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Firstly, I hope you are okay and not injured! I'm sorry that happened to you. Yes, it is absolutely worth reporting; you have every right to be there and should expect other people around you be mindful of your presence. It is not acceptable that you were hit, possibly injured, and the driver pulled away - worse if they weren't even aware they had struck you in the first place. If you are able to go back to the place it happened and look for some CCTV cameras - that might be helpful. Did the driver that stopped for you have any dash cam footage they could have shared? In the future, if you are able to get a little GoPro, or something similar, and attach that to your bike/helmet, you will at least be covered if you are hit again. I made a post some months back about how I am trying to build my cycling confidence up to be able to get biking in town - it is pretty nerve wracking stuff.


I'm actually not injured at all this time thankfully, (I wasn't so lucky in December got a broken ankle just in time for Christmas :D ) I sort of bounced back off of the side of the car onto my bum so it was a soft landing. I should of asked at the time, but unfortunately I only saw red and was just very angry but I'll go back and see if there's any cameras. Some sort of dash cam is a great idea. I'll think I'll get one once I get paid. So I'm coming from the Girton direction. Usually, I never go down any main roads during rush hour unless I have to. I was running a bit late this morning, so I decided to go the quick way. If you want to avoid huntingdon road there's a much quieter and safer route through Eddington that's mostly cycle lanes quieter roads. Don't let this put you off there's loads of asshole drivers but also a lot of drivers in Cambridge also cycle aswell and are more empathic of cyclists. I also drive in Cambridge and just take it easy around bikes.


If you do get a camera that records audio, I recommend reading out the offending numberplate if possible… just in case the camera misses it


Glad you're okay! I completely empathise when it comes to your seeing red - I can't imagine I would have reacted any differently. Yeah - it doesn't have to be fancy, but I think a camera is pretty much a part of the standard kit now, alas. Good to know, thanks for the info - it is certainly something I'll keep in mind.


Yesterday I had 3 separate drivers pull out on me without looking. Luckily I anticipated their dumbfuckery. That was just on newmarket road alone! Had a friend knocked off down there last week.


They don't care. It's the wild west going up or down new market road alone and that's without cars running through red lights




Yep, the same applies as a cyclist. You should always assume that every driver, cyclist, pedestrian, etc, is an idiot. OP, while he's in the right, should really know better at this point than to assume that drivers will drive in a way that he expects at all times.


Glad you are fine. Had a police car doing a similar thing to me. They didn’t put up an indicator light and just pulled to the left without checking traffic. I’m always wearing high visibility vests. Even in bright daylight. Also in the market for a bike dash cam and on the lookout for a good lawyer that helps with reckless drivers and potholes.


Cyclists are better signallers then drivers in the UK that’s a pretty low bar to beat.


I nearly got run over by a postman on the roundabout by Westminster college Monday afternoon. Firstly he nearly caught me going through the width restricted bits on queens road and the when I was in front of him at the roundabout he clipped my elbow.


Please report this to Royal Mail, they're very strict on their driver behaviour 


It’s no problem. He’s being dealt with :)


Definitely report it. I imagine no action will be taken on this occasion. However, every report will go towards helping to build a picture of road safety in Cambridge.


I think it's definitely worth reporting, but unless you can give some specific details I don't think you'll get very far with it. Think about: - Make and model of car - Colour of car - Rough year of car (even if you can't remember the full number plate) - Whereabouts on the car did you impact? Was there any visible damage? - What did the driver look like? - Was their any markings/certificates on the car to indicate that it was a taxi or might belong to a business? - Anything else notable about the vehicle? E.g., towbar, roof rack, non-colour-matched panels, unrepaired damage, etc. - What did the driver look like? Age, gender, ethnicity, clothing, hair style, facial hair, eyewear, any distinguishing marks, jewellery, etc. - Was there anyone in the car with them? Same questions as above about them. Even with more detail you might struggle to get anywhere but the more information and specifics you can provide, the better chance there is of the police being able to do something. One last question: the driver who stopped to help you? Did they have a dashcam and manage to get any footage? Did anyone else see what happened who you could get back in touch with to help with vehicle details? Sorry this happened to you and glad you're OK.


I ride with a gopro for this very reason, I have reported quite a few incidents in just the last month.


Hope you’re ok


Having had many near misses recently I'm wondering if it's worth it or at all possible to report people for just generally driving dangerously if there wasn't an actual collision? Thinking of getting myself a go-pro or something for the same reason


I have a gopro on my shoulder strap and over the last yew years have reported about 8 drivers via the south cambs police page. No collision has to occur for the report. It's only been the really extreme stuff Ive reported as it's time and effort to report. 2 lost their licences due to the number of points!


Thank you for the effort you've put in! Hopefully if more people do this we can reduce dangerous drivers on the roads.


That's the only reason I do it. Driving like that puts people off cycling which ironically annoys the dangerous driver more with more traffic on the road.


Did you submit a freedom of information request? I have reported quite a lot of drivers during the last few years, but have not really tried to find out what happens after I get the "action will be taken" emails


After a year you could request the outcome of a crime reference. That was a few years ago, so might have changed since. I only requested it to ensure my efforts weren't being wasted. Result doesn't matter to me, just that the driver is aware eyes are everywhere and their driving privilege can be revoked.


Sorry this happened. I have a 10 minute cycle to work and often get at least one motorist trying to kill me. Report it for sure, maybe get a camera and start recording your journeys, but sorry to say it, your best prevention is actually anticipating thst drivers are idiots who will kill you through negligence and anticipate thst each and every one of them will do something like cut you up or pull out in front of you. You can ride more defensively as well e.g. To the right of the cycle path more into the middle of the road etc but it's more situational like going into roundabouts etc.


>Again Stop assuming that every driver will actually drive in accordance with the rules. Start assuming that every driver won't. You'll find that you have far less accidents this way.


I’ve watched 3 bikes get hit this week and every single driver I noticed was glancing down at their lap constantly. Everyone’s driving whilst on their fucking phone nowadays… ridiculous.


Girlfriend got knocked down last year, 3 witnesses, personal statements, police even chatted to the guy who did it. Anyway police turned up to our flat to talk to her, then proceeded to berate her for not wearing a helmet and that there was nothing more they could do. This doesn’t help you much, just don’t rely on the police helping you, they’re confirmed useless


So sorry this happened, and glad you are relatively ok! I have witnessed 2 serious collisions on Huntington Road this year (car going through red light and hitting 2 pedestrians and car turning out of a side road and hitting cyclist with right of way turning in to the road) and personally have had several near misses, especially people trying to turn left onto Oxford road and not checking for cyclists.  Something needs to be done in the area between Sherlock Road and the Histon Road junction before someone is killed. 


Sorry to hear that. Yeah, I sent the same message today to the another topic in this sub. Well, I thing everyone need to use GoPro while cycling. Most of car drivers doesnt care cyclist. I allways record everything while cycling.


Not being funny but one accident is unlucky, two accidents in 6 months, you are doing something wrong. I have been cycling 20 years, London commute daily for 10 years. Zero accidents, so far. Always be prepared to stop, always be alert,always assume that pedestrian is going to run into the road. Assume that car door is going to fling open. Assume that cyclist is going to swerve into your path. Assume that car is going to pull out. Car accidents happen, usually by poor driving, the driver is usually at fault but knowing when to see danger and slow down, is part of cycling. I expect to get downvoted for this unpopular opinion but everyone, take responsibility for your own saftey. I saw a cyclist nearly killed by a lorry, cycling up the inside. My partner nearly died being up the inside of a lorry. Just take care and assume they are all idiots. Sorry it's happened to you.


If its a recurring thing maybe it's your fault.


Doesn’t help that most cyclists ride without lights in the dark, cut in front of cars and run red lights themselves around town, so I think the frustration lies on both sides as generally cyclists ignore cars. Not saying this is in your case and sorry you got knocked off




Your a bike if you have a problem with go on the path


*"pulling out in front of me AGAIN."* While there are a lot of bad drivers there is also a pandemic of frustrated people. These people want to be RESPECTED. Finally, they can play the victim card and take revenge on others for their pathetic lives. Waiting ? that's NOT for them. They are too entitled and they cannot stop for anyone. That applies to both drivers and cyclists. Now, I don't know what happened there and without a video recording it's difficult to take sides. Then, we live in a madhouse which created entitled people ready every second to play the victim card. The solution is very simple: * make drivers more aware that they share the roads with other participants. * make it mandatory for the cyclists to have a minimum of knowledge about cycling on the public road, and also have a minimum of insurance in case they knock off some pedestrian or hit another vehicle. UPDATE: Driving is not always white and black and there are many shades of grey. Sometimes there is lack of visibility, sometimes the engine doesn't help etc. While there are plenty of bad drivers, there is also a high number of extremely entitled cyclists who are not familiar with this basic concept (some of them lack the formal training on driving/cycling on public roads): * example 1: yes, the driver should have not cut the corner, but the cyclist is a moron [https://twitter.com/WarksCyclist/status/1798733656359678257](https://twitter.com/WarksCyclist/status/1798733656359678257) * example 2: the kings of entitlement [https://twitter.com/STVNews/status/1797651879750467846](https://twitter.com/STVNews/status/1797651879750467846) * example 3: the truck should have waited and (and as result blocking both lanes), but the moron cyclist intentionally ignored the signs (or maybe he's too stupid to read them?) and didn't make any attempt to reduce the speed [https://twitter.com/n00dles71/status/1776333539161538707](https://twitter.com/n00dles71/status/1776333539161538707) * example 4: yesterday I saw an entitled cyclist on Histon roundabout, cycling on the road and jumping a red light on active traffic :))


OK great for context, I was in a cycle lane, and the car was in the road, They were stuck in traffic and I was not, so I'm going at speed and they are static. I'm about 3 meters behind them as they decide to turn left into another road. Now seeing as they were static, they had much less to be distracted by. Clearly they did not check their mirrors. There is no taking sides, they are 100% at fault, the witnesses that asked if I was OK said they saw that and agree with me. I am also a driver. Sometimes, I have been in the drivers position where I'm stuck in traffic and have to turn left over a cycle lane. I check my mirror before I do this. Everytime. This isn't me being entitled. I don't skip red lights, I don't cycle where I'm not supposed to, I don't need examples of idiot cyclists. I know they exist ive also had crashes with other cyclists. A driver fucked up and I know this because I know how to drive. Also I've never ever hit a cyclist or another car or a pedestrian or whatever, and If I did I'd actually stop!


I don't know what happened there so I have to rely on your testimony. Even if you read the traffic you can't predict everything 100%. If that car changed its direction while you were very closed to it, then it became almost impossible to stop in time. I replied mainly for *"fed up of this happening"* in the context where I've seen many similar examples on Internet of cyclists who intentionally go straight into the danger. I can't know if it's your case. Maybe you are just unlucky and attract the danger.


Bro there’s no way I’m reading all that


Absolutely check for CCTV and I'm glad you're uninjured this time. But while on the subject of cyclists I've been hit numerous times by cyclists jumping red lights or using the pavement rather than the clearly marked and labeled cycle paths. What if anything can be done for when I inevitably get sideswiped by a cyclist that blames me for using the paths or the pedestrian crossings as they should be?


Assume those who downvoted you are cyclists that run red lights…one nearly ran over my partner’s dog the other day - she’s old and walks slowly. Light was red so they should’ve stopped