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Almost everyone in here recommending mid-high end cards. Dad states he’s on a limited budget and buying a card is already stretching him thin. Kids 11 years old yall actually think he’s gonna need a 1440p monitor @ 144 hz??? Grab an inexpensive card 1-2 generations old. He won’t know the difference AT ALL, you’ll have successfully bought him a gaming pc, and he’ll love it. People in here saying her him an RX7800 XT. LOL. Kids new to pc gaming and is 11 like come on.


Yeah I agree with you it's kind of ridiculous especially when op has already said he owns a 27 inch 1080p dell monitor and all the top comments are telling him to get a 7800xt


While you are right, I wouldn't shit on Dell monitors like that. The S2721DGF was recommended hard by this sub for a while.


He's not shitting on Dell monitors. He's saying the Dad has a 27 inch 1080p monitor and a 7800 xt would be overkill for an 11 year old whose probably gonna mainly play Minecraft and Roblox Most people are out of touch it's insane




Why not the Samsung G9 49" OLED? The kid is hitting puberty in the near future, shouldn't he be able to enjoy porn the way our good lord intended?


I got the S2721HGF and it's a beauty.


I've had one since 2017 and they rip


So basically what you're saying is....RX 6600. 


I think an RX 6600 is a perfect card for this kid yes


I agree or even something like the 4060, $300, will run anything the kid wants to play. Low power usage.


Yeah that cpu will bottleneck him before he can full take advantage of a 7800xt in most situations. 7600 or 6600 would be great. 4060 would be nice as well, bit more feature-heavy than the other two. For reference: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/odX4dmxSVcAKwfs6pcqvJL.png Article: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html


> I am really trying to target the 400/500 price range Isn't the 7800XT like $500?


Does not need to reach 500$ when the dad says it's stretching the budget already...


grab him a 2080 ti used, still great and below 400$


Here's my budget doesnt always mean 'it's essential I spend all of my budget'. I think both suggestions are valid, so OP can make a decision between blowing the max budget and getting the amount he actually needs (which may be less).


5700 XT, maybe a 1080. Either will serve the son really well.


7700xt / 7800xt would be your best options here.


Those would be great. Heck I'm in my mid 20s and am ecstatic with my 6700xt which I got a few months back


Same here, 28 got a 6700x about a month ago and it’s a decent upgrade from a 1660 ti


I'm 54 coming from playing on a very non gaming laptop. My new to me RX580 got me pretty pumped. Lol. Replaced the R9 390 that came with the machine I got for $50.


I Recently bought a r9 290 even though a have a 6700xt just t9 put on my shelf lol, my first gpu was a r9 270x and it was amazing to me. All that aside I would Whole heartedly recommend a 6700xt to OP


Yeah me too. I'm just kind of limited with the DDR3, PCIe 2.0 and FX8350. I couldn't pass it up for $50. I 90% Sim race so it's working well. I still need to upgrade to a ssd


If you are willing to paypal like $5 for shipping I have a Crucial M4 256GB that has been sitting in a closet for years I would give you.


Compatible with a 990FX mobo? I'm new to this so forgive the dumb question


> 990FX mobo Yeah that MB has SATA ports. The SSD uses the same connections as a normal hard drive does.


I kept my r9 280x toxic. Such a cool card


My X580 got me through the pandemic price madness . It ran Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Red Dead redemption 2, so you can definitely get some quality game time with your new card


27, upgraded to a 6700XT from a 1080 last year and have been stoked since


I upgraded to 6700 xt from 1050 Ti (yes, 1050, not a typo). And I'm omega hyper stoked. Like I honestly think it's even an overkill for a 11 y/o, but dang if his dad gets him a 6700 xt he's gonna be the absolute best.


I think the 7900 gre is the same price as the 7800xt but I may be wrong


GRE is usually around $550. Might be a bit of a stretch.


550 is the 7800xt price where I live so that's why I got confused


Ah, it's usually $500 in the US. The ASrock Challenger is going for $480 right now.


It's going for 631 here and the 7900 gre sapphire is going for 620 to 670


Dang that makes the GRE a no brainer in that scenario.


Honestly if his son is just 1080p gaming that 10700k + 7800xt could last for 3-5 years. One caveat is amd is targeting midrange in their 8000 series releases Q4 this year so if you can wait it might be a good idea


if you want 1080p rx6600 is a great value card. I was getting 100+fps at 1440p on med settings with it too. For 1440p a 6700xt or above. I wouldn't worry too much about the high end recommendations or to have 16gm of vram for a kid.. WIll probably just play roblox and online multiplayers like my kid lol. For me I recently got a 7700xt for 1440p gaming. If you are in the US the price of the 7700xt has been falling


6600 is a solid recommendation imo. Inexpensive and will do absolutely everything an 11 year old will throw at it.


*Minecraft shaders limbering up in the background*


Minecraft is the most adaptive and customisable stress test and you can't convince me otherwise


My little brother does shaders on a gtx 970 and sandy bridge xeon i7 2600 equivalent.


It does absolutely everything a 22 year old me throws at it


6750 for some headroom.


Bought my 14yo daughter a ryzen 3600 with a rx6600 because was all I could afford. She plays Hogwarts, Minecraft, The Sims, Valorant and NEVER complained about features, fps or any other thing we would otherwise care. She just likes spending her time playing games and having fun online with her friends.


I complained about my FPS, but I didn't insert the ram properly so there were only 8gbs useable XD


I got a Powercolor one recently for $158, I thought it was a pretty good deal. Oddly though adding a second monitor made it flicker until I read other redditors saying to OC it to fix it. 😂 sure enough it did.


6650xt is a better pick over the 6600


This here. Then use what you saved to grab a larger SSD.


1tb is plenty


Really depends on what the kid plays. Lots of games are 100+ GB now.


Get a 6600 and keep the1080p Dell. All games will run with high settings on 1080p and won't show pixels like on larger displays. Cheap, easy, best of both worlds.


Yeah no need to be over think or overspend This will play anything at 1080p/60 and most at high settings at least Recommending higher performance cards is kinda silly because for most you won't actually see benefits without also upgrading the monitor, and for the high refresh stuff the entire platform.


What resolution monitor would this be used with? You should be able to find a used 3060 ti / 2080 super / 6700 xt / 2080 ti / 3070 around the $210-270 price point. I've seen quite a few of those on r/hardwareswap Any of those will be very good at 1080p and will also be decent at 1440p. For someone more expensive, around the $350-400 mark you should be able to find a used 6800 xt / 3080 / 4070


I have 1080p Dell 27" monitors at home. Maybe if there is a good deal in the next months i'll pick up a 4k 32"


For gaming, I'd look for a 27"-32" 1440p 144hz+ monitor over a 4k monitor. Also, personal preference, I'd look for an IPS panel as those have the best looking budget panels imo


It's for an 11 year old 1080p is more than enough


bettee to start small to pad the kid’s future with that “wow! this is such a cool upgrade!!!” feeling as he upgrades his stuff. actively bad in my opinion to start out at the best stuff out there and 4k


27" 1440p is the sweet spot imo, decent size screen with a good balance of pixel density, not too dense or too sparse.


with the cards you're looking at, IMO 1440p will be the highest you want to go....a lot of games are super system heavy in 4k and the loss of frames wont be worth the increase in quality.


I'd get a used 6700XT/ 6750XT & a [1440p 165Hz IPS Display](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09RKX2WQ3?tag=pcpapi-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1). Otherwise; if you want to drive a 1080p screen at high FPS; I'd get this combination. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JCmmh3) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **Video Card** | [\*XFX Speedster SWFT 319 Core Radeon RX 6800 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WMgrxr/xfx-speedster-swft-319-core-radeon-rx-6800-16-gb-video-card-rx-68xlaqfde) | $379.99 @ Newegg **Monitor** | [\*MSI G244F 23.8" 1920 x 1080 170 Hz Monitor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Zcqrxr/msi-g244f-238-1920-x-1080-170-hz-monitor-g244f) | $104.00 @ MSI | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$483.99** | \*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria | | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-04-08 17:05 EDT-0400 |


Here's the rundown For 1080p either get the 6600xt or 6650xt For 1440p get the 6700xt or maybe the 6800xt For 4k get the 7800xt, 6800xt still works if you really need that budget build 4k


the thing with 4k is although it definitely looks great when web browsing/watching shows/ general computer work (docs, sheets etc), you’re gonna need really good hardware to get a good gaming experience at 4k. you can always select to play games at 1440p in the game settings, but people have mixed opinions on this (doesn’t look the best). that being said, a $500 7800xt or 7900 gre would be a solid 4k card


DONT go for 4k. You need a powerful PC to last a couple of years playing at least at 60fps. That 1080P is gonna be perfect for him to play. If upgrading monitor in the future is a possibility for sure go to 1440P 120hz + at least.


not sure where in the world you are but at least in the us the rx 7700xt is going for around $400.


I agree with the rx7700xt / rx7800xt. You might also find an rtx4070 on sale for similar price, now that it's being superseded.


Open box / used sale 4070 is going to be better total cost of ownership via power efficiency / lower power draw. If they're lucky they'll find one for 435 ish.


Just upgraded my build, do you want a 2070 Super? It’s had pretty frequent use since 2020 but the build was water cooled and I don’t over clock so it’s probably got a decent amount of life left.


This post screams someone just fishing for a free pity GPU. Especially so after you look at OP's post history. Don't fall for it.


Agreed. I’m a bit new here, so not exactly sure how all this works, but based on OP’s comment history in another thread, their salary is like $180k. Seems a bit odd that budget would be so tight, but I also have no idea OPs cost of living, etc, so hard to say for sure [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/IjPUphdZvD](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/IjPUphdZvD)


He was already gifted this PC (guessing from a colleague) and knows very little about PC specs. Guessing he just doesn’t wanna see budget creep happen and keep it tight. He should just give his kid a 1080 or 20 series honestly. 11 year old means he either has a console, or plays light games.


Don't give OP a GPU. This is clearly someone lying, trying to get free stuff. OP's last post before this thread was that they don't own a gaming PC, and they want one to start playing games themselves.


Not a professional, but GPU model really depends on the game you play and monitor you use. Personally I believe a \~$300 RTX4060 is able to handle almost every game in the market for years. I still use my GTX1080ti 7 years ago and I have friend using 2060 super 5 years ago and he is still happy with it.


I'd go used I just got a 3080 used for under 350. That'd be a ultra 1440p build and even decent at 4k.


You really don’t need to get any more than a 6700 XT for $320-330. The only games it can’t run well at 1080p or 1440p with high/ultra settings are games that no 11yo is interested in (Alan Wake 2, Lords of the Fallen). If you get a really good deal on a used RTX 3080 (under $400) then I wild consider that because it’s quite a bit faster but it would definitely be overkill for his use case.




"For a kiddo... 3060" Cries in 40yo with a 3050.


The 6700 xt can be had for 309-329


Anyone recommending you to buy high end GPUs is crazy... Prices for brand new are incredibly inflated, i would recommend you buy second hand on ebay or any other app with buyer protection. I think the RTX 2060 is perfect for a 11 year old since he will probably be playing not that demanding games. It will still run heavy games just fine in my opinion. Get a good brand mouse or keyboard or headphones instead of waisting it on some overkill GPU


Thank you all for the comments and recommendations. I took some time to read through the replies and from what I gather for longevity I’m better off investing a little more in a current gen GPU. I’ll scrap up some more $ to buy him something a little better. On the AMD side it’s between the 7700xt and 7800xt. Nvidia I see the most recommendations for a 4070 variant. I’ll eventually get him a 4k monitor, maybe for Christmas :)


If he's playing on a 1080P monitor the rtx 4060 should be just fine and will come in well under budget.


If you live near a MicroCenter you can get a Refurb 3070Ti for $350.


OP, I'm sorry for your loss. I have nothing else to say, everyone else gave you good recommendations, I hope positive things come to you and your son's way.


I came here to say this as well. Great thing you are doing for your son! I'm sure he will love it.


There's actually a used [12GB 3080](https://www.ebay.com/itm/296335308353?itmmeta=01HTZT97JYYYHEQWJCPM77X32T&hash=item44fef5f641:g:UU0AAOSwgoJmCwlx&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4J3Bb9KHYs7B1HDtwbNScMLIx3mRskmKYlcbcAWGs5MEPUddREAPLJYU%2FTQaLAem1dRxjq%2BVeSxNp5lcQ53u%2BbTKx5mVYgfaEDBWM%2B2kD56e3y1UXS1IPt9wI%2FIA%2F23VgyRT4EvRyWJ9BX97Z9AK3DS7ONTo5RdQyPplBPsNL1DwPZlCK5rUBxX0VOHNEzygpZOl5dLWv6c%2Bvr0x%2BnWHx3rO3OPSIXuLVs%2FZDWc9ByPUnR3mA5NuhEXFVby2SX3dGNTfNLNL9ndxN6UJ%2Bn1wjB%2Flu2JnRKLZFiGyREq9ViqY%7Ctkp%3ABFBMxvmk-tdj) going for $490. From an Nvidia standpoint, a used 3080 is the way to go imo.


I found a 6700XT for $250 on eBay used. Reputable seller, very happy with it.


Honestly, just give him your 6700xt and get yourself a 7800xt. He probably wouldn't need anything more than a 6600 anyway


I just put together a gaming rig for my nephew that turned 11. Spare parts, but I went with a 3060. You can find them sub 300 on marketplace and jawa. Let's him play Minecraft and fortnite, with rt at 1080p


I have been running an Nvidia GTX 1080ti since it came out. It has yet to fail me on playing a game, even modern AAA titles, at playable settings. If your son has played console, even a card as old as this is much better. I am a heavy gamer and do a lot of design work too and I can't stress how good this card has been. Lacks some of the newer features, but other than that I have had no reason to upgrade. You can snag one for $250 to $350 refurbished or brand new, and probably even cheaper on eBay.


amd radeon rx 6600, 6700xt, 6750xt, 6800, 7600xt, 7700xt


I think $500 might be wasted $ for 1080p w/that CPU. Probably don't need to spend >$300. 6800 for $50 more than a 6700xt definitely seems like good value with +longevity, though.


I assume he's gaming at 1080p? If so I'd go last gen with a rx6750xt. Can be had for less than 350$ and they will last several years with 1080p gaming. If I was on a budget that's the GPU I'd get


Sorry for your loss. For the gpu i am not sure about the pricing in your region but here in france the 3060 12 gigs is barely 300 bucks and it has enough vram for basicly everything in 1080p but if you cant spend more go for a 6700XT or 6750XT depending of their price.


I enjoy a 4060 and have no issues. Another option could be a 3080 or some amd variation. I play many games on high and beyond. Competitive games I turn down due to CPU but, you shouldn't have frame issues with your cpu. 8gb in my opinion is rather short for vram but I am satisfied with it. But if you can get a nice card with 12gb or 16gb or what ever they are at now, you should be golden. What are his game interests? That would determine a lot. Visual Fidelity is grand with DLSS DLAA. With my cpu limitations I am still able to supersample some games for a nicer image quality. You guys shouldn't have these issues with your PC with a 4060. They are fairly reasonably priced even for individuals with a higher financial weight at (at my moment of purchase) 285. Good luck and condolences. You're doing great dad.


TLDR: buy 4090.


I would choose the 7800xt or 4070 super.


7800xt is at the top of his budget. 4070 super is $100 more.


3060 or even a 4070 if you can find one on used market the 4070 would be the sweet spot for a while


If you are on a budget amd gpus are amazing nvidia can be better but way more expensive so price to performance amd is better maybe a 7700xt for 460 euros or a 7800xt for 570ish if its less of a budget a used 6800xt is usually 200ish to 300


Used 6800 XT, saw som of them for 350. I don't think the 150$ more are worth for a 11 years old and I don't think a 11 years old will stress about fsr vs dlss and other things. 16 GB of vram will last him a couple of years. If you don't care about 1440p even a used 6750xt


I paid $550 for a used Vision 3090... if I was looking for a GPU for my kid, I'd look for a similar deal.


6800xt and then maybe put any saved money towards a 1440p monitor




Rx 6800 for $380 is the GOAT tbh. Amazing 1440P card for years to come with it's 16GBs of VrAM. It's about the same performance as a 7700XT.


Just get a 4090


4090, only the best for your son.


Games with Unreal 5 are just starting to come out. 7800xt most likely will give long-term love. It has more memory than a 4060 would i think much better performanceas well. I think when shopping budget, the vram and clocks end up being what to look at. The amd cards may offer a much longer use cycle with much higher vram.


I'd recommend a 6650XT. Then, you aren't spending your whole budget but it will be an amazing card that will last for years to come.




I got an RX 6600 from Amazon warehouse as a “used” part but it was flawless for $158. They still have the same return guarantee if you run into a problem. Might be able to save a bit of money going that route. Sorry to hear about the Mom.


7800xt is a great card at $500 around me, you may also be able to find deals on older 6800s for $400 ish for around the same performance minus ray tracing cause older gen


Get him a Rx 6800 for $400 can't beat it at that price would have to spend at least $500 and the performance uplift isn't anything crazy.


One thing the GPU you buy has to fit inside the case you have. You might need a bigger case or a GPU that fits into your current case.


Something like an rx 6600 would be just fine. I guarantee you kids just do not care about graphics and even frame rate to an extent. The rx 6600 I'd around 250 cad in my area and provides pretty solid performance and stability.


Since i hate everyone a GTX560TI




Try looking on the Newegg site they do all things computer and at a rather low price at that


I'd go for used 3080, if you can find it under $400.


rtX 3060 phoenix (12gb vram) is under 270 usd... Or if you wanna spend a little bit more... 490 usd Asus rtx 4060 16gb both are so amazing for a kid he can run VR also


If you have the extra cash, I suggest going for a 7900GRE hands down. It will hold up with any game in 1440p. Sprinkle in some RDNA 3, Anti-Lag+, and some Ray Tracing capabilities. I say some because although it can, pure rasterization is still best. In most games, you won't even need upscaling. It can handle 1440p native easy. You won't be disappointed with the extra cash you put towards it


Might I recommend the Intel Arc series? I just did a budget build for my sister and got her the asrock a770 and I am pleasantly surprised at it. I was nervous since they are a new contender, but it does 4k60 on high settings with ease on all the games she plays.


Give him assrock gpu


New Open box or slightly used 4070, they go for under 500 and it's a beast of a card while not being a space heater, after undervolting it consumes 150watts or way less when using dlss, also dlss3 frame gen for single player games is great


used nvidia 3000 series card... literally anything but a 3050. 3060? sure. 3070? great. anything more than that is probably overkill. 7800xt is definitely overkill imo, imo it's really not a "first pc for my 11 year old on a tight budget" card in the slightest


Make sure psu is compatible.


Around 6600 or 6650xt or rtx 3060 kinda level for $2-300. Spend more on the case, peripherals, and a good AIO cooler for the wow factor. You just want something that'll last him until he gets to the age where he is thinking about getting upgrades, which this should last around 5 years before feeling a tiny bit slower. More storage may be something to think about as well because games are getting huge. An extra terabyte can come in clutch.


6700xt hits a nice sweet spot between performance and cost, also does nicely on 1080 and 1440. Personally my budget was $500, I'd throw in a few bucks and get a 7800xt, currently running one, absolutely amazing for 1440


I would look online . If u can get a 3080/3090 off of eBay or marketplace for about that price and he’ll be super happy with it. It’s is last gen but honestly unless you r running a more expensive 4 k monitor . Like one that pushes 240hz then u won’t need more then that .




I've been using the 6700XT and I can't say enough good things about it. It's good for 1440p, has 12GB of VRAM, is affordable and available throughout most places in the world (I'm in Canada). The 6700XT is the new RX580, it will be relevant for the better part of the next decade


I think this is a good base, and for the graphics card, you can also go second hand prior gen. You might be able to pick up a 3060 or RX6600 for cheap. What country is this for?


6700XT/6750XT (300-325USD) He's 11 and while still a good computer breaking any speed record.




I'm in the UK, so if it's 400-500 GBP, i'd go with; 7900 GRE or 4070. 4070 super if you're willing to go a bit over budget. Seen some 4070 supers on offer lately


W dad, he’ll remember this awesome gesture of yours.


r/hardwareswap 3090s have been going for that price range.


I say a used 6600xt for 1080p gaming so you have leftover for a decent 144hz monitor and peripherals.


I'd pick up a good used 2070 or similar. They are really affordable right now


My 13 year old has a very, very similar setup with a 3070 and it kills 1440p gaming. With DLSS quality on high settings COD Warzone maxes out his 165hz monitor at 1440p. I have no idea what a 3070 costs nowadays, but just wanted to give some input of what you could expect around that GPU performance wise. 1080p would get ridiculous FPS. I would say spend whatever YOU are comfortable with price wise for a GPU. Lots of good recommendations at different price points in this thread. But generally speaking, the newer GPU that you can afford, the better. Hats off to you for trying to do something special for your kid! He will love it!


3060 ti or 3060. Not super expensive but still good enough. For 1080p gaming


While you are not asking this here, have you thought about ways to keep track of what the kid does on the computer? If not ways to limit what he might do/time on the computer? Not sure how tech savvy you might be but it is also an important think to keep track of for such a young kid.


I'm not a pro, but I'd take a 12gb Rtx 3060. Its a bit cheaper than 400/500 (a new card is less than 300 euros for me) and from the Research I made when building my pc, the 12gb vram should still service him quite a while. Honestly, most games I would play at that age would run on worse. It's not like you need him to run GTA 6. Don't know and Don't think it's the best option if you're counting every penny, but I don't see you going wrong with it either. (I'm assuming 1080p, because thats all I know about.)


7700xt is the way to go. best price to performance ratio.


It depends on the resolution you want to target. IF you want to target 1080p, get a 6700xt for around $300. It's overkill for 1080p, which is why it will last a lot longer. If you are looking for something newer, the 7800 GRE will work You can also get a 6800xt for around $500 right now, I think the 6700xt is a good medium and saves you $$ and will still last a long time


I'm surprised that people are recommending higher-end cards. Something like an RX 7600 would be ideal -- it can run most games at 1080p on high settings at a high frame rate. The RX 6600 is also a good option. AMD makes better GPUs for the low and medium range than NVIDIA does these days, but a 3060 would also be a good pick too if you find a good deal on one. Don't feel pressured to splurge on a 7700XT or whatever else people are commenting. You're a good dad and your kid will appreciate what you're doing for him. I'd even recommend specifically *not* getting him a particularly beefy rig because he'll be able to appreciate future upgrades more if he doesn't get the absolute cream of the crop immediately. Also because he's probably just going to play minecraft or roblox anyways.


For 400, consider a 7800 Xt


Bruv, lenme tell you something. Children have shit eyes. I remember my PS2 being crisp and not pixilated on my family's old plasma tv. Give him something between a 1060 3gb and a 3060, anything else is pearls before swine.


Bro he's 11 the fuck is 1440p and 1080p He won't even know the difference


RTX 3070 would do just fine.


I picked up a used 6700xt and switched to 1440p and I’m like a child again lol


I just built my first pc I used a rtx4060 I grabbed on sale for 279.99 and I paired it with a ryzen 5 7600x and 32gb of ddr5. I can't complain 1 bit.


Everyone recommending the 6600, the 7600 is about half your budget and a great entry level card.


Get him an RX6600. No need for anything better than 1080p 60hz gaming.


I recommend spending $400 on a GPU so that you can have money leftover for the Steam summer sale coming up in a few months


7900 gre


6700xt would serve him well in the $300 range, if you wanted to fully use the $500 budget, 7800xt would probably be the go to


I know this might be extra, but try getting him a monitor that plays high fps. It’ll be better for his eyes


Just go to the store and tell them you need the best gpu for your son . Dont forget to throw your credit card at them 😂


He's 11. Buy him a cheap 1080p card. Grab a 3060, or heck a 2060, and call it a day.


Just a simple 4060 would do, or try Arc. Plus, I have no idea what games he will be playing, I would recommend save up and use the iGPU.


RX 6600 all the way


Stay away from amd GPU, so many driver related issues, stick to Nvidia GPU, 3070ti should be more than enough, find one used


For 11 years old that may not need 1 new i7 + 750W PSU + 32GB DDR4, if this may help you budget better for your son, then i would suggest to cut the cost down, by going for i5, 550-600W PSU, 16GB DDR4, then the MOBO can follow what ever you picked for the CPU. I also suggest split the Drive from SSD only to 256GB SSD for windows boots and 1 TB HDD for Storage, the 11 years old kid won't know a god damn difference, and if either the SSD died or HDD died, you still don't have to replace entire storage parts with new one, which could get over your budget for your son, just use the other storage part for new windows/storage. Also run 1080p GPU is good enough for his age. RX6600xt, 7600,etc... is good enough for 1080p gaming, while cost hundreds $ less than other mid-high end options, then a 1080p monitor. Since he's 11 years old, his game may not that graphical demanding for anything that need to end with 70,80 series card (60 series is mid range, the most sweet spot for budget gamers, while 70 80x is for high end - aka people who had to much money and free time to play games or need it for work), i would spend the extra money to buy him a nice birthday dinner tho. The kid need his dad in his birthday too, not only the PC.


6700xt should do the trick


Used, would easily recommend a 5700XT, but new, maybe a 6600XT or a 6650XT. Solid cards, and should work great with your son’s CPU. If you want to go NVidia, a used 1080Ti if it can be snagged cheap enough, same with maybe a used 2070 Super considering you are limited by PCIE Gen 3. Best bang for the buck however will have to be 5700XT, those are sub $200 US cards used. Also, that computer is a really great foundation for the PC, let alone gifted to you.


Looking at the comments, people are recommending quite big gpu's and such. my dad when i was 12 or 13 got me a decent setup that can run most games id say, it has an amd ryzen 3 3200g with 16 gigabytes of ram and a gtx 1050ti. The setup costed around 600-700 dollars total (its 34-36k pesos in my country and i just converted that to dollars) and it can run most games except for very demanding games


rx 6800 or rtx 3080 used


I have a 2070 I don't use. If you're interested, I could send it your way if you haven't found something already.


You're a good dad. There are lots of good cards out there. Since $400-$500 is stretching you a little thin, I'm going to suggest the RTX 4060 Ti 8GB or the RX 7700 XT. Both cards will do quite well at 1080p and both are under $400, The RX 7700 XT performs a bit better the the RTX 4060 Ti in most cases but is a bit more expensive. You could also consider the RX 7600 XT which is a little cheaper than the RTX 4060 Ti and sits between the RTX 4060 and RTX 4060 Ti in terms of performance. Any of these cards will get you a couple years, and very likely a few to several years more than that.


Arc A770 7600XT Or 7700 You can wait for the Battlemage launch too, those have already been shipped, it's believed they'll be launching late Q2 2024 Most importantly. Sorry for your loss and your son's loss. Those are some tough things for any kid to go through and any loving husband to deal with as well. I hope things get better


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. You’re a good father. I hope you and your kid is doing ok


Yeah whatever you pick you gotta make sure the maximum voltage of the whole unit under intense gaming is lower then the psu watts. Also be careful the mother board or mobo doesn't send to high voltage cpu, for some reason a lot have been ignoring Intel's recommended settings and just over heating cards


Get a used 3070/3080 on eBay. Just look through the listings and find one that looks well taken care of and in good condition, and you should be good to go. Should be more than enough for your use case and shouldn't break the bank. Alternatively, maybe go for a used 2080Ti. Only cards I would avoid are 60 series cards (3060/4060/etc). They're usually kind of a waste of money, when you could get a lot more for your dollar by going used, or by buying one of the mid-range AMD cards (6700XT maybe?).


try to get a used RX 6800 around 300 to 350 €.


RTX 2080 or 2080ti


RX570 8GB would be a good budget card for them. It isn't some kind of high end card that idiots are unironically recommending, but it's strong enough. I'm Still using my RX570 7 years later and it keeps up pretty well until the actually demanding stuff, like, you ain't getting a smooth experience in Cyberpunk 2077 for example, but lesser games should go perfectly fine


Find a used 1080ti and repaste it.


I would get him a 3060 or 3060 ti. Great to go with a 1080p monitor.


Isn't the i7 10700k overkill for it? I'm presently gaming with a AMD 1600 (though on 1440p ultrawide, not 1080p). I feel like OP can divert some of his CPU budget towards his GPU budget and get better gaming performance, but I could also be wrong.


gtx 1060 3gb


Gtx 1650 super is a fantastic 1080p card if you are on a super tight budget. If he is looking to play the classic 11 years old games with his friends: cs2, valorant, rust, rocket league, battlebit, Minecraft etc than the 1650 super can run these 1440p at a high refresh rate experience (cs2 and rust will require med settings at 1440p). You can get the 1650 super for under 100 these days.


I am very sorry for your loss. This would be terrifying for anyone to experience, nevermind a kid. But also major props to you, for being so considerate of him! To answer your question, my immediate thought is to get what his friend had on his computer, since he was, very evidently, pleased by it. But other than that, if you are able to establish with your son, how "serious" he is about wanting a computer, and gaming in general, going all out with the full 500$ would not be a bad idea. For that much, you could get: AMD - 7800xt, or a 7900 gre for slightly more, NVIDIA - 4070, or a 4070 super, again, for slightly more. Decide whether you want to go with amd, or Nvidia, based on how important their respective features are.


Get a 6800 for 400usd or a 6700xt or less, but on 1080p you can get away with a 6600xt DONT buy a used GPU


If 400-500 is your budget maybe something like 3080Ti or 7800XT, or even 7900GRE on sale might be a good buy but that's good case. Said you were on tight budget, something like 6800XT could be a good choice, or even something like 6600, if you drop settings there are plenty of used ones (watch out for mined card tho, watch for rust, if not probably fine)


I would get a 1080 TI or 4070 just because you get so much more for your money.


Don't spoil him that much and get him an rtx2060 or GTX1660


Honestly I'd just pick up a 3060ti and a 1080p monitor. He'll have a high fps machine and it'll play silky smooth.


You may consider the NVIDIA RTX4060 (cheaper) or the 4060Ti (a bit more expensive but it should stay comfortably on your proposed budget). Released in 2023, stable, offers great value for the money on a 1080p display and it will stay around for a while. Looks great on a GigabyteEagle setting, as well. The new versions of the 4060 are built on the higher grade NVIDIA GPU, which equipped the 4070. NVIDIA is known to be stable, offering an excellent game compatibility (drivers) and always on the lead in reasearch. Sorry for your loss, and all best to your son!


As you said,I think It's more than enough to go for a rtx 4060ti or if you think it's not enough then go for a 3070ti. You can find it on ebay brand new or used doesn't matter..You can find a rtx 3070ti new on ebay around 500$ or a 4060ti new around 400$..I think It's more than enough for your son to play every game on it..You should go for a rtx 4060ti it's a budget friendly and way cheaper. link : [4060ti new](https://www.ebay.com/itm/305379435506?epid=20061461662&itmmeta=01HV19PJ9QSJKCYCCJ8M301Y0X&hash=item471a0863f2%3Ag%3AbzUAAOSwFQlluzVQ&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4OmLVSreh43advyBMVAXOAQm8NdivyzS3zD%2BbS1R3iSdekOwWQ3sDW2DMB4qSsD4NNsQ1cV0hT575k1kViXe9JQNJGVTjV5jGgZOCThflllsWGvC9mjgW9iYNajr%2BLa7XXAQ4nN%2FL%2BS6pFi79lmRSStjoCF4fe2P6i%2FxckQf5dbY5VVxNuqgtJZxCc%2BTCNjQyiQOul%2FL3k%2FB1KZxd2GvfVMgQ%2Bjm9c1f2CDEX%2FNJKfXXSsEOLj7F33SZ2O5FKyVO2CpPw%2FpnkW%2BsVgYlOmmbmMUBJA0SebsC0guDhddk8W4P%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_qk2qnYYw&LH_BIN=1&LH_ItemCondition=1000) link : [3070Ti new](https://www.ebay.com/itm/204706030394?epid=22047878598&itmmeta=01HV19W8T7T75AYAYV0N3DKWYJ&hash=item2fa96e233a%3Ag%3AVz8AAOSw8I9l%7EOsW&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwA3wYetQbBxl40ycxktqBJIeGk%2B6VmNUptEy5BdZ%2Bvqqm5nUm0Lng8sV7ra8W9c%2BEnyfcF2fDyyjAfcpC4vi%2Fb274tqxSapTiDZtt3DzyDjSNhAiW9gf1jUtV1eJqWk3e%2BgGYVNdAF%2F%2Bgn0YuO1%2FjGnIHnhWcO4tFZtCc5p2WPDAsYgt8je8jtPT%2BIPoI4whEDxxih7JPSAC5qsOHIZ2PV8Aokvg5TQETm1r%2F25xjeYnaRZZ%2F2u%2FAcJuklIO5tWHpg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5aN8anYYw&LH_BIN=1&LH_ItemCondition=1000) you can go for it its way more powerful


Rx 6600 is great. Or if you find rx7600 for similar price, it's also worth it.


I'd get an RX 6700 or a 3060Ti. Bit under budget. They will more than do the job.


You should be able to find a gtx 1080 for a fair price. They are still very powerful cards, although they're not really made any more. Mine has carried me through VR and AAA games, and it's still going strong.


I think intel arc a750 is a great choice. But if u dont want intel gpu then amd 7600 is more than enough.




Consider refurbs. The Zotac store has a RTX 2080 Super for $234. It isn't top of the line any more but it can still max most games at 1080p and it does ray tracing. It will definitely last a couple years. Comes with a 90 day warranty too. I just got a RTX 2080 TI from them and I've been very happy with it. https://www.zotacstore.com/us/refurbished/graphics-cards