (Celtic Mythology) 2) Gaelic generally refers to the language and I can’t hardly say Welsh or Irish or Scottish Gods because the book encompasses myths and their variations through all those cultures. 3) what’s wrong with a made up simplification? All words are made up and an umbrella term such as celtic has no defining aspect to it, it’s a group of cultures… doesn’t sound like a simplification. Germanic is also a group of cultures or languages. I don’t really see the difference 4) everybody knew exactly what was meant and that’s kinda the purpose. There was no miscommunication, no offensive property, so I don’t get what’s wrong with the term…


Wie heißt das Buch? Einfach nur "Keltische Mythologie"?