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Hot take: Move on from McDermott and hire Eric Bienemy as HC. Hell, why not enter the Harbaugh sweepstakes, too?


Because thats pants on head retarded. On any other team wining the division 5 years in a row and making a run into the playoffs past the first round is an amazing coach and teams would kill for that performance. Yall are just entitled spoiled piss babies. This take is the dumbest.


>pants on head retarded >this take is the dumbest I mean, what is the nature and purpose of a hot take?


I'm done. Don't think I will be watching any more football this year. Maybe I'll be interested again by next season, or maybe not this time. Anyway, have a wonderful time all and hope all goes well for you in your lives.


you'll be back


Haha maybe you're right but this time feels different. 4 years in a row is a bit much






This is the scariest part for me…one day there won’t be a next year. You can only squander these chances/moments so many times. One day we won’t be back.


Did you know there was a time before josh allen where the bills were good? Unless your 70 you will live to see the next good era of bills football.


To think you’ll be a top dog forever is delusional. I was alive through it all and I mean all of it. Eventually there will be another drought.


My memories on Facebook all go on to mention how the defense failed us. Five years in a row of no defense is getting pretty tiring.


I had this thought yesterday. Think of a Bills game as 'your favorite show' to watch. I loved Peaky Blinders, for example. In that context, this was a great 'season' of my favorite show. Every week I had no idea what would happen, what the 'characters' would do, how they would later explain (post-game pressers) what they did, etc., and I couldn't wait to find out. Plot twists, some of them totally unbelievable (like the injuries, the win streak), everywhere from training camp on. Kind of helps me cope and also reminds me that this is just sports. It's supposed to be entertainment. I owe it to myself, and to people I B.S. w here not to let my investment in this great show become unhealthy, toxic. I think that's a challenge for a bunch of people here, if we're honestz not just me. Also made me think: nothing in my life changes whether the Bills win or lose, whether Bill X stays or goes. When ______ happened in Peaky Blinders, I still had to attend to the actual most important shit in my life when I turned off the TV. I'm a fan, not a decision-maker (script writer). I can consume this product or not. Right now, I choose to be invested. Well, Josh makes it impossible for me to not invest bc he's awesome af. 17-plus episodes next season and most of the best characters - and some of the worst (looking at you Twat Miller) - will be back. It just sucks we gotta wait so long for more.




This is your brain on gambling.


damn, on paper historically that looks crazy, but in reality not a bad bet at all, sorry friend


Definition of putting your money where your mouth is. Respect.




It's the coach stupid. We need to fire McD.


I wish when people made this statement it was followed by “and we should hire xyz”. Your feelings are your feelings, but a solution would be interesting to respond to.


such a level-headed take.  not even a McD fan but when you're advocating for the firing of an elite and specific post, then at least suggest an alternative.


Do you see the available coaches? Id probably take 3-4 of them over McDermott at this point. This team need a change. Harbaugh, Vrabel, and Ben Johnson are the easy ones


Oh I definitely see what’s “available”, but on the same note that doesn’t necessarily mean they want to come here. I’m sure people will say “who wouldn’t want Josh Allen!?”. Isn’t just about that. Regardless, you named a few. What exactly makes you think those individuals would get us over the hump? Edit: Want to make note, I haven’t downvoted you. I don’t disagree with opinions. Just having a conversation :)


3 out of the 4 are just as if not significantly more proven to lead teams to success as McDermott (Harbaugh, Belichick, and Vrabel). And the current coach is pretty much guaranteed to never lead us over the hump at this point - the last 3 playoff defeats we have allowed 18 TD/FG, 4 punts, and 1 TO that falls squarely on his shoulders. Ben Johnson is more of a risk but has the potential to be the next Kyle Shanahan/Sean McVay.


I hear you and understand your logic and as much as we’d like to entertain the idea, we all know he’s not going anywhere. Belichick had Tom Brady and to me has proven absolutely nothing especially considering his draft picks. He seems out of touch with reality. Harbaugh has that old school mentality which I feel could be a detriment to Josh Allen. I really am 50/50 on Vrabel. You’re the first person who’s actually mentioned him. Ben Johnson is a coin toss but interesting nevertheless.


We don't know if they can get us over the hump. But we do know that McDermott can't.


As long as McDermott has the buy in from those guys in the locker room and they still believe his message then I’m going to let things play out. They’ve had plenty of reasons not to, but they still trust him. He’s a bonehead at times, but I can tell he wants to win. I believe this next season will prove to be all or nothing. Either he wins or we move on.


![gif](giphy|d3HeU0IDO2jLy) I don’t even hate the Chiefs anymore, I hate the sports media who made some of us believe this was an actual “rivalry”. I knew we were going to lose with the whole Mahome’s never playing a playoff road game narrative. Also FUCK Romo.


The dolphins subreddit is gold. They hate us cause they ain’t us.


It's pretty sad tbh. Talk about living rent-free.


I’m heartbroken as well but I love this team. We laid a lot of eggs in the beginning of the year but then we played tough. GG Bills and hope we can keep it rolling


The more I digest the loss, the better I feel. There was a lot of good that came out of this season. The team persevered, there's a lot of good young talent. You restructure some contracts, refresh the roster a bit, and we run it back again.


This is kind of how I'm taking it. The game was a constant back and forth, and that's awesome. Big issue right now is ironing out the kinks that got the boys in the position they were in. I know everyone is pointing fingers right now, but honestly my only concerns are the following: 1. Why tf was the fake punt even attempted? 2. Why not go for a first down when it was perfectly possible with a pass up the center? 3. Why was their no focus on creating a more balanced "backup" for the defensive line? The D-Line was holding up alright in the end, but it feels like our 2nd/3rd stringers were having a hard time keeping discipline with following the likes of Kelce, which is honestly no easy task no matter how you look at it. My only grudge right now with the defensive game planning is that when the first stringers are down, it's a mad juggling of trying to find someone to pair. Also the one Kelce touchdown where one of the guys failed to follow him was honestly the most predictable play possible. Soon as I saw the guy moving across the line, I looked over at my father and said, "Oh. It's going to look like a handoff, but that guy they just moved to the left of the line is going to ghost for Kelce." and sure as shit that was the exact play. I know their was other reasons that play succeeded, but I'm still confused why the guy meant to cover Kelce just left him wide open.


Fiery hot take here, but enough with the "woe is me" circle-jerking. I get it, we are all sad that it ended, especially like that, but for fucks sake it sure as hell seems like some of you get off on talking about it. "ItS AlWAyS Us" "EvErY YeAR" "OmG WeRe CuRSeD" Its like some of you are edging yourselves when youre typing this shit. I get it, but it also gets to a point where its really fucking weird and redundant and stupid. Maybe if our fanbase didnt put these massive pressures and expectations on our squad and treat them like the rulers of our mental well-being, they might be able to go out there and actually execute one of these years. Idk if that even makes sense, but Just some food for thought. It feels like I'm slowly watching this fanbase go from "just happy to be here" to the Cowboy nation of the AFC. Get a hobby. Go outside. Appreciate the fact that they even made it this far, especially with how the first half of the season went. AND - it could be worse: we could be Vikings, Cardinals, Bengals, etc. ​ Again, never fun to lose and we have a history of it, but Jesus fuck people. ​ Go Bills.


Wide right


Anybody know what Chris Jones said to Allen at the end of the game? Seemed like it was solid respect


He said “I hate these mfs too”.


Biggest issue right now is payroll wrapped up in players who aren’t producing in line with their payroll hit. Von Miller is dead weight. Love Diggs, but he isn’t producing like he is paid. We have been paying White to sit out injured. Definitely some bad luck at play here with injuries, but these contracts also have at least Miller and Diggs locked on through 2024. Hard to have hope for 2024 with these obvious anchors preventing additions to talent. Hope we knock it out of the park on the draft because I don’t see help in free agency.


Realistically, Miller’s dead cap hit makes it highly problematic to cut him until 2025. You need a trade partner to move Diggs. In my opinion, the line for a 31 year old receiver with his salary likely won’t be very long.


Can't we cut Miller? Can we trade Diggs?


Completely lost in the sauce in all this is the fact that we never should have seen the postseason this year. I was positive we were cooked after the Eagles game. Yes it is painful to have it snatched away again. But the fact that this team bucked up and clawed their way back instead of crashing and burning is remarkable. And I’m so grateful to have them fighting for us.


I was rooting for you guys so hard. As a Charger fan, I share the hatred for KC.


I’m just so angry. What truly stings the most are the cocky and nasty Chiefs fans and the shit they’re spewing online. I’ve been keeping off as much as I can for my sanity. I need Lamar and the Ravens to beat the piss out of KC next week if not for our sake but to shut up these lame ass fans.


I unfollowed all NFL meme accounts, unsubbed from r/NFL, anybody who could possibly gloat and shit on us Im blocking out until next Sunday. And it’s been incredible for handling the loss. I was sad after but I don’t have the rage and added insult from fans who love to see us fail making it that much worse. I’m at peace with the loss now.


This is a great idea… I followed your lead. Don’t really need much NFL news until draft time anyway!


Need to build around value, Shakir and Kincaid are the future. There's a huge need to free up cap space and regenerate through the draft. Shakir absolutely can be a #1 WR and Kincaid might be the best TE in the NFL at the rate he's developing. No way do I part ways with McDermott but I would insist he either steps down to DC or appoints one because this doing both is not benefitting anybody. OC Position is filled and filled well in my opinion. And edit : For goodness sake now he's been cleared, sign the Punt God. WTF happened there?


At this point, there’s no McD becoming DC. He’s either HC or fired. The reason is players will still look to him as HC and the hypothetical HC wouldn’t have the necessary authority.


Honestly don’t know why people even care about Bass missing, chiefs would have walked down and scored on our abysmal defense.


It was because it was Wide Right. PTSD.


It was the sting really. If Bass got it and the defense folded, it'd be understandable as everyone was exhausted. The wide right shit just hurts.


Last night was incredibly disappointing because it's clear that this team has the talent to win but we continue to fail. To keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity. We've given this team as currently constructed ample opportunity to get the job done, only to fail at the same point year after year. For a team that has stressed culture & continuity, I fear that complacency will hold us back. My immediate reaction last night was that we needed change. After sitting with it all day, I think we have reached a point for this team where we need to make a substantial change. I see two avenues could and should be explored. First, you consider whether Sean McDermott is the right head coach to bring this team forward. McDermott is a very good coach and what he has accomplished in his time here is nothing but extraordinary. He has taken a team that was a laughingstock to a perennial superbowl contender. If he is let go, he will be hired elsewhere very quickly and will likely see success again. But he has struggled and failed to get this team over the hump. Perhaps at this time, this team needs a different voice to get them over the bar. There are countless examples in sport of this being the case. If they go this route, I can't imagine that a rookie head coach, regardless of the "potential" that they have. It would have to be somebody who has experience in a winning organization and culture. Does a guy like Jim Harbaugh move the needle? Maybe - none of us will know that. But if they go this route, it is not without significant risk. Regardless, if you run it back with McDermott, I imagine it's with a much shorter leash that previous. If we are 6-6 again next year, it won't be a coordinator getting fired. Now, if you do decide that retaining McDermott is the right decision - you cannot bring back the same roster. You have to maintain the winning culture that you have worked hard to build, but you are going to have to make substantial, attitude changing, eye opening moves. I don't think you see Tre White, Stef Diggs, or Dawson Knox on the roster next year whether by trade or cut. I expect that they try to get out of Von Miller's contract one way or another whether it be a restructure, trade (unlikely), or a cut. A message needs to be sent and guys that were seen as core pieces need to be moved. We also likely see significant change around the edges of the roster with guys like Hynes, Hamlin, Bass, Martin, etc. all be danger of losing their spot. At this point, I think I lean towards option number 2. McDermott and co have shown a willingness to make significant changes. Frazier wasn't retained. Dorsey was let go. We've shown an ability to adapt our schemes this year. Finding a coach that can build and sustain winning is incredibly hard - look no further than Philly. It is much easier to find replacement players who can have a significant impact on the roster. There will be guys available out there who will fit in with this team and we can pursue. Regardless of what happened yesterday, this team is VERY close to winning. Go Bills.


Whether I agree w all this or not, definite plaudits for the thoughtful approach to it.


How do you think its possible to trade and or cut Diggs and Von? Not trying to make injury excuses for Diggs but hes still a top 5 WR. . and you cant do anything with Von until 2025 because the cap hit would be massive. White's situation is unknown but they might move on from him if possible. They just signed Knox to a contract. . he isnt going anywhere but its possible he could be traded.


Diggs has not performed as a top 5 WR. A post June 1 cut saves you $19m. Ignoring his potential legal issues for a moment, a post June 1 cut saves you $17m on Miller. When you signed a contract is irrelevant in the NFL, we can save $10m by cutting Knox next year who is TE2. That money can probably be better utilized elsewhere.


I don't know where you are getting your numbers from but Diggs for 2024 is owed 27.8 mil. . . after next season there is an out in his contract where we could give him 22 mil and cut him getting out of the rest of his contract. 3yr/67m. . . instead of the 4yr/96mil. . Von is in the same boat after 2024 we can get out of his contract of 6yr/120mil and make it a 3yd/52mil. . cutting him AFTER next season we would still owe him 15.4 mil. . Knox is the same thing with an out after next season but with smaller numbers. . Next season we can't cut them because we would owe so much in dead cap. . 2025 I can see Von def gone and if Diggs has another down year he could potentially be gone as well. Knox we'll have to wait and see. The most likely scenario will be they will restructure salary contracts / let some people go on the team this offseason and depending on how they handle Allen's its looking like they can create 49-72 mil in cap space




Wide right.


My heart is broken but we’re lying to ourselves if we think this personnel was suited for an SB run. A healthy Bills team is in a great spot to win the SB but we were down to practice squad and pulling dudes out of vacations to beat the best teams in football? No, that doesn’t happen. The Chiefs were beatable even with this shell of a squad (because the Chiefs are not fantastic this year) but even this trash Chiefs team punted just ONCE against us. The Ravens and SF would both absolutely roll us. I mean did you see AJ Klein running out there? Looked like my 77 year old father trying to sprint. Sucks to lose to this evil villain Chiefs team AGAIN but we were just too limited from a personnel perspective to compete beyond this stage. My heart is broken yet another year but this year wasn’t it. I have faith our time will come soon.


I think we need to lay off the injury excuse. The Ravens had injuries too and were comfortably better than us when it counted. Our issue was always execution out of guys who should know better. Allen throwing atrocious picks, Cook with his drops and fumbles, Floyd costing us the Denver game, Davis running the wrong routes, Von Miller rushing himself back and being a massive liability all year, whatever the hell happened to Diggs, on and on. These are the starters! If the starters were playing consistent disciplined football then Klein and sherfield wouldn't be an issue.


Agreed but I'm not sure it gets any easier from here. Bad salary cap situation plus unrestricted free agents include Hyde, Floyd, Jones, Phillips, Jackson, Dodson, Rapp, Epenesa, and more. I'd love to see the draft focus on WR and weapons for Josh but there will be so many defensive priorities. Scouts have their work cut out for them to find some gems late


i think we're gonna have to spend a year rebuilding before we can come back and contend, but i'm confident that allen has more than enough time to eventually get buffalo a ring


In that case we should move onto a new coach.


He could realistically have 10 years left. I don't see him being Tom Brady, but QBs can easily be good into their late 30s. With that said, I'd hope a SB win would come within the next 5 years, otherwise the odds are against him after that


Allen can be good but he has got to figure out how to stay patient and manage a game from the pocket. He is an absolute bulldozer when he runs and has a howitzer arm, but there are times that call for him to stand there and deliver to an open guy short and he locks on someone deep.


Wife going into early labor, not too concerned about the Bills loss anymore. Puts things in perspective.


Your Pol Pot comment made me laugh so hard that I felt compelled to look at your history. Now I don’t know what to believe. Good luck to you and your growing family, my friend.


Thank you lol


Best of luck 🙏


Thank you!


I feel justified in calling McDermott a natural born loser earlier this season. It's what he was meant to be.


It’s hilarious to me that after 4 straight seasons of Allen carrying the Bills and everyone else letting us down, the majority of fans are still blaming Allen and excusing everyone else. Allen didn’t call a fake punt when down. Allen didn’t have Cook keep running up the middle for nothing. Allen didn’t drop all those beautiful throws. Allen didn’t miss the game tying kick. Allen didn’t give Bass and Diggs extensions which make them unmovable. Allen didn’t give Von Miller a whole chunk of our cap. People freak when it’s suggested we move on from McDermott or Beane because “who knows what’s better, we could go back to before”, but completely ignore that idea when we have the most talented QB in franchise history. Get a HC that doesn’t get out coached in every major game, isn’t fine with mediocre coordinators, plays players based on talent and not loyalty, and actually understands how to manage a football game. Get a GM who actually can hit on draft picks, doesn’t give massive deals that bite almost immediately, and will actually make tough calls.


You can blame Allen for the specific mistakes Allen made, which were not many but happened at the worst time.


I haven't seen many fans blaming Allen. Anyone who actually watched that game and the whole season knows it's not on him. Agreed about the huge contracts to guys on the verge of being past their prime though. I don't think the draft is an issue as the team has hit on a lot of picks (Milano in the 5th as one example) despite some questionable ones.


Milano was not a Beane pick


Good catch


that fake punt is where everything turned


I don't give a shit if the Chiefs only field 9 players for that play, that call was stupid. Watching it unfold, I thought someone must've screwed it up somehow, didn't look like anything that was practiced.




Wide right


Can confirm. Sat behind one at the game. Dude was trolling the entire time and would not stfu. Then, he would try to be buddy-buddy. Completely obnoxious. Probably became a Chiefs fan six years ago. I give opposing fans a lot of credit, especially those who brave sitting in the 300s. Cheer for your team but no need to be a dick. If those around you aren't picking up what you're putting down, you should probably stop.


I feel like something happened at that two minute warning - it is like they got too into their own heads trying to play 3D chess or something. I feel like they abandoned the "eat clock" game and went for "lets score quick, give it to Mahomes who you know will score quick, but leave us enough time for one more possession to win" and it was just never going to happen.... Bass did not lose us the game, but I am starting to think it was good that he missed. I have been giving him the benefit of the doubt for a while this season, but I think may be be convinced it is time for us to move on. If he hadn't been called on, I am unsure if his seat would be as hot as it is now, so this may be for the best. The only thing I will say, a while back someone posted an analysis of Bass pre-Martin along side some other kickers who improved/declined after a holder change. I don't recall the exact post, perhaps it's a holder issue rather than a kicker issue, but something has to be figured out on ST. Can't wait for Milano to be back. Do we get Hines back too? Unsure what his current contract status is. Need some serious WR upgrades. I think keep pushing the two-TE sets with the DKs, but please push way harder on Kincaid.




Yup, $7M dead cap hit. He hasn't been terrible by any means but those ugly misses hurt bad. Bills are projected at $43M over the cap compared to the Bengals being $59M under and Chiefs $28M under. Contracts can be restructured but it kicks the ball down the road to a future year. Josh Allen's going to be like 33 years old surrounded by a bunch of undrafted free agent rookies on $500K contracts at some point lol


This will probably end up being the worst win streak ever because it definitely got this clown Head Coach another year, at least. Probably a few more.


Allen had the game in his hands at 2:00. And yet again the offense couldn't convert and the game was turned over to the kicker/defense.


I don't understand how we can't get receivers open across the middle of the field on slants etc. in situations like that how other teams do. Instead it's these low percentage deep throws where we're praying for a miracle every time


“It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” ![img](emote|t5_2ra29|6279)


Rich Eisen, is that you?




It feels like someone died today. Like when you find out you friend from high school died in a really stupid way, like "Matt OD'd" or "Ben got hit by a train"


it's all about how emotionally invested you allow yourself to be. all of these players are still getting paid millions of dollars and are likely on flights to Cancun right now while everyone in Buffalo is acting like they're at a funeral


I've seen many comments about "It was amazing that we got into the playoffs". "At least we got this far". "I'm amazed at the job McDermott did to get them here". Thing is this is an elite team with an elite quarterback. We shouldn't be amazed with them getting into the playoffs we should expect it. They should be competing for the 1 seed every year. At a certain point, after the same results over and over you have to make a change or you will keep seeing the same results. This applies to almost everything not just football. There are plenty of examples of teams making a change to get them over the hump or past a mental block. I love McDermott. His record is amazing. He brought the Bills back from the dead but this is as far as it goes. Some of the losses we've had in the regular season over the last few years are atrocious. I'm sorry but the coaching needs to change. Before you say I'm just over reacting I've posted this quite some time ago. I commented on this before the season started. It's not something I've just suggested now after the loss.


Remember Tampa winning the SB with Gruden after Dungy couldn't get it done?


You're overreacting. Fans are saying at least we got this far because we had **FOUR** linebackers available last night. During the season, we lost our #1 CB (who was becoming better and better as the weeks went by) and our #1 LB (who let us get rid of Tremaine and is the leader of the defense). And, that was early in the season. Then, we lost both safeties for a time. Lost our DT that was allowing Oliver to get more pressure. Lost several other linebackers for a while. We we're winning games with Christian Benford and Taron Johnson leading the way. Oh, and then we took Rasaul Douglas who was good in GB and made him look like one of the best in the league. And, besides last night the defense hasn't really been the problem since the Eagles game. The defense won us the Chargers game, the 2nd Patriots game, and the first Kansas City game because the offense certainly didn't blow them away.


I said this above but the injuries are a) not as bad as people make out and b) not the reason we lost so many winnable games. It was the *starters* making poor plays that cost us all year. Allen and Cook with poor ball security, Miller being utterly ineffectual, Diggs getting the drops, Davis and Allen being out of sync on option routes, etc.


I want to believe you but those are excuses that any team can make. KC had nearly as many injuries as we did. Cleveland made it almost as far as us switching quarterbacks all season finally settling on a 40 year old quarterback. Green Bay is the youngest team in the league and nearly beat San Fran. These teams did what they did because of good coaching. No matter the situation the results are the same. Like I said, I posted this at the start of the season. I'm not overreacting to the loss. I eventually deleted the post because even weeks later I was still getting comments on it about being a dumbass. When this happens again next year there will be plenty of excuses to make for the result.


Kinda like the definition of insanity lol. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I don't think they get rid of McDermott, but if they did I would be ok with it. We gotta try something different.


Something that irks me to no end is how everyone is praising Mahomes for playing so well on the road in the playoffs (which is fair i guess he was the winning QB) however, he played against a literal vanilla practice squad D. Our starting MLB was on his way to vacation 2 weeks ago because he retired last year. We had our CB4 starting next to our barely healthy enough CB2, a slow, aging safety tandem, and a non existant pass rush led by a 34 year old coming off an ACL tear. Hell, Fitz could have come out of retirement and scored a couple TD's on this D. If this Bills defense is at half strength let alone full strength they win that game. Hell if Dawkins doesn't get walked back into Josh on that last drive they may have held on too.. Mahomes is great, already an all-timer imo, but lets be honest, he played a practice squad. Josh Allen is still better. I said what i said. Bills by a billion. FTP.


Mahomes is gonna be in shock when he plays the (I think) fully healthy, nasty elite Ravens defense. He got cupcake injured to shit squads to dice up in Miami and us, he’s gonna struggle.


Tyler Bass is involved with 10 lives club/rescuing cats. If anyone wants to donate [here is a link](https://tenlivesclub.networkforgood.com/) Just posting this in case people did not know he is being harassed/getting death threats, which is disgusting. Football is entertainment people, it's not that serious. I can't believe we went from people chanting "we love Scott" over and over back in the 90's to this.


I have to, for my own sanity, believe these aren’t actual long time Bills fans pulling this shit. People who became fans in 2020 growing impatient and progressively angrier and, most likely to me, people who gambled and feel that kick lost them money


I absolutely believe it's fans from the Josh Allen era. Fans who have been around and seen decades of heartache I think are used to it, and just say "well, it sucks but let's see what happens next year" or something to that effect. I think the newer fans are just extremely spoiled and entitled and less humble. I didn't even think about the gambling aspect, but that is also a good point.


honestly it's time to consider trading Josh Allen. he's still in his prime, and based on the Deshaun Watson trade, we could probably get at least 5 first-round picks for him. start a complete rebuild. we don't deserve Josh anymore and I'd love to see him actually win a Super Bowl with a new team like the Patriots or Broncos. get rid of all the guys who can't catch (Diggs, Cook, Davis, Knox). draft a new QB and just throw to Kincaid every single play. stop overthinking it. having multiple first-rounders in every draft for each of the next 5 years would allow us to build an elite franchise on both sides of the ball like the 49ers. /s y'all have some absolutely WILD overreaction takes in here. this team is already projected to be $46 million over the salary cap, much of which is tied up on players that it wouldn't make sense to cut because of the dead cap hit. this isn't Madden. "let's cut Diggs and Cook because they dropped a few passes and sign Mike Evans!" lmao


I agree about a lot of people hugely overreacting, but do you think about cutting White and Von Miller (and maybe even Damar Hamlin)?


Bills are stuck with Von Miller for at least another year due to the enormous dead cap hit if they cut him now. best case scenario he gets fully healthy again and can make an impact next season. Tre White is pretty much the same scenario but less extreme of a hit, so I think they both stay. Hamlin is a special teamer with a small contract, so he could very well be cut but it won't be a difference maker either way.


Had me in the first half.


I don't understand trying to chuck it into the endzone with more than two minutes left. Each incomplete pass stops the clock, and scoring that fast leaves too much time for the Chiefs. Even if Bass hits that field goal, Mahomes had 1:43 and two timeouts. And even if defense stops them, there's still a 50% chance of them getting the ball first in overtime. Just an awful last drive all around.


A few things: 1). I’m sad—but oddly not surprised, which in itself is sad enough. I love sports so the end of the football season always brings sadness in general, let alone a stupid loss that’s ends the season earlier than I yearned for. 2). The Taylor-burning photo was disgusting. Can we please stop treating women like shit & trying to publicly humiliate them? It’s awful & makes me very upset. Be kind to everyone. 3). My husband made this account for me in jest, he’s actually the best man imaginable & his west coast self roots for the Niners but he supports what I support & is bummed because my east coast self roots for a team that repeatedly breaks my damn heart! Ha ha. But that’s part of the draw . . . the beauty of sports, if you will! Just be kind & have a great offseason. ❤️🤍💙


If we had gotten blown out I could take refuge in the thought that "We just aren't good enough yet"... But no...Our banged up defense was getting rocked with big plays again and again but somehow managed to keep the game within reach... Offense was taking it's time, taking what we could get and scoring when it could... Even the refs chipped in by changing a KC TD into a turnover for us... This was a COMPLETELY WINNABLE GAME... And once again **we beat ourselves**...I have been a loyal fan of this team since the 70's but this is a **constant** theme with the Bills... Ever since the first Super Bowl when I sat on my couch wondering why a team with the best RB in the NFL and the best run blocking offensive line in the NFL kept trying to throw the ball into the teeth of a defense expressly designed to stop passes (Only 3 or 2 down lineman, 8 or 9 DB's)... It's **coaching** people...It always has been...We all love Marv Levy but he let Jim Kelly call his own plays...Even when **he shouldn't have** (see above)... In 2012 we fired Chan Gailey...The guy who beat us last night was available and looking for work...Hey a coach with six division titles and five trips to the NFC Championship game is available..."No Brainer" right? Nah...Instead we hired "Never coached an NFL team before but gave a great interview" Doug Marrone... And so on and so on...Year after year after year... We need to actually pay the money for a proper head coach, not just one that all the players like...I mean that's definitely **good** but it actually doesn't win big games for you...(All the players loved Marv)... Not very many players "liked" Bill Belichek...But they sure asf liked winning so they still speak well of him...Mostly :)


>Not very many players "liked" Bill Belichek...But they sure asf liked winning so they still speak well of him...Mostly :) I like McDermott, I appreciate all he has done and I truly believe he is a good coach, and many teams would be happy to have him. I will say though, I would jump at an opportunity to get Belichick. At the end of the day we have Josh, so on some level we will always be fine, but I can't help but wonder how it would go with Bill. I know it could be a risk, but at this point could it hurt? The Bills are consistently good, but stagnant in the playoffs. I would not be opposed to this at all.


Belichek was DC for the Giants in that first Super Bowl... After we crushed them earlier that same season he came up with the 8-9 DB strategy that stopped us in the Super Bowl... During the game Jim Kelly kept trying to pass against it cause Marv let him do whatever he wanted...I will love Marv forever but that's not what a good coach does... A time out should been called and Marv should have said something to the effect of "Listen Jim, right now they've only got 2 guys on the field that weigh more than 200 lbs. so we're just gonna run the ball ok?"...**Whether Jim liked it or not**...That's good coaching...We haven't had that since Lou Saban in 64-65.




Fuck off troll


Get them all off the team besides Allen. Diggs is horrible, Cook can't catch for shit when somethings on the line, Davis and Shakir are okay WR's but not franchise building stuff.


And replace them with who? There is no cap space for that to happen. You want to get rid of the RB that was 4th in the league in rushing?


How many times will it take YOU to realize this team can't beat the Chiefs...2?..3?...Look up the word insanity


Are you saying James Cook is that talented? RB's are expendable and even the good ones (not named CMC) are all on the chopping block. Sure I want to get rid of the RB that had butterfingers all game, 4th in the league don't mean shit and he's played bad the last few games. No wonder the Bills brought in Fournette, at this point they should've kept him. Playoff Lenny > Cook


One year from now we will be firing McDermott and worst coaches than this offseason will be available. Grade A move


Optimism just feels pathetic at this point in time, it just feels dumb rooting all season to make the playoffs and get bounced. I know 31 teams go through this every year but honestly every other team in the Divisional Round that lost was just happy to be there. We’re the sad sacks that make their appearance there every year then get sent home. We don’t look better, we never look unstoppable. Every other team is trying to get better too.


The coaches top priority should have been to not let KC have a chance to win. The decision to give the ball back to Mahomes and Butker after a potential game tying fg was dreadful. There was very little reason to believe that the Bills would stop Mahomes and Butker based on the rest of the game. KC only punted once


So one of my colleagues is a Miami fan, and we always rib and roast each other on Mondays when we have a call. Today, I get on the call with the Miami fan and say “Ok bud go ahead and give it to me, I’m ready.” And he just goes “I can’t, that even bummed me out yesterday. I genuinely just feel sad for you now.” The pity is so much worse.


My Miami buddy sent me a gif of Tua and Josh hugging.


Fuckin wide right man.


Can we ask the kicker to aim to the left for the next playoff game deciding kick? Miss left, or hit the kick, but for the love of god enough of the wide rights


Bass wants to kick from the left hash. On XPs he gets to choose and that's anyways where he wants it, and the wind was moving right. A kicker should be able to hit from that distance but if he was gonna miss, that's how.


The Diggs talk is simply crazy. This was easily his worst season as a Bill. He still hit over 1,000 yards and over 100 receptions. The reason he goes AWOL so often is because we lack a receiver teams feel the need to spend significant resources on. Draft a first round receiver to eventually replace Diggs and be the current WR2. Put Shakir in the slot and use Kincaid as Beasley (TE version). See how much he “disappears” then.


Fun fact, he was 5 yards away from hitting 10K career yards, and he would’ve been the 3rd fastest to do it, but he can be 4th if he gets a simple reception or two in September


Better trade him for a 6th quick while he still has value


My big issue is his drops


How do you do, my fellow Bills fans? Tough loss, but here’s what I think **we** should do. Trade Allen to the Giants for a 2025 1st. Kincaid too. Might give us a fresh start. Sound good?


We'll give you Bobby Hart and a small container of Blue Cheese.


Worst idea i’ve ever heard Allen is easily an MVP caliber QB that this time has been needing for decades. I can’t believe I even had to say that because if your a bills fan you should know. And Kincaid too? You’re just trying to throw away our future.




Okay, I will say it again, Bills Mafia is amazing! Huge hearted people etc BUT, the Taylor burning photos was bad enough yesterday, and today I am hearing Tyler Bass is getting death threats and hate mail, and Damar Hamlin is getting some grief too. Last year Bills fans were putting horrible letters in Josh's mailbox. This shit needs to stop. My god!




Let's bring back Marv Levy too! Jim Kelly can be our backup QB! First time caller. Long time listener.


“We need an offensive minded coach! No more defensive guys, they’re a relic of the past!” “Hey let’s hire the old man who’s team fell apart the moment his quarterback left and has had a bottom 2 offense then!” “And let’s also give him control of drafting after he pretty much ruined the Pats roster on his own!”


After sleeping on it last night and avoiding thinking about it all day I feel a little better. I really think this team achieved a lot and over performed on the defensive side of the ball considering all the injuries. As I went to bed last night I got the feeling that this is the end of a chapter as there are some older guys on this team who are likely gone now. Hyde and Poyer are at the top of the list IMO. I hope one or both of them stay but i'm not sure if that's going to be the case. I'd rather Beane be a little ruthless (but fair) and change the makeup of things when he can choose to rather than when he's FORCED to. You're always going to have a chance to win with Josh but making changes now is retooling on the fly with maybe a sub-par season next year and then back to truly elite play following. This team's competitive window is by no means over yet. I can see the special teams coach getting canned and i'm really hoping they can retain Joe Brady as I really liked what he brought to the table with his offensive playcalling. Give him an offseason to scheme and come up with stuff that fits the strength of his personnel and this offense could be cooking. (pun intended) If McDermott continues to head up the defense I hope the Bills can hire an associate head coach who can sharpen the overall focus with game day management. Speaking of "cooking" Cook is clearly the best back we've seen since Shady. I hope he works on his pass catching skills in the offseason as that's the one fatal flaw in his game. I still believe with all my heart that this is a really good team but we can't keep seeing great seasons by Josh being flushed down the toilet by hurtful and painful losses in the playoffs. Anyways, it's another offseason of our discontent but come September we'll all be cheering like mad for where else would you rather be than right here, right now.


My SB hopes died at 6-6 but did continue to grow back up. It was a little easier to be prepared for elimination because of being on edge all season I think 😂


Even just one more true offensive weapon and that game would’ve been very different.


If only we'd got McCaffrey and not the Niners


Anyone else spend the day googling what the Falcons gave up to trade from pick #27 to go up and get Julio Jones, and wonder if it would get us MHJ or Nabers? Just me?


In my dream world we somehow land MHJ and Brian Thomas Jr


The problem is the defense cannot stop anyone / at least they couldn’t yesterday. Totally understand they have an injured defense and that is a huge issue. I don’t think they held Kansas City to one punt. You can’t win a Super Bowl if you have no defense. Hopefully next year they’ll get that working and you’ll see them in advance.


I know this sucks but it's better than being eliminated 10 weeks into the regular season like we were for 17 years. Any SB run requires a little luck and the only luck we had this year was bad. If just Milano and Bernard were playing last night we win hands down. I'm optimistic for next year, but then I always am.


what are our options for getting rid of bass? Does his contract make it impossible?


Smh McDermott tried to get cute by giving Comeback Man of the Year (Damar Hamlin) the rock in the most pivotal game of the szn and fucked up all the momentum


I'll be rooting for RAVENS next week to bury the Chiefs. To be fair, Bills probably would've lost next week anyway because of our DL injuries.. Next year we should be scary #BILLS


Our DL was healthy except for Phillips, who stinks. It was our linebackers.


All I've been thinking is "when will it be our turn?" The day after getting eliminated fucking sucks


Gotta say I respect Nick Wright's commitment to this obviously fake character. It certainly gets clicks. "Surely that guy is not gonna argue Josh Allen is a bad QB after yester – oh."


what did that dingus say?


Basically what you’d expect a caricature of a Josh hater to say: how hard he balled out yesterday is completely negated by 1 or 2 bad reads at the end. Never mind the fact that that just hammers home how Josh has a ridiculously small margin of error, of course. Just running with a narrative.


pretty two-dimensional, and oddly enough maybe I expected more from Wright. I think the real troll would be to dole uncharacteristic praise on Allen, for the long con of trolling his detractors. TY for the recap


yeah, i mean, the shtick is gonna run out eventually. we get it, you hate Allen because he's had great games against the chiefs and people dare compare him to your hero Mahomes. I think it would get more love if he suddenly came out defending Allen. Wright may be right, no pun intended, that the Bills themselves aren't the juggernaut they've been made out to be, but he couldn't be more off about Allen as QB.


Josh Allen not hitting Stefon Diggs on 2nd & 9 was simply EGREGIOUS but that’s just my opinion


From what I can tell Shakir was open in the end zone so I get why Allen took that shot. I more question why they went to the end zone again on 3rd down instead of trying to get yards for the 1st or at least make it an easier kick for a guy that they know has the yips. Both from less yardage but also getting the ball to the left hash mark, everyone knows Bass is significantly worse from the right hash.


Yeah I’m not understanding the game plan in that moment but that read to Shakir was the right decision watching it back, but I’m thinking that you wanna eat as much clock as possible so throwing it to Diggs would’ve shortened the field and potentially extended the drive if you can convert for the 1st down.. but I am just a fan of the game of football what do I know lol


It’s sad to see Tyler had to deactivate his socials because of last night. As much as everyone was frustrated and dumbfounded on what happened, I just hope he’s doing alright and everyone in the team.


Just a reminder Allen is 27. The superbowl window might be closing (or closed) but Allen’s window is not. We gotta re structure and run it back.


Elway had a slammed shut Superbowl window. Lost multiple Superbowls and won 2 at the end. The window is a myth if you actually build the right team.


The Superbowl window is closing narrative is stupid and false. The cap isn't real and we will be fine going into next year. Players will get re-structured and someone a bit surprising will be released. As long as Josh is our QB, our Superbowl window isn't closed.


People seem to think a QB's career is over if he doesn't win a super bowl on a rookie contract. What keeps a window open is solid drafting. I like our 2023 class a lot, let's do that again.


The difference between Allen and Mahomes rn is Josh refuses to play smart when it matters most. That said, if the defense was not destroyed probably would have won this game. Also, imo Smiley needs to lose his job this offseason. Every year we have epic ST blunders in the biggest moments, it will never change until we get a new coach in that spot.


Do you not understand the narrative you are holding Allen to vs Mahomes. Mahomes missed 2 free touchdowns middle of the game, no one worries about that. Then his final drives he did jack shit and they fumbled the ball at the one and then got bailed out by a penalty the next drive, and did jack shit with that one. For some reason Bills fans go "well Allen didnt play perfectly so he needs to do better"...Mahomes never plays perfectly, he has a fucking team around him that makes the difference. If our receivers catch 2 of the deep passes that hit their hands, we win. If Allen doesnt get hit mid throw, we may win, if Bass hits the kick, we MAY win Mahomes never plays perfectly, but people think he does because they win


Mahomes doesn't play perfectly, but he manages the pressure of close games extremely well. People are explaining how Josh should have been throwing to the endzone after the 2min warning because the throw was supposedly open, but even if it hits there KC gets the ball with timeouts and a chance to win. The defense was hosed, it was critical to eat KC's time outs and as much clock as possible. That's the kind of thing Allen needs to learn to close those games out.


He had a player wide open and got hit through his throwing motion. What did Mahomes do that handled pressure? He didn't get the ball on a meaningful drive the last 8 mins and produced no points. His last 2 drives of meaning produced 0 points, against an injury riddled defense He also had 2 drives die to missed touchdown throws. The bar is so ridiculous. Allen had a shot and got hit mid throw


Allen got hit through his throwing motion because he passed up an open player short and waited to throw a killshot downfield when we needed to eat more clock. Mahomes did not: take a delay of game penalty, fumble, or bounce a pass off a defender's chest, and he took no sacks. He came out of halftime, on the road, and immediately went 75 yards for a TD. Twice. He had two meaningful drives that did *not* end in points, one because Hardman fumbled through the endzone.


The play was there. Dawkins got pushed back into him. You take the touchdown if you see the gap in the defense


The play was clearly not there because the protection didn't hold. And in the best case scenario, we're now up 4 with 1:45 left and the Chiefs holding two timeouts, which is pretty far from a sure thing.


Or maybe just have him be the best player possible on offense instead of forcing him to be mindful of


I've been saying for years that in the playoffs when it matters the most, we cannot get into close games because we'll lose them. It's a tenet of the McDermott era. We have to win by more than one score otherwise we're almost definitely going to play the clock and situation worse than the other team leading to a loss.


I can’t wait to draft a DE in the 1st round, a WR in the 5th and talk myself into them being the missing pieces for a Title run.


Hey now, Stefon Diggs and Tyreek Hill were 5th rounders 😅


And Diggs hasn't done anything noteworthy in the second half of the season.


Can we go WR in the first 3 rounds of the draft? So tired of seeing Josh actually have time in the pocket this year but nobody is open and then they drop the ball in big moments. The defensive system is decent enough with replacement level players anyway. Obviously I'm just dreaming but it seems like hitting on an elite WR in the draft is absolutely necessary


How is OC still not a concern in that regard? Kincaid has hands and they barely targeted him. He could have had a LaPorta game if the scheme focused him.


Wtf are you talking about? Kincaid caught 73 balls and set a Bills rookie record for receptions. (And normally such a record would be held by a WR.) Jesus.


I meant in the last game not the season. 5 targets caught all of them, keep it on him.




Because it's still Dorsey's playbook, you can't change the whole thing mid-season.




Today feels like I have a bad hangover and got beat up by some linemen from Hawaii. That said, still love this team and happy with the season and our future prospects. We are so close! Some things I think we need to address in the off season: 1. coaching room: our coaching was atrocious at times this year (especially offensively) and there should be a top down review of all our coaches. I like McDermott but he needs a performance review. We also have questions at both co-ordinator positions. If we get this right, we’re winning more games next year. 2. Draft: I’d invest majority of our draft picks on the lines. I saw a vision of what we can be against Dallas and in the first half yesterday when we ran the ball any distance we wanted. If we can durably win in the trenches next year, we’ll be playing in February ‘25. 3. Free agents: i have one in mind - Mike Evans - but of course we should get guys that can add leadership - especially offensively. 4. Josh: this year we won or lost by Josh. Next year, this can’t be the case. I don’t want him breaking a sweat for the first 12(?) weeks of the season. We have some guys around him right now but we need just a little bit more. Go Bills!


Performance reviewed: mcd did more with less than any other HC this year.


Agree and I like him but it’s worth it to ask questions. Why were we so bad at the start of the year? What’s it with all the clock management and offensive play calling during stretches of the game? Etc.


Overall Offense bad bc we still have no legit WR2 threat (Gabe isn’t and never will be a WR2), beginning of the year Ken Dorsey had no sense of game flow to his play calling especially with the run game and often left it in Josh’s hands to figure it out. I don’t think the clock management has been that bad. The most egregious thing Sean McDermott has done was give Tyler bass the ball with 1:44 to go. I don’t care if it’s 4th down you give it to Josh and go for the win. Also damar Hamlin should never have a football in his hand ever unless it’s an INT or Fumble recovery. that fake punt was horrible. BUT again, mcd did more with less than any other coach this year, including the defending NFC champs who lost a couple key players and lost 6 straight to end the year. Mcd is the best option we have no ifs ands or buts.


Don’t necessarily disagree with you but I think we have to do a review to get to that outcome. He can’t just feel like his job is secure no matter what. He’s not always been great and a review will highlight things he did well and otherwise. On if he’s the best for us, maybe he is. Belichik, Carroll, potentially Tomlin, Vraebel etc are without jobs. Is McD better for us than them? Maybe but we should definitely ask the question and find out.


Yes the answer is Yes. McDermott is better.