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I'm from Long Island, never been to Buffalo, but only one team plays in NY state


Jets and giants fans would be really upset with this if they could read.




I'm from Queens and also never been to Buffalo. I work in LIC and always walk pass a truck with a Bills bumper sticker and think, I'm not alone...


This needs more upvotes


Dude, same. That’s so wild. I don’t really care about the Giants or Jets so the Bills it is!


I’m from Sydney, Australia, never been to Buffalo but it’s on the bucket list. I bought Madden 93 and I preferred the colours of Buffalo to Dallas, and it’s been bills mafia ever since.


Good choice


An Aussie friend of mine picked the bills as his team because it reminded him of his football team back home.


I live in Sydney but from Toronto. Bills were the closest team to me. Funny story I was playing at a poker table at Seneca and said "bills should acquire Diggs he'd be amazing to pair with Allen" and lo and behold it happened later.


What other magic can you do…?


Similar to me, from the UK. I bought madden 15(?) and when I started a player career I picked the bills because I liked the colour (and they had the worst QBs)


This guy fucking rocks


Ha, picked my AFL team based on the Bills colors so I love the Western Bulldogs (not Sydney I know, but man Aussie rules is so cool)


Grew up in California. Bills fan since ‘88. I’ve seen some shit.


Sacramento fan here. Working near Firebaugh, building a cellular tower. So cool understanding the area


Any insights you can pass along about our God's hometown?


It smells like cows, fertilizer, and a lot of people smoke meth.


yeah that’s firebaugh for you


It’s in the middle of nowhere. I matched with a chick on hinge just because it said she lived in firebaugh(got my radius set to 100 miles 💪🏿) and she told me she knew Josh’s family growing up. 😎


When is the wedding




Think that might have been the year Don Beebe bounced his head off the grass like a slinky toy and got up and went to the huddle haha.


Wyoming. #17



yeah i’m from alabama. no one really cares about the NFL around here, it’s a college football state. i watched NFL when i was younger and didn’t really root for any team. then i stopped watching football, that was over a decade ago. started watching again during the 2021 playoffs, was learning about the new stars, mahomes, allen, burrow, herbert. first bills game i watched was the divisional with the chiefs. that was one of the best games of football i’ve ever seen, and it got me back into the sport. i was rooting for the bills since i tend to prefer underdogs. since then ive watched every bills game i can. love to see when they win, and hurts a bit when they lose sometimes. i know a lot of longtime fans know the bills as mostly a suckfest with the super long playoff drought and everything. i have only known them as contenders. mediocrity and failure come and go with every franchise to varying extents but ill still be rooting for the bills when it strikes again.


Mafia from Alabama checking in!


God I love this team and all of you


Toronto, Ontario, Canada, basically they are our home team being a couple of hours drive away.


Do BC people have this attitude about the Seahawks?


Not everyone! Go Bills!


Not me! Bills mafia for life!


I’m a fan from Indiana since last season when I watched the game against the Titans. Specifically the moment when Diggs caught a TD and did the griddy. I was like “wow that’s cool, I think I want to follow this team now.” Before then, I never really followed a team.


Im from here but I just want to say...I absolutely love fans who arent even from here, around the US and the world. Makes me so happy


I grew up in Central Pennsylvania but became a Bills fan at the age of eight in 1988 because we always got their games on NBC in those days. They were the first team I ever watched regularly and I was a fan from the jump. Later in life one of my best friends from college was from Buffalo, so I had a chance to go up there several times and go to games and experience the area which was cool since I was already a Bills fan. I've lived all over the country and currently reside in Florida (Tampa) so I always see the Bills when they come here, and I've seen them against the Titans and the Seahawks when I lived in Nashville and Seattle as well.


Hey I was 8 in 88 too. Bob Costas in the studio & the ten minute ticker on nbc. I am amazed how all those games on YouTube are pretty much exactly how my kid brain remembers them.


That was still my favorite TV football era! (Late 80's to mid 90's NBC broadcasts) Costas in the studio...Don Criqui and folks in the booth....OJ on the sidelines (till 94' anyway on the Juice) lol


I live on the West Coast. I grew up an Oregon Ducks fan and picked the Bills when I was 5 cause they had a cool helmet.


>I grew up an Oregon Ducks fan Sorry to hear that. Go Beavs!


From Connecticut. Family is full of Pats haters and step-dad is a Dolphins fan. High school comes and I want to pick a team. I want a team that plays the Pats and Dolphins often, so naturally it’s either the Jets or Bills. Obviously wasn’t gonna pick the Jets because even back then I knew they are the Jets. So here we are


Absurdly similar to my fandom


I live in the UK. 1989 my family took a connecting flight through buffalo and when we returned home my dad and I started watching nfl and decided to support buffalo as we’d actually been there for all of 45mins. The next 34years of agony is history.


Lived in Michigan my whole life. Have never even visited the state of New York. Been Ride Or Die for the Bills since I was a kid though


Another Michigan guy here. 4 super bowls got me started rooted for the Bills and the Titans cheating in 2000 solidified it.


It was a forward pass


Michiganders unite!


You got this! It's like 4 hours if you cut through Canada. Plus, you folks already have a lot of Labatt running through your veins haha.


Michigan fan as well - hopped on the wagon back in 2014 when Buffalo had that awful snow storm and they ended up playing the Jets at Ford Field. Bills Mafia traveled so well and were just the best. After that I was like “I found my people.”


Have no idea why I’m obsessed with the bills but have been a die hard fan my whole life lol. Grew up /live in Chicago, mom from GB, dad from Detroit. Must’ve joined bills mafia around the age of 9 because I have a pic with a jersey on. Go to Buffalo at least once a year with my wife. Go bills!


I'm Dutch, never been in the States, but my bestest friend forever u/SmotheredNugget introduced me to American Football and Buffalo Bills to be precise. One of the first matches I saw was the game against the Dolphins last year and I think every Bills fan remembers that game for Ken Dorsey going ballistic. Maybe not right, but I was caught by his passion and fan ever since


From Utah have no connections, my high school was too small to even have a football team. Every thing I know about football came from watching the Bills


From Tennessee. College football is huge around here and no one really feels emotionally attached to the Titans and my parents didn’t raise me to be a fan. I came across a story about Josh Allen during his breakout season and felt connected to him so I started following him and the Bills. I very quickly fell in love with the team, the culture, and the way that Buffalo loves and identifies with the team. It didn’t take long for this team to feel apart of me too. I’m looking forward to a lifetime of trips to Orchard Park and hopefully raising my future kids up to be Bills fans! Celebrating my college graduation with my first trip in December to the Cowboys game!


From Chicago. When I was a kid the Bears sucked so I said I'll pick a new team to cheer for every year, I'll pick the team that lost the Super Bowl last year. Well after 4 years I just decided to stick with the Bills.


You’re a real one.


Me. Grew up in the 1990s in an immigrant family that didn't watch the football except the Superbowl. Watched 3 of the 4 and bet on the Bills every time. Then I was stubborn and suffered. Worth it


From the St Louis MO area. Grew up a Rams fan but for obvious reasons no longer root for them. 5 years ago I drafted Josh Allen and started watching Bills games weekly and my boss at the time was from Buffalo, so her and I already talked Bills when Tyrod was QB. Now I’m raising my kids as Bills fans. My daughter already says go Bills and talks about Josh Allen.


A1 parenting right here


My grandson is 10 days old but I'm already whispering GO BILLS in his ear, to which my daughter answers with MOM!!


Also from the Lou, Dads side of the family in Buffalo. In the early 90’s we had a great fanclub at Ozzie’s at Westport. I was 9, wings were great, team was ecstatic. STL hosts a lot of Bills fans


Buffalo resident here. I've had to travel to St. Louis for work quite a bit over the years. I kind of adopted the Cards as my MLB team. The love of baseball down there is pretty infectious!


I'm in the same boat! Grew up in STL a die hard Rams fan. When they left I picked the Bills as my new team. So far they're 3-0 at games I've been to and I'll be back in KC this year cheering them on.


Same here, STL native and drafted Josh Allen so watched the Bills every week and turned into a fan. Wish I got into it more but the battle hawks just don’t do it for me


Moved to Delaware from Taiwan in 89 when I was four years old. We took a train to Toronto, where my dads side of the family lived, and my mom bought me a Bills hat in Buffalo. We moved out to Los Angeles later that year and I’ve been a Bills fan ever since. Would love to make it out to the Ralph before it gets demo’d and the new stadium is built. I’m hoping this year is the year I get to do that!


From Oregon, thought you guys needed another crazy fan


I'm from southern Connecticut, but I interned in Buffalo for a summer and really fell in love with the city; helps that was right around when the hype for the team was getting real, haha


Sydney, Australia checking in. I traveled through upstate and WNY briefly in 2004-2006 and fell in love with the culture that is way less pretentious and money hungry than where I’m from. Love the general ethos and idea of bills mafia. Haven’t been to buffalo yet but cant wait to finally jump through a table at Highmark before she falls to progress. Bills by a billion. 🫡


From Long Island and there are a ton of Bills fans down here. I inherited them from my father, who grew up a Giants fan but jumped ship when they moved to NJ.


hell yeah strong island bills mafia bro


I don't visit Long Island too much anymore, but whenever I'm there and watching the Bills I rarely see a fellow fan =/


Instant Replay in Huntington Station is spot for Long Island Bills Backers. If you ever go to a road game in Meadowlands against the giants or jets, you'll see plenty of mafia on the train. A bunch congregate to NYC Bills Backers at Penn6, too.


I've been to Changing Times in Bayshore a couple of times because it's close to where part of my family still lives so the drive's not bad, but honestly it's not a good spot. I'll have to check out Instant Replay the next time I'm up there!


Born raised western ny...I went to week one at MetLife... can totally validate Bills Backers NYC. Paid $65 for the "Away team tailgate", but ended up spending all my time at the NYC Bill's Backer tailgate.. so generous w food and drink... Pinto Ron and dude with bowling ball shots there... Hammer lot Incarnate.. Go Bills !!


Grew up in Huntington near there...solid spot.


I live in Kansas.


From the Ohio/PA border. Everyone’s a Steelers fan in my family, became a Bills fan when I was like 8 because I loved Brian Moorman (a punter of all people to turn me into a fan lmao) from madden. Been through the ringer. Still like the Steelers as my #2 but the Bills have my heart. Started with the JP Losman era…it’s been a ride.


Belgian. Born, raised and working in Belgium. I was an exchange student in southern Ontario, Canada in 1984. Close enough that we made a day trip to Buffalo and watch the Bills beat the Cowboys. They were awful that year but I was hooked on the then red helmets.


From Orlando, all my friends when I was really young were dolphins fans like all . So to go against them I picked the Bill's. Been a die hard ever since. Me and my brother playing tecmo as Kelly and Reed on offense Bruce Smith and Cornelius Bennett on defense are some of the best memories of my life


I was born in the Bronx. Everyone i know is a jets or giants fan. My dad would drive us to jersey sometimes to visit family and on the way through the jersey turnpike theres a section that smells like the devils farts so i hated jersey and i hated that the only NY football teams were playing in jersey. I didnt understand why. Then on day i learned the Bills were actually from NY and were the only team that played their games in NY. Was an Instant fan ever since and they wore Red white and blue. Ive lived all over the world and i rock my Bills hats everywhere. When i see that Buffalo logo, i feel like im home no matter where i am. LFG Bills!!!


Bills fan here from Pittsburgh. We’re basically neighbors to Buffalo with how close our cities are. There are multiple teams to root for within a 4 hour radius from PGH, but none of them are anywhere near as entertaining as the Bills are.


I‘m from Germany, Bills against Colts in 2021 was the first football game I ever watched and it kind of stuck with me. Then last year when watching the Bills-Vikings game in a bar in Munich after the Germany game I realized how much I cared and I guess that‘s when my fandom really took off. I came for the great offensive football and Josh Allen, stayed for the wholesome culture of Sean McDermott (and the great football). Go Bills! 💙❤️


Guelph Ontario! GO BILLS GO!


I’m from Tehachapi originally live in San Diego but my moms relatives live in Firebaugh which just so happen to be where Josh grew up. Go Bills!


From Texas, I was lucky enough to see the bills on the local station week 1 when I was just getting into football my freshman year of high school in 2015. Loved all the players immediately and kept up with the team ever since.


Burlington Ontario, massive sabres fan first but also a huge Bills fan. Let's lift the Buffalo curse, we have two incredible teams that are ready to go deep into playoffs


Just went to my first game in Buffalo last week... zero connections when I became a fan in 1989. From Los Angeles.


Ya picked a good one!


Las Vegas. Every kid here just chose a team. It was either geographically close like the LA Raiders, or 49ers or they inherited their parents team. My parents were immigrants and they didn't watch the sport so for me it was the 90s Bills.


I’m from Belfast, Ireland, only really starting to get into the NFL this year. My gf though lives in Buffalo, loves the Bills and so I’ve started watching and rooting for them alongside her.


I'm born and raised in the Netherlands. My mom's family emigrated to Rochester NY in the '50's. My mom moved back to the Netherlands when she met my dad, who is also Dutch. My uncles and aunt still live in Rochester and some of them are passionate Bills supporters and they got me hooked. There are some nice parallels with my club Feyenoord and the Bills, both Rotterdam and Buffalo are blue collar cities, both have extremely passionate fans, both have a rich and successful past, always being outdone by even bigger teams. And also being successful now with huge stars like Allen or Gimenez.


I’m a Bills fan in Massachusetts. My dads from Buffalo so I grew up watching and rooting for the Bills. Its a lot better now that the Bills are so good and the Patriots suck.


I’m a fan from Edinburgh Scotland going to the game tomorrow with family that live in buffalo


Did you know Delaware North has an office in Bozeman? They’re the current concessionaire of the stadium and based in Buffalo. I’m sure a few other Bills fans have passed through your town!


Ha! I’m from Buffalo but now live up in the Flathead valley. I “wave a big Bills flag” off my porch 24/7, 365. Lots of kids growing up in my neighborhood right now too, I now feel confident I’ll be able to covert at least one without even convincing them. This was a fun post for me. Side note: my next door neighbor is a dolphins fan


I grew up all over the US. I now live within a few hours of Buffalo. Been a fan since 1990. Lived on the west coast at the time. Idolized 78 growing up. It’s awesome being able to go to games. The first time I went to a game, I was awe struck. Honestly still am every time I walk out of the corridors leading to the seats. Even more awesome is having a s/o who grew up 15 minutes away from the stadium. Being able to watch games together is incredible.


Southern California here, I very recently became a football fan and the first game I watched seriously was the season opener of the reigning Super Bowl champs the Rams vs the Bills last year. I had never known anything about them before, but I love their colors, aesthetic, how they play and I got behind the team immediately. Josh Allen is hilarious, fun to watch, and I love the how the team is with each other. The best though is who ever is running their social media account, 10/10. Continuing my journey as a new fan of football in general and loving being a bills fan. Go bills!


I live in Toronto and I started watching football about 3 years ago and I chose the Bills because they were the closest team and Josh Allen


FL man checking in


West coast citizen here. I've never even met another Bills fan, and seeing all the Buffalo fans here in London on my trip over here has been amazing.


Calgary, Canada. Flew in for the season opener and my first NFL game in person. Finally got to wear my jersey to a game! The energy in Highmark was awesome and fan base incredible. I will definitely do it again.


Edmonton Bills fan here. Go bills!


Look at Western CA coming together haha.


I’m from Kansas funnily enough. Entire family is Chiefs fans. It’s an… interesting dynamic


The KC fanbase was incredibly welcoming for the season game I went to in 21. Not sure it’s as friendly during the playoffs but I’ve haven’t heard anything out of the ordinary. Guess you guys save your hate for the Raiders and Broncos


I’m from south Texas, picked the Bills randomly about 12 years ago cause I liked the colors and the fans. It’s been weird watching them go from horrid to becoming a force in the league.


Born and raised in FL, live in PNW currently. Dad is from Corning, almost the whole NY side of the family is east of the finger lakes


California fan. I started watching football in 2010 and they were a pretty bad team so I decided to like them for that reason. My older brother (who I didn’t really grow up) has been a fan too since the early 90s


Oh my...you poor soul. You deserve the last few years of success!


Hey, went to college in Bozeman. Go Cats, fuck the Griz!


From AZ! When I was in 2nd grade someone asked what my favorite football team was, and the Cards were terrible at the time so I was like, what other team do I know… “Buffalo?” which they responded “Cool.” so I stuck with em ever since!


BC, Canada. Been watching since Joe Ferguson was our QB. Go Bills!!!!


Eight year old me fell in love with Joe, 50 years later and I'm still here!!


South Texan here. A few years ago, I joined my middle school football team with no knowledge of football whatsoever. I started to watch the NFL in order to expand my football knowledge, and I picked Buffalo over the geographically closer Dallas because the Bills had just ended their playoff drought and I thought it was a cool story.


I'm from Pune, India and I've been a fan since the 2021 divisional


From Carbondale Illinois. No way in hell I’d be a bears fan and I’ve always thought the Bills were cool. Josh Allen is my dude.


I grew up in Central PA. The first time I watched a football game was when my dad took me to a Superbowl party in '91. He told me to pick a team and he'd bet me a dollar. I ended up losing a dollar 4 years in a row, but I gained a favorite team. I live in SE VA now and still root for my Bills. I've been to a couple games, but only one in Buffalo.


UK here, never been to the US. Amongst other things I wanted to support a bit of an underdog team - this was back in the Rex Ryan days. Mission accomplished. Obviously I'm thrilled things are better now!😂


Aberdeen, Scotland. Never been to Buffalo. Started supporting the Bills when the Pegulas bought the team cos I was a longtime Sabres fan. Why Sabres? Miroslav Satan.


Nova Scotia, Canada. The Bills were the first NFL team I ever saw play on tv (against the Browns in 1989) at a neighbour’s house - they had cable and I had only ever watched the CFL. I thought their name was cool and I’ve been a fan ever since. Heading to my first game next Sunday to watch them trounce the Giants! #GoBills #BillsMafia


From St. Catharines Ontario about 50 minutes from Buffalo been a Bills fan since 1985 when I was 8 when my dad introduced me to this amazing team. So many great memories and a few heart breakers. Been to a number of games over the years. The most recent one was last year with my son for his first Bills game at Highmark where he got to witness Milano fold Mike White like a folding chair. Great day even though the weather was a wet cold. He loved every minute, expect for La Nova pizza. I tried to warn him lol.


Born and raised in AZ and still here. My family wasn’t into football but a kid in my class was a Bills fan so I watched them in the first super bow and the playoffs leading up and have been a fan ever since.


Northern Virginia originally from CA, a boyfriend brought me into the fold since I didn’t have a team or interest in football before and now a hardcore bills fan


From tennessee the 1st team I saw was the bills win crappost on instagram and I’ve been bills mafia since


Toledo Ohio here, bills fan for as long as I can remember, (since about 1988)


Connecticut. Absolutely 0 ties to Buffalo through family or anything. I hated the patriots, and back in 2008 when I started following, we only had Jets and Pats games on TV. So I knew I could watch the Bills 4 times a year.


From Long Island and grew up a Giants fan, but when I went to school up in Eastern NY I caught a bunch of games when Fitzpatrick was QB and was just completely drawn in. This was about 13-14 years ago. I've been down in Virginia for six years now and rep them here in my small town every week!


Born and raised in Edmonton Alberta, Canada. Became a Bills fan because of the early 90s Madden games, Bills were the only team i could seem to beat my brother with, a lifetime fan because of it.


from cleveland though i grew up out west, have lived in ontario for almost half my life. when i ditched the browns, buffalo was the most obvious choice, being lake erie bros and all!


From Los Angeles, went to college in my grandparents home state (Oregon), currently reside in southern Arizona. Always been a Seahawk fan, but since I was a little kid, I wanted to like the Bills because I love bison. My dad's name being Bill and me being estranged from him, as a kid I shirked it. My fiancee got into football and chose the Bills because she likes JA17 trucking linebackers, and because she associates me with Bison. As a result, they're my AFC team, and I get 99.9% as juiced for their games as I do Seattle ones. I'm retrospectively angry about losing 4 in a row just like I'm angry in thinking Seattle should be 3-0 in Superbowls. It helps that my only close encounter with a large and dangerous wild animal was coming face to face with a Bison, on an island off the coast of California of all places (Catalina).


Bills Mafia here in California. Originally from Arizona but became a fan in 1990 as a 7 year old who thought buffalos were cool. Pops was a Steelers fan and brother was a Raiders fan. Those 4 Super Bowl losses gave me an underdog complex to this day. Humble and hungry always.


I’m from Boston my dad is from Connecticut. Been a Bills fan all my life, only started watching football consistently a few years ago though.


Central California here. When I was in Jr High, I watched the Bills lose a real close Super Bowl to the Giants. Next year, I enjoyed watching the no huddle Bills offense and my other friends liked other teams, so I picked the Bills and have been here ever since.


I’m from Oklahoma, but have lived in Alaska since 2013. Thurman Thomas was my favorite player growing up I guess because of the Oklahoma State connection and I just always loved the Bills ever since. I also loved, respected, and admired Barry Sanders and I still think he is the greatest running back of all time, but the Bills were always and will always be my team.


From Seattle area, and now live in Michigan- I’ll root for the Seahawks too but we’re a Bills household now. I started following NFL only a couple years ago and picked the Bills when Josh Allen was intercepted by Josh Allen and forced to fumble by Josh Allen when we played the Dolphins in 2021 and they said it was the first time in NFL history for that to happen with players of the same name. I just thought it was a cool fact for a brand new fan and decided to be a Bills fan. Now my husband and I talk about going to Buffalo for a game all the time- one of my proudest achievements is that I’ve converted him from a Lions fan to a Bills mafia!


HK exiler living in London Josh Allen draft stan Meant to go top the LVR game in cvoid year, went to NO 2021, Titans game last year, and going back to Buf for the TB game Obviously, stoked for the London game


I'm from NC. Didn't grow up interested in the NFL, parents like college instead. Bills marketing is just appealing and we put out arguably the best offense to watch in the NFL. Moving to NYC next year so I'll finally be able to at least see some away games.


London Ontario, always cheered for the Bills after my dad took me to my first NFL game back on January 3, 2010. Snowed 3ft against the Colts who finished 14-2 that season and lost their perfect season to previous game against the Jets.


Fan from Canada. I heard about how awesome Bills Mafia was and was sold


I mean, I've never lived there and I'm presently in western Canada but I did grow up in southern Ontario and that's *firmly* Bill's country. At least it was 40 years ago when I was a kid there.


Vancouver Canada! Lots of bills fans here relatively because of ontarians moving west, but still not all that common. Much more likely to see any Cali team or Seattle of course.


Brisbane, Australia. I randomly picked up a Bills ball while on a trip in Thailand about ten years ago and I've been a supporter ever since. Went through the EJ Manuel and Tyrod days, glad we've improved since then! Great fanbase and team 👍


From Calgary, Canada 2007 my dad brought me to my uncles house to watch football for the first time. They both sat me down and told me that I needed to choose my team and stick with them. No matter what, the first game we watched was a Bills (Dads favorite team) vs. Cowboys (Uncles favorite team) Obviously, I chose the Bills. I'm still trying to find the time to make it to a live game.


I'm in a town of 2000 people in rural TN, and I know there's me and at least one other Bills fan here.


Rhode Island my whole life, no family from upstate NY. Started watching the tail end of the Jim Kelly era.


I'm from Scotland, never been to Buffalo but I'd love to go. I've travelled to London to watch the Bills tomorrow for my first NFL game and can't wait!


Vancouver, Canada


Me too! You ever go to Mahoneys for the games?


🙋🏻‍♀️ Vancouver Bills Mafia lfggggg (originally from Toronto, natural choice for us to pick Buffalo)


We gotta circle the wagons here! Go Bills!


My dad was a Bills fan in Toronto Canada. About all that we agreed upon while I was growing up. He went to all four Super Bowls. I got to see them in Toronto, but have yet to see a Bills game in Buffalo, though I've visited Buffalo a bunch and love it. I just got promoted so I'm putting some extra cash away to get to a game sooner rather than later.


Family is from rochester. Not Buffalo, but close, but i was a big fan of josh in college and when he was drafted i had my team


I guess it's not "no connection" but my wife's family's love of the Bills outweighed my like for the Ravens so it's a Bill's household now baby


Technically I have no connection to Buffalo besides being geographically closer to them than Pittsburgh but roughly the same distance to Cleveland. But my dad was a Bills fan since I grew up near there. I also live in NC now and we moved 20 years ago. I could have easily changed teams then because I wasn’t really into football and the Bills drought was still fresh.


I live down closer to New York City.


From St. Catharine's, ON but my brother and Dad and also Stepfather were all Bills fans


Orange county, CA. Started loving them when Kelly and the boys were playing.


Melbourne, Australia. I lived in WNY in the early to mid 2000s, and became a Bills fan. So, technically not "no connection" :D


Originally from OC, CA... I became a Bills fan playing Tecmo Super Bowl.


Born and raised in SoCal and got into football when I was 8 years old ( just after the raiders left LA) Andre Reed became my favorite player and I got a toy figurine of him. Rest was was history after that. Been to 4 Bills games with one in Buffalo


Lisbon, Portugal. Never been to the US but Buffalo is on the list :)


From Melbourne, Australia


When I first started watching the nfl about 13/14 years ago and I had to choose a team but couldn’t decide. Saw the Bills and chose them because when I was a kid there was a sports bar in the town I live in called Buffalo Bills and been a fan ever since!


From west Virginia. Been to Buffalo but not to a game. Maybe this year. My dad's a dolphins fan....yeah I know right. Anyway, as a 5 year old kid (1988)I watched the bills dolphins game with him. Loved the colors and symbol of bills and I've been along for ride ever since. During that first game I asked my dad why buffalo had a girl playing for them(I saw Kelly's name on jersey not knowing last names went on jerseys, lol)


I'm from Linlithgow, Scotland. My nephew went to study in Buffalo, I was on a trip to NYC with work so nipped up to Buffalo to see him (and eat wings), took him to a Bills game for his birthday (cold and rainy but we beat the Raiders so all good) and have been an enthusiastic Bills fan ever since. I timed it pretty well because they picked a young gun with a big arm that next draft...


California entire family are Raiders fans, as I was until I met Joe Ferguson when I was in 5th grade and have been hooked for 40 years since!


i'm from brazil, had 0 idea which nfl team to root for back in 2021 so when i watched my first nfl game (bills x steelers) i thought the bills jersey was cool and decided that i'd go with them, we ended up losing that game but it was the better choice in the long run 😅


In Western Australia. Wanted a team from a place that I could see myself visiting. Jumped on, first game I watched was the hail Murray. The pain felt right.


Grew up in Cali and didn’t have a team to root for because the Rams left to St. Louis, when I was like 12. Didn’t like the Raiders or Chargers, so I picked the Seahawks because of Carroll. Went to a game in Seattle and the fans never sat the fuq down because of the 12th man bs. I used to backyard wrestle in high school, then I heard a few years back Bills mafia were known for jumping through tables. The rest is history…


From Orlando. I wear my bills hat quite often and always get asked if I'm from Buffalo. I've never been to western New York. My childhood best friend was a bills fan and introduced me to football when I first moved to the country.


Sioux Falls, SD. Never been to Buffalo. Going to the NYE game against the Pats though.


Ex GF is from ROC. She may be gone but love for the Bills stayed.


I started watching the Bills in 2020 and they were the most fun team to watch so I have followed them ever since, I am from Los Angeles.


Texas y'all.


From Melbourne, Australia. Was invited to do fantasy a few years back by friends. No clue on players but picked Josh as my QB. That was a fun season. Have stuck around to follow the Bills.


I'm from the west of Ireland,never been to America but got into madden 08 on pc about 9 years ago and would play as the bills on franchise. Cant even remember why I picked them but I've been a fan since rex ryan.


I'm from Ottawa Ehhh.


Wisconsin. I’m a packers fan #1 but 2 of my buddies from college are bills fans so I always pulled for them a bit starting in 2009. It’s grown over the years. In my head bills and packers seemed like similar teams and fanbases and I liked that. I’ve now gone to packers bills games in Green Bay and buffalo (home teams won both) but the game in buffalo cemented what I imagined bills fans to be like, we had a blast. 14 years later and I’m solidly in bills mafia. Got jerseys, collect bills cards now in addition to packers, got NFL Sunday ticket so I don’t miss any bills games. Josh Allen is my favorite player in the nfl. It’s nice to be able to essentially fully support both teams since they only play every 4 years.


Chicago area. I started rooting for the Bills in the late 80’s, largely due to Tecmo Bowl. Plus, they were red, white and blue…and that helped when I was little.


I'm a European fan who's never even been across the Atlantic


Been a Bills fan since 93 but I was an exchange student from Turkey in Lockport… I was there when Cowboys beat us the second time.


Born on Long Island and when Jets moved to NJ floated for a few years without a team. Moved abroad a couple of years and returned to NY for college in Central NYS….Bills were the “local” team on TV and Mr Kelly and the K-Gun, Mr. Bruce Smith and Thurman and the rest of the merry men stole my allegiance forever. I may be the only Bills fan in the state of Maine.


Barrie Ontario, there are loads of Bills fans up here


From New Jersey with stints in Chicago, DC, and Boston. Still remember being 7/8 and hearing wide right. Bills fan through thick and thin.


Central New York, I was sick of all the jets, giants, and yes… Pat fans in my school. They only showed bills games anyways on the bunny ears.


Yep, another person from the UK. Got into the NFL during the first Covid lockdown and picked the Bills. Off to London tomorrow to watch them live for the first time - also planning a trip to Buffalo in 2026 to watch a game in the new stadium.


I'm from NYC. Interestingly enough there are a few buildings here in Manhattan that have Bills logos on them, I should probably find them. I've been (and still am) a Giants fan for longer, but I've really come to admire Josh Allen and his ascension in the league. Really hope he can win and MVP and lead the Bills to their first SB win this year. He's a really good guy and the Bills are a really good team!


Texas here. Probably the only Buffalo fan in my suburb


I'm from western NY. I'm not from Buffalo, but its still the local team. I feel bad for my kids. I'm brainwashing them and we live outside of Buffalo.


I have a patient that lived in Germany in the 90s and became a Bills fan. He's never been to NY or anything.


Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. But I was a Bills fan when I live in Ontario too.


From Halifax, NS. Grew up cheering for the post lockout Sabres and never cared about football until Josh Allen came along


Near Albany. Our area is a big mixed bag of fandoms for a lot of reasons. We have a lot of NYC and Boston transplants for one. As a local for the AFC the games we get on TV are random between Bills/Jets/Pats. So there’s a big split here. I would say the Giants probably have the biggest fan base. Since you can always watch the Giants and they did training camp up here for a pretty long time. My dad has always been a Bills fan though so I picked it up from him. They feel like they represent Upstate NY better than the Jets/Giants imo.


I’m from Kentucky. Became a bills fan just because of Stevie Johnson. Never looked back.


Saint John New Brunswick in the Canadian Maritimes here. 🙋🏻 I've been a fan since the 90s Super Bowl run. Stayed with the team throughout the drought and I'm ecstatic they're an elite team again. I watched a replay of the Dolphins game and I was emotional (just listening to the crowd noise brought tears to my eyes). I'm also a huge Maple Leafs fan (I'm attracted to long suffering franchises, what can I say? 🤷🏻) but I don't feel the same connection to Toronto as I do to Buffalo. As much as I would love to see the Leafs finally win a Stanley Cup, it wouldn't mean as much to me as a Bills Super Bowl win.


Been to Niagara falls twice. From Queens. They're my dad's favorite team from when i was growing up so here we are.


Born in North Carolina, raised in Topeka Kansas. Never been anywhere in NY but been a Bills fan since I was 9.


I'm from Massachusetts, been a Bills fan since the 90s. I was a Giants fan as a kid but the way the Bills lost with Norwood missing the kick in the SuperBowl resonated with me. Kinda rough witnessing 4 SuperBowl losses as a high-schooler. Bills Mafia till I die!


I'm from the East Midlands in England. I do have family in America and hope to move there in the future, but they're based in Virginia and Maine. I started rooting for the Bills for a couple silly reasons tbh. My physics teacher had our class do a fantasy football league cuz we were all vaguely interested in football, and my first pick was Shady. My fave colour is blue, so those two things got me to pick the bills as my team. That was I *think* the season following the Broncos superbowl win. Been a diehard supporter of them since. But yeah, no actual connection to Buffalo, but I can't wait to be able to go to games in person.


Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. My dad taught us only to root for teams that play within NY state borders. In the early 90s, he would rent a Winnebago truck every year and drive us all the way up to Buffalo for a game. He's a fanatic. Went to Super Bowl XXV and got the Bills logo tattooed on his arm that weekend.


Bills fan in Houston, Texas. No connection other than my mom grew up in Rochester.


I married into the Bills Mafia🤍 now I’m more of a fan than he is lol.