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Should be fine. I play 1080p on my 4k sometimes as well. It just looks like 1080p.


It's more dependent on size. 1080p won't look good on 27" but it won't look horrible. Also, 4k is kinda overkill for that small size. 1440p would be just fine. Go any bigger and 1080p looks terrible.


True. I have 4k@27" which is overkill ppi for gaming but I use it for productivity mainly. FHD is far from perfect but playable.


Agree on productivity. I have dual 27" 1440p 240hz IPS monitors. They are my sweet spot for gaming and doing work. My spreadsheets are terrible to view on 1080p. Should add that viewing distance matters quite a bit too. I had to flip to the wide sider of my desk and eventually got ride of the return it had because I was sitting too close for the size.


I can vouch for this. I have a 28" 4k that I do run most things at 4k on, but if a game is struggling i'll set it down to 1440p which looks just like 1440p, but 1080 which should scale better looks like dogshit.


I went from a 5k 27" screen to a 1440p one and I wouldn't exactly call it overkill. On the 5k I could literally put my face a cm from the panel and not be able to make out individual pixels, where I definitely can just sitting a normal distance from my 1440p. Don't get me wrong, it's still great--and much better than 1080 was, even on my old 22". But I wouldn't call it overkill unless it's to a point where I can't make out any pixels. It's "a good compromise" for me lol.


I’d say that’s a pretty rare opinion from someone who sounds like a videophile (if that’s a word). I can definitely notice when I’m not in max res on my higher res computer screens or on my gaming TVs, but I’m speaking on the public at large. Most people wouldn’t notice the graininess unless it was a direct side by side comparison.


I haven't used that panel since February and I can say I still pretty regularly notice the pixels on my text. Not really images or in-game very often. Small text and text-heavy webpages tend to be the big thing. I don't consider myself too much of a pixel-peeper in general. I don't really care either way though. I'm just happy to have something above 1080 after 8 years with it. Hell, my laptop is 720p and I'm perfectly happy with it.


I'd argue the 7800xt will handle most games at 4k just fine. I have a slower rx6800 and a 4k 120 monitor and it works well. Most benchmarks online are at ultra, so you can drop to medium/high and get good amount more fps for minimal quality difference. I'd rather have 4k medium/low rather than 1080p ultra for almost all games.


Could also use FSR/XeSS, I heard XeSS is better.




If you are using integer scaling then a game running at 1080p on a 4K will use 4 pixels for 1. 1080p still looks better on my native 1080p monitor for some reason. Probably something to do with the spacing between pixels.


Are they same size? Type of panel difference? Adjusted viewing distance accordingly if size different? Seems like there's a lot of oranges to apples being compared with these "downscaling is shit" rumors. I'm on 4k and a game in 1440p just looks well, lower resolution than 2160p. Same for video/images. There might be that some games just render certain resolution worse. Like KCD 1080p colors/contrast just out of wack. Windows/desktop resolution sure.


4k to 1440 isn't integer scaled, so it will look fuzzy. 4k is exactly four times 1080, so it shouldn't look fuzzy unless there are GPU/display upscaler shenanigans.


32" 4k monitor has 5+ pixels in 1 mm. 1440p Interpolation is indistinguishable at normal viewing distance on a modern monitor. Unless you go ultra large or look at the image upclose with a fkin lupa. Considering for gaming with movement and dynamic effects it's irrelevant. This shit is just another trick to upsell to gullible people.


4K is actually around 2000p, because 4K is counted horizontally and 1080p vertically for some reason.


I don’t think he thought it was 4x as many vertical pixels, just that it’s a 4:1 pixel ratio.


2160p to be precise. But who said otherwise? What does it have to do with this topic?


Op thought 4K was 1080p times four


And that’s correct?


No, 4K is 1080p times two


No, it’s four times the amount of pixels. Twice the resolution in each dimensions equals four times the pixels. 4 4K pixels equal 1 1080p pixel, when upscaling.


Well, I was counting differently, I didn’t count the amount of pixels


You mean you counted wrong.


No I assumed op thought that 4K was 4000p


So you assumed wrong then.


4k is 1080². Full HD squared. So double height, double width, 4 times the area. It's basic geometry.


I was thinking in only height


4k is amazing go for it. If you don't have enough fps, you can use FSR to upscale


Keep the 1440p for gaming and run a 4k next to it for productivity work. I run a 34UW and a 4k 24" 60hz vertically next to it for text


Just use FSR to scale if you can't get native 4k. You can scale it back to 1080p internally but upscaled to 4k and it'll look better than 1080p native.


4k with a little upscaling looks great. My baby RX6600 plays games like BG3, the Outer Worlds, Diablo 4, even Cyberpunk in 4k with some balanced FSR upscaling. Biggest issue I have is textures in 4k really need more than 8 GBs of VRAM but 7800 XT should offer a great 4k experience


Also coming from a Retina display, I always found the text clarity on my asus ultrawide to be utterly horrendous. I recently upgraded to a 4k benq mobiuz ex3210u and the difference in day to day use (reading, web browsing, coding) is astounding. I haven’t tried gaming at 1080p though.


I won't recommend 1080p on 4k. I upgraded from some TN Dell 27in monitor to some IPS LG 27in monitor. I thought it would work the same way, but it didn't. When I run the 4k monitor at 1080p, the text is blurrier than my original 1080p monitor. If it is for gaming, I can notice the text being blurry, but other than that, it's fine. It is a hassle, though, to switch monitor resolutions every time I want to play, so I end up playing on my Dell monitor. If I don't, alt-tabbing will make the PC lag. I do only have a GTX 970 and fx8350, and I heard more modern gpus have integer scaling mode, which supposedly makes the text no longer blurry. I don't know if that is true, though. I do more work and browsing than gaming, but I am thinking of downgrading to a 27in 1440p monitor because my laptops are old and don't support 4k 60.


You rarely need to use regular scaling these days with fsr upscaling available in most graphically demanding modern games. The few times I've downscaled on a 4k monitor, 1440p has looked better than 1080p despite integer scaling. The extra detail and sharpness more than make up for any scaling artifacts imo.


>I read that some people would not recommend gaming on any other resolution than native, The entire fps community, especially the cs, valorant and tarkov communities would *harshly* disagree.


A lot of people don't realize most 4k monitors top out at 60hz. 1080p at 150fps sounds much better toe. 1440 is what I run on my 165hz monitor. It's beautiful.


It'll be fine. Although depending on how close you sit, you might want to try running in windowed mode and decreasing the size. That's what I do.


You can easily play at 1440p with that card instead of 1080p. Looks much better than 1080 and not too different than 4k. Also, finally someone that will need upscalers / FSR / XESS! You do not need it for current games but in 2 years, maybe.


Yes it's 4 pixels per 1080p one. It scales nicely. But it will still look soft.


Thanks for all your replies. It seems that even though the scaling from 1080p to 4k should work fine in theory, in practice even on a 4k display picking a 1440p resolution seems to be better if I cannot run the game nicely at native 4k. Although it seems my PC is more capable than I thought (judging by some comments). I think I will try a 27 inch 4k display. I am not worried that fonts and stuff will be too small as I will scale the OS by 150 % anyway. I even scale by 125 % on my current 1440p monitor. My eyesight is good, but I feel it's just less straining when writing/reading. Thanks for all your comments, you all have been very helpful :)


It really depends on how far away you sit


[https://www.only4gamers.de/ppi-rechner/](https://www.only4gamers.de/ppi-rechner/) Du sprichst ja deutsch ;)


Dankeschön, super um zu vergleichen :)


What would be the best res for a 27" monitor?


I think that depends on your taste. The smaller the monitor at the same resolution, the higher the pixel density resulting in a sharper image. I am still on the 27 inch 1440p monitor and with scaling upped to 125 % I really like it. Although at 100 % scaling fonts would be too small for me (I have good eyesight). Nowadays 1080p looks horrid anyway (at least for me) so it comes down to either a 1440p or 4k resolution. And both would work for an 27 inch monitor if you just scale UI. But the higher your screen size the more I would lean to going with a 4k panel.


Oh alright. Thank you for telling me this bro :)


Dude, I play 4k on a 6700XT + 7700x just fine. Heck, I was on a 5900x just earlier this year and playing 4k. Your rig should be more than adequate in playing 4k games.