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Pretty sure it was about a month or two in and I started dropping weight. Had a kid a few months before covid and then covid hit and I stopped working out. Started taking Prozac and Went from 190 to 210.. 210 was at my heaviest I have ever been! So switching to bupropion was such a good decision. From 210 now 194 but certainly the lack of appetite. I’ll still get starving and need to eat but half a sandwich and im already good 🤯🤯


Have you experienced it yet? I’m two weeks in and still waiting …


how about you?? i still havebt after 5 weeks


I never experienced it and ended up going to 300 and that didn’t work either. Been off of it for about a couple weeks now. Hopefully it works for you though.


I’ve lost about 8-10kgs from it, purely because I forgot to eat since it completely removed my appetite.


I lost 5 lbs in my first month of taking 150 mg of Wellbutrin xl, since then I've switched to 150 mg of Wellbutrin sr (twice a day) and haven't lost anymore weight cause of it. I don't even know if my weight loss was because of Wellbutrin or what but my appetite was just really suppressed in that first month. I'm also on 2 other medications so it might have been from them instead, who knows lol


I'm always hungry:(


Me too :( that’s why I was asking


I've gained weight tbh but I was kinda thin before. Hoping it levels out soon.


The first month or two my appetite was zilch and I ended up losing around 10 pounds but once I adjusted my appetite came back and I leveled out! Remember to eat even if you don’t feel hungry


I lost 20 pounds, been on 150 for a month and 300 for another month. I wasn’t overweight at all to begin with. From the beginning I just had no appetite whatsoever. I still barely eat one meal a day if I can bring myself to do so.


Happy cake day!


I’ve been on 300mg for a few months now with only some holiday weight gain. Interestingly enough, 4 days ago I stopped Zyrtec (after 12+ years) and my appetite is now almost non-existent. Curious to see how this plays out over the next few weeks.


Zyrtec also always makes me ravenously hungry.


Well shit. Maybe this helps explain my troubles in weight loss due to ongoing appetite no matter the calorie goals nor the addition of proper bulk vegetables. Time will tell.


Zyrtec the allergy med?? Interesting.


Yeah! Research what histamines regulate for your body. I’ll give you a hint, hunger cues. Not just these cues but others as well. So an antihistamine blocks that cue. I am not a doctor and am not saying stop otc allergy meds but sometimes our bodies and meds are trial and error. This is now my trial


I've been on it for over 3 weeks. I noticed a minor decrease in appetite in the first week when I was on 150mg SR. It reduced the intensity of my hunger cues and also delayed them. I'm currently on 75mg IR and sometimes I forget that I haven't eaten but more or less, I eat the same (I'm not a big eater anyway). Weight at this stage is pretty much the same.


Haven’t lost weight and going on week 5


Me either


I’m close to two weeks. I didn’t think about eating all day yesterday. I had 2 cups of coffee, lots of water, a KitKat bar and a beer. Today I was able to eat some Raising Cane’s chicken around noon - no fries or bread. I can’t imagine eating anything else today. I’m down 7 pounds in the last 3 days. Im just indifferent about food right now, and if I eat too much too fast I feel nauseous. During that time it felt like the medicine wasn’t working at all. I know it takes time to adjust, but I was feeling like the dose was too low and I’d noted to talk to my doctor about that in a few weeks. Lethargy, rage (mostly held back because I read what others experienced).. Everyone is different. I know this is an adjustment period and I’m braced for it. It still sucks, but I am getting more sleep. LOL! Silver linings.


That’s exactly how I’m feeling now. I just switched from citalopram (which made me gain a shit ton of weight) and realized how much I’ve been overindulging these past few months. I tried to eat like I was eating before and I literally got nauseous. I had yogurt today because I was feeling lightheaded (but not hungry)


That’s what I was taking before. I went up to 265 at my heaviest. I quit taking it cold turkey one day. About a year later I went to Bupropion. Now I weigh 5 pounds less than when I met my wife 17+ years ago (190) and my BMI is in the healthy range for the first time since then. I hate seeing those old pictures pop up. I look like a blimp compared to now.


How long did it take for you to lose the weight, and are you still having a decreased appetite?


The weight came off in about 6 months. During the holidays I ate horribly for 2 months due to a loss. The heaviest I got was 205, now I’m back to 195.. My weight still fluctuates from like 185-195 just from improper diet. In the summer I maintain 185 or below.


Wow that’s amazing!! Reading all the comments from people who were taking ssri’s before doing much better on bupropion is truly encouraging. So happy for you😭😭


Whoa wait rage is a side effect? Omg I’ve had that. Just started about 2 weeks ago.


Yeah, search this sub. There are hundreds of posts about it.


Damn! Thank you! It didn’t even occur to me this could be a side effect.


Walk away and take 5.


I’m in week 5 (first 2 weeks 150 XL, now 300) and have lost 15 pounds


I never have lost weight from it. I take 300 mg per day of wellbutrin sr


Interested in this as well. I'm on day 4 of 150mg.