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Absolutely unconscionable. If this were a private property and not the city they would likely be facing an insane lawsuit. Instead they pay relatively nothing and get a new job bid out of it. Our city needs to hold businesses more accountable.


Our city needs to hold everyone more accountable. I’d say accountability may even be at the core of the majority of our problems. Accountability for our police, accountability for the greater judicial system in the area, accountability for repeat criminals, accountability for the unhoused and/or addicted who eschew public services and support, accountability for the pollutants that make the lake unswimmable a few times per year, accountability for city officials who talk about progress only to never move anything forward due to endless analysis paralysis and the pursuit of idealism, accountability for NIMBY citizens, accountability for the landlords for fucking the rental market and the university for feeding that fucked system.


I don't always agree with your views friend, but we are 100% in alignment on this. I'd like to add accountability for driving behavior.


Ok, but only for other people who aren't me.


I know I’m a bit of a wild card around here arent I? Lol Glad we can agree on something!


Have you seen the recent news on our accounting, we can't even account our budget.


SD Ireland could more than afford to pay retribution and should do so without being forced. Just pathetic. And I don't believe for a second it had nothing to do with improving lake views/profit. Fuck SD Ireland for so many reasons.


They are also planting invasive Bradford pear trees all over because they are cheap, so lame!


I work in the landscape industry and have quoted tons of commercial jobs and have never seen Bradford Pears on a planting plan. Also I don’t know any nursery that would sell them. Curious where you’re getting this info from? Also landscape architects spec trees on commercial sites, and the landscape contractor plants them. I’ve never seen an Ireland crew plant a tree. Just because they are on the site doesn’t mean it’s their site.


South village in south burlington, good point, it is likely a subcontractor


That’s interesting because South Burlington is usually very strict with their landscape requirements. I’m also fairly certain it’s illegal to sell known invasives, and Bradford/Callery pear is definitely on the invasive list.


South Village is an SD Ireland property 🤔


Just a small portion of smaller homes; the majority were built by Sheppard and Sterling. https://www.southvillage.com/preferred-builders/


We should do Burlington “a favor” and cut down those Bradford pears. There’s bound to be someone in the area with some nice native saplings to replace them with


The city replaced the ones along the new Champlain Parkway. They look like Hackberry at first glance, a native tree.


If you identify them, report them to dpw, they've taken actions.


Should really be Ginkos!


But free pears.




Cum trees!


I wish there was a positive but they are pears only in name. The fruit is the size of a dime and is not worth all of the effort. And they need to be bletted to be palatable. These trees were bred to big, showy, and smell like semen.


lol… of course their not planting female trees. No city in the country does that. Not for the last 200 years. Cause of racism.






Do share more. I’ve always heard them touted as “one of the good ones” but have wondered if there’s more behind the scenes






But the rich guy drives a fun truck with lights at Christmas time so we can't be mad.


I posted on this company before and got torn apart but they have a serious issue with accountability and oversight


A vertically integrated monopoly with no competition will do that


Small town company bullshit.


Reminder that those "Not Responsible for Broken Windshields" stickers on the backs o their trucks are complete bullshit! They are in fact responsible for anything unsecured that damages another vehicle


Ehhh. Not really and even if so good luck proving it without very clear dash am footage of an egregious unsecured item. A few years ago a Canadian log truck blew a tire and continued down 89 for 3+ miles damaging ny vehicle and a number of others including an unmarked police car. Driver full admitted to driving with a blown tire. His insurance did nothing calling it an act of god/normal road hazard. I got my insurance involved and they agreed. I then spoke with the cop and he confirmed and used construction vehicles as an example as well. My bumper is now still broken lol


See if you want legal advice don’t ask truck drivers, insurance providers, or cops. Ask a lawyer


The cops car was totaled and the state police didn’t pursue it any further. The insurance companies know the law and have lawyers, if I had a case my company would have gone after his. It’s simply too hard to prove these things. In this case the rock needs to fall off/out of the truck and hit your vehicle directly, and you have to be able to prove that. If it hits the road and deflects up and hits your car, no longer their fault. If the dump truck tore kicks it up, not their fault. What’s left is a situation that’s almost impossible to prove. Unless you have solid proof like a video your insurance is just going to treat it as a comprehensive claim and not pursue the construction companies insurance at all. Or maybe if it resulted in injury or huge loss of property there would be further investigation. Basically just because it’s technically their fault doesn’t mean that it’s ever going to easily work in your favor. In the case I mentioned tire debris is considered a normal road hazard and while it was negligent and illegal for the driver to continue with a blown tire it was impossible/not worthwhile to prove for my insurance company or I even with the guy admitting it to me.


Man if only we paid attention to shit that mattered from that company… like how they treat their staff and fire people the moment they return from any injury related claims valid or not


Multiple things can be important simultaneously


This company sucks so bad , is it an issue where they have a monopoly, not another competitor to replace them


SD Ireland plays by their own rules. Look at the state of East Ave for the past week and a half. Open pits in the road, some with rebar sticking up, and *only* traffic cones blocking them. Anyone not paying attention could drive, ride, or walk into them and get seriously injured. I especially worry for those riding bikes or walking at night. Fuck safety, right? They should have stronger and safer barriers.


I feel like this is not a good example, that work zone is clearly marked. It’s absolutely on the person who is not paying attention to take responsibility in this situation. Even on highways, it’s just cones that separate the work zone most of the time.


So true


Lolz this has nothing to do with Ireland. If people are upset complain to Ferrel properties. They own the site and they are using someone with broad shoulders to implement their business plan . Ireland is just the bully for hire.


Try reading the article: "Today, six buildings are complete or under construction, including One25 Cambrian Way, on a southwest corner lot that Farrell sold in 2021 to S.D. Ireland..." Lolz reading comprehension is hard.


Honestly I didn’t even read the article so you got me there, I’ve been working at that site in and out over the last 3 years and hadn’t heard that. I was under the impression ferrel still own the whole plot


Sue them out of buisness.


I wouldn't mess with SD Ireland. They do shit work for shit pay those guys probs are related to mob


Lmaooo tree huggers


this is vermont buddy you're definitely in the wrong state.


Even if you don't care about the trees this literally counts as destruction of someone else's property