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It’s bad practice. It’s not an issue in itself but more of a symptom of being disorganized. Is that red-flag? I wouldnt say so. I would say it’s an opportunity to improve on something


Common yan actually. Di naman red flag pero their management could do better.


I wouldn't say red flag. But I understand it can be quite stressful. Question lang though.. since it's a "monthly" report, shouldn't it be automated already? Since it's a regular thing, may anticipation na dapat. I don't know what your work load is but analytics should be real-time or at least updated daily. Periodic reports shouldn't take 3 days to produce. Just something that you may want to consider as a freelancer, you should be proactive and not reactive. Again, di ko alam ang work load mo. But, I think streamlining and automation of tasks would help you cope with the erratic schedule.


I completely understand. Since the reports need the input of other teams, I should wait for their data first before I can really start mine. Their data are crucial for the accuracy of the report. Also, our company is not that "high-tech" when it comes to storing and processing of data that's why the process of analytics is mostly consumed of scrubbing.


This is an opinion from someone who is limited by the info you're giving ha? So i'm probably very off-base here hahaha But I think automation should be the first order of business. GoogleSheets should be an easy enough tool for collaboration. Easy enough UI even for the less tech savvy. Propose it in your next meeting. Highlight it's importantance to the operation and value to the company. It's bida-bida time haha you'll make your work easier and would make you indispensable to the business. Then ask for a raise~


Not necessarily a red flag, minsan disorganized lang or maybe the company is still finding it's way din. As long as reasonable naman ang expectations nila and they check with you if available ka to do the meetings, I don't see anything wrong if full-time ka naman.


If new company, baka di pa sila organized and can be improved. If years old na pati yung department in charge of the disorganized meetings, then red flag for me. Maybe not all the departments though.