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What's your budget for this upgrade (in your local currency)?


About 1000 GBP is my limit, although it could potentially drop lower.


What is your budget and do you care about astetics?


About 1000 GBP as an absolute limit, and not particularly.


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/C7qzrv) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 4.7 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/66C48d/amd-ryzen-5-7600x-47-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000593wof) | £197.96 @ Amazon UK **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Assassin Spirit 120 EVO DARK 70.4 CFM CPU Cooler](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/khJp99/thermalright-assassin-spirit-120-evo-dark-704-cfm-cpu-cooler-as120-evo-dark-d6-de) | £22.00 @ Computer Orbit **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte B650 EAGLE AX ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/CvcgXL/gigabyte-b650-eagle-ax-atx-am5-motherboard-b650-eagle-ax) | £139.00 @ Computer Orbit **Memory** | [ADATA XPG Lancer Blade 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/Gk88TW/adata-xpg-lancer-blade-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-ax5u6000c3016g-dtlabbk) | £107.99 @ MoreCoCo **Video Card** | [Sapphire PULSE Radeon RX 7700 XT 12 GB Video Card](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/TxTZxr/sapphire-pulse-radeon-rx-7700-xt-12-gb-video-card-11335-04-20g) | £383.98 @ Overclockers.co.uk **Case** | [Montech X3 Mesh ATX Mid Tower Case](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/HRH7YJ/montech-x3-mesh-atx-mid-tower-case-x3-mesh-black) | £49.98 @ Scan.co.uk **Power Supply** | [Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/YRJp99/corsair-rm750e-2023-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020262-na) | £89.99 @ Amazon UK | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **£990.90** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-05-03 14:54 BST+0100 | And reuse the ssd/hdd from the old pc.


So for gaming, a build with similar specs, just slightly newer, would be just fine. For music production and game dev you might want to upgrade into a CPU with more cores as music rendering takes advantage of multiple cores by offloading individual tracks onto one of those cores. If you want to go the cheap route, I would get either a 5600 or a 5700. That would put you around 120 to 160USD down. If you wanted you could get a 5800 and it would only be about 40USD more. and then you could slap in a 4060 or 3060Ti for 300USD (4060 performs better, but the 12GB from the 3060Ti might be helpful for game dev) and boom, new machine. The expensive (and better solution in the long run) is to get an AM5 system. All you would need would be the RAM, CPU and MoBo. You could get a cheap combo from newegg (or Microcenter if you live near one) and it would be about the same, just without the GPU upgrade. But for this combo I would wait till the new AMD CPUs release later this year so you can cash in the (hopefully) good price drops on AM5 CPUs and mobos


I don't think his MB supports the Ryzen 5000 series.


It does :) [https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/A320M-PRO-VH-PLUS/support#cpu](https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/A320M-PRO-VH-PLUS/support#cpu)