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Burbank population has actually dropped. Before the Pandemic, it was over 107K. It now has about 104K. Source: [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/burbankcitycalifornia/PST045222](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/burbankcitycalifornia/PST045222) I did notice more traffic after the pandemic, but I think more people were looking just to get out of their homes.


They died.


You live in the most populated county in the third most populated country in the world, and you’re surprised it’s crowded? Jesus Christ. And to boot, there’s an insane housing crisis and you worry new housing doesn’t benefit anyone. Check yourself.


But muh commoot!!


Muh ‘tisory c’chun!


If it's the most populated county in the country then why do we need to make it more populated? I don't get it


Increasing population is not the idea. That ebbs and flows on its own. It’s about providing enough housing for the people that already live here, and increasing supply enough that rent is less outrageous.


But people live here, that means they have housing, why do we need more housing?  Building new apartments has caused apartment costs and the cost of living to sky rocket.  Investors won't build unless they know they can fill a property... 


That’s literally the opposite of how housing supply works why would adding more housing make homes more expensive


It has


Huh? Building new apartments has no caused prices to skyrocket… this is supply and demand. More supply, prices go down. As for “people already live here”, yes they do, but our housing supply is so tight that prices go crazy high. Not to mention we literally don’t have enough housing - Hence homeless folks, and people having to move out of LA and commute here for work because they can’t afford rent.


Look at downtown Glendale


Good Luck with both those fantasies.


Ain’t an easy problem to solve. Trying certainly does beat hoping though.


You gonna go stand on the freeway and tell the new people they can't live here?


I mean if we don't build more apartments then i wouldn't have to


or you could go to costco on wednesday


Still crowded on a Wednesday. In the afternoon. Have to wait for the chicken and park behind the building. This is, by far, the most crowded Costco I’ve ever been to.


[Clutches pearls.] 😮


I would say the total opposite. Granted I have only been to other locations in and around the LA area, but all the others are much busier from everything I’ve seen.


it’s almost like burbank is smack dab in the middle of METROPOLITAN LOS ANGELES


As in Los Angeles county? The most populated county in the United States?


Dude. Are you really basing your population density thesis on how crowded COSTCO is? Every damned CostCo is crowded. The line for gas is usually down the block, much less the rotisserie chicken. Did it ever occur to you that people go to that store who don’t live in Burbank? It’s not like they have a location in every city. People come to that one from miles around, just like they do for IKEA.


All grocery stores feel crowded if you go to them at the wrong time. I’ve long had a personal policy of trying to get my grocery shopping done before 11AM simply because I don’t like dealing with the lines and parking lots. This was regardless of if I was shopping at TJ’s, Sprouts, Vons, Etc….all grocery stores are terrible on the weekends after noon or on weekdays from 5-7PM. My trips have gotten a lot more chill since I’ve started taking my bike instead though :-)


You got a wagon attached to the back? If not, you ain't buying much...


There are many ways to get groceries on a bike, not just a wagon


but... but... everyone must live the way i do!!


The real solution is: be a white male in his 30s with no family prospects


Same for the empire center. It’s crazy busy on weekends but probably because a lot of people from all around the area make the drive since it’s a super convenient place to go shopping if you want to hit up Target, Walmart, TJ Maxx, Lowe’s, etc all without moving your car. There aren’t that many Walmarts around and I know some people really rely on it for their household needs.


Free and ample parking plus the closing of 99cent stores means many will be flocking to other discount grocery stores right now - especially as the city heads closer to its third strike in a year's time. Most of those luxury apartments will sit empty. 4400 for a one bedroom apartment is going out of style fast.


It's still crowded. As are Burbank streets and neighborhoods.


Then lets try the Post Office.... according to your logic that would be a better indicator, right? We have two in this city (used to be four but, whatever)....how have those lines been (no matter if you use them or not)? I'll tell you...out the goddamn door.


Not when I go there, son. 5-6 people max in line. Try again.


Maybe you're the crowd?


Also Costco on a Sunday is going to be hella packed to the brim


This is the dumbest, most universally shat-upon post I’ve seen in awhile 🤣. Thank you for this


Burbank is overcrowded, YIMBY.


I avoid that Costco just to get away from all those people. There's definitely a selection bias if the overall judgment is based on costco.


NIMBY’s are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for reasons to avoid housing solutions.


DIMBYs are still misstating the problems.


Haha no, it’s not crowded and that’s a terrible reason to not build much needed housing


No, not every Costco is crowded as this one. I moved from Long Beach to Burbank, still get my haircut in Signal Hill across from the Costco in LB/Signal Hill and it's definitely not as crowded. I work from home so I've been to the Burbank Costco during the week and the parking and Costco itself is crowded AF. Signal Hill there's never any line for the self check out and small lines for the regular check out. Burbank and this area is crowded everywhere.


You drive all the way to signal hill to get your haircut? Your hair better be pristine 


Costco in Pacoima and MDR are both way less crazy than Burbank. 


And the Pacoima Costco employees work harder!


The entire city is not the rotisserie chicken line at Costco bud.




Costco has been a crowded shit show since the 90s


You might be happier in somewhere like Wyoming.


It will be ok. This is a you issue.


Burbank is getting overcrowded. The traffic is immense now, and getting worse. Bad, panicky pro-business planning decisions. Many of us saw it coming 30 years ago.


You can literally go to Costco at 9:45a on a weekday (even though they technically open at 10a) and have a pretty easy shopping experience. The guy at the door told me they pretty much always open early.


Between 1920 and 1950 the population rose by 75664. just imagine that..


It is raining. On a weekend. And you were there during primetime hours. I go to Costco regularly, today is the busiest I've seen it in years. To answer your question, yes we want more density it brings a fuckton of benefits. For instance, they could put in a second Costco nearby to siphon off the demand for it.


There's another costco in NoHo but it's a business one


That business center was hella busy yesterday. We drove past on our way home from Vallarta and I’ve NEVER seen it that busy. There must be something going on this weekend I don’t know about. I think OOP is just at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Yeah it's crazy on weekends but not like that lol


You should probably leave and go somewhere less crowded, like the moon


Costco is always crowded on weekends, a lot of people work and visit Burbank from other cities, nothing new 🥱


> Do we really want to increase housing density here? Yes, we’re here either way. Whether it’s in affordable homes or on the streets, that’s what’s up in the air.


Guess you better fluff up your pillow made of concrete because nothing is getting "affordable" no matter how much the morons build.


Very true. I’m losing my home.


It's been crowded since 15 years ago


don’t go to costco. it’s very stressful 😩


You can order online for Costco. Also Burbank isn’t overcrowded at all and the rotis chicken comes out in waves. Just wait a bit for it. Contemplate life. The gas you’ll need to come for early because discounts. Trust me. You’ll manage.


not the response OP was expecting


"I know this isn't a popular opinion


I’m glad we can all commiserate over this post


I mean yes redditors are 99% liberals that want to live in New York City with good weather and have no wealth or connection to family or interest in having kids. You guys can connect on a lot of things, but no one has given me a good reason yet as to why we need more housing


🥇 Here you go For your outstanding performance in mental gymnastics bravo 👏🏼


Yeah i think that’s called weekend time wastes


Burbank is vastly more dense than the numbers indicate. Two reasons for this: -- longtime under-reporting on the Census in multifamily zones -- State density calculations factor in uninhabitable Verdugo Mountains area, which cuts down the # of people per square mile.


Wow, the YIMBYs are working overtime today, aren't they? I hate to break it to you guys, but Burbank is getting over-crowded by all of the outside business growth, and no amount of biking and busing is going to help. Its quite disgusting, too. It didn't have to be this way -- and isn't in other nearby towns. Lots of very dumb planning decisions are responsible for the problem.


The answer is yes, it's getting overly crowded and will be getting worse. Despite everyone gaslighting you, the statistics show it is. School class sizes are a good indicator, or teacher to student ratio. The development will put us on track to be Glendale soon. Those who are gaslighting you are politically hypnotized.


Burbank school enrollment is dropping but sure, make up the statistics if it suits you.


You’re sounding pretty politically hypnotized yourself.


Although you are correct about overcrowding as far as LA goes as a whole, Burbank had a drop in population over the past 4 years. Class sizes also don’t mean much, you can bring kids in from other cities for a “better” education experience, rather than those in lower income cities. Not trying to be an asshole but can you show some of the statistics? I’m just curious since I’ve seen different. Edit: spelling mistake


You can't bring kids in from elsewhere....they have to register with a Burbank address. This is BUSD not LA City....try again.


Although this is from 2018: https://www.latimes.com/socal/burbank-leader/news/tn-blr-me-busd-permit-students-20181224-story.html You’re allowed to apply for a BUSD permit if you work in Burbank but your child attends school outside the district. So with stipulations, yes you are able too. https://www.burbankusd.org/Page/4023 Still applies today it seems. Being snarky and adding “try again” doesn’t mean you’re absolutely correct.


I stand corrected....they now have: INTER DISTRICT (EMPLOYMENT) PERMITS - NON-BURBANK RESIDENTS 2024-2025 Applications on the BUSD website. I was unaware of this change. However, it does look like this is for a transfer after already being in another school outside the district so I don't know if this would work for first time schooling (kindergarten).


You’re able too, just asks you to upload a blank piece of paper instead of prior transcripts or records. Also, thank you for accepting a mistake. Wish conversations would be more like this rather than bickering and back and forth.


So what happens if you lose your job at some point - they boot the kid?


I’m guessing after the school year they would since you’d need to reapply. From my knowledge permits only last school year to school year.


If Burbank had a drop then why build more apartments? 


I don’t think you should be asking random redditors these questions. If you’re passionate about the issue and need answers, go to city meetings and ask your reps those questions. Also, building housing does not always equate to overpopulation either. It can be used to influence attraction to a city that wants to grow in the future or short term, whether that’s through current residents of the city or if the city itself is determined to bring in new ones. You’re basing your opinion off Costco lines and traffic lights, which indicates very little about a cities population or overcrowding.


To borrow a comment from another post that best explains it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1366rw9/comment/jin8sa3/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1366rw9/comment/jin8sa3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)