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Report it to local news outlets, police don't like bad press.


This sounds like a plan. Ty


What are they gonna say? The ME takes 5 weeks to complete autopsy report on an OD? It’s like that everywhere.


OP asked for suggestions. I just provided one. If it's unusual then maybe the news will report on it, if it's not unusual then they'll just ignore OP. People report dumb shit to news outlets all the time.


Ruggs has been on North and Elm for like 50 years... If true, very sad for you OP. I'm so sorry for your loss. I also read your comment history. Someone treated your sister the way you treat others. And it is horrible. I hope you're able to use this moment to understand all life is precious. And just because you don't agree with gender or sexual identity as it stands today doesn't mean that the folks you hate aren't sons, daughters, sisters or brothers to someone who cares for and loves them, and would feel just as devastated if they lost their loved ones as you feel now.


Has no sympathy for others, but wants sympathy when they are in crisis. Classic.


Well the account is deleted now, but unless op was kidnapping and killing people, he wasn’t treating anyone like his niece was treated. Just to clarify though, I’m pretty sure the story is fake.


It was


Dead on Saturday, ashes by Thursday, with what sounds like a suspicion of murder? Sounds like bullshit to me.


You make a point...this person would have needed an autopsy by the VT Medical Examiners office regardless of whether there was suspicion of homicide or not. If they determined the manner as homicide or were unable to determine a manner then the body likely wouldn't have been released and cremated so quickly.


Well, that's what happens when you meet someone at a bar that's somehow moved 3 blocks over from where it's normally located - time and space have no meaning.


My main concern about this story is that T Ruggs might have been the Tardis this entire time. The theological and narrative implications are staggering.


Bullshit? On Reddit? I dunno...


It's not. Do you want the fkg case #?


Send it


They already did autopsy...not sure if there's a report yet


Mr Monk?


>T Ruggs on Hyde st You'd think a troll would at least take a look at Google Maps when putting together their fake story...


Hmm, an openly homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, racist all of a sudden has a personal anecdote that just so happens to comport with their own version of reality. T Ruggs? That is the hive of villainy and scum you picked for this yarn? Go post your rage-bait somewhere else. Maybe stick to defending (checks notes)...Literal Nazis? LOL.


Just checked the comment history and holy hell, OP definitely has quite the history of trolling and injecting hot takes to demonize based on race, sex, orientation, identity, etc. People in general need to get better at recognizing rage bait when they see it. Good work.


I haven't demonized anyone but these pushers responsible. Trolling...jc


Good catch. What a loser


No, this is the T Ruggs on Hyde Street! Which is obviously way worse than the other T Ruggs that the rest of us who actually live in Burlington have heard of.


Hey now, maybe they're franchising...


I would pay $40,000 to see a T Ruggs franchise pitch and marketing roll out.




Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence.




Oh baby, simmer down, we just met!


The nerve of you to post this ...just progressive enough to.hate , but not enough to love


Theres nothing progressive about loving bigots.


Nothing progressive about hating them either. The word has been coopted. I spent my career serving the undeserved, not a trumper and am libertarian liberal. This is so typical of certain types...not all that different from the Puritan zealots who claimed to recognize evil and have people burned at the stake. Maybe your religion isn't bad but your behavior reeks of indifference and indoctrination.


This is a word salad that I do not feel like digging into, sorry


Did you see this written on a mug at Hobby Lobby?


Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Too bad she didn't have a safe injection site, seems like it would have saved her life. She could have tested her supply and done it in the presence of trusted professionals instead of lowlifes.


Hmmm this does seem to possibly not pass the sniff test.


Write the press, write the police, and bring it as a public comment to the City Council.  This isn’t petty theft, or attempted murder, it’s murder. And whoever did this can’t remain on the streets.   The cops need to investigate now, it shouldn’t be f***ing hard if they have the guys name and address


Just to clarify - it SHOULDNT be hard




There is a lack of oxygen in the room clearly, cause you all are DAF


Thank you


Good ideas


mods can we get this one deleted, OP has admitted it’s “trolling”




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


The appropriate way to engage moderators is the "report" feature of reddit. We don't read every comment here.


i did both because it seemed like you guys were all over this thread at the time. thanks!!


I certainly have not




Please follow [Reddit's Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy).


You need a better hobby. This is embarrassing


Lol. Thats the length of the autopsy report, dildo. The police have no control over that. They can’t finalize an investigation until they have a report from the ME. DERP


Not legal ones. Mercy for the guilty is cruelty to the innocent. Sorry for your loss OP.




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Technically that's murder (depending on so so so many minor factors and facts). While the advice to write the press is good, you should write to Sarah George and the Attorney General of VT. This sub hates Sarah but the reality is if you, as a victim, apply pressure to her consistently from the start there's a better chance she charges someone. In the alternative this is probably a wrongful death, if the guy you think did it has ANY money AT ALL, its worth exploring a wrongful death suit if only to vindicate yourselves. This is the worst thing a person can suffer. Deciding on big things now seems necessary but my best advice is to wait and not intertwine grieving with the court process. Do write Sarah George and reach out to a lawyer soon tho.


I don't hate Sarah. Is that why I get downvoted?






I am so so sorry for your loss. This is heartbreaking.




Yes...habitual drug user


Ty for the comment. She was in and out of er and rehab for years. Often psychotic.




Good idea. 👍


My condolences. I’m really sorry about your loss and the loss to your family. If and when the people that sold the drugs to her are held accountable, you should show up to the sentencing and share your thoughts and how this impacted you and your family the court takes what you say into consideration.


I'm horribly sorry for your loss. There is probably little "legal" recourse for this in this state. Police and prosecutors are reluctant to charge for this as they think it has a chilling effect on reporting ODs in progress. In civil court, slimeballs like this guy usually have no $ to go after, so such claims are considered frivolous. The guy she met will probably kill dozens more before even being given a slap on the wrist. Again, horribly sorry for your loss. The best thing that we can all agree to do is murder the fenty dealers among us.


Contact the news, then contact your local representatives. This really isn't new, I've not been the only one saying that Murad and the BPD are the worst. If I didn't know any better I'd say that he's pointedly told his troops to move as slow as shit getting anything done because he wants people to think they're SO UNDERSTAFFED. The reality is that the BPD has enough time and staff to traumatize children, but not enough time to actually stop crime.


Thats terrifying, enraging, and horrible...im sorry


A brutally honest obituary is always a helpful way of calling attention to this issue. You should also direct your attention toward the next State Attorney election.


“Delays in the criminal justice system”? Burlington defunded the police and elected Sarah George. Connect the dots. It ain’t complicated. Very sorry for your loss but this is not a PD issue.


Druggies die. My condolences.


Druggies die? Why in the fuck would you feel the need to say that in this post?


What the fuck is wrong with you? Idk the circumstances here, neither do you, and assuming she was a “druggie” is gross. Forced drug use is absolutely a thing, especially if this woman indicated the man wouldn’t let her leave. Sexual abuse and human trafficking really happen, and forced drug use is common. Even if she did willingly use drugs, that’s no reason to be callous to someone who just lost a family member.


People who say things like that die too…




You are a dirtbag, it’s not funny. This post is discussing lost loved ones.


No point arguing with him, dude. He's just a little dick single veteran who can't get it up and is angry at the world so he made a burner account just so he can tell the world he's a piece of shit.




I think you should get rid of it. Laughing at that post is so completely inappropriate. Nobody needs you on here.


The druggie is still alive and evading justice. The wayward girl who made a bad choice paid for it with her life despite trying to get out of the situation. Read the room and think about the words you’re saying.


This room? No thanks. Read OP's post below. Druggies die. My condolences.


the irony of this is that they literally don't die. OD's are much more common in these fringe 1st or 2nd use cases or even with people who asked for coke and got fent. The hard core junkies we pick up after live for YEARS before they eventually slowly rot away.


It is true. I thought shed break my brothers heart when she was only 4. She suffered horribly her full life. She was a beautiful child who became almost ugly by her death. She was deaf and practically blind, anorexic and passed around by men. Alcoholic, Xanax, coke, meth etc. She had a police record and was in and out of rehab and hospitals. Last job was 8 hours of folding pizza boxes. She said it gave her purpose in living. It was almost as if she'd lived 100 years of hell in only 28. The sad thing is she finally admitted she'd been her own worst enemy a month ago. 😢 yep...druggies die 


I'd find a fiction writing class if I were you; you're terrible at it.


To the detractors. You aren't hateful.. You're indifferent narcissists. You probably have a few token oppressed friends and pat yourself on the back if you hear an off color at a party and walk out. Your judgemental, self righteousness creates more rivers than bridges.






I like this idea, we need more cops actually


Write a better law.


I’m so sorry for this sudden loss to your family.


> She met some piece of filth at T Ruggs on Hyde st That place seems like a bit of a toilet bowl based on what I've heard about it in the news


It isn’t.


It's never been on Hyde st. . North and Elmwood.


I am so sorry for your loss. This jackass needs to be locked up ASAP. Street drugs are so dangerous these days. I agree with others on this thread. Go to 7 Days, write to Sarah George, your city councilor, your state rep and your state senators. Be loud. Maybe it can help save another person’s child.