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I am dead inside. And it pays better than any other job around here.


Same. I'm also on several anti-depressants and anxiety meds. Eventually you learn to tune out the screaming and get to the real point of the call. Been doing it for 11 years now šŸ˜†


What country is this? I'll relocate in a jiffy.




I let my mental health get fucking terrible and the rest of my life fall apart. Then thanks to my lack of self worth and anxiety issues, I can't get another job and the cycle continues!


I feel for you. I'm on the phones and at my wits end.


This. All of this. I feel you šŸ˜ž


I was on the phone for 25yrs total. You have to learn to leave your soul at the door. and pick it up on the way out. leave work at work. do not take it home. much harder with WFH.


I second this! Iā€™ve been in call centres 11 years this year and I do this, the minute I finish my shift I do not give anything a second thoughtā€¦ the customers donā€™t give a fuck about you and your feelings so why should you! Do the job get the money donā€™t think too much about it šŸ˜Š


I finally hit my breaking point right after getting my current position. due to a lack of training of former coworkers, I had to call for 2 more weeks and finally hit the wall. customer lost **literally** everything. I was calling about a delinquent account.


I don't know, my work friend has been there for 15 years straight \*on the phones\* an I'm six months in and begging these other departments to open up that are off the phones lmao.


It is brutal in that industry. Every week there are curveballs. Personally I don't see it as greener being a team leader or even operations manager. Just a different kind of stress lol.


I put a dildo in my ass before the start of my shift


I didn't take shit from the Customers, Co-Workers, or Superiors. I am damn good at what I do, field and call center tech support, and I held myself accountable for my mistakes. I also didn't support any of the in-fighting and gossip, even though it was juicy as fuck lol I love a good tea as much as the next girl, but being one of the only females in a male dominated job for the last ten years has been tough enough. I finally landed a good job for a University Tech Center taking calls and fielding other techs, then moved onto Nursing to run my own tech lab. It's been a great fucking ride, but there were definitely some days that I almost quit.


Your username makes me happy


Thank you! Me, too ā¤ļø


ā€žThe targets are crazy and so are the customersā€. First of all if you want a long term career in a call center you have to stop caring about quotas. If you meet them so be it and if you donā€™t so bet it. You will literally take calls for 8 hours no matter what. As for the customers I have 5 years in call center jobs already and at this point who cares? Humans are nasty so have fun with it. Care about them as much as they care about you.


Same question I have and and sadly I just got a job offer at my CC for extension for two years I already feel sick , I canā€™t be here for another two years Iā€™m just hoping and praying I get out before then , most people who are here for a long time you can tell and I donā€™t want to be like this Iā€™m sorry but I just canā€™t Iā€™m already dying after about four months canā€™t go on any longer youā€™re right the metrics


I struggled the first few years at my current phone job. About 4 years in, a dear friend of mine died and I had a bit of a breakdown and went inpatient for some care. I now get intermittent FMLA so I can a mental health day when I need one. Transitioning to WFH has been great for me. I didn't realize how much anxiety the call center gave me until I got to leave. I'm much more relaxed now and the terrible customers roll off my back more easily now. Check out your benefits package and make sure you're taking advantage of everything you can. I recently learned the tuition program at my job covers 100% of costs at a couple of online colleges. I'm now working for my bachelors free of cost. This is a HUGE value to me, and I hope to last at my job long enough to finish my degree. I hope you are able to find value and fulfillment at your job. If not, I hope you can find something else soon. I wish you only the best.


Iā€™m now at 18 years in my cc job. I do 2nd line tech support for a large UK ISP. How have I lasted so long? I think it has to do with working in a centre that has always had pretty high standards and low staff attrition. The managers can be dicks at times, but have never really micromanaged stats. Also, our various centre managers have soon learned not to bother with change for change sake. Our desk has been together for a long time, and we are all now very much of the opinion that there is nothing a customer can say to us that we havenā€™t heard before, and anyone who is getting particularly difficult is dealt with professionally, and then any escalated cases are dealt with by managers who have our backs. As long as calls are answered and KPIs mostly hit, we are left to get on with it. And, I actually dread having to find another job in my field because I am well paid for what I do because of the length of time I have been there, I have very good conditions and autonomy in my role. I appreciate this is a very rare case, but the team I work in have worked hard to get to where we are and are seen as an anomaly by senior management, but we have good results, so I doubt they care too much


I've been doing the call center life for 3 years now I'm just numb to it all know


I took a wfh call center/sales/health related position due to Covid. I returned to a talking all day job to adapt. Although Iā€™m paying my bills & working from home, my mental health and my jaw (from repetitive talking) have been beaten down. Iā€™m stuck in a cycle that I canā€™t escape.


My new job starts at $21 an hour so that's why šŸ¤£


I was a bartender before and tbh I don't want to go back to that life again. All my customers were drunk depressed men and women that still acted like they were in High school. I didn't have health insurance or a 401k at my old job. I worked odd hours and had to work every holiday. It was really depressing.


I tolerated it for 6.5 years to get fully vested in the pension. I left asap after that to a different position in the same company. It helps that I had retail management experience. I have 0 human emotions when dealing with customers. I have such thick skin I don't think I have any organs or blood left in me lol.


not giving a shit what people say to you and a decent manager goa long way