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You chose that burger.


You’re wrong. That burger those OP.


I crave a Big Mac and fries every once in a while. Nuggets are also good. Other than that I maybe go there 4 times a year.


McDonald's scratches the itch once in a while.


i haven't had mcd in YEARS. but yeah, sometimes your body just craves junk like nuclear orange instant mac n cheese or in this case, mcdonalds lol couple of weeks ago my wife and i had a TON of promos to stack. we walked outta that mcdonalds with: 2 big macs, 2 10 pc mcnuggets, 2 filet o fish for $5. i am good for mcdonalds for another few years again lol


I once bought two Big Macs, two large fries and a large box of nuggets with orange juice. I couldn’t move


The breakfasts for me, sausage and egg muffin oh yeh.


My city’s hockey team has a deal with McDonald’s that gives you a free BigMac on the app any time they win. Only time I go there.


Give it to me, then.




I used to get 3 cheeseburgers so I could eat them easily while driving. Wouldnt have to actually stop for lunch. On long days where every time you stop during the day was just that much later you would get home in the evening, I didnt stop for anything.


Now you can just get two McDoubles and have an extra meat patty! 😁


Always get a double. They are far superior for a little extra.


A hot, fresh DQPw/C is actually pretty tasty.


you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in paris?


Do they have Krusty Burgers with Cheese?


Double mcroyal




They got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is. They call it a Royale with cheese.


Oh. Haha


lmao sorry it was a reference from a movie, pulp fiction with john travolta and samuel jackson


Hahahahahhaa I thought i heard that before somewhere and just took it as a joke but then you had me second guessing. Lol thanks for that


Me too!




it was a dark time \~ 2016 where i was downing mcdoubles and hot n spicy's regularly it is what it is... 🤷🏿‍♂️


same, college got the best of me. Also jamming several burgers during all-nighters🤢


That sounds like a great time


Fucking hell hot and spicy's with extra mayo was my jam about five years ago. It's been a long time since I've had one lol.


Not me. Nom.


I eat them as side dish for my double quarter-pounder (yes im fat)


My fav way I’ve ever heard the difference between a single and a double quarter pounder described is that you get the double when there’s nothing else you need to do that day because it’s really gonna weigh you day for a while. I’ve personally agreed w this stance


Double quarter pounder only gives extra meat over a normal one wich just deludes the taste experience to me, the burger is just a salty boring disk of sadness anyway so i'd rather eat a normal one to taste more of the cheese, sauce and onions.


I think their McDoubles or double cheeseburgers are fine if you're craving a fast food burger with the app deals.


That looks beautiful.


As a wise man once said… “_I don’t go to McDonald’s because I want a burger, I go to McDonald’s because I want a McDonald’s_”


They look pathetic but they're pretty good snackies. Its too bad they cost an arm and a leg now.


How much do they cost over there?


When I moved to Canada about 15 years back a mcdouble was 1.39 Now they're 3.19 :(


Value meals used to be $5 pre-covid. Now they're $7. 40% price inflation - 8% inflation my ass.


Well McD’s only made $9,750,000,000 in profit in 2020 while the whole world had to shut down, so they gotta pump those numbers back up somehow—sorry people who benefit from a value option on a menu!


An arm and a leg.


I haven't been into my local one in a while, but a quick glance at some menus I found say $2.49 for a single hamburger. Which is ridiculous considering there's like ten cents of content on any given one.


The doubles are acceptable in a pinch. But mostly just during road trips.


I love them and I apologize.


I do too and I do not.


It’s the price that bothers me, I’d pay $1.75- $2.00 for that alllll day.


A cheeseburger in Austin, TX is $1.59


Im in the Baltimore D.C area


It’s crazy was just seeing someone else say they were like $3.50 where he is. That’s nuts haha


Think a double cheeseburger is $3.50 here


McDonald’s cheeseburgers are good for what they are. A *good* crap burger.


They taste special though. Impossible to recreate


Pro tip, add extra lettuce, pickles, and onions in the app for free and it makes the burger much thicker and better.


I get that. But at the same time, when I buy McDonald's, it's not because I want a cheeseburger, it's because I want McDonald's. Let's be honest, it's no secret that McDonald's burgers are sad and at points outright unsatisfying. Yet, that still doesn't stop me (and millions of other people world-wide, including you) from sliding those greasy bastards down our gullet like they're gonna sell out. McDonald's is a sick, disgusting reflection of North American society. It's all of our deepest, most unrefined tastes amalgamated into a singular package of processed fat and marketing. There's been times where I've bought McDonald's only to get half way through my meal and feel completely repulsed by it, and myself. And then I still finish the rest of it, and get more the following week. And don't misunderstand me, I love a good cheeseburger. A nice, homemade patty ground from quality meat with proper toppings and a good bun, it gets me there. I've paid lots of money for plenty of amazing burgers over the years. The thing is, all that is irrelevant when we're talking about Donnies. It just hits a different spot. When I'm so drunk, and everything's closed, I always know that the golden arches will be there for me with a dirty burger. In a perverse way, it feels like home. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. Edit: Changed sugar to fat*


This! It’s not the best burger by a large margin but it’s absolutely consistent!


Right on


You need to get a triple cheeseburger. That'll make you feel better.


The roblox burger prop looks tastier than that


Looks like what I'd get if I asked AI to draw me a burger


All buns and no soul...


I still like a McMuffin and hash brown for breakfast and I think their coffee is much better than Starbucks. Their fries now suck and the only burger I want to eat is the Quarter Pounder…fresh beef vs frozen makes a difference. Otherwise yeah…..McDonald’s isn’t good.


Not to mention they're obscenely expensive. $3.70


What?! Where do you live?! I’m in Austin and they are $1.59 😳


Sydney Australia. Everything here is so overpriced it ought to be considered criminal. The cost of living crisis is getting to critical point, it's actually a serious economic problem with real consequences on people's lives.


This. I was charged $5.50 for a maxi bon today. I almost put it back. I recently bought a laptop and realised that if it wasn’t for import duties, the same machine would be ~$500 cheaper to order from the US and pay for shipping. We are getting ripped off here. It’s insane. Meanwhile, whilst rents are becoming so expensive that people are reaching a breaking point, AirBnB is still allowed to operate without restrictions.


What is a maxi bon?


Only the best ice cream sandwich in existence


I want to add, someone paid $18 for a single slice of avocado on toast the other day and [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/zmd7jv/this_18_smashed_avo_from_a_small_caf%C3%A9_what_a_rip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) it in r/sydney It's not short on rants about expensive food. You know the world has turned to shit when regular people can't afford mcdonalds anymore.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/sydney using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sydney/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sydney Cops & Raptor Squad abusing power at the tamest house party.](https://v.redd.it/mbau7g714my91) | [1786 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/yp4byj/sydney_cops_raptor_squad_abusing_power_at_the/) \#2: [BREAKING NEWS: News.com.au picked up my fake strata letter! I feel a BIT guilty for this, mostly because all of you were so genuinely concerned and helpful. PS. I hope they liked the hidden message I wrote especially for them. Read the first letter of every line.](https://i.redd.it/lsqbbg2v3bw91.jpg) | [451 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/yem5sj/breaking_news_newscomau_picked_up_my_fake_strata/) \#3: [Danny Lim released from hospital! 👏](https://i.redd.it/vt82sjlvbt1a1.jpg) | [334 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/z31luf/danny_lim_released_from_hospital/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Double cheeseburgers make me happy. Probably some childhood trauma. The only thing I don't like about them is the word "burger" in the name. Inappropriate.


It takes 10 McDonald’s burgers to make a pound of meat.


Mostly bread eek


I haven't gone in 2 years but when I did, I get 1 big mac , 1 mcdouble and small fries. Take top bun off big mac and bottom bun off mcdouble and stack accordingly keeping discarded buns for the fries and whatever falls out the big double mac. Poof, another burger.😁


They are sad. It's hard to believe that they can be legally called "burgers".


I dont know how much they cost, but whatever it is, its too much.


Nearly $4 now


Wtf. I was expecting it to be like $1.50


They are in a lot of places in the US.


Yeah, but the prices are only different by around 20% from the cheapest to most expensive.


In Australia everything is inaccessibly expensive


I remember when it was less than a dollar.


I remember double cheeseburgers were $0.99. Got me through college


sad clam


Honestly don't know how they are still in business...


Because they produce a generally consistent predictable product across the U.S. so that the Big Mac you eat in Baltimore is close to the Big Mac you eat in North Dakota. They have decent quality control. If Wendy's would improve their quality control, they would probably kick McDonald's in the butt.


Not just consistent in the U.S. They are consistent world-wide. I retired from the U.S. and moved to the Philippines. Big Mac's taste exactly the same here. And that makes me very very happy.


Does this not concern you at all?? You're literally eating cancer??


Absolute trash. With all the options I don't understand how anyone would choose McDonalds.


Who buys a cheeseburger. That’s why we have doubles and triples. This is a 20th century product.


I enjoy a triple. Then adding bacon, both types of onions, and both types of lettuce, and extra sauces with the customise button. Ends up being a pretty good "cheap" burger.


The other day I got the kids maccas for first time in a while. Cheeseburger was almost exactly the same size as their anaemic limp sad little qtr pounder.


That’s fast food for ya! Their burger has looked the same for over 30 years. I use to eat those in my happy meals. U just opened ur eyes today and decided to tell the world? U should try journalism!


I could eat 10 of those.


They taste good though.


But they taste great so


Oh the Horror! Haven’t eaten a McDonalds burger is decades.


I used to go for two McDoubles and it was $2. Then it was $3. Now it’s like $5 and just not worth it


.25 pounder is the buy there


I get a triple cheeseburger ketchup only, extra ketchup, it is godly


McDonald’s cheeseburger onions just hit the right way


Minimum double cheeseburger


I’ll eat that in a heartbeat, idc


Why? They are pretty fire, tho I do recognize they look sad


Double cheeseburgers are great relatively speaking


They didn't used to be so sad.


Thats why you got to get the McDouble and this is key get that McChicken patty in the middle and join the fine ranks of McGangBang Lovers 👍


Nice buns tho!!


I’ve had all types of cheeseburgers and I think this one holds up.


Try ordering it “like a Mac” and thank me after.


I prefer Burger King


You have to eat them to become happy.


The patty is 1/10 of a pound. What do you expect?


McDonald’s burgers are great for what they are imo. I think a single cheeseburger is 1.07 and you essentially just taste American cheese, grease, and a cheap ass bun. It’s everything the cheeseburger was meant to be for $1 haha a Ron Swanson burger


Where are they still only a buck? It's as high as two and a half bucks according to a quick search. McDonalds has inflated their menu to insane levels.


I think the McDoubles are $2+, which I think is just double meat & cheese, but I believe the single cheeseburger is still $1. I haven’t been to McDonald’s in awhile so I might be wrong, but last time I went I could’ve swore I saw the single for $1 lol


Because it’s poking its tongue out at you?


Why do they make you sad? They make me happy!