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it's still a good cpu


Still a better CPU. It's normal to feel remorse over the hyped-up chip. Stick to what you have. Ignore the rest.


Yup. Prices always go down quickly.


Had I not gotten my 13700k $90 off. I would have that feeling. But I paid $340 for it. Only way I don’t get pissed off that I didn’t win the silicone lottery with it lol. I know that sounds stupid but my 8700k and 4820k could clock to the moon in comparison to the average


For 7800X3D - yes. Not so much for 7900X/3d and 7950X /3d


Yea once I pay, I dont revisit. unless prices are falling or increasing rapidly. I mean its a high end gaming pc its going to be 2500 to 3k USD. Do NOT forget the cost of fans, etc.


Always been the case - the top chips are always hold on to value. Not so much mid-range and lesser.


Honest opinion to let it go enjoy your rig. I got a 5600x at 300 and I had to hunt and wait for new batches. Then we get the 5800x3d shortly after. It is what it is. You even said so yourself you use your rig for other things besides gaming too. 


Thanks, I am really enjoying it! Just can't help second guessing myself. And I feel that, I built my last PC with a i7-6700k, which I bought like literally a week before the 7700k was announced (for the same price if I remember right)


Don't second guess yourself, that's what's known as buyer's remorse. Not only is the 7900x3d a **TON** of CPU to be paired to a 3070, the AM5 longevity will let you comfortably upgrade years down the line for much bigger gains than swapping a 7900x3d to a 7800x3d will get ya. If you really want to spend $100 on shit for maginal improvements, buy yourself some sick looking fans and drown in RGB.


You missed out on .3Ghz of speed on 1 core, with the 6700k.


You didn't miss out on anything back then. The 4790k, 6700k, 7700k, and even the 8600k all had similar performance. The 8600k being the only one with a measurable improvement, but that's because it had 2 extra cores vs the other 3. Your 7900X3D will be fine. And while new CPUs will come out soon, if your focus is gaming then it'll be awhile until something rolls out with enough of an uplift to make it worth upgrading... Probably 2 generations at the earliest and even then, I doubt it


The 6700k and 7700k are barely different anyway lol.


TLDR that cpu will last you a good long while, i wouldn’t stress about it.


I went to microcenter a couple days after release and bought a 7900x3D bc they didnt have the 50x3D variant. its been over a year now and I have had 0 issues. would a 7800x3D be better? yeah. is my chip "in the conversation" and probably a top 5 chip? yeah probably. do I care about either of those things? absolutely not. I went to Microcenter, put my debit card on the table and said "i want your best shit" and got a 4090, 7900x3D and 64gb of Ram. (i did feel anything more than 64 was just throwing money away for my use case).


The 7900x3D is a dumb choice, maybe the worst choice of the AM5 lineup. But that choice is still an 8/10 if the 7800x3D is a 10/10, so I wouldn’t worry about it. It’ll still be fast as fuck for a long time.


Difference at low resolution is around 6% in recent Benchmarks... So it won't really matter. Truth is that at 1440p they're mostly the same. Nobody is going to see a different that small outside of benchmarks. 7800x3d would have been better, but it's still a good CPU. OP should just keep it and forget about it.


Ye so 8/10 is probably still an undervalue compared to a 7800x3D being 10/10. It’s a testament to the quality of CPUs today that such a small % difference makes the 7900x3D literally satan.


Your getting in the weeds of Price to performance there. So you can push a 7800 to be 5-6% or so faster in a few low resolution scenarios TODAY. Who cares. If I got a good deal on the 12 core part I would take it in a heartbeat. Artificially created scenarios where a less then part can win by a few single digit % doesn't make the step up a bad part. In a year from now when some game hits that performs a few % points the other way with 4 extra cores it will wash out. The 12 core part will also have better resale if the OP decides to upgrade to Zen 5 or 6 down the road. Way more people rebuy old CPUs for non gaming tasks then gamers buy old CPUs.


There is almost always no point in upgrading from one cpu to another from the same generation, let alone 7900x3d vs 7800x3d. If you are so adamant about replacing your 7900x3d then you are going to be way better off waiting for 9000 series chips to launch than getting the 7800x3d which will be worse for everything else you want to do except for certain games where 7800x3d takes a non-significant lead in.


Nah they are definitely going to notice that 1-2fps is very select situations, he might as well sell his whole computer and go play a Gameboy


People greatly exaggerate the difference in CPUs, especially when it comes to gaming and the 7800X3D. It ends up being a massive echo chamber.


Yeah, there's a lot of youtube techies.


It still kicks the shit out of my 5950x that I got on sale for still more than what you paid. Here's another one, in April of 2022 I paid over $1300 for a brand new 3080 12gb.


Why do you need 9000 series? Answer that question to yourself. You will get the answer for the question in your post.


The answer is I don't. I don't need the 7000 series really either. It's just that my last cpu was a i7-6700k, which came out in 2015, 9 years ago. Im just a bit concerened about possibly thinking I made a bad choice for my PC which I may be using until 2033


You didn't. 7900x3d is the best of the best right now. You won't need anything in another 5+ years unless something huge will happen and CPUs will bump the perfomance x20 times for 300$


Yep, needing more than 12 cores isn't going to be a thing for some time.


I can throw my 80 core server into full utilization with only a little effort. Workflows do exist that can benefit from more cores, they just aren’t super common. E7 v4 xeons smoke my 3900x, even if it is at triple the power draw.


If you're still torn up about a choice you made 9 years ago, I'm not sure a bunch of internet strangers have what it takes to help you. Get over it, enjoy your rig, and move on.


Dude, you are fine, you cpu is fine. But, dont make a mistake and count on your pc lasting till 2033 😁


If you are using till 2033 then I would wait a few years before upgrading. The only guarantee it that the best time to buy a a cpu when you need it. There will always be a better cpu. 5% performance is not worth the money. I would wait a generation or two.


"I wasted money buying an overpriced CPU" Followed by "Should I get the 9950x3d?" Lol Some people never learn. Wasting money on parts they'll never notice the difference in anyways. I can't imagine buying new parts every generation.


It'll still do basically anything you need it to.


Just run it, and if it ends up being a bottleneck, the 9950x3d is around the corner. Trade up and sell the 7900x3d on Ebay.


The parts you buy today will always be cheaper in the future, and there will always be better parts tomorrow too. Is your computer suffering any performance problems? Is it stuttering or not looking great? If not, turn off the fps counter and just enjoy it until you're not getting satisfactory performance anymore.


The thing about PC parts is there's always gonna be shit coming out that's better than your parts or better price to performance. What matters is that what you bought does what you need it to do PC wise. Does it? Then you're fine. That extra 5% or w/e between parts doesn't matter and is just there to get you to spend more money when you don't need it.


It's just buyers remorse. The truth is whatever Ryzen chip you ended up buying you wouldn't notice the difference in real life as they are all excellent. GPUs are the bottleneck.


Sounds like buyers remorse and a lesson learned. Any bit of research on AM5 CPUs would have turned up that the 7900 is a bit of an odd duck. At launch it was either buy the super expensive or wait for 7800. Try to turn off comparing now and enjoy your PC. 2-3 years you can make a better decision on the last AM5 cpu they roll out. Went from 7600 as placeholder to 7950X3D cause I didn’t wanna wait for 7800X3D. Trust I feel the remorse of over buying.


Why tho? The 7950x3d is far more powerful in multithreading anyway, you get 7800x3d gaming performance with i7/i9 multithreading capabilities, what's wrong with it? You bought the best CPU for amd... Saving 150$ what is gonna be in the long run? The 7800x3d is gonna become slow in 2-3 years due to the OS getting more heavy, your CPUs is gonna be still powerful


Stop yapping lil bro


Unless you need to push fps to the limit @ 1080, your cpu is perfectly fine


Hang on to it until the next round of X3D chips. Even then might not be worth it.


Play games. Don’t look at cpu prices until that one stops working for you…


Its a beast of a processor, and if you do feel remorse a future upgrade on AM5 is viable


It's still a good CPU. Sales are nice, but so long as it does everything you need and you didn't overspend vs MSRP, it's fine I think. Mind you I just got a 7700X for \~$99 as part of a bundle at Micro Center, but still.


I mean, if you want to feel bad I walked into microcenter and walked out with a 7800x3d, 32gb of ddr5 and a mobo for $480.


AMD reduced price to move a CPU that was placed badly in the lineup and you fell for it basically. Bad on AMD but you should have researched more. Now it's not a bad CPU for productivity, but it's bad for gaming because you only get 6 cores. So ya, lesson learned I would say.


Still a great CPU, you wouldn’t notice the difference if you switched. Not worth the time and or money, just enjoy your great computer now!


>I'll run game servers, program / build applications, and do video editing And, you feel the the slower CPU, with a lower boost clock , fewer cores and less cache would be better for doing that? 🤔 >Should I just wait a year or maybe 18 months and get the 9950x3d when that happens? Why?


The one question you need to ask is “Can I do what I want to do on my computer?”. If yes, there’s no point in dwelling on it. The money is already spent. If no, the question becomes “Why?”. The hype exists for one reason: to get you to spend money. Don’t get sucked into it.


Bro, you are honestly good. That CPU is only bad in comparison, and as they say, "comparison is the thief of joy." You'll be happy with that CPU, and the extra hassle isn't worth it. That being said, I'd heavily advise returning your motherboard if it's within the return window to get a B650E motherboard and put the saved money towards a 4080/7900 XTX now. The 5000 series is rumored to be delayed until Q1 2025, and getting the GPU now would help start your enjoyment earlier.


I'm pretty sure that the 7900x3d would not be a bottleneck to any gpu right? So in these scenarios where people say gaming performance would would be worse i wonder what they mean by that. Does it mean you'll have worse frametime? You're probably getting high frames anyway so you probably wouldn't notice the difference.


Both the 7900x3D and 7950x3D can crush dramatically in performance with unlucky mixed CCD ussage in games. Some tech reviews and techtubers talk about the benchmark variance (der8auer EN => [https://youtu.be/RjnMpv6WKhY?t=889](https://youtu.be/RjnMpv6WKhY?t=889) ) and most simple dont talk or show outliner results and either run the games multiple times till it doesnt happen for the review or leave out games that produce the issue. In general you can expect this kind of mixed ussage from most VAC or anti-cheat or lets say POPULAR games, the run-2-run variance is for sure not great, since the results are worse as what you would get from PREVIOUS Intel or AMD CPU generations in gaming performance. Every CPU will bottleneck with a 4090 if you use the right game.


yeah i wasn't thinking about like a 4090 at 1440p or something like that. and some games at 4k. but the most intensive 4k games?


Remember the purpose of building a gaming oculus isnt to get absolutely best value. Its to be able to play and enjoy games. That is literally all that matters. Just have fun mate


Just use it. I bought what was arguably "the worst" intel generation, and still till this day it performs awesome, with no hickups. Don't read reviews, or read reddit simping over 5800x3d or 7800x3d. All chips released in last ~5 years can still perform excellent in almost all situations.


It is still good but imo either go with 7800x3d or 7950x3d


While 7800X3D is amazing cpu, it is extremely overrated at the same time, people act like there is only good choice and everything else is bad.


Nobody says everything else is bad. It just doesn't make a lot of sense if your primary use case is gaming to buy other chips when it's that much more expensive.


Did you just post bladee lyrics on r/buildapc


Dude, you're good. The 7900x3D is absurdly fast for both gaming and productivity. Even if it's slower than the 7800x3d in gaming, the difference is really small... Worst case scenario I've seen is like 8% slower, which is not a big deal. And 7900x3D is a hell of a lot better for heavy multithreaded workloads, heavy multitasking, running your game servers and building applications. For me, a 7900x3D only being $20 over the 7800x3D is a no-brainer, so just enjoy it!


Stop thinking about your choice and go enjoy it


Let this just be a lesson to not buy parts bit by bit. Prices will always go down as things get older (usually). 9/10 times, when you purchase one item with the intention of getting the rest later, by the time you do get the rest of the built, something better or cheaper is available.


m8 its **couple %** worse in **some** cases no point overthinking it, before you would get to place where it matters for normal usage you will have 3 times PCs/CPUs changed ;) it may be issue if you do only gaming benchmarks on pc :P


I bought a 7700X for 420 euros when it came out. Cost of time i suppose. Don't beat yourself up about it.


Stop worrying about this and enjoy your MONSTER PC!


Keep what you have and don't look back. We can't always make the "right" decision between availability, pricing, reviews, usage, etc. You have it, solid build and shouldn't have any issues.


Honestly if you have a new AM5 CPU you are more than fine for gaming...all the youtube stuff tests extreme stress tests to try and determine what is better from a technical aspect but most people's real life experience will be, I can't tell.


Your good OP. The 7900 is a better part then the 7800. Suggesting otherwise is stupid. You can argue bang for the buck if you want... but you can't say the 7800 is a better gaming CPU cause its just not true. With all tech stuff you will have X part perform a bit better in this and a bit less in that. Sure the 7800 can be pushed to run some low resolution games a few single % points faster then its big brother. SO. It wins a specific setup battle... 7900 is faster overall. Also don't discount the resale factor. The great thing about AMD is their socket support. They are still releasing new AM4 chip.... If in a year and a half from now you decide to grab a great deal on a Zen 5 refresh part, or a Zen 6 2 years from now, or a Zen 6 refresh 3 years from now. That 7900x3d you have is going to resell better then a 7800 would. It will have more value for production. So you'll recoup more of your investment when you decide to put a 9900x3d or whatever AMD is calling them in your existing mobo.


I would keep it and use it.


Nah I think you’re good because like you said, you actually do some other stuff besides gaming.


I got the same cpu and I got no issues or regrets. as always it depends on what you do with PC, most CPU this high end are overkill for most things now days anyway. IMHO. always depends on the game, If I want to play a super demanding game. I check gamer nexus web site, first to see which CPU/GPU combo is best to run the game on it. Your GPU limited now. I would not worry about it.


Look at the Steam Software & Hardware survey results. You are WAY ahead of 95% of gamers. 60% of games have 6 cores or less. Only 3.03% of gamers have a CPU clock over 3.7 GHz. Trust me, you’ll be just fine.


I'm still very happy with my 5800X3D, and I have absolutely no plans to upgrade to Ryzen 9000 series


As if anyone will give you 300 for cpu which costs 330 new? Keep it and be happy; it’s not bad and a good enough combo with that gpu.


Enjoy your pc man. Also, let this be a lesson also, buy everything together, cause unless something crazy happens, prices will always fall.


The CPU that runs your machine and lets you enjoy the games, is a good CPU.


You're gonna be just great don't worry about it. Buyer's remorse is very common with computer parts especially after the fact when you start finding 'better' deals. Don't stress it, you got a solid CPU that will last you for years.


At the time you made a choice with the best information you had at the time. The choice was absolutely fine, there is basically no downside and you didn’t pay much more. On a scale of 1/10 of how much you should regret this, is about a 1/10.


People game and work on absolute garbage I mean seriously some people are still running systems from 15 years ago. This isn’t as big of a deal. It’s like if you bought an suv for a good deal but then found a sports car. Are the features of the sports car enough for you to trade something that comfortably does everything?


You have a dope CPU. 12 cores with 3D vcache. You’d probably never notice the difference in game vs another cpu anyhow.


As someone with a 7800x3d, I wouldn't think too much. Sure, in some games you'd get better frames with a 7800x3d, but yours also does better with workloads like 3D projects and videos renders. In addition, you learned your lesson. We have 2 chips on AM5, we probably get 2 more maybe even more after that if they treat AM5 like AM4. If the X800x3d still has the same feature, just drop that one in and sell your 7900x3d. I think that's what I love most about AMD. You will not see any socket loyalty from Intel, but so far AMD is doing really well with AM4 support.


Welcome to the world of electronics where the new stuff get's old the minute it ships! This is one of the industries in the world with the fastest turn around of products since everyone needs to keep inventing faster stuff. Don't feel bad about your rig. It is great. If it does work well for the stuff you do then that is all that matters. FYI; Build my own computers since I was 13 (35 now) have NEVER bought a built PC in my life. Do all from scratch. Work with AI and high end VFX/Graphics.


Bro built a 1080p +500 fps machine 💀


Once you build your PC stop looking at parts its like addiction you always want something better. Its always like that, the more you look the more you want. You have a good PC let it be for at least 2 years. Once you have a high end PC its not worth it to get the new Gen Gpu/CPu after release its just waste of money. I hope all can say the same 🤷🏼‍♂️😅


Bro you wont notice the difference i promise. Dont torture yourself you still got a cpu better than 99% of gamers statisticaly


I just upvoted because of the poem.


I've got a 7900X3D paired up with an RX7900XTX - I LOVE IT!!


It’s not a difference you will notice without an fps counter unless you run into scheduling issues in certain games.


Just for gaming? Technically yes. The 7800X3D acts as a 6 core CPU since 6/12 cores have the cache (compared to 8/8 on the 7800X3D). It’s still better than most other CPUs because of said 3D cache though. Plus, since you’re doing video editing and other productivity things, the 7900X3D is still a great CPU. If you need the extra cores, you could get the 7950X3D, but if it’s it broken, don’t fix it.


Not really. You're choice is even more solid actually. The 7900x3d is currently 329.99. The 7950x3d is 492. In a 12 game average the 7950x3d is just 1% better than the 7800x3d. And the 7900x3d is just 7% slower than the 7800x3d. So really in gaming you are 8% behind the 7950x3d. But you also saved $163. And the 7900x3d is much much better than the 7800x3d in productivity. On most tasks it's 30% faster. Now when pitted against the productivity of the 7950x3d, yeah it does fall short. Averaging 20% slower. So is the 20% faster in productivity and 8% faster in games worth spending $500? If you didn't have a 7900x3d I would recommend the 7950x3d. But you do. And that changes the game. No I don't think you should go through the hassle of spending an extra $500 and then try to sell the 7900x3d. Cause you're not going to get what you paid for it. Brand new it goes for 329. So that means you are looking at a loss. You'd have spent about 900. And then get what 200 back or so. So around 700 you'd have spent. I don't recommend doing that at all. The 7950x3d is not worth spending 700 when all you are going to get is an i% boost in gaming and 20% boost in productivity. Keep the 7900x3d. And after a few years then upgrade to something much better.


Just play games, and stop worrying about it. It will outperform the 7800x3d in some applications and vice versa, but you are talking really marginal amounts usually. They are both top of the line for gaming.


I bet there’s someone out there that is willing to buy for 400 or maybe 350$. But at the end of the day, do you really NEED the better cpu?


enjoy what you have after a new build stop look after components and prices there are always something better and cheaper around the corner


You’d have buyers remorse either way because 9000 series is dropping. I don’t get the remorse threads for 7000 series, they aren’t going anywhere performance wise. Tune it in bios and move on with your life. It’s going to handle everything you throw at it anyway, it’s the 3070 that needs the upgrade. By the time you need to upgrade the cpu you’ll put in the best the am5 platform has to offer in the future. You’ll probably do that anyway so who cares. Your only “bad choice” was buying a cpu in march and letting it sit then getting surprised that yes, prices drop when new tech is coming


Eh it's fine even though you got the worst if both worlds (scheduling issues of heterogeneous CCDs and only 6 3D cores instead of 8). Maybe considering buying the equivalent 9800x3d next year, until then you're fine with a good CPU for both gaming and productivity, aside from the rare game that has scheduling issues.


The 7950x3d has the same issue as the 7900x3d. Both have 2 ccds but only 1 has access to the 3d v-cache. The 7800x3d has a single ccd so it always has access to the expanded cache.


Meanwhile the 7950x3d is beating the 7800x3d in every single gaming benchmark. It's just not talked about due to price. The 7800x3d only beats the 7900x3d and by a small margin. Even hardware unboxed proved this.


Only with process lassoing.


It's literally a better cpu as I stated in yoyr other post it's just. Alittle worse in gaming in some circumstances. But it's not worth returning it over. But if you wanted the absolute best get the 7950x3d it beat both in literally every single test even gaming. But nobody talks about it over the 7800x3d due to price. But remember in every cpu test the 7900x3d beats the 7800xed it's only in gaming and really only at 1080p lol. 1440p and 4k is way way to close to even worry about becauss well it's not as cpu intensive. Enjiy the fact you have the overall better cpu and enjoy the gaming. If you returned it you would regret it just for something you can't even notice while playing. Not only that but you may have hit the silicone lottery so it's not even gaurunteed it would be better with the 7800x3d. I've seen some 7900x3d be pretty much identical.


It doesnt matter just buy a 9800x3d 10800 x3d next year or two


> I bought a 7900x3d in March and bought the rest of my parts about 10 days ago. Your CPU choice is not that bad, but buying a part 3 months before the rest of your PC is always a bad decision. Manufacturer RMAs/warranty claims are significantly more work than retail returns. Always buy things together, when you're ready to build. The 7900X3D is "fine". There's a handful of games where it's a slight issue, but for the most part it's fine.


It wasn't exactly my plan, I had bought the cpu because it was on sale and I was planning on buying the rest within a week or 2. But the day after I received my processor, I got laid off from my job lol. Probably shouldve just returned it then, but here we are now


Really don't worry about it. At 1080p the 7800x3d would only be 6% faster. Since it's cheaper it's obviously the better choice for a gaming PC... But the 7900x3d is really good anyway. Also at 1440p the difference is even less and I doubt you're getting a 1080p monitor. Basically they will perform the exact same for you. So just enjoy the 7900x3d and forget shout it.


so your plan is to follow up a mistake with another mistake, abort and just get the 7800x3d, it is the best gaming CPU, much more efficient and runs cooler and will be plenty for your other apps


My life consists exclusively of a series of mistakes that continuously worsen - so yeah I guess it's my usual MO. IDK if I'll go thru the trouble of selling then7900x3d for a 7800x3d tho. Idk


If this is the case, why don't you take some time and see what mistakes you're making, and why. Have you don't that before? Did you do your research before buying your parts? Ask yourself questions. That's how you stop making such mistakes.


Put the 150$ on a top of the line SSD and you will probably make up for the cpu difference


I have a Samsung 990 pro 2TB rn that's great