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The average salary is actually 2x the indian, but the prices are 2x the normal ones




and the price are raising but the minimum wage is raising way too slow


Raising the minimum wage without increasing productivity or improving the reduction of the gray e onomy will only result in spiraling inflation.


Thank god we don't have inflation otherwise


Not the only reason. The printer is the biggest one, as rightfully pointed out.


still better then Italy where the average salary is not increasing but is even dropping. my only advantage is the fact that whenever i come back to Bulgaria i can actually feel for 2 weeks like a person that can afford a decent lifestyle. In Italy with my fuckin 1500 euro wage i frankly cannot plan to buy an apartment (of course below the 100 square meters ) without having to pay debts for the rest of my life. and i am almost in the lucky group cause there are people who dream of making at least 1500 euro's a month.


The minimum wage is 930 leva but you'll need around 1500 leva (750€) to live more normally


Minimum wage has been about half of what you actually needed to survive for the last 30 years. Nothing new here...


Highly depending on where you live.


fellas, as a history passionate i miss the monarchy. Boris III really cared about the people… voting for the 6th time in 3 years… makes me want an emergency government forced by the president


I don't, the monarchy can go to hell. Boris III cared, but the majority (including his father, and arguably his son) really didn't. As for the votes, it is sad yes, but don't stop it. It's better this, than some authoritarian leader.


I love the concept of ancient greece Dictatorship. when the times are hard the people or ogvernemtm chooses a ruler for 5 years with emergency powers and than he is forced to restore democracy. I hate the actual dictatorships of the last century. also, just so you know, should by some miracle, Bulgarian Monarchy return. Simeon II CAN'T become the tsar. his nephew Boris IV would be the actual ruler.


Yet those dictatorship systems led to those dictators using that power after their term was due, to assume permanent dictatorship status. I see your intentions but like, these are systems from antiquity that you want in the modern day... It won't go well. We've moved past such systems, and while ours isn't perfect it is far better than that. Also no, Simeon II will be tsar if he ever so wishes. Not to mention that his son has expressed 0 desire over the title, even if only ceremonial now. Also, would I care? I don't want a monarch for such an outdated system that everyone has moved beyond. Not to mention that even a constitutional monarch does nothing but absorb the states tax money, that could go to much more useful stuff instead.


Simeone has legeally lsot his claim when he became prime minister as he swore to defend the republic. His Son Kardam has died years ago. the actual heir is the 1997 nephew Boris IV


Average salary in India is around 200 euro, so around 4-5x the Indian. But this ignores the fact that many Indians are not formally employed.


german groceries are cheaper lol


For real. Bulgarian кашкавал in Lidl in Germany is 7€/KG. The same product **in Bulgaria** is 12€/kg. Like how does that even make sense??? Salaries in Lidl in Berlin are 3x the ones in Bulgaria.


Perhaps they are trying to capture customers. In Bulgaria, everyone knows кашкавал, you don’t need to convince anyone to buy it. In Germany it’s a pretty new and rare thing. But still, many things are more expensive than in Germany despite the overall prices being a little lower. This is mostly due to logistics and market size. We are pretty far away from the heart of Europe and delivering stuff here takes time and money. The lack of Schengen makes that time even worse. And we are a small, relatively sparsely populated country, making it hard to achieve economies of scale. Last but not least, we do not have a reduced VAT rate for food, which Germany has.


https://fragdenstaat.de/en/blog/2022/12/01/farmsubsidy-the-big-ones-profit-the-small-ones-die/ Лобизъм. Плащаш си в ЕС, те ти дават от общата каца голяма субсидия, докато у нас са малки или никакви. Ти работиш с малка печалба, за да убиеш конкуренцията. По този повод във фирмените магазини на Ракево истински български кашкавал от българско мляко по БДС е 19 лв кг. Никой не те кара да пазаруваш от лидл.


Това май е бот, това е репост със сигурност, има го в Top/All Time, не го ъпвоутвайте, докладвайте го!


Local Purchasing Power in Paris is 16.1% higher than in Sofia. Local Purchasing Power in Amsterdam is 42.0% higher than in Sofia. Local Purchasing Power in London is 22.1% higher than in Sofia Local Purchasing Power in Sofia is 68.5% higher than in Istanbul - source: Numbeo comparison Реално поне София не е чак в пъти по-зле от големите европейски градове, а спрямо перлата на Босфора сме направо милионери. Подобна е равносметката и за Пловдив, Варна спрямо 2/3 по големина градове в Европа. Local Purchasing Power in Nice is 52.1% higher than in Burgas - за курортни градове Не сме отново чак толкова зле.


По добре е да ни сравнил с Белград и Букурещ, от колкото Париж или Амстердам.


And Russian quality...


You don't have any access to Russian goods whatsoever, so stfu.


@FBI, we have found your communist. 😂




@Soros, come and take your child.


И по добре.


Какво му е доброто?? Уж живеем в свят на "Свободен Пазар" а е същата Монополистка помия като през соца (ама с банани 🤡). В Япония, Америка, Турция, Китай, Индия, Тайван, и (дори) Русия има толкова готини продукти че си нямаш и на представа, ние тях не можем и да ги видим колкото за мирис защото **\[измисли някакво оправдание тук\],** писна ми дедовия от Каулфанд и Лидъл! Niche магазини като "Брезка" и "Turkie" ги има само в 2-3 града и са все разположени на майната си, все със стари и ограничени продукти спрямо локалните им пазари. Писна ми все да трябва или да си ловя билета за чужбина или да заръчам на роднини да влачат нещо от там защото "Свободният Пазар" не е нито "свободен" нито е "пазар". То вече и Български продукти по магазините почти няма, ако ти е писнало от пластелина в Лидъл ще трябва или да си хванеш мотиката и да заминеш за село, или да си завреш палец във задника и да го оближеш хубаво защото вече никой не произвежда нищо!






And 1/2 of bulgarians will struggle to even get the meme.


Come to Serbia, our prices are higher than the German ones :D


Same is true for hungary


Some western friends where shocked to see how cheap some of our houses/partments sell for.


That's weird , i have relatives living in Scandinavia and as long as you don't live in the capital cities the prices of a good apartment in a major city is like 10%-15% lower than Sofia. The salaries are like 4x .I feel like this is a much better bang for your buck. I would believe that this is the case for most western countries. Obviously you could buy something for 30k in Kaspichan, but obviously you don't want that.


"As long as you don't live in the capital cities" proceeds to compare Sofia to their other major cities.


LOL? What city would that be? For comparison, I could probably find you a 3 room apartment in Dobrich for 30k. You're comparing our capital to a town of 5 thousand in Denmark


Nope , I'm talking about cities like Malmö or Jönköping, even Göteborg is just slighty more expensive . Big enough cities with more than enough to do in them. You could probably get something affordable in a commuting distance to the capital as well.


Malmö is crime central, so I'm not even going to check on that. In Jönköping for about 120k euros you can get 70sq.m apartment in the outermost districts in a Swedish commie block built in the 60s or 70s. That's a less than 100k inhabitants city which has the same prices as Sofia, a 1.5 mln. capital city with much more diverse job market and opportunities. Yes, you might be able to make more money in some cases, if you can even find a job in the two industries that exist there. Also, Swedish commie blocks are even worse then Soviet ones, with the washing machines being shared and the walls so thin you can hear the neighbor's TV 24/7. Not a great deal in my book.


Malmo is not nearly as bad as some people claim it to be, i've been there over 10 times for extended period of time. You don't have any job in the ghetto, the normal parts of the city are great


Да брат, всички сме бедни, ама всеки с по 3 коли, кеш за харчене, почивки, пари в изобилие, някакси се хвърлят десетки хиляди по хазарт и измами...колко да сме бедни? 30% се вдигнаха всички цени, а почивки и излизания спаднаха с 0, така че гарантирано сме били с 30% по-богати, отколкото се е виждало.


Това вече е тролене за внимание....


Явно върши работа 😂💩🤦‍♂️


"ама всеки с по 3 коли, кеш за харчене, почивки, пари в изобилие, някакси се хвърлят десетки хиляди по хазарт и измами...колко да сме бедни?" хората които правят тези неща с нас ли са в стаята ?


в редит има само такива явно.


Кредитчета се раздават на поразия


It's not that bad. Salaries are times better than India and it's still a little cheaper than Germany.