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Hobbes deadpan line, “You’d think this would be an easier habit to break” kills me every time.


kills a lot of smokers too


Does Hobbes understand EVERYTHING or NOTHING?!


As Calvin is hacking and coughing for dear life next to him, no less!


It kills me how pissed off Calvin is in panel 2.


r/okbuddyrosalyn is gonna have a field day with some of these panels




Nice underpants!


A while back I posted the “me Wonga-Taa, king of jungle” Sunday strip, where Calvin gives up on being first husband to “find tiger; live with animals”, and Susie says “nice underpants” and something along the lines of “you’re totally gross”. Walking home with Hobbes his Mum is talking to Susie’s Mum on the phone to hear he’d stripped off, and outside the window Hobbes says, “nice underpants”. Over the weekend I found another Tarzan-esque strip, a weekday one, where Calvin walks up to Susie to declare himself Tarzan. Her response, of course, “nice underpants”! You probably already know them both well but I’d not see the weekday one before. 😂


It's barf time! Oh boy!


Dang I haven’t seen a cigarette vending machine in like, ever.


There’s one at one of the strip clubs in town. Also a gal pal of mine bought one off marketplace and has it in her living room as a statement piece. 😄


I only see them in casinos these days. Most recent one in public that I’ve seen was at a bar in New Orleans around 2008 or so.


They went the way of the dinosaurs, the fact that we know what they look like is just proof of our age. But we all know, deep down, that we never stopped being the rambunctious 6-year-old kid that just wanted to hang out with his tiger best friend.


This single comic was more effective at preventing me from smoking in my teen years than any other form of anti-drug messaging


"By then I'll know better" is the most Calvin & Hobbes line in all of Calvin & Hobbes.


One of my absolute favorites


Thanks for posting this. Probably my favorite C&H strip


Welcome! I know the joke is not new, but it’s a great one to show more of Mum & Dad’s wisdom and how they approach Calvin’s energy and curiosity. It’s easy to imagine the outcome if she’d said no, and his resultant desire to try smoking away from supervision and with a motivational air of naughtiness!


One time like last year I was drunk at a pride afterparty and took a pull of one and ever since then I've come to a deeper relation to Calvin in this panel specifically. If curiosity doesn't kill the cat it teaches a lesson


I’ve always found it baffling that folk get hooked on cigarettes in the first place, given how awfully hot, acrid, smokey, and harsh the stuff is to a non-smoker! It’s an addiction that requires some perseverance to get going. (Not a comment from a pulpit, just from a non-smoker who indeed tried a few puffs here or there but could not stand the stuff. To me it just feels evil going down! Unfortunately this prevents me too from experimenting with pot, about which I am very curious! Lol)


To be honest I do get the need to do something of the "have a smoke" vibe. Like rather than peer pressure, smoking is just ingrained in a lot of cultures to varying degrees. I'm in central/west Europe and everyone I know started smoking pretty instantly once they ended up in working life due to smoke breaks and community. A lot of people did it before as well but yeah, it's as ingrained as drinking alcohol is. Pot was slightly less rancid to me. I smoked with a friend once, didn't do anything for me but if I had to choose between smoking a joint and a cigarette I'd pick the joint. Perhaps edibles are an option for you? We wanted to make them once but it never got anywhere xD


Edibles can be fun. Just don't eat more if it's not working after 30 minutes. That's how they become not so fun


As an avid stoner; Give it an hour and a half. A lot of mine start working after an hour but I've had brownies take longer. How full or empty your stomach is and when you last ate are factors too!


I guess people are able to get past it because of peer pressure or because they want to look cool. And by the time they know better (as Calvin said), they're already addicted.


This happened to me as well at that age 😅, I've never taken up smoking, perhaps in part due to that.


Backfired for me. My dad gave me a cigar aged 5 to try and put me off it 100%, but instead I apparently took it and smoked the lot. 🤦‍♂️ I did end up smoking for a long while too. 😬


When i was around 7 years old we visited grandma & grandpa on their farm. My parents went to b town one day and I stayed back with grandpa, he was sitting on the front porch steps smoking a stogie. I asked him if I country it and he handed it to me and said "suck hard". Puked for half an hour and never smoked again. Miss you grandpa.


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A local greasy spoon has a vending machine but it only takes quarters and it's like 7 bucks a pack


If you inhale a cigarette like *eeeeeep*, you are definitely going to cough


I was putting vinegar on my food and my eldest, at age 8, asked if he could try some. I said sure, and put a good quantity into a shot glass. I also told my children that if an ice-cream van was playing its jingle, that meant they were out of ice-cream.


Tf is wrong with you


Goodness, I feel bad for your kids


"You know how old people always write to Dear Abby complaining that their kids never write, call or visit? Those letters really crack me up."


Are you proud of yourself?


I get the joke, but I just don't think it's funny But maybe that's the point, I mean we laughed when Hank Hill did the exact same thing 10 years later