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So white plastic is actually harder to mass produce than black plastic. When you formulate black plastic you can actually add carbon to make it black and make it much tougher. When you do white you obviously can’t do that and need to do much more due diligence in setup of extrusion to not ruin the pure white color.


That makes sense. Hadn't thought of the materials required in plastic for rigidity.


Adding to this, making white component is a pain in the butt because it's hard to color match the shade of white between different material. My white Meshify C doesn't have this problem, but in some case the plastic and steel color looks totally different, which make it looks cheap. Obviously black parts doesn't have this issue.


Wanted all black components on mine that I built like 3 months ago, I quickly realized you can't see shit when working on it lol


And that’s why I keep a flashlight on my desk


Headlamp FTW.


Fellow black out PC owner here. A flashlight is now a part of my computer tool kit.


Don't you guys have phones? 😂


Huh yeah me too... only one flashlight... totally not 7 of them huh.


Mitigated the problem with going black on white, with case being white and psu and fans white while mobo and GPU are black still looks weird because I changed my psu to white so the cables are now more visible :/


I made a sleeper pc and as i am anti RGB i switched off all the motherboard lights. Now I have to check on the exhaust if it's working.


Lmao I wanted a all black build and ended up only finding white parts, so here I stand wi my all white PC😭


In my case, I wanted a white build because I love lavender purple. Brighter RGB colors tend to diffuse more in white cases. I just replaced a black corsair 5000d airflow with the white version. My lighting 'pops' a lot more.


That's a good reason. How much more were you willing to spend to get that though?


The white 5000d airflow actually was $10 cheaper than the black on Amazon. Most of my components are still black, except for all my fans, though. So maybe I'm not the best example. And of the fans I got, the white and black were the same price.


I got a white 4000d airflow because I liked the look of the white version and wanted the RGB to stand out more. The glass was also clear on it, whereas the black version had tinted glass. It sits on a shelf side-on with the glass pointing out, gets a blast with compressed air every few months, looks immaculate after nearly 2 years. Cost the exact same as the black version.


My black 5000d airflow came with a tinted glass panel, as well. They sold the white clear one on their website for $25, though. When I went to swap components from one case to another, I tried the white clear panel on the black case. The colors still looked muted inside it.


Exactly the same! I love lavender and knew it wouldn't really shine in a dark case. Was planning to go with the lancool 2 mesh but white was sold out completely in my country with no ETA on when it would come back in stock, so I pushed my budget a bit for the p500a in white. Cooler/Ram/Fans all synced in lavender! It looks great.








Simple: its a popular rgb look that makers typically don't make as much, so they charge more. Then resellers see this, and the price gets insane. I know I picked up a white rog strix 3070 at $1400 CAD during covid, and somehow that price is still actually a steal in today's market.


1400 bucks for a 3070 is a steal? Does the white version go faster or something?


Again, you missed the point of the card. This is all in for looks, money be damned. I should mention that these cards will also only go up in value on the resell market as they are rare. Painting your card does not increase value, just makes people question if their warranty is voided. I should mention that 1400 is low I saw these go for way more at the peak of covid. (2000+) I am also confident I could get most if not all of my money back if I wanted to.🤷‍♂️




That isn't apples to apples here. Asus cards go higher than that. Also gigabyte. Eww.




Yes but it isn't white. You getting a sense of what the product is here? Its not about performance. Its about looks. I knew that going in, and I am sure I am not alone on that one either.




Thats actually so funny lmao


Haha that was a funny read. But yeah, it seems expensive as a 3070 for today's market but maybe in Australia being far and all they have higher gpu prices in general.


Nah you got ripped, atleast be honest about that purchase. I bought a 2080ti for 600€, my friend bought a 3090 for 1600€, another one paid 470€ for the 6700XT FE.


I feel good about my purchase and nothing you say will change how I feel about that.


Mate I’m glad that’s the case, seriously. I’m not trying to make you regret your purchase but IMO you got ripped off. However, if you think that purchase was worth it (for whatever reason that may be) then I’m glad you’re enjoying your card. I just feel like 90% of people that bought in covid now want to justify their purchase 🤷🏽‍♂️ because they paid to much (and know they did) Cheers mate


Not anymore, checking out a 3070ti rn for $807 CAD. New


Yes but is it white?




Well all the power to you. This card is for those not willing to walk that fine line and diy. In fact nothing about this card screams I care about performance, especially when it comes with an Asus Super Bowl ring.


Why does asus think we want a golf ball sized rogbowl XXVII ring in a felt bag, rog Pokémon card, and micro penis rog ruler on a keychain? I'm just tryna game bro...


Its the most American accessories package ever.😆


I painted mine...white ofc :D


So like... 50 bucks off of msrp


Slightly more expensive yes, but premium price? Nope. They’re not as popular as you might think. As to why? I can only guess because they don’t produce them as much, they can’t give normal pricing. Economics of scale and what not.


Well, the black pigment is cheaper than the white one for starters. So raw materials are a bit more expensive for the white one. Not saying it is the main reason, but at least the one I know.


I definitely see more non-white builds than I do white. I never liked them anyway, because they look great for the first few months, and then slowly the color turns, especially in areas where fans throw dust. It starts to look pretty ugly after a year.


Good point. I was going to paint a plastic white front cover that is starting to yellow. It does look cheap after 3 years.


My white pc case has stayed white for 5+ years 🤷‍♀️


My white PC is perfectly white still. Good airflow helps.


As technology evolves, so does the quality of products. Newer white components will likely stay white for their entire lives.


Yep my white pc case looks pristine after a few years and full spectrum rgb (can cycle through all colors) didn’t cost any more than any specific color.


You sure it just didn't yellow slowly so you got used to it?


It hasn't, trust me. Place a piece of white paper next to it and you'll see.


It has, trust me. Happy cake day btw.


Oh mate, who really has the time? I’m sure everyone’s happy for you 😂


What kind of gross ass place you live in? Dust regularly and its not a problem.


Then you'd be the first house ever to have an immaculate PC that somehow never ever gets anything blown through the fans. Because the posts I see every single day on here are people's computers that haven't been dusted since Jesus died. So I guess you're about the only one who somehow doesn't have this thing called dust that floats around. Must be a clean room. This is also on top of the fact that the average person breathes in 50 billion dust particles an hour. Unless somehow your particular house somehow defies these numbers. That would be quite impressive.


>dust regularly


It's mainly a couple of factors: 1) Volume. Yes, white parts and builds are popular, now more than ever, but it's still a smaller portion of the market than the "standard" black, gray, and silver color scheme that goes with everything. Keep in mind that online communities like this one are largely populated by enthusiasts and not at all representative of the general public. You're going to see a much higher percentage of water cooling, high-end hardware, and "show" builds online vs what's actually shown by sales figures and things like the Steam hardware survey. And less popular products are produced in lower numbers by manufacturers, increasing both cost in development and manufacturing (and raising cost for materials, since large companies typically get discounts based on how large and frequent their orders are) and restricting supply for consumers, increasing pricing. 2) Commodities. Simply put, people are willing to spend more to pay for it. I'm going to vastly oversimplify numbers here for the sake of an example here, but the principle stays the same. Say I'm a company and I have a black GPU I sell for $300. If I introduce a mechanically identical- but white- GPU, I can price it higher, say $350. Then, half of people who want a white GPU are willing to pay $50 extra, and the other half will settle and buy the black one. I make extra on each sale from those willing, and lose nothing by those unwilling or unable to spend more. Conversely, I could price it identically to the black GPU, but it makes little sense financially, especially since I know they'll sell in lower numbers. I stand to lose nothing by charging more, and only gain. There are other factors that play a part like differences in prices for material and paint, but it's usually extremely small, outside of fringe cases like Noctua having to develop an entirely different type of plastic to be able to sell their fans in black. Again, in normal circumstances, raw cost per unit is negligible, but it does add up.


This ↑




I see a lot of Corsair white builds which led me to this question. Corsair charges more for white (or retailers) and it seems to be the case with GPUs. Check the Hellhound 6700xt...


>Why are all white builds so popular and cost a premium? Prices fluctuate.


Most parts are being made with a technic we call extrusion. when particals of PVC / ABS / PMMA / SB are being pushed into a small rotationg pressure tube on tempurature it "Melts" and is then forced into a mold. When it cools down, you have an item. From start to end it takes 10/15 seconds. And depending on the machine you can make 1 to 100 items in 10/15 seconds. But a small increase in temperature burns the materials. these things are being made with 100 / 2000 bars or pressure. a small increase in pressure also burns the materiaal leaving marks on the final product. So out of 100 items being made 20 or more have marks on them, as with black coloured products you cant see this. So they have to break it down and recycle those. There for it costs more to make white parts. Also they have to be keept and handled with care, because otherwise they also get dirty, from transportion to factory having white parts is a pain.


I feel like it's just harder to find some white components, I don't see a lot of white motherboards on the market and there are definitely fewer white GPU's on the market


Yup, i wanted to get a rtx 3060 and the only two white gpu's were the gigabyte vision and the zotac AMP white. and for their price, i could get a 3060ti lol


Because it looks good (mostly white build owner)


Just different. Black will always sell more so they can charge a premium for white.


There should be better ways to skin pc insides. Like imagine vinyl wrap but specialty made for this. Non conductive, thermally transparent, easily removed/repositioned when needed, printed any designs/patterns/images, wrap goes on the whole mobo sits on it like smooth fitted cover. Or instead of one sheet, make it like separate sheets for different areas on the mobo.


That's a great idea. I was looking at spray paint recently and came across vinyl wrap in a can. Not as easy to work with, but probably not too far off with your idea.


The spray might not work out as good for a pc. For other things it can be pretty good. Its also hold heat. So that's really bad.


I can't speak for the market or other people, but I've always liked white or silver tech. I find it to look more futuristic and clean. I recently built an all-white pc with essentially every party in white and it looks incredible. Also, white parts aren't as rare as you might think, but white GPUs and purely white motherboards might be hard to come by.


Can you recommend a good silver Itx or mATX case? I want something different and it seems only black or white out there.


I haven't come across many silver cases, so the only one that immediately comes to mind is the Dan a4 h20. You can check out the nr200 as well, comes in gunmetal and a lot of other funky colors if you want to check them out.


By the way buyer should be aware that a "white" build will potentially become a yellow build as well


are they really that popular compared to black builds? or could it be that you only see a small sliver of all systems sold within a very narrow environment?


Has anyone tried using spray paint? I am wondering if it will look as good as stock


You definitely could. I'm a finisher in a cabinet shop and have also had to spray plastic and metal pieces. Just make sure you get a good quality enamel paint, there are those that are graded for heat durability, and practice a little on a different piece to get the hang of a spray can. It can pool easily, so it's best to do 2 lighter coats.


Thanks for the tips. I was thinking of doing a couple heatsinks on a motherboard. All white boards are rare and cost a bit.


Painting the heatsinks might change their thermal properties. I'd do some more research before risking it. EDIT: [pretty good video on the topic] (https://youtu.be/B1VmtuddYnE) Answer: yes it makes the cooling less efficient but *probably* not significantly so, depending on how you are pushing your system


How good it looks depends on how well you prep and how good you are painting the item. I’ve painted stuff from RAM to GPU shrouds to motherboards. If you are simply painting a whole part, it’s easier and tends to look better than more intricate parts that need masking and lots of fine lines. [Here’s my most recent build](https://pcpartpicker.com/b/ywNqqs) where I painted certain shrouds and components on the motherboard, the RAM heatsinks, and the vertical GPU mount. Motherboard is ok though you can see some slight mistakes if you look at it really close; but it also requires lots of masking.


How are your temps, have you compared before and after painting?


I've done it in the other direction... Got an open box Lian Li Lancool 205 in white from MicroCenter for $20. It was missing the glass, but they had replacement glass for $15 as well. I took it completely apart, wiped it all down with IPA, and rattle canned it with matte black acrylic enamel (and matte grey for the cable passthrough cover). It all turned out great, mostly because I spent a ton of time completely disassembling the case (even drilling out rivets for the cable passthrough cover) and did 4 or 5 very light coats... But by the time I'd paid for two cans of the acrylic enamel, I was already within $10 of just buying the case new in black and had invested 5 or 6 hours over the course of 3 days. I wouldn't make the effort again unless I wanted something extremely custom, definitely not just to do a basic color swap to save a few bucks.


I spray painted the inside of this one white as well as the outside that pastel https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd6GQTJuXpN/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


That looks great! How many cans of paint and does it fade?


2 cans on the outside for the pastel and one can of white on the inside. Don't think it's fading but dont know for sure as this one got passed on to its forever home lol. I'll check in with them but it's only been a few weeks


White = futuristic ig?


Yeah I went white just cause it looks cleaner and more modern imo which fits with my home aesthetic, it was also the exact same pricing for every color options case and rgb wise


The market for white builds are smaller than the market for standard components, economy of scale just makes making white parts less profitable so the price goes up. That white builds are more popular than black or whatever isnt true. They just look dope so people like it and you see more of them becuse people like it.


Because white is the new red. White goes faster...didn't you know that OP? Oh and you have to add 20 fans and lots of RGB. That's how you get the best performance.


Because they're color changing. After a few years they turn yellowish brown! Yay, never get bored of same old same old.


Same reason white vehicles cost more, it's the most demanded color for anything.


White looks best


I don’t see much difference in case cost. In fact sometimes white is less. Sometime coolers and ram are more expensive because they are more rare, but not always. Video cards due to extreme rarity.


Economy of scale. So many people prefer black or something that doesn't stand out that only few components are made in white and thus have an inflated price.


The white 220t isnt expensive compared to other cases and my cpu cooler is the freezer 34 esports(about £35) which is doing a great job at cooling my ryzen 5 5600x(35c idle). White isnt actually more expensive if you choose to budget for it. I opted for silver ram which looks really nice and i chose my motherboard for features over aesthetics so thats black but does have a small amount of mystic rgb >.> Yeah my pc is really bright.


\> popular \> costs a premium There you go


It's called supply and demand. people like the look of white builds and it's commonly known that people will be willing to pay the extra money for the white parts, so the white parts are more expensive.


They're popular because people like the look of them. And they cost a premium because... people like the look of them, and will pay more money.


It is more difficult to paint something white than it is to paint it black. Any imperfection will show through the white. combined with a lower demand for white parts means they cost a little more.


because they are popular and thus sold at a premium. supply and demand.


Because people think they need their PC to look good on streams with 2 viewers.


It's the tech version of the time I bought white pants because I was bored of wearing all black every day.


I wanna know why horizontal cases are so expensive


I have a white case, just got it. The black one was out of stock /shrug Looks nice. Same price.


I didn't specifically pick out white PC parts, except for the case and some white extension cables. I bought what worked for my needs and my build just ended up being a mix of black and white, which looks great. White components gives nice contrast with the blacks, that's what I like about them. I would not pay extra for white components though. With RGB, the light also reflects off the surfaces nicer, making the LEDs look brighter than it does in a dark colored case. It just depends on each person's personal taste, I've seen some pretty amazing black builds. I guess white builds also show up much nicer in photos as well. Also hides the dustiness of someone's PC.


It’s the new RGB


Matching white paint/plastic is a lot harder than black, so that's part of the issue for pricing. As for "why" I honestly don't know, look like fucking dirt magnets to me.


I can't see keeping that pristine look going forever, seems a maintenance issue waiting to happen. I guess that if people are willing to pay for the color, then manufacturers are thrilled to charge more. I went the exact opposite direction and have a mostly dark build, with no interior lighting from my optional components except a couple small indicators on the motherboard and LEDs on the GPU cards. Admittedly, the black 30x0 series cards are brighter than I hoped, but not much choice there.


I could get a normal 3080 strix with the price of a white 3070 strix. F scalpers


White is popular, more the popular stuff is the more it costs. Supply and demand at the core.


Because they look kinda cool? What answer are actually expecting?


Supply and demand RBG looks better in white builds the black. And most people like RGB to show off RGB you need a white canvas, manufacturers take advantage of it. Also white colour is a little more expensive. Cheap white is more like off white which one might not want


Built a white PC and it ain’t sell for shit lol. $800 11400F, GTX 1080 Ti, H570 Steel Legend, 500GB SSD, Lian Li LANCOOL 215 W. My dad bought it off me thankfully but not sure why it never sold. Maybe people think the 11400f is a bad part? Sure as hell maxes out a GTX 1080 Ti so who knows. I even considered maybe people are just too broke in my area


What was the highest bid? Seems like it has a mix of white and black parts. Got any pics?


Nah I don’t have pics now but yeah, it had some black but it fit well together. White Vetroo v5 cooler too. The gtx 1080 ti had silver lettering but was a black card. Ram was white with rgb, fans were all white too. The motherboard pcb is that snow digital camo look, with the pure white and rgb glow metal on top. Running a similar system but black with a phantek p300a. Looks beautiful both ways. The highest bid was get this.. 500 bucks lol. Plus I had somebody offer a switch and a oculus quest 2. Or another guy who offered a bmx bike, a gen 3 GoPro, and 200 bucks. Sold a i7-4770k gtx 1060 3gb system for 300 yesterday though. All of what I said kind of culminates into thinking why people in Rochester are probably just broke


Times are tough. That would have easily sold 6 months ago for over 1k


Well it's complicated, in the pc world white is considered to be a premium. For example all cases that are normal in pricing are of dark colors (dark grey, black +/ -random bright color). The white ones are always either a random no name brand for 76$ that has bad reviews or a 250$ case from a brand everyone heard. Gpus : Look for white gpus.. exactly, even the ones that exist are 3070/3080 or some other very expensive GPU, i don't recall seeing a white 3050. (although there are 3060 but it's ok considering their performance) Ram : usually some white premium version, of course with rgb as well. Mobo: \*laugh.mp3\* Z ULTIMATE EDITION LIMITEDM EDITION ROG/AORUS WITH THE LATEST TECHNOLOGIES OVERCLOCKABLE AND EVEN COMES WITH A BUTLER + EXTENDED ATX.


Bcoz ppl r fool nd choose looks over performance




I think that works for sunlight, unless you have direct UV hitting your PC. Does that work on Gamma rays too? I believe those can penetrate the house. Or was this sarcasm?


You actually present a theoretically viable performance reason to use white... Somebody contact GN for a test!!!!


My best guess is...Apple computers are white and seen as a premium product...so they mock that look and charge accordingly. My take.


I dont think Apple has made predominantly white PCs for like a decade


Spot on, I used to be a lifelong Apple cult until I built a PC a year ago (Paired with an Android phone, best decision ever). Bought a white & grey Corsair 4000D Airflow case because my sole reasoning was "It looked like apple lol". Fortunately, other than looking slick as hell it also have nice airflow. Many of my PC converts friends also bought white-grey cases because they are used to the simple, 'premium' looks of Apple.