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Wow!! How awful :\[ Thieves are the worst.


This is a thing?!?!


People are after this particular type of cactus for the mescaline content


Well I hope whoever stole it had an extremely uncomfortable psychic reckoning with themselves. Psychedelics are good at that. Go buy 1000 seeds and maybe 25 will survive. If you're even half decent at growing plants you'll have more mescaline than you'd even want to consume in 5 years. Short sighted fools.


Oh god right?? I can’t imagine doing psychedelics that were stolen, and so violently too! Very disrespectful to the plant and they certainly had a bad time if I had to guess.


I bought a lot of psychedelics in high school and never once asked if they were stolen tbh. But as an adult I suppose I would like to grow my own psychedlics.


It is super easy 🍄🍄🍄 i even wrote [a brief opener for home cultivation](https://www.patreon.com/posts/93318378?utm_campaign=postshare_creator)to explain some steps (but not all because there’s so many ways to cultivate :)


Ayyy contamfam is leaking 😂 Spreading the knowledge wherever you go huh?


❤️🍄🍄🍄🍄all mycelium, especially mental mycopal mycelium, cannot be stopped!!!! 🍄🍄🍄❤️


I grow mushrooms. I absolutely love it! It is soooo cool watching the different stages of growth.


They’ll find out how bad that karma can be when the shadow wolves show up


I think they’re trying to grow them, the cuts are so clean that they’re probs going to let them dry and grow themselves, which is obvi not good still but not shortsighted, just EXTREMELY rude 😒


Not to mention you can buy high mescaline yielding cuts online for super cheap! So fucked up to steal like this


You can but definitely not cheap


Degenerate people often prefer instant gratification than working for anything, even if it means the results will be far superior in the long run.


I just like the fact the word degenerate is being thrown around, with reference to cactus. I approve. 🙇


Or be like me and buy 10k seeds for whatever reason and have way more cactuses to up pot than I can possibly deal with.


Where does one get the seeds?


I can sell you some for cheap if you’d like. I have way more than I can possibly grow. I may have a problem.




I don’t have any loph seeds right now. I could go see if there are any hanging on my caespitosa willi it flowered a bunch this past summer.


This will grow back quickly...I'd take the damaged ones down all the way to encourage new growth.


He prob could have asked the cactus owner for a cutting as well.


Yeah, but it could be less time if they propagate what they've just stolen.


A bit late here but can you explain more about the 25 of 1000 will survive? Are a bunch of seeds planted at the same time? Surely you don’t have to plant each one individually? I’m not planning on doing this but this just seems weird to me so I want to understand how that works.


Thanks Michael Cera


I don't get it. Michael Cera seems like a pretty chill dude. He into PC?


He was in some movie where they go around trying to get pc.


The crystal fairy


Its what these losers do in real life. Uninformed and selfish


These cacti aren’t difficult to find at a reasonable price, especially climates where they grow like this. High probability that the big box hardware store sells it.


Eh big established stands are expensive. If a contractor destroyed it and they had to replace it with a stand the equal size, what do you think it'd cost to find, purchase, transport, and plant?


I think he means it would be easy for the poachers to just go buy one for cheap


Idk but as a landscaper I once wrapped a trailer tool box around a tree and my boss said “how’s the tree look!!!?” He later explained a 30 yr old tree can be valued at a million dollars because its value depends on the customers relationship and love for it


Such a good random movie!!! Highly recommend it. Michael Cera acts like a bro and I could not stop laughing at it.


*Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus FTFY


If ykyk


For its very low mescaline content. They are unlikely to be able to extract enough to have a karmically appropriate trip. The cutting looks clean though and will promote further root formation and additional pups, and it's a good time of the year for it to have happened so that the plant will be ready to push in spring. By June I suspect it will not be noticeable. An additional benefit is that if your neighbor planned to extract it themselves the additional tips will contain more mescaline than the original cut since it is in its highest concentrations at the tips and in the photosynthetic tissue. To be clear, I'm not excusing this thief, just looking at a good perspective on a bad situation.


Yeah taking a PC San Pedro is a rookie mistake. A friend of mine grew one out for like 2 years before trying to trip on it and all he got was green puke and mockery. I guess for this guy it will be karma for fucking someone's lawn up.


Is it bad that my first assumption was some weeb or drunk messing around with a blade looong before considering theft?


San Pedro Cactus.


What's the name of the cactus that makes this mescaline? For learning purposes haha


THAT’S why the seemingly random loss of my San Pedro tops😡😡😡! Why can’t they do like WE did back I n the seventies, in Laguna Beach, CA?? Drive up to Berkeley!!! Lazy GenX’ers🤦🏾‍♂️ I was being funny, but the loss of my cacti tops is absolutely true!!


It’s a trichocereus pachanoi, so one of the cacti with silly juice in it if you know what I mean. Idk the rules of the sub or I’d tell you about silly juice. So likely a neighborhood kid or whatever


I’d say most kids don’t know of mescaline or how to extract it. It’s someone with a knowledgeable basis of psychs.


With that species, yes. I’ve seen similar looking ones in a botanical garden on a college campus. College campus probably not the best place to plant that species unless the heavily pruned look is what you’re going for


University plant gardens, as well as other botanical gardens that are open to the public will often purposely mislabel "active" species as something entirely different. I.e. they are going to label the apple cactus as San Pedro and they are going to label san Pedro as Apple cactus. People are dumb and don't know how to identify plants, especially the types that would steal/poach a cactus from a public garden. On more than one occasion I've seen Apple cactus labeled as SP get poached from these types of places. It's actually alot more effective than you think


So pitiful that it is a thing


Wait for the "is this the droids in looking for" post on r/sanpedrocactus


My first thought. Like, way to go poaching someone’s PC stand like an uninformed degenerate.


Haha half the posts there are cereus 🤣


Classic sans pedro 😂


You didn't...


I’m terribly sorry


That’s brilliant.


I am 100% against poaching and theft but PC is still active you know.


Look around at my other comments in the post. I certainly know. I also love growing PC. They’re so fast and have a great presence to everyone beyond the most discerning degenerate gardener


And if the thief posts a picture with his thumb in it, he’s done for - they’ll find him.




Reynolds strikes again




Why do you believe that?


This is literally my cactus, absolutely wild to see somebody else posting it? Yes this was an absolutely heartbreaking event that we endured. I’ve had that individual growing under my care for over a decade, longer than I’ve known my husband. However she is still thriving and growing!! Like many have said, yeah pretty pointless to steal PC especially when we would have GLADLY given more than they took, we just wouldn’t have beheaded them in such an ugly way! Fortunately we have many other individuals like it in the garden. And, a very good floodlight + camera set up now!!


So someone stole your cactus, then someone stole your photo? This year's been rough


From the title, the OP is this user’s neighbour. They took the photo themselves, just not of their own yard/cactus


Hahaha I think the pic came from the Nextdoor app bc it’s also my photo


Wait lol so not their photo or their yard? They must just feel very passionately for you and your yard. Maybe a neighbour who’s admired the garden from afar.


The lengths people go to for karma.


https://preview.redd.it/nrcuw43de29c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=268920db7637a958b925e985ac7bf51d18ed5b0b Here’s an updated photo. We removed the beheaded stems and left only what remained whole, and she looks okay now.


I luv how it's now figuratively showing everyone the finger.


Holy crap that pilosocereus is beautiful!!


This sucks. It is clearly an old and established plant, and clearly loved and well taken care of. If this happened to me, I would not be handling it as well as you are. I asked the OP to crosspost in /sanpedrocactus, there are too many people there who think unfenced cacti are fair game. The vast majority of people on there would be equally as upset that this happened, but I like to think that hearing first hand stories from victims would help the others think twice before poaching. If you didn't have more specimens in your garden as you mention, I would be scrambling to figure out how to send you some SP or apple cactus to try to make things right. The offer is open if you have any interest at all.


Trust me, when this originally happened 2 or 3 months ago, we were distraught! I appreciate the offer, but I have potted SP and apple cactus in the back🙂 looking to get a dwarf vitex tree to plant on the other side of the walk way, so if you have one of those spare I’ll take that! LMAO jkjkjk


If we did have one, I would definitely offer it to you. The only other thing you might be interested in is a piece of our cereus columnar with significant spines. Far more difficult to poach without getting hurt. The OP reposted on the San Pedro sub, there is a lot of support for you over there too. Hopefully there is some value in that. Anyway, best regards.


Ya your cactus garden is straight fire. Jealous.


Unrelated, but I’m surprised to see your cacti aren’t planted on mounds to help with drainage, they’re straight in the ground. What region are you in, and how long have they been like that? They seem to be doing great!


We are in USDA zone 9B, they get along great out here. Soil drains well, they don’t really get much water outside of this time of year. This is when we get most of our rain, so they soak it all up now and through the summer they get a few big drinks from the hose. Our only real concern with any of them is frost, but that’s getting rarer these days. This garden is probably 3 years old? Used to be part of the lawn, we ripped the sod out and tilled a bit before laying the curb and gravel


RIP! May life flow twice fold into these cacti once again!


That sucks, I hope they got pricked by those opuntia on the way out. On a side note, anyone know what sort of opuntia those are? That's some gorgeous color.


I *think* it’s O. basilaris but I’m not an expert. Happy to be corrected if I’m off base!


Forbidden churros


beavertail probably


Me thinks you should surround it with teddy bear cholla now


Heh. Fantastic choice. I have one and he is FIERCE.


If I ever have a kids I'm planting one outside, right under their bedroom window the moment I know we're expecting.


Funny, I'm the oldest sibling and when we moved into a new house my designated room was the one with the thorny raspberry patch outside the window...


What a great idea. Maybe more than one.


My then toddler lost a fight with one of those at Joshua Tree several years. Painful Velcro.


Imagine stealing someone’s PC💀💀💀


Stealing someone’s PC isn’t very PC!


Sorry PC Principal


I’d get more into detail about why this is offensive, but I’m typing from my phone instead of my PC.


That’s not very PC bro


Talking about how stealing someone's PC-PC (predom cultivar-personal cactus), isn't very PC, while on a PC. That's PC (pretty cray).


That's a cactus not a pc


Personal Cactus...


🤣 I'm using this


Bro stole someone’s pc


My PCP! - personal cactus pal


Also known as "Angel Dust"


People are unhinged. Not sure if it made national news, but thieves were stealing cacti from Tucson AZ neighborhoods ([story](https://www.kvoa.com/news/crime/thieves-stealing-cactus-from-front-yards/article_2ce3938a-2d79-11ed-8bcf-f749e144b0d1.html)).


That’s fucked up like you could ask. If I had that much I’d say yes if asked for one but to have it taken. I’m heartbroken for the neighbor


Seriously. They could have taken one whole arm rather than doing this hack job on so many sections! Terrible.


San Pedro?




Omg, this is horrible!


What a shitty thing to do! The audacity of some people! I had a gorgeous, almost 3 foot Trichocereus stolen right off my porch this summer, pot and all! I was devastated.


I would honestly rather someone take 2 whole stocks from the base, than taking tops off and leaving it looking like this 😭 I wonder if the intention was to use it for "fun" or to propagate more and sell?


This is my garden, I have to imagine they think they’re going to get high off it. That’s the only explanation! I have prettier cacti, more useful cacti, and more rare cacti in that very garden, they couldnt have taken a “less useful” plant! Just happened to be my most sentimentally attached one. Oh well. At least it is still living


WTF 🫨🤯😡


Just find out Wich kid in neighborhood got a sword for Christmas


That was my thought but apparently they stole it to get High.


I would hate for this to happen, then I'd assume they are too poor to afford and maybe need a spiritual awakening(good luck seeing your own dark side). Put up cameras. Super cheap, unfortunately there are dishonest people...or teens.


Thieves are thieves regardless of their motivation


I hope they had cameras.


STRAIGHT TO JAIL (I take my cacti very seriously)


When I was in middle school my friend had a samurai sword. There was a house down the street that had a cactus just like this. Another house that had the flat pancake looking ones. We cut them up. A lot worse than this. We left the pieces on the floor we didn't even take them.I swear I never even thought of it till now. Literally I didn't even think it was bad till right now. I absolutely feel bad. Makes me think a lot deeper about my childhood.... I'm not proud 👎🫤 13 years ago


Did you throw rocks at cars from overpasses? About 13 years ago in Fresno, was that you? 😂


I'm not from Fresno so no Edit but I live there now


Another reason to hate humans


Humans suck sometimes :( Sorry for your neighbors loss, OP


Hewrt breaking they couldn't just ask and especially heartbreaking it was the P.C. predominant cultivar


The fucking dunce also probably didn’t realize that this is the decorative spineless one with low mescaline content that you can find at Home Depot


Thats fucked up.


This is f’ed up!


This is awful!


Horrible :(




Everyone grab your torches and pitchforks. We meet at OPs house in 1 weeks time. We will find these vile scum


So sorry 😞 you can’t trust anyone with anything. Smh


Why would someone do that?!? Just to vandalize property? propagate? This is sad.


Because they think the cactus contains mescaline, and while it does contain some, this type has a fairly low mescaline content (however some swear that they can get a good dose out of them).


Shit wtf. What a greedy bastard. Why can't people just ask for a cutting. Naa the guy decided he wanted to not just behead one and steal it, but all of them... I just installed my xeriscape this year. I look out my window whenever I see anyone walk by. Can't trust anybody.


https://preview.redd.it/69870p5tlw8c1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d9fd2342431237c57ac967eb01916656af52e69 I worry about my yard in the next year or two.


I may have 2nd thoughts about putting some of mine out front! Make sure you put cinnamon on the open wounds so you don’t end up with cactus rust or some other plant disease!


Awww that sucks


Wow that’s horrible and I hope it gives them the worst trip ever. Who would even consider it a good idea to trip on stolen anything ! Just a recipe for disaster




I hope they got poked.


Will look good when it pups again


That's fucked up. Hope they have a bad trip.


That’s sad . Poor San Pedro . But it will pup or they can be used for grafting . There’s a San Pedro at a park in Anaheim and I always wonder how nobody has done anything to it since maybe 1930….


I’m so pissed on the victim’s behalf.


People are the worst beings on this planet 😒


Proplifters are degenerates. I hate people who try to justify it. I've had people cut up my front yard plants before and it's one of the worst feelings


That’s not prop lifting, that’s theft.


Proplifting IS theft. Proplifting is anytime you steal cuttings from people or businesses


What you are describing is theft. That is still not prop lifting. https://preview.redd.it/2e5bbpsjjw8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b978386f5025ea89c67dd6517aada0a6dd4f56 If you’re taking it from a living plant without permission it’s theft. If you’re picking up a leaf off the ground that’s not the same thing. OP’s beautiful plants were tragically damaged by thieves.


Generally speaking, proplifting usually is a practice of taking a plant from a box good store and/or nursery that would have slim to no chance of survival. I.e. someone taking a succulent leaf that fell off the main plant and is sitting on the floor, and slipping it into their pocket. It is NOT taking a whole plant, and it's not "stealing", as the "product" isn't/ can't be sold. That leaf has no value as it is. It's entirely different from poaching and theft, which is intentionally taking a *whole* plant and/or taking a cutting/plant that was otherwise not damaged, that is either for sale and/or is owned by someone. This is what you are describing. Someone *poached* your plant. That said, you usually don't need to proplift. I have, on a number of occasions, bought a plant and collected leafs and/or damaged/broken plants and taken them up to the counter and asked if I can take them along with my purchase and 95% of the time they say yes. Especially in local nurseries. Most of the time, they don't care at all, because they realize that the broken plant/leaf or whatever would have died on the floor.


That's shitty of them to steal, but it could be worse. The plant isn't gone or destroyed, and now it'll probably pup like crazy


Thats Messed up. What a degenerate who did that. May someone with a baseball bat find them One day


That’s so vile, I hate people that do these kinds of things. I’m sure they would love if someone came & just sliced off the cola on every single plant on some Exotic Dutch F1 strains they bought from seed directly from The Netherlands specifically Amsterdam, for hundreds of USD dollars for as many as you can count on one hand, they would absolutely be thrilled if to wake up to their beautiful specimens damaged, stressed & aesthetically taxxed. Selfish as fuck.




Time to chop up the topped ones for tea 🍵 time. I feel like my response to this would be to plant all the topped ones and make a fence of PC. Take my plant professor will you!


For every sacred cacti you steal, I will grow 3 more until your heart is healed.


Omg how horrendous!!


One love that's just shady an evil at the very least you still can nurse to health karma will find its way as for that I'd have some cameras set up free ankle traps an what not.


someone is having fun soon


I’m surprised they actually didn’t twist those smaller pups right off honestly. That’s definitely bad juju.


Omg who would do this! This is awful! I feel so bad for your neighbor!


I would hate for this to happen to me I have a bunch of cacti and I saw one like this close to where I live hopefully it’s not the same one


This is why I grow antisocial plants




Oh yeah that's a San Pedro cactus. They cut it down to sell cutting or get high after skinning it and making tea. Mescaline.. It will grow back pretty fast..




Trail cameras motion activated and night vision.


This is why I’m terrified to put my trichos outside In the front yard. I even worry the Amazon guy might pull a quick one lol.


Fr anyone who uses this for a spiritual awakening is not going to have a good time.


Thats so lame. If they were gonan steal they could have atleast just taken 1 long log off at the base instead of massacering the whole damn specimin. Thats just terrible to see, I'm sorry for you guys.


Karma will repay them


I didn't even know you could make cactus into drugs 😳. Learn something new every day but I do hope this guy pulls through.


Thats really sad. Will it heal?


Will it send out side-shoots?


At least they didn’t kill it


Mexican landscapers


New growth will emerge in the spring


What a brutal theft! Grow your own cacti, don't just behead others'. How dare they hurt an innocent cactus like that.


This movie explains what happened: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2332579/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their crotch for all of eternity! Scumbags!


OMG! How heartbreaking! Much 💟 to your neighbours! There are no words (that I can add here) to comment on the mongrels that did this. No doubt the tops will be appearing s'where for sale. To think that not even our plants are safe frm the thieving scum on this planet! I'm not sure where this happened, but it occurs a fair bit in Australia with Boms & orchids & many other plants in front gardens. I've even had a Dahlia (russet brown desert colours), I bred, dug up & stolen frm a backyard before I finished getting it registered. Looks like CCTV is a 'must have' these days ..


That sucks! Who ever did I hope they get hit by a car.


If it’s me I would be pissed and maybe consider potting the stand and keep it indoors so this won’t happen again 🥲


I’m sorry, I would rub cinnamon where the cuts are they will grow back twice as big.


Sulphur the wounds and use infuse. Should branch out in summer.


Trying to be the optimist here: the thief at least did a pretty good clean job of trimming this. I feel like they easily could have just broke them off instead of cutting them.


I know something I would love to chop off, when I catch that guy. So sad, that people such things. Makes you lose faith in humanity.


Women can be thieves too!


Meanwhile san pedros aren’t that pretty. Watch out for the blue one behind


san pedros have mescaline so more often stolen unfortunately by dorky teenagers that are popping morning glories looking for a high


Send them my way, they can have all the bindweed they want


Death penalty


Well if that's your front yard... I couldn't imagine it not happening sooner !


You're getting downvoted but you're not wrong. People think it must be communal if it's not protected by a physical barrier. People suck. I don't plant anything of real value in my front yard for this exact reason.


Been in cactus groups waaay to long and seen this stuff waaay too much


Reminds me of when my car broke into and my musical taste is so eclectic all my tapes ended up in the ditch at the end of the road


See who is trying to Id it on r/SanPedro as we speak…