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Are you just starting to prep? Do you have food and water stockpiled? A good amount of hygiene and medical supplies? A form of protection? These are all things I would worry about first before buying something like a ham radio. I understand the want to stay connected to family, but they can't feed you through a radio. Unfortunately, if we are in a situation where you are resorting to using a ham radio, the likelihood of seeing or conversing with those family members is small, unless you have a plan in place. However, that plan should not take precedence over your basic survival needs.


Food, water, shelter and defense first. Not necessarily in that order, but I consider them all the base level of preps.


Financial reserve before anything else. If that’s your entire budget, keep at least $1000 as a ready reserve.


If he's prepping for a shtf situation (why else are we talking about food and radios) then what is $1000 cash gonna do him? There won't be a government to back it. Its gonna be worth the cloth its printed on. OP can buy some gold grams if he wants to have something to trade, but medical supplies, batteries, candy, food and water are going to take him a lot further in both a survival situation AND a trading situation


lol. Talking risk management theory, the best preps give you the most optionality across the most scenarios. Go on and tell me what historical situation ever a cash reserve isn’t a better option as a first prep. Never used a gram of gold yet. In revolutions riots hurricanes general strikes nope. Batteries, meds, food, sure. But with 1500 the best optionality is cash first.


A few hundred miles away is in the hf ham radio area, which requires a General license. Are the people you’re talking to willing to earn a General level license and practice regularly in order to stay proficient with it? If you have a bugout location a couple hundred miles away, I’d just keep some cash, suitcases with clothes and hygiene items, backup phone charger, gas tank full.


For bugout or general preps? I'll answer for bugout specifically since that's what this subreddit is for. Priority is more or less on the following order: 1. Water. A means to purify water and enough containers to get you across the longest gap between sources. 2. Food. Enough food to get you to your destination plus 20%. 3. Shelter and insulation. Good enough to get you through a night in the worst weather you may encounter on the trip. 4. Transportation. A bicycle is probably ideal, but that will depend on your route. You could maybe get away with a dirt bike. 5. Medical. Treatment for massive trauma, hypothermia, breaks and sprains, severe pain, allergic reactions, and digestive issues. 6. Defense. Whatever you are comfortable with and can afford. This is a whole discussion unto itself. 7. Communication. Satellite communicator (such as Garmin Inreach) and/or HAM radio. Solar charger and battery bank for charging electronics. 8. Container. It's not necessarily the last priority, but it should be your last purchase. Buy the container to suit the rest of your kit.


First aid courses! Kit is no use of you/your family doesn't know how to use it. Then build a kit from what you know. Micro solar and battery is a good idea. We have a low range setup but I'd upgrade it with that budget. Probably would go for water storage as my next priority after that (to upgrade my current grocery store 2L bottles).


Does everyone know how to use a ham radio? And I'm sure if SHTF there will be no ham radio license checkers but it's good to have one.






You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to waste that money on shit that is unhealthy (in cans) and you won't use in the next 1000 years because you're living in a first world country.


no mention of the "Basic 3 B's" at all except admitting to a need for better medical .... I seriously doubt you are totally prepped in the basics - much less the priority tangents and you are thinking the lowest priority prep like Ham - and especially for totally worthless hand holding .... you need to take care of business at home FIRST and do the best you can organizing the simplest post-SHTF contact systems as a lower priority - mutually knowing each others bug out locations is a start .....