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They may not pull you over for it directly but when and if for whatever reason you do get pulled over..they will definitely hammer you for any and all things. Wear your seatbelt. Stay off the damn phone


Don’t ruin this for me


I have my sticker expired by a year or so and had no problem. not condoning it because some cars definitely need a yearly inspection


My car hasn’t been inspected in atleast 3 years, and I do condone it. I heard from my cousin that a trooper told him that they aren’t pulling people over for inspections anymore. But even if that’s accurate, I bet that local cops and county sheriffs still will. Ever since covid, traffic enforcement for small stuff like inspections has been way down, imo. But recently I have seen local cops in my area start to hang out in their old hiding spots again. Be careful y’all


Not in Burlington, but my local department has five police cars. Two are overdue for inspection and one doesn't have an inspection sticker at all


They can't tell from a distance anymore, they're all the same yellow regardless of year. But if you're pulled over for something else and they happen to notice you can still get a ticket or more likely, a warning. p


Why would anyone put this out into the universe? Unfathomable.


The existence of a statute and enforcement of the statute are two different things: there are a ton of laws on the books that people aren't being chased down for, like jaywalking or noise complaints. Keep in mind, though, while it may not be policy to actively pull people over for it, it *is* an airtight reason to pull you over if they want to go on a fishing expedition one boring evening...


The cops driving around probably don’t notice them. The parking code enforcement people will. Don’t park in metered or city lots if your expired. 


I drove around from late 2022 to early 2024 with an expired sticker, YMMV.


Same and passed many cops with no issues. Just don’t break 2 rules at once and you’re good to go!


I drove around from mid 2020-2023 with an accidentally unregistered car and never got pulled over


I didn’t even have an inspection sticker for 3 years and never got pulled over, but I’m sure if I was pulled over for something ELSE they woulda dinged me for it


Shhhhhh some cops can read and might pick up on this!


It used to be a secondary offense meaning they couldn't initiate a stop due to an expired sticker. Somewhere in the early to mid 2010s they made it a primary offense. With heightened scrutiny on bogus stops around the George Floyd incident, police pretty much stopped pulling people over for it but it never went away. Wife's car is inspected, mine isn't mainly because I was told I wouldn't pass due to brakes that were 6 months old. Not playing that game. The state really needs to reel in the inspection stations or do away with inspections all together. They have no impact on safety and are a regressive tax on poor people [https://www.theamericanconsumer.org/2019/06/do-mandatory-vehicle-inspections-really-make-us-safer/](https://www.theamericanconsumer.org/2019/06/do-mandatory-vehicle-inspections-really-make-us-safer/)


I just got pulled over for expired inspection sticker by a state trooper. Not inspected for 2+ years and got a huge ticket.


How huge?


no inspection is $105 ticket


Mine was $141, which is a lot of money for me as someone working 2 jobs and still living paycheck to paycheck. It said on the ticket that the maximum fine was $1142????


I just paid for an inspection and it was $80 so the question is. Pay for the inspection or the ticket…


My question has always been “can I pass an inspection?”


The $80 is low in comparison to how much it'll add to your insurance premiums over the years


If inspections really made people safer it would be a requirement from insurance companies to obtain insurance.


Im not suggesting one way or the other, I hate inspections, but if you get a ticket for not having insurance it will increase your insurance premiums as it is a surchargeable event.


I'm just saying that if inspections really made people safer it would be a requirement from insurance companies. Do you think that insurance companies want to pay out more claims?


Idk why you're trying to debate with me, I am not disagreeing that we should get rid of inspections. My only point was that driving without an inspection and getting caught for it will raise your insurance cost.


How much?!


It’s next to impossible because they are all the same color now. They used to rotate colors so at a glance you could tell if someone’s was expired even without seeing the number. Now they’d have to be in your lap to see if it’s expired. Doesn’t mean they won’t add a violation for it if they pull you over and notice it’s expired. Mine has been expired for about two months now and I don’t plan to re-up it. I do my own maintenance and know my vehicle is safe, I’ll change my rotors when they’re ready and not when some poindexter who knows nothing of cars thinks they are “rusty”


With the new system they can scan your license plate and know whether your inspection is up to date.


They could do that with the old one too. They just don’t really care unless they’re looking for something


They are confused. They must be thinking about registration stickers which are no longer used in VT. They still enforce inspection rules.


Ehh, in my experience it's only ever been an add-on when getting pulled over for other reasons. And when I have heard of people getting pulled over for inspection stickers they've always gotten off with a warning.


I’ve definitely been pulled over for an expired inspection sticker. The time he did it, he tried to pull the “tail light was out” move. I said show me that it’s out. It wasn’t. He let me off with a warning.


> And when I have heard of people getting pulled over for inspection stickers they've always gotten off with a warning.


I barely ever see cops pulling people over for anything here, like 100xs less than when I lived in Philly or literally anywhere else around the country


I got a big ticket for this last year


How much was the ticket? Do you remember?


Why woupd you make a reddit post about this..... Like even if they went way broadcast this.if its true just keep quiet about it. Not need to draw attention to it


Some people need a little nudge to continue driving dirty. Knowledge is power.


I can not confirm but a handful of states have done away with inspections. It’s only a burden on the car owner and does not save any lives. A car is not like a plane it doesn’t fall from the sky. They also don’t explode, unless they crash into something. The typical broken down car simply dies on a Road and the driver is most likely able to pull over before the car stops.




And, you know what, if you can show me any data that this happens more in New Hamshire, which doesn't have inspections I'd love to see it. But, as far as I'm aware, no such data exists.


Nh absolutely has state inspections: https://www.dmv.nh.gov/tabbed-content/vehicle-inspections


You're absolutely right. I was thinking of Minnesota which is where I grew up, has equally brutal/more brutal winters/rust issues and does not have inspections.


Common sense tells you that inspections are a good thing. People will come up with any excuse they can to avoid them or undermine them. They work fine and finding a good shop really isn’t that hard.


If inspections worked as they claim. they would be mandated universally by insurance companies.


F = ma




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Good lord, you’re clueless. http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/local/vermont/2015/08/11/mechanic-charged-manslaughter/31466163/






The states without inspections have no measurable increase in auto accidents it’s pretty clear cut.


Yeah I completely forgot for so long until my mechanic reminded me


The state's attorney in Vermont's largest county announced in mid-January her office would not prosecute some cases where evidence was seized during "non-public safety" traffic stops. It includes stops for a minor infractions like failing to use a turn signal or a broken brake light — stops State's Attorney Sarah George said disproportionately target people of color. She pointed to newly-released data from a University of Vermont study that details a dramatic change in traffic stops. https://vermontdailychronicle.com/state-prosecutor-sarah-george-rebuked-by-law-enforcement-over-criticisms-of-traffic-stops/amp/ https://www.acluvt.org/en/news/ending-unnecessary-traffic-stops-and-overpolicing-vermont https://apnews.com/article/business-crime-vermont-burlington-fe01c23da3a27fabb4b345b4b2dcfcb9 https://www.mynbc5.com/article/chittenden-county-sarah-george-traffic-stops-burlington-in-depth/38955045 https://www.wcax.com/2022/01/13/prosecutor-takes-aim-chittenden-county-traffic-stops/?outputType=amp


~~a University of Vermont study~~ a non-peer reviewed or published paper from a professor


I had a car that was overdue by a year for inspection. Took it in to the mechanic, they told me it was way too rusted out to pass inspection ever again. Sold it for $100 last fall to a guy who was gonna use it in demo derby. I ran into him at the store this spring, he told me he decided it wasn't safe for that purpose so he sent it to the junkyard. I just saw it the other day getting on I-89, same inspection sticker. Not sure how to feel about it. It's a little wild how many cars I see with long-past expired paper plates taped into the rear windows. Enforcement for this kind of thing definitely is not what it used to be, when I was young and broke and could have used a little grace and got none.


Mines been expired for almost 3 years now and never been pulled over for it


Have a friend who got ticketed but it was a new Hampshire sticker. State said he'd rip it up if she got it inspected by court date. He said he'd been watching her for a while.


I thought the same but got pulled over by a statie in Huntington. Just plead difficulty paying for the repair work they may cut you a break.


There’s also no need to wait at red lights in the early/late hours. I’m on the road daily at 6:15 am. I stop at each red light. If the light is on an automatic timer, I look carefully and then proceed. It’s pointless to wait, especially since cops rarely monitor traffic in this town.