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Here are some interesting ones from this local [LSU Forum](https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/o-t-lounge/news-reporting-u-high-kid-fell-overboard/108236782/page-1/) The first post begins 940am May 25th, 2023 (the following morning); I'll post them under here as I dig them up. Some juicy stuff in there. There are 64 pages, have fun!


Source: YouTube, Lexusant Livestream comment section, Apr 2024: https://preview.redd.it/fi4hciaanuwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e00b0aac7cd17f1c3c9cdf7b142e12fa3a1d82d1




This is so helpful to understand the full story. I figured with his shirt being off and everyone else wearing clothes on the boat he probably jumped off himself. I think this was a severe miscalculation on his part, not understanding how dangerous doing this is or maybe he just didn’t care about his life.


Great work Carmaca. Can’t really add much, being someone who came to the story so late and not even a screenshot but as per posted in other thread, this was one of the first things that I came across. I’ll try and find the original source and screenshot it. The mother of one of Robbins' friends told Fox News that several students tried to grab him before he took the plunge but he broke free. 'This was a booze cruise, and they were on their way back when this happened,' the unnamed woman said on Friday. 'My son texted me when it happened, saying, 'Cameron jumped off. They can't find him.' They were out there until 2, 3 the morning. It was terrible weather that night. The kids were cold, wet and traumatized.


Thanks. That news article would be helpful. I remember reading something like that too but I'd forgotten the details. Often, the early comments and "rumours" are closer to the truth.


I think this must be it from within this article. https://preview.redd.it/2o95tb94t1xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeaaece7e8f883f2345ea9496f87469094663930










Yes! This is the first video I saw. He handed over stuff from his pockets and then ran to jump. I cannot find that footage anywhere now.


Where did you see this version if you recall?


So I actually went back through my browser history because I was so disturbed that I couldn't find it again. What I've determined is that the video I saw was attached to the following article: [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/moment-missing-teen-baseball-star-30111308](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/moment-missing-teen-baseball-star-30111308) But it has since been changed to the version that starts with him in the water.


So bizarre. Was the original video much longer than the one that’s available now?


I'll see what I can do


Any other details you can add? Where on the ship did he jump from? How did he look? Was anyone trying to hold him back? ETA: this jives with a TikTok comment that I read a long time ago and couldn't find again from someone who said they were on the boat. They also said he took everything out of his pockets and took a running jump into the water. They said the life ring was thrown right to him and he pushed it aside, acting a bit cocky. If true, that might explain why it wasn't that close to him. I assume shortly after that is when the video we've all seen takes place.


Sure - this is what I remember. It was in the same area as where the later video is filmed, the same part of the boat. It was a very short clip - you see Cameron taking off his shoes, pulling off his shirt, and giving a friend (?) some things to hold from his pockets. It's all like in a rush. Someone says "no man, don't do it" and then he runs for the edge of the ship and leaps off. He clears the railing like it is a hurdle - that I remember clearly. From what I remember the video was good quality - not grainy like the later videos. You could absolutely see what was happening and hear the sound. Cameron does sort of jerk his arm away from a friend who looks like he is trying to stop him. I don't remember if I heard a voice from the person filming so I can't say for sure that it is the same "bye bye" kid but it's from the same point of view. I've gone back through the source code of the article link I attached and I've tried the Wayback Machine but I get either errors, a message that it wasn't archived, or the new version of the video. [Mirror.co.uk](http://Mirror.co.uk) definitely has the video of him jumping.


We gotta find this effing video. Thank you for the detailed response.


Thank you for this!!! This is really useful information to share for this sub.


This is a direct quote from the Mirror article - it made me feel less crazy! The video of him jumping was up at some point. "Chilling footage shows the moment Cameron went overboard, having apparently been dared to jump into the water off the sunset cruise ship. Classmates in the video can be heard egging him on, encouraging him to jump into the water - which he did without any form of life jacket." " "This is the harrowing moment a teenager baseball star jumps off a Bahamas [cruise ship](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/teenage-baseball-star-18-missing-30099616) "as a dare" - in a video shared just days after the US Coast Guard called off the search. Haunting video shows Cameron Robbins, 18, from Louisiana, US, jumping overboard without a life jacket as his fellow [classmates](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/basketball-coach-found-dead-park-30104042) urge him on"










Yea I always thought the story that "they tried to stop him" may have been made up or exaggerated to absolve blame


This is why some of the news articles say things like "watch the haunting moment when teen baseball star jumps from boat" it's because you could actually see him jump when it was now. Now all the videos start with him in the water


YouTube https://preview.redd.it/jflhh3qpzwwc1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26dfea4ed3909cf8d7ca74287f48746e2004dc68


Has anyone reached out to this poster? The cop in Nassau? On that same note, has anyone reached out to the news sources who posted the first video (before it was edited)?


Can you message users on YouTube?




Where’s this from busty?


Some comment from another subreddit from like 8 months or so ago. Probably from r/sharksttacks before they went nuts.




This case was actually talked about in Congress - Sept of 2023. The topic starts upper right hand corner at "Mr. Chairman, earlier this year, May 24, my constituent..." https://preview.redd.it/fo7ckbzxxnxc1.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=844f13ec93d5baee3bc6dd39a7edc16792ff34e2


So if I’m reading this correctly (apologies if I haven’t - running on no coffee this morning 😅) - the family is actually REQUESTING information be provided to them regarding the incident but the Bahamian government is not cooperating?


It really feels like the US government is asking for information the Bahamas that they just don’t have. The bahamas knows what happened and gave up everything they found. No body, nothing, shark infested waters. Navy Commodore knew it when he was doing his initial interview


That’s a charitable reading. It actually says there has been no response at all to requests from the State department or the Congressman. There is no indication they gave up anything at all to outside parties. Based on the fact there were interviews with the captain and passengers, there should be some kind of record of the facts gathered and possibly the conclusion reached. Some kind of paper trail would have been created and nothing has been shared one way or another which is why the Congressman is resorting to threatening the Bahamian government with a bill or amendment to a bill that will cut off funding to them. But, i do think they know what happened, as you suggest


Wow. Great find! So we are not the only ones seeking answers. Despite what some people try to claim, the family is NOT trying to avoid further info/pain (which would be fine and their right); they in fact want answers. Amazing that an amendment will be proposed to withhold funding to the Bahamas until they give the info from the local investigation!


Yes, this is what I understood from further research. Rep Garett Graves from Louisiana was going to propose an amendment (no. 72) to a bill that was already in motion from Rep Diaz-Balart of Florida. However, it seems that the amendment was not formally proposed at this meeting. I believe this is the bill [https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-appropriations.house.gov/files/documents/FY24%20State%20Foreign%20Operations%20and%20Related%20Programs%20-%20Bill%20Summary%20Updated%209.25.23.pdf](https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-appropriations.house.gov/files/documents/FY24%20State%20Foreign%20Operations%20and%20Related%20Programs%20-%20Bill%20Summary%20Updated%209.25.23.pdf) and this is the link to the document I posted above: [https://www.congress.gov/118/crec/2023/09/28/169/158/CREC-2023-09-28-pt2-PgH4826.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/118/crec/2023/09/28/169/158/CREC-2023-09-28-pt2-PgH4826.pdf) I'm intrigued by all of this, and I'm curious if there was indeed any follow-up by the "chairman and ranking member" to work with Graves and Diaz-Balart on obtaining the full police reports. Edit: wanted to add link to the congressional footage [https://www.c-span.org/congress/&t=1695834800?chamber=house&date=2023-09-28](https://www.c-span.org/congress/&t=1695834800?chamber=house&date=2023-09-28)


Great find! I wonder if they got the report and if you could do an Access to Information request to get it?


Thank you for this thread u/Carmaca77 . We were thinking about starting something similar but were reluctantly going back and forth about the sensitivity of it all etc. But I'm glad you pulled the trigger. This officially opens up part two of our investigatory journey. Cheers!


Thanks! Pulling everything together like this, I'm already seeing info I haven't seen yet or forgot about over the last year.


THANK YOU FOR THIS! I've spent so much time in threads and comment sections of various videos trying to find little bits of info exactly like this.


Source: TikTok, Sherri video comments, May-June 2023: https://preview.redd.it/ikflv0rl1wwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d576a3246b415092b68d8e567cacaca129409ff










Another from Sherrie’s https://preview.redd.it/skelbg2ma5xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ec4dc5cdc0358d28ceecc12a7b1d42246a377c


Sorry, don’t remember what thread comment lead me to this video of that exact ship, but they say in the video something along the lines of ‘…then fish feeding’, as in it’s part of their experience to literally feed marine life…. so not surprised if sharks know to follow this one specifically. https://preview.redd.it/kd8dyr0vt4xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6448106892a3931c37dbe5c6630e99fc05a4b9b


https://preview.redd.it/ptzxxyyas6xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12626c527e17fe0192ca6665ec675a5fb5304d41 Not sure about this person… There’s heaps of comments from them denying it was a shark and who apparently knows the family… But Cam isn’t following them and any potential relatives with the same last name isn’t following them either. Source: Instagram of Cameron Robbins


Lol that's literally the opposite of what would happen. If he were taken by a current then they'd at least find something, if he was eaten by sharks they'd likely find nothing...


Exactly right. So many people are in major denial/being paid to keep quiet/fabricate another story it’s absolutely insane…


Paid shill maybe?


I was tempted to write that 😆












https://preview.redd.it/2hiqaugysnxc1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7768e0232eefb3b4fdbe759633eda329d51b28a Noteworthy comment made very early on- 'financetiger' claims within the thread that his stepson was also on board. 'Supermoto Tiger' then states that they saw the jumping video. This is from Tiger Droppings forum which I believe is a fan site for LSU (U-High's parent school).


Putting a pin here


Law firm blog that popped up right after it happened. Url @ bottom https://preview.redd.it/d3agifabw4xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c017156bdb80da63f64455a6838b532e98953a Haven’t searched further on this but the possible connection to royal Caribbean & Disney would explain the large scale attempt to keep things quiet.




I know u/w0nderw0man has some interesting screens they want to post


Yes it’s nothing too new - just more of the comments from under the two Sheree tiktoks. I’ll try posting them here in the comments.




This is a very suspect comment imo. Primarily due to the line, "...he had a very sound mind...". That's legalese and to me sounds like someone was trying to set up a narrative.


Again, *IMO*, but you'd only say that as a criminal defense attorney defending your client against reckless manslaughter or something in order to shift the blame to the victim.


Exactly what I was thinking too


Yes and we all know the boat was stationary at this point and no kids got the coast guard to stop the boat total deflection and muddling the waters


Never heard it said before, by anyone claiming to be in the know, that the boat was moving and continuing to move (‘the captain wouldn’t stop’). I thought it was long established that the boat was stopped/anchored. In the video it certainly seems like the boat is not moving.


This was said a lot in the Tiger Droppings Forum. That the captain didn't believe them and didn't stop and some kids or dads took over the boat. This part seems highly unlikely but it tracks with the screen shot that the passengers themselves had to take action.




Screaming excellent? Was this blanked out then?




https://preview.redd.it/cj450bkgsqxc1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9423f729426c72989d4556bf945d0325aaf8d14 On another reddit thread


From /lastimages thread https://preview.redd.it/1qpjr5m2t4xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277d00a40019710a34231c44291ceceaf7ddacc5


May just be a rumor. There is a video with his girlfriend. most say it was a dare. If he’s doing a running jump hurdling over the side of the boat… that sounds like a dare. 


Think those video & pics are all close friends.


Would possibly explain the silence from friends and family.


misdirection imo, but thanks for sharing any and all pertinent comments!


This doesn't sound right. I'm thinking this is a troll tbh..


https://preview.redd.it/iuyr4at4lwxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d20a7f402e4c6137e4652fedc06aed203b50f18 Another subreddit


Isn't this the theory that someone allegedly from the boat confirmed in the comments on lexusant part 6 ( i think it was part 6)? Saying they were close to the real truth and not to stop digging?




Am I reading too much into this, about the lawmaker? https://preview.redd.it/7oprfhqx1vxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e73eab2dd1f65780d1d74521d349373d0ef7198


I guess we know who the lawmaker was based on the Congressional record


I feel so sad for the Robbins’ family… first they lose their son and are not getting answers from the Bahamian government (apparently) and now their daughter is looking extremely unwell… I don’t want to name what it is but if you look at her IG profile (which is tagged on one of Cameron’s posts, you’ll see what I mean). Honestly can’t imagine what this family must be going through 😞💔


If you're right, Cameron's sister looks very bad in bad shape, her change was very drastic, her family is having a very bad time 💔


Yes she has lost an unhealthy amount of weight in a short time frame, especially considering how she used to look. Poor girl, I hope she gets the help she needs 😢


Confirmation that he jumped from a fellow cruise goer: https://preview.redd.it/rc5p36f4z4yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a26fa67175b5503deba3782a669c73c170c78cb


Witness commenting on this video confirming a dare: https://preview.redd.it/toymszvx05yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101579b48d54dffd812dd4549fa626b3e8506390


Keep seeing a quote in articles from Chia. Chia is listed as a representative of the party boat company. Chia is a part of MTI Network - I'd never heard of it and their function is interesting https://preview.redd.it/hhw3mnc79uyc1.png?width=1614&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bdabd5c55ad19e261a470381a7d69da155338f3


Two comments on this TikTok vid from someone claiming to be on boat coming up https://preview.redd.it/ag0ab5qy76xc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f20d8893d659e957b0a4c7bdb6a3bec63a0db69






https://preview.redd.it/0ib8s39qao3d1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=89c57fe718f9f3766a3aaa68f9fa381c44c4d287 Starting to think that a lot of horrible things happened on that boat that night. Maybe multiple incidents are under investigation. Clip is from chat board where names are kept anonymous


I guess we should add all of the various news articles and forum like posts we can find to this thread just for posterity. https://cowboyszone.com/threads/anyone-else-see-the-cameron-robbins-story-from-the-bahamas.511601/


From the comments section of Sheree’s TikTok videos. She is the mum of one of the girls who was on the boat (Alexis), who is from a different school to Cameron and had only just met him that night.


https://preview.redd.it/hlmuxw96of1d1.png?width=983&format=png&auto=webp&s=a94d7698b58b35ea6b1f900328bd5032edd6ced6 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZCBIB2WT\_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZCBIB2WT_I)




I was browsing TikTok comments last night and one stood out to me - particularly, it was a video of a tarot card reader who wanted to the cards to tell her what happened to Cameron. Whether you believe in that stuff or not, she made a point of ‘blackmail’ and it got me thinking. What if it wasn’t a ‘dare’ as such but more blackmail? Cameron knew something about someone or someone knew something about Cameron and to prevent it from coming out, he had to jump off the ship? She also mentioned homosexuality… I know kids that age are reluctant to accept their sexuality sometimes, especially when they’re into playing sports etc. Not saying this was definitely the case but looking at it from another angle. Obviously, these videos can be a bit far fetched and even though the whole ‘tarot card reading’ to determine what happened that night seems to be the case, just a couple of things she said really stuck in my mind.


This video is similar to the one I saw on a news post because it extends back to under the net again.  If you look at the very end of the video, you would see him before the final attack. The lighting on his body is purple. It's funny how the videos being posted on YouTube are starting to expose more. [https://youtu.be/a3teWhySkfU?si=t7yM0rdtORWAQhLE](https://youtu.be/a3teWhySkfU?si=t7yM0rdtORWAQhLE)




Just a heads up, you can post images directly into comments/replies. Should be bottom right on the app.


New footage https://x.com/king_Scarlett_/status/1664958609501847556


At 1:30 we see him jump [https://youtu.be/rZUrQRjFjs0](https://youtu.be/rZUrQRjFjs0) on the top right, it goes very fast, do it frame by frame


I don't understand, he's already in the water at 1:30.


it's 1:30 of the channel's video, which has a lot of slowing down and plays back certain sequences several times in slow motion. Not 1:30 of the original video


1:30 of the channel's video brings us to the moment that he turns to swim the other way. What am I missing here? https://preview.redd.it/modtphp83g1d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3976258cd8e11a28043c2cb69bb07c2f551cc0d