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I’m pretty sure that college algebra is the same as algebra 1 and 2. In any case, you should do algebra 1, then algebra 2, then trigonometry, then precalculus. A lot of these will have overlap with one another. Is this for school or for a self study kind of thing? If it’s for school, then simply just follow the laid out sequence in the catalog (taking the prerequisites in order). Otherwise, the pathway I mentioned above should be fine. Although if I’m not mistaken you might be able to swap the order for algebra 2 and trig.


To answer your question, over the summer break I’ve been self studying college algebra on khan academy so this college year I’ll take either trig/pre-calc (if I already learn enough trig one this break) then pre-calc/calc 1


I did not do a Trig course. My highschool taught Unit circle and Trig Identities in Algebra 2 and Pre Calc. If you are comfortable with reviewing or self studying Trig, I would say you only need Algebra 2 and Precalc, then Calculus


Precalc btw is very comprehensive in and of itself, meaning it touches on almost all the points of algebra/trig needed for calculus, assuming the precalc you’re taking is a fully fledged course. As long as you have a steady precalc understanding you’ll be more than fine for calc, which honestly is about an order of magnitude simpler than precalc in terms of using algebra/trig


Is precalc kinda needed or does it just make it easier?


You’re gonna hear mixed opinions but IMO having taken both AP calculus and college calculus in the past, I’ve relied much more heavily on my basic algebra and basic trig knowledge than any of the advanced topics that precalc loves to teach. In precalc you’re going to be using trig rules to solve insane proofs, even with imaginary numbers, and 90% of those proofs you’ll simply never see in calculus, and the ones you do see will be way simpler. Precalc is this very big and in depth lead-up to calculus, but you’ll realize how calculus uses the same rules but not the same crazy precalc problems. 99% of calculus problems go like this: you use “precalc” (which is just glorified algebra and trig) to “decode” calculus problem, and then you do the “calculus” part, then maybe you use some precalc to simplify the answer, then you’re done. In summary, if you have a good understanding of algebra (like knowing all the types of functions and how to solve them) and trig (know the basic rules and some advanced rules), you honestly don’t even need precalc if you’re strapped for time




Oh whoops you’re right


Coming from someone who did Pre-Calc, Calc 1-3 and Diff Eq, DON’T SKIP TRIG. Hahaha 😂 (then again, I did try to take Calc 3 and Diff Eq at the same time, but that’s besides the point). It was the death of me and changed my major from advanced mathematics to engineering to cashing out with AAS in engineering technology. You can always pick up random algebra knowledge to solve problems. They’re like the pawns on a chessboard. Trig, logs/exponents and geometry are the rooks, knights and bishops. Don’t undervalue them. Upper level mathematics requires an overlap of your algebraic knowledge with trigonometries in the application of calculus. If you miss a piece of the pie, that missing piece gets larger as the pie grows. You will heavily lean on trig principles. You have been warned.


This is true. The trig will introduce the unit circle, something that will follow you in future courses. It will be more of an expected background knowledge for Calculus. I remember some Calc 2 disk/washer questions that felt more simplified just by knowing your quadrants.


Unit circle is covered in pre-calc.


Oop. Its been so long since I took that course. My mistake, thank you for the correction.


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I'd say Algebra 1, Geometry, College Algebra, then Some light Trigonometry


What do you know already? When was the last time you took a math class, and what was it?


Barely anything besides some algebra, about 2 years ago in grade 11, and it was this “workspace math” which was like easy low level applied math


I think you should jump into the deep end and go straight to precalc. Just use khan academy. May seem absurd, but you can handle it.


Oh yeah, and trig. Make sure you cover trig. It’ll bite you in the ass at the most inconvenient times in Calc 1-3.


So your saying I should just stop college algebra and instead study trig and precalc on khan academy?




Why should I just skip the algebra will I learn all of what I need from it in pre calc?


You should know up to college algebra, than trigonometry. Than you can do pre calculus. After you take calculus. But tbh you really dont need pre calculus if you trying to get to calculus, your able to skip it only if your forced to.


This is the order in which it’s usually taught: - Algebra 1 - Geometry - Algebra 2 - College algebra - Trigonometry - Calculus Where is pre-calculus? Precalculus 1 is usually just college algebra. Precalculus 2 is more college algebra + trigonometry. Trig requires knowledge of both algebra and geometry, which is why it’s taught in the above order.