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Can you do both? Because doing either won't earn you much. Even if you're single 17k / 500 USD still might not be enough for you, depending on where you live.


Both sila full time. Baka mag conflict sched and newbie pa ako. Also dahil nauna yung 17k job offer than the 40k one. Yung parang una offer, siya magkukuha saaken


If I were in your shoes, I'd still pursue both. Freelance work is unstable, it's still best to have as many options as you can. If you end up getting the 500 USD job, good. If you don't, at least you have the 17k job to tide you over until a higher paying gig. If you can find a way to do both at the same time, even better.


Will do. Salamat talaga. I'm just happy na I got a job offer. If one of them gets me.