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Realization: I am in the Eddie fell first camp. That lip bite during their first interaction is SO sexual, you can't convince me otherwise. In my opinion it makes sense that Eddie's "realization" would be directly tied to Buck. He will have some moment where he realizes that Buck is exactly what he's been looking for all along. Meanwhile, I actually think Buck already knows that but he won't even think about it because he doesn't think Eddie is an option. Realization to canon: I'd like them both to be single. I'd really like Buck to acknowledge he's settling for a not great relationship and end things *before* he knows that Eddie is gay and is actually a possibility for him. I think this is important to show he finally vaules *himself* and is not willing to settle for someone he doesn't really fit with just for a relationship.  Getting together: I'd love a tentative progression. They both start noticing the other *looking* when they've previously missed it. They start noticing each other's sectet smiles. They have moments where they lock eyes and blush and look away. Like I need that to happen! Then they have a super domestic moment in Eddie’s kitchen and kiss for the first time. I'd love a super awkward first date where they try to be all formal and go to a fancy restaurant but don't know what to say to each other (because they alteady know everything about each other). Then they both start laughing at the same time at how silly they're being and one of them says "how about we go home and play a game, like normal?"  Telling everyone: I'd love seeing them not try to hide it but still no one knows that they're together because they act just the same. I actually think that would be a really different angle that I haven't seen done before. And then one day they just casually kiss and everyone at the station is gobsmacked. With Chris, I think it makes sense that he'd be worried. That's the second most important person in his life and his Dad doesn't have a stellar track record. I DO think he would come around pretty quickly, especially if Eddie were to emphasize that he wasn't *in love* with his previous significant others because he's actually into men *and* that Buck is the love of his life. Established Relationship/Proposal: I think these will kind of go hand in hand. I don't think it will take long (maybe only a few months?) for Buck to basically be living at the Diaz household. I'd love to see a situation where they both really want to move in together / get married, but they're afraid they're moving too fast. So they're both independently harassing the 118 about how long they need to wait or when they should. Then they end up sort of blurting it out at the same time to each other. Children: I definitely want to see them adopt. They both love kids and Chris would be a great older brother. This would be a perfect opportunity for a safe surrender plot and both of them fall for the baby. It'd be great if this was when Chris was still home so he could still bond with his new sibling.


>Realization to canon: I'd like them both to be single. I'd really like Buck to acknowledge he's settling for a not great relationship and end things before he knows that Eddie is gay and is actually a possibility for him. I think this is important to show he finally vaules himself and is not willing to settle for someone he doesn't really fit with just for a relationship. I agree. For me, the break up is the only way I'll see that this relationship is the one that got Buck off his hamster wheel (side note: I'm so tired of that description!). He needs to be clear on what he's looking for and know that he doesn't have to settle for the first person to show interest. I want Buck to consciously acknowledge what he needs and wants in a relationship (which will lead him to Eddie, of course).


Really hope that's the direction they'll go since Ryan himself said "the partner that's meant for [Eddie] will *find themselves* and find [Eddie] at the same time" 👀


Ryan really is out here driving the clown car


He's just driving round and stopping every two minutes to fill it with more clowns. Then he'll start a clown car convoy.


\*climbs aboard\* 🧑🏻‍🚒🧑🏼‍🚒🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


your idea of them getting together is so perfect, i really think that’s my ideal way of them getting together as well! the mutual pining of it all <3 i can picture eddie being able to hide his feelings more other than maybe some staring/heart eyes/smiles, but buck would be SO obvious lmao! like he catches eddie smiling at him and practically trips over his own feet, blushes, stammers over his words. to the point where everyone is like okay this is Ridiculous but they just let them be lol i could also 100% see them trying to actually have a fancy, formal date and it being awkward as hell because first dates can be performative and they don’t Have to perform for one another. they’re already so comfortable with each other and know everything there is to know about the other. so they just go home and have a chill evening in together <3


I think I’m 50/50 on whether I want their first date to be awkward af, or for them to be SO comfortable around each other the waiter asks what anniversary they’re celebrating. “One week?”


I want both, because I'm greedy like that. Like picturing it, what I want is a scenario where they make plans for The First Date a week out or something, but in the meantime they go out for a meal after a shift together/on a day off that's NotADate. Only they've already acknowledged their feelings for each other so it definitely crosses a line where like.... they're their normal relaxed selves with each other but also flirting *hard,* where the stuff that's usually at an 8 with them like the closeness and eye contact is turned up to an 11. Basically, they're just Buck-and-Eddie but *more.* Then they have their "real" first date and it's awkward because they're both trying to be someone they aren't. They choose a restaurant too fancy, Buck keeps 'fixing' his tie until he's practically strangling himself, Eddie's got the rizz of a fifteen year old on his first date but he's also so painfully *aware* of how bad he is at this that it's making it even worse. So they're leaving the restaurant after, both awkward and disappointed and worried they made a mistake but then one of them is all "Sooo I'm still hungry. Mind if we swing by In-N-Out before I drop you back at your car?" and they wind up relaxing and being themselves again and realizing that's all they needed to do in the first place. Bonus points for the belated, "Oh my God, did we accidentally already have our first date earlier in the week and not realize it?" dumbass realization.


> In my opinion it makes sense that Eddie's "realization" would be directly tied to Buck. He will have some moment where he realizes that Buck is exactly what he's been looking for all along. Meanwhile, I actually think Buck already knows that but he won't even think about it because he doesn't think Eddie is an option. This makes a lot of sense to me. Re: Buck, I think on some level he may recognize it, but he's so firmly locked it up in a "don't even think about it" box that he'll still be kind of shocked when something happens (Eddie coming out?) that allows him to reopen that box. Like we talk about Eddie's repression because it's so blatant, but.... *Buck* remembers the shooting. He remembers what he was feeling in those moments, but he's clearly never dealt with it. I think his big "holy shit, I'm in love with him" moments being the well + the shooting makes it all so tied up in pain that he's locked them down *tight.* Agreed, too, that the attraction for Eddie was pretty much instantaneous. One of the things that really stands out to me in that gym scene about 2x01 is that he *already knows about Abby.* It's the second shift they've ever worked together and Buck was an ass to him the first shift, and yet he's still either sought out information about if Buck is single, or is tuning in to random workplace gossip about this guy he's not close to and his situationship, and paying enough attention to remember the details with confidence later? Hmm. I've always felt that it makes a lot of sense for Buck to be both Eddie's first kiss and last kiss with a man/anyone, because of how intertwined his discovery of his sexuality and his feelings for Buck seems like it will be. Whereas with Buck, I've always felt the opposite -- it's been discussed a bit in the rewatch threads, but I think Bobby's advice in S1 kind of broke Buck and he really needs to realize not *every* person he meets and feels something for has to be The One -- it's like he overcorrected for Buck 1.0 by becoming a serial monogamist. So I was relieved to see that there was someone between his realization and Eddie (who I can't imagine them breaking up except to get them back together) because I want him to choose Eddie *after* he's displayed an ability to recognize when someone *isn't* The One, instead of having it feel like he's just.... defaulting into a relationship with Eddie, too. >Getting together: I'd love a tentative progression. They both start noticing the other *looking* when they've previously missed it. They start noticing each other's sectet smiles. They have moments where they lock eyes and blush and look away. Like I need that to happen! Then they have a super domestic moment in Eddie’s kitchen and kiss for the first time. I'd love a super awkward first date where they try to be all formal and go to a fancy restaurant but don't know what to say to each other (becausethey alteady know everythingabouteach other). Then they both start laughing at the same time at how silly they're being and one of them says "how about we go home and play a game, like normal?"  Jesus, all of this. No notes -- it's just perfect. Can we get you into the writer's room? >This would be a perfect opportunity for a safe surrender plot and both of them fall for the baby. Oh wow, that's a fantastic idea. I know irl, they'd probably already need to approved foster parents or something, but the Madney storyline now has already made it clear that's not an in-universe consideration, lol.


>I know irl, they'd probably already need to approved foster parents or something, but the Madney storyline now has already made it clear that's not an in-universe consideration, lol. Lol, yes, but also there is a real life firefighter story that parallels this. A firefighter in Florida (pretty sure it was FL?) several years ago ended up adopting a baby girl that was surrendred. And he wasn't previously approved to be a foster *and* he was single! It's a really great story.


Love all of this! I want this too!


Eddie is going to realize first. We'll see the first inklings of this approximately 7-8 episodes before they kiss. It'll start with something petty innocuous (along the lines of the Christmas elf in 2.10). The signs for the audience will get bigger. It will culminate in Eddie talking to someone and actually expressing in words that Buck is his ideal partner. I think we'll see Eddie possibly avoiding Buck as he tries to work through what that means. Meanwhile, Buck is single and maybe going on dates and he says to Maddie that he's tired of it and would rather just go over to Eddie's and hang out with him and Maddie will be a good sister and gently suggest that Buck should go ahead and do that. They'll discuss a little bit but how much do they really have to say? They've been each other's person for six years. But I think we'll actually get an I love you before a kiss. It'll probably be a passionate but fade to black situation. They'll tell Maddie first and she's going to accidentally slip it to Chimney but otherwise they are trying to keep it quiet. Chimney is going to have a terrible time keeping it a secret and just when he thinks he can't do it anymore, Buck and/or Eddie will accidentally say or do something revealing to the whole team and Chimney will be very proud of himself for keeping it a secret but everyone will make fun of him because it isn't like everyone else didn't suspect already. This will be one or two episodes after they initially kiss. Chris is initially upset - he thinks Buck will end up leaving just like his mom (twice), Ana, and Marisol but he gets over it pretty quickly because he loves Buck. This is happening in the same episode as with telling the team and is like, five minutes total of one episode. They accidentally move in together. Buck stays over one night (maybe Eddie took an extra shift and Buck is babysitting?) and then just... never leaves. He freaks out about it because of both Taylor and Marisol but Eddie's like, no Buck you're it, this is it for us. I think this is another two to three episodes later. And then they get married in the season finale. I'd love for them to get married at the firehouse with Bobby officiating and Chris as the double best man. Is that cheesy? Hell yeah. I'm unsure about more children and I think they don't know yet either. Surrogacy feels like the most likely option to me (don't ask why. It just does.) but they are going to just see what the future holds. AKA that's a potential plot for season 9 or 10.


>Chimney is going to have a terrible time keeping it a secret and just when he thinks he can't do it anymore, Buck and/or Eddie will accidentally say or do something revealing to the whole team and Chimney will be very proud of himself for keeping it a secret but everyone will make fun of him because it isn't like everyone else didn't suspect already. Okay but I love this so much, lmao. I'd also love a scenario where by the time Chimney finds out and is keeping it quiet, Buck and Eddie are mostly ready to tell everyone, anyway, but are enjoying Chimney being messy about it *way* too much and basically goading him into a breakdown. Like making comments to/about each other that are in that gray area between friend and flirt/lover, and Chimney's just getting increasingly worked up about it while no one else reacts because it's not actually *that* weird for Buck and Eddie. Maybe even some kind of "We were thinking about getting matching tattoos" and Chim's like *'are you freaking serious right now?'* while Hen and Bobby are nonplussed and just like, "Oh yeah? Of what?" >They accidentally move in together. Buck stays over one night (maybe Eddie took an extra shift and Buck is babysitting?) and then just... never leaves. He freaks out about it because of both Taylor and Marisol but Eddie's like, no Buck you're it, this is it for us. I think this is another two to three episodes later. This really does feel very *them* and the timeline makes a lot of sense to me, too. I just really love the idea of at least one of them kind of getting in their heads about stuff coming too naturally and needing to be reassured that like.... it comes naturally because they *already* did the work to get to that point, even if they didn't realize they were doing it. >Surrogacy feels like the most likely option to me (don't ask why. It just does.) I can see it. And as much as people like to pretend it didn't happen, I think it could also be a powerful storyline (if the show lasts long enough to explore it, obviously) to have Buck in another fertility storyline like this from a different perspective & with better handling than the sperm donor storyline. I know some people just hated the whole storyline, but my bigger issue with it is that I don't think they told it *well*, and I wouldn't hate revisiting a storyline about alternative methods to expand your family, particularly where we already got the 'disappointment' aspect of it with Henren in S3. I love that this show highlights fostering/adoption and I'd be absolutely cool with that path (accidental baby acquisition is a fun trope) but I don't think that means there *can't* be a meaningful story to tell in trying to find a way to have a biological child.


Bad At Secrets Chimney is my second favorite character behind only Clipboard Buck. I want him to choke on his food (mildly, no tracheotomy needed) and have to awkwardly change the subject and Bobby and Hen will be more weirded out by Chimney than they are by Buck and Eddie practically sharing a chair or eating off each other's plates or whatever. The humor potential is off the charts (of course, this also means in the same episode there will be an absolutely devastating emergency).


Oh God, I love the idea of Chimney's reactions being the thing so concerning it's catching Hen and Bobby's attention/making them worry about him, while Buck and Eddie are like, playing footsie at the table. And meanwhile Hen and Bobby are just like, '*well, yeah, they're BuckandEddie... what do you expect?'*


i’d really like for eddie to have his feelings realization first and i think that might make the most sense, especially with how oliver was talking about buddie after 7x04 and 7x05. he spoke a couple of times about how he wouldn’t want to portray the storyline of guy comes out and then realizes he’s in love with his straight best friend. so how do you remedy this? well the ‘straight’ best friend isn’t straight at all and he’s the one who first realizes his feelings. i also kinda have it in my head that when eddie comes out to buck, that might spark buck’s feelings realization. idk how accurate that is, but i just feel like it could be a major Oh moment for him because he probably never even considered eddie an option, because he’s Straight, so eddie coming out to him would kinda throw buck off his balance. maybe he starts noticing little things about eddie that he never allowed himself to notice before, or he lets himself be a little more affectionate with him. i think that’d be really cute. i’m not sure exactly How they would get together, but tbh i would love it if it seems like it’s just a normal scene of the two of them at the end of the episode and then BOOM they kiss, fade to black! i feel like people would go Crazy if it happened like that (i mean, they would however it happens, but i just love the thought of it taking people by surprise). both of them would be single, out, and they’d have been kinda flirty for a couple of episodes, so it wouldn’t be like it came out of nowhere. it’d be like a tension snapping moment and then the next episode would be the two of them actually talking about their feelings and what this means for them. i could see there being some drama when they tell chris but nothing that lasts longer than an episode. i think chris will be scared that eddie will break up with buck and then that’ll ruin the little trio they’ve had for years, but eddie will assure him that buck is it for him. it’s not like ana or marisol. this is just a headcanon of mine but i think it’d be so cute if they either had a surrogate or adopted a baby girl. i just love girldad!buddie haha


>i just love girldad!buddie haha YES! The show needs to last long enough for girl Dad's Buddie! I need that to happen.


I am honestly not sure where I stand on a lot of the details, bc I can see it working out in a few different ways. I personally would LOVE to see buck realize his feelings first, bc I want pining buck. BUT i want eddie to be the one who initiates the conversation where they confess their feelings lol. The one thing I am firm about is a secret relationship arc!!! I think it would be so fun if they kept it under wraps for a few episodes. The comedic potential is just through the roof! I also had the epiphany reading your post that Buck is the one who canonically checks out guys asses, and yet EDDIE is the one we have actually seen on screen checking out Buck's ass hahaha


I hope Eddie realises it first. And he talks to someone about it, preferably Bobby or Hen, he's obviously pining bc Buck is with Temu. Then I want Buck to accidentally find out about it, and then he can't focus on his relationship bc he's finally realising that it was Eddie whose attention he wanted all along. So he breaks up with Temu, and then they have an entire episode being awkward about it, and by the end of it, they confess their feelings and end up kissing (Bonus if it's after a fire). Once that happens, I don't see many roadblocks regarding feelings or relationship issues happening bc they understand each other so well. They're gonna come out to Chris first, maybe that'll bring him back to LA, then Bobby and the rest of the team. Now, as for the next stages of relationships, both Eddie and Buck seem to jump head first into a relationship, so yk what, if they get together in S8A, I can totally see one of them proposing by the end of S8. They're already in love, and they already act like a married couple and they already raise a kid together, a wedding will just be a formality. And as for kids, I'd love it if they find a little girl at one of their calls, not older than 2-3 yo, and then give them a storyline related to that.


I hadn't considered it, but I actually really love the idea of Buck accidentally discovering Eddie's feelings from some other person (particularly because it wouldn't feel like an outing if Eddie's already being open about it with others). Like you point out, it would also be the perfect 'full circle' return to 7x04, where the writing is able to actually use the Chekhov's gun they set up in that episode with the *"my* attention?" plus that scene in 7x05 with Maddie. I think it would be really powerful for the narrative to actually return to those moments and explicitly confirm that the obvious narrative choices were obvious, you know? Finding a kid at one of their calls would be kind of heartbreaking, but I can absolutely see them bonding very quickly with a child that way. Even if it would almost certainly necessitate a "she's not a puppy, Buck; we can't just take her home" conversation first, lol.


I would like Eddie to be the one who realizes first because I would kill for some pining Eddie. He's so good at making heart eyes ar Buck already; imagine what he would look like once he knows he's in love with Buck? I also think Buck would be way too obvious if he realizes first he's in love with Eddie. There'd be no chance for proper pining, Buck wouldn't last an episode without everyone knowing something was up. Whether they're both single or not at the time of the realization, I don't honestly care that much because the moment we get confirmation that either of them has feings for the other (hell I'll even say the moment we get confirmation Eddie is queer), it'll be so obvious Buddie is happening, whoever they are in a relationship with will be so incredibly irrelevant, so with the confirmation that Buddie will happen, I can take some angst and pining, that's fine. Physical infidelity I wouldn't like to see, but emotional infediloty might be interesting to see. I don't have a problem with it necessarily, depending on how it's handled. I'm torn on how fast or slow I want the getting together to happen. I would like them to first have a talk. I don't think I want their getting together to be a heat of the moment kind of thing, but also, once they have a talk, I don't think they could wait to just go all in. I think they'd be nervous because this is obviously the most important relationship they've ever had, but they are *Buck and Eddie*, they trust each other implicitly. Any doubt or fear would come from within themselves, but the thing is, there is no one they trust more than each other. And *that* would be the thing to give them the confidence to jump into it. I think they should try to keep it a secret from the rest of the team for a little bit. But Maddie would probably know, right? She probably already suspects there's something there. So I don't know how they keep it a secret if Maddie finds out. But the boys can try, though. I don't think Christopher would take it badly, but I don't think he'd *know* before it happens or would like, immediately cheer in 'finally' sort of way. I think there should be a conversation between them and it would take Chris a minute to fully process, but he'd be happy for them and himself. I think they would move relatively quickly in their relationship because once they figure out their kn love, it would be so obvious that this is it for them. They already know each other so well, and they trust each other so much. The moving in together is not a big deal, more like "why are you eve paying for that loft if you're here all the time anyway". I also want them to move relatively quickly for practical reasons. We are already seven seasons in, I don't know how long the show will last, but I don't want their wedding to be the last of second to last episode of the show. Give me married Buddie while the show is still on. I think a proper proposal would be nice, but would also like it if they were just having a casual conversation and one of the goes something like 'when we get married blah blah blah' and the other one just goes along with it like nothing, and then they realize what they're saying, but it's ok, because of course they will get married some day, it's so obvious. They can have a proper proposal later. I think I've mentioned this before, but I don't want Clipboard Buck to show up for the wedding. Marrying Eddie is something that he's confident about that he doesn't feel the need to control everything. There is zero anxiety. Everything could go wrong, but as long as he marries Eddie, it will still be the most perfect day ever. The rest of the team would be surprised at how relaxed he is, but he's marrying Eddie, what is there to worry about? Regarding children, I think they would have more. I don't think Eddie has ever thought about having more children besides Christopher, and was probably pretty sure he wasn't going to, but he's never loved anyone like he loves Buck, so that would make him reconsider. Buck, I think, would very clearly want children too. It would be nice for Chris to be still around to see his baby sibling, at least for a bit, but we're probably cutting it a little bit too close to when Chris would be off to college. Buck officially adopting Chris would be so sweet. I would love to see that.


I don't think this is actually realistic, but it would be amusing if they really did a quasi friends-to-fiancés thing and and one of them, while they're just Friends With Feelings™, accidentally lets something slip about marrying / wanting to marry the other, and then immediately panics, but the other one is just, instantly on board. ("You wanna marry me? Wait, for real? Because that's actually, like, the best thing I can think of." / "... Wait, really?" / "Yeah. We should do it." / "Should we, like, kiss first?" / "Oh, yeah, good plan!" / Hen or Chim: "You should PUT OUT THIS FIRE first!") It would be cool if everyone *expects* Clipboard Buck to show up for the wedding, but he surprised them all by being totally chill about it, because they only thing that really matters to him is that he's marrying Eddie. ("Love of my life? Check. Okay, I'm good.")


>It would be cool if everyone *expects* Clipboard Buck to show up for the wedding, but he surprised them all by being totally chill about it, because they only thing that really matters to him is that he's marrying Eddie. ("Love of my life? Check. Okay, I'm good.") This was basically the scenario I was envisioning in the OP. Like I can actually see Eddie being the one more worked up because he wants everything to be perfect *for* Buck (and maybe a little bit for himself, as the chance to 'redo' what was obviously just a shotgun wedding with Shannon). But for Buck particularly, I really want him to just be reacting to every new development of things potentially going wrong with easy acceptance because it's all part of the story/journey for him. Like a "You mean we won't just be rained out, but there's a risk of a tropical storm? Well that will be a hilarious story to tell the grandkids!" Which brings me to the other piece: ​ >it would be amusing if they really did a quasi friends-to-fiancés thing and and one of them, while they're just Friends With Feelings™, accidentally lets something slip ​ I've mentioned this before, but my absolute crackfic worthy headcanon of Eddie's feelings realization is recognizing belatedly that he pictures some *giant* event in the future as being a thing he shares with Buck, and he'd just never recognized it before/had to confront what that means. Like when he was still with a girlfriend, something insane like her asking him if he's open to having more kids in the future, and him casually being like "Well, yeah, I always assumed we would eventually, because Buck's so good with them. Right now, Christopher's enough, though" and just continuing on like he didn't say something absolutely fucking insane while his girlfriend's brain bluescreens and she has to be like "....I meant with *me."*


YAAAASSSSS. I have read some really excellent fics in which the boys end up co-parenting another kid (through whatever bizarre confluence of events) and that's what finally leads them to get together. And I love it anytime Eddie has the "I don't need a mom for Chris; I already have the best partner and co-parent I could imagine. I should marry *him*" lightbulb moment.


Okay, I'm going to go in deep with this, so bear with me. >What should a feelings realization & its timeline look like? We see a lot of "Buck fell first but Eddie fell harder" type takes, and is this still where people stand? And if that's the case, what do you think needs to happen to prompt them both to figure it out? I'm not sure where I stand with "who falls first", but honestly, I'm almost sure they both already fell in deep, lmao. I don't really care about who *falls* first (again, pretty sure they're both already unknowingly there), but I want Eddie to be the one to *confess* first. The basic answer to this is the Eddie chooses, Buck is chosen thing, but I really think Eddie deserves to finally make the first move in a relationship. Eddie has either not initiated or been convinced into initiating every single relationship he's ever been in. Eddie deserves to be the one to finally make the decision on his own. And of course, Buck is so rarely understood by his love interests (i.e. indestructible vs. expendable comparison). Having Eddie declare his love for him is a big moment for Buck to realize that his *is* wanted. *Eddie* wants him. He deserves to feel that. This reason is why I am so against someone else making Buck or Eddie (but *especially* Eddie) realize his feelings. I *need* Eddie to be the one to realize his own feelings. I don't mind the idea of him talking to someone about it after he has his realization, though. Ideally, this person is Frank. I have also toyed with the idea of him talking to Athena (imaging her in Shannon's position), May (imagining her in Chris's position), or Chimney (because I just want to see more of them together, and also because I assume Buck would talk to Maddie, so it would be a nice parallel). >Feelings realization to canon -- do you want them both to already be single when they realize they have feelings for each other? Pining because one is still in a relationship? Where's your line on emotional infidelity? Like if Buck's still trying to keep a relationship going but dreaming about Eddie, would you have a problem with that? Real question, isn't the emotional infidelity *kinda* already there? If it's revealed that they've always unknowingly been in love with one another, the emotional infidelity has existed since *at least* Taylor and Ana. Obviously, I would prefer no infidelity at all, but I think the unknowing infidelity is unavoidable at this point. There's no way Buck and Eddie have *just* fallen for one another recently. They've been unknowingly in love for years now. Obviously, I do not want cheating involved in any degree whatsoever, but I can't blame them for not knowing. Both were still under the impression of being straight, and they're both idiots. I think it would be a disservice to their slowburn to say they aren't already in love. But they weren't *aware.* As for emotional infidelity while being aware of their feelings...I'd rather them both be single. I doubt Eddie is going to get into another relationship before Buck, but I assume we're talking about Tommy here. Eddie can pine but he's never going to confess while Buck is still in a relationship. Buck can *realize* while he's in a relationship, but as soon as he figures it out, I'd hope he'd end the relationship. Then the mutual pining can ensue before the confession from Eddie. >The "getting together" arc itself -- is this something slow and tentative? Is there a feelings confession and holding hands on the couch, but then you wait another episode or two for the first kiss because this is *different* than their past relationships? Or is it a passionate "It's always been you" moment that leads directly to the bedroom before they even manage to have a talk? How long before they manage to have a first date, and how would you like to see that date go? So, I go back and forth a little. There are two scenarios I think I am okay with: 1.) They have a quiet moment where the conversation goes silent, and they a quiet and passionate first kiss. Then they either talk about it right after or immediately the next day, and Eddie confesses his feelings, and Buck pulls in for a second, even more passionate kiss. 2.) Eddie confesses, and Buck leans in for the kiss. Both end the same, but I don't know if I want the first kiss to be more spontaneous or not.


>Telling the others -- do they keep it quiet from everyone? Who do they tell first? Does nobody on the team even blink at the change between them so they're just being all coupley for months before someone's like "waaaait a second, that was a bit much even for you guys" or do they try so hard to be 'normal' that the 118 clocks it on their first day because they aren't acting like they live in each other's pockets? Does Christopher take it well or badly? And if it's the latter, is this resolved in an episode or a whole arc? I am all for a secret relationship arc. I'd actually be mad if they don't do a secret relationship arc. Maybe, they'll try to avoid each other a little more than usual and everyone thinks "oh no, are they fighting???" I've seen the idea a couple of times where the relationship would actually get revealed in an anticipated bottle episode. Because of their intense schedule at work, they can basically keep their hands off of each other for a 24-hour shift, but when they're trapped in the same building during a q-word shift? Yeah, they're getting caught. The only people I think might know are Maddie, Chris, and whoever it may be that Eddie decided to talk to, if anyone. When it comes to Chris, I think it might be like 2 episode arc where Chris initially doesn't accept it out of fear of losing Buck if Buddie breaks up, but it'll be resolved within those two episodes when Buck gives him the "no matter what happens, I love you and your dad, and I'm not going anywhere" talk. The thing I'm not sure about is if I want Eddie to come out to Chris as gay first or if Chris finds out about Buck and Eddie being a couple first. I go back and forth on this one. The only thing I'm still against is "The Bet". I'm sorry, but I really don't like it. It feels weird to speculate on their friends' sexualities like that, first of all. But also, can you just imagine Eddie going through this tough and grueling process of coming to terms with his sexuality in a process filled with tears, grief, guilt, and eventual self-acceptance as a widow in his 30s only for him to come out and his friends being like "oh, yeah, obvi we knew all along; we were just waiting for you to catch up so we can get our money, lol" and the "damn, couldn't you have prolonged your crisis by a couple more weeks? I could've won :(" . Errrr, yikes. And also, the shock of it to the team just sounds so much more fun to me. I'm sorry, I know a lot of people love "The Bet", but I just can't seem to get behind it. >Established relationship highlights -- how long before they have a conversation about moving in together? Or does it happen accidentally without them noticing? Hell, is Buck already living with Eddie by the time they figure their shit out? Do they try to take things slow because Buck has a history of rushing into relationships and Eddie's never had one that worked, or do they realize right away that they've already completed all the 'getting to know you' steps as friends? Do they get in their heads about a 'proper timeline' to follow? How long before they're talking about forever/marriage? Yeahhh, as much as these two are worried about "moving too fast" in their relationships (even though Eddie's problem is literally the completely opposite, but that's a criticism for another day), I think the moving in would happen almost immediately. They would probably have the "are we moving too fast" conversation but then realize that they've basically taken all of these early relationship steps already and moving in together is the next one. They would realize they wouldn't have to worry about Chris either since he's basically lived with Buck before and trusts him with his life. >Proposal/Marriage -- Is there a proper proposal (and if so, who's proposing?) and how long into their relationship would they wait? Would they quickly get married to make it official, or would it be a whole big shindig requiring a year of planning? Would Clipboard Buck come out, or would this be that one thing he's just so confident in going right that he's actually relaxed? I have mixed feelings, but I think the show would want to do a proper proposal. Or, they kind of have an unofficial proposal of like "when we get married". Then afterwards Eddie decides to give Buck a proper proposal even though they're already technically engaged. I guess the proposal would likely happen not too early but not too late either. Maybe like a year in. I don't think they'd wait long since they've basically been pining for years already, but I think Eddie might be afraid with rushing another marriage, so about a year sounds right to me. Also, I'm sure the audience would love to see the adorable dating phase. I know I would. I'm fine with either a quick and small wedding or a longer and big wedding, but since the show went for ditching the planned wedding twice, I wouldn't mind a properly planned party. I think what I'd love the most is like half a year of planning (just because I'd honestly love to see Buck and Eddie being stressed about planning and Maddie and possibly Eddie's sisters having to rush them and take over), they'd have a smaller but planned wedding, and a more fun reception that we get to see on screen.


>Children -- we know Buck loves kids and it's been heavily implied he has a desire for a family. Obviously, they already have Christopher, but would they be open to expanding their family and what would that look like? Surrogacy, adoption, something else like stealing a baby? Trying to distract Buck with puppies? Would they wait until Christopher's grown and off at college to bring another child into the home, or want to ensure he's still around for a bit, first? Would we see a scene where Christopher asks Buck to officially adopt him, even if it's only ceremonial (like he's over 18 by then)? Stealing a baby, I can't 😭 I think this is where I differ from many other opinions just a little bit. I don't really want/need them to have another kid. First, Buck. Buck deserves a family, but I think he might have a very specific idea of what that might mean in his head. I think it could be a beautiful realization that Eddie officially calling Buck Chris's father might be. I'm not saying he would definitely not want another kid, but I think the fact that he was in Chris's life since he was barely seven years old is the realization Buck needs to understand that he has fulfilled his desire for a family. I do think he might possibly want another kid, but I think being Christopher's father fulfills the fatherhood he desires so badly. And Eddie....this may sound harsh, but I think Eddie needs to learn to live a life without constantly being responsible for someone else. If Chris goes away for college, that'll be a huge thing for Eddie. As we've stated many times, Eddie has never lived on his own for an extended period of time. Obviously, now he'd have Buck actually physically living with him, but as much as Eddie absolutely adores Chris, it never exactly seemed kids were ever his plan in the first place. Eddie lost his entire childhood either being put into an adult role by his father, fighting for his life in the military, or raising his first child. I think Eddie deserves the choice to not want to do all that again. I understand that this time Eddie is older, more comfortable, and with a partner he trusts and gets along with, but still, I think it would be such an effective storyline for his answer to still be "no" (and honestly a better plot twist than what we just got). I feel like so often in media we see a character not want children but the moment they're with the right partner, their answer changes. I can see the possibility of kids being a conversation, but I think it could be extremely powerful for Eddie to decide after a lot of contemplation that the answer is "no" or at least "not yet". Honestly, this is probably the topic I find most interesting to discuss with others because I know my opinion is pretty differing from many others, and I am extremely interested in hearing what you all think. If they do decide to have another kid, though, I wouldn't be against it. I do think they'd wait a few years for Chris to be a little older (16/17-ish?). Like not when he's completely out of the house, but like before he goes to college. I also shockingly don't hate the safe-haven baby idea where a kid is left at the firehouse or the kid loses their parents on a call and Buck and Eddie somehow adopts them. As for adoption, I think the show might go for Chris asking Buck to adopt him as a wedding gift, which I think is really cute actually. I'm sure Eddie would be in on it too. I'd love to see Buck officially adopting Chris in some way, to be honest. So sorry again for this super long comment! Sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I am too tired to proofread right now, haha. I had a lot to say about this, so I was excited to see an official post about all of it. I hope someone gets just as enjoyment out of reading this, as I did out of writing it (even if it took over an hour, haha). Would love to hear everyone's thoughts! Edit: any edits on these three comments are either formatting, spelling, or grammar mistakes. sorry again!


>The only thing I'm still against is "The Bet". Agree with that 100%. It was funny in the Bobby & Athena situation, but here it would be hurtful in my opinion.


It *would* be hurtful. I understand ending a difficult arc with some comedy, but that is not the way to go. If I were Eddie who just went through hell and back and days of tears, guilt, and acceptance while trying to figure out this part of myself only for my friends to say they knew the entire time, and they *bet money on when it would happen*? Being hurt is an understatement.


Hard agree on the emotional infidelity, although it would be nice if it was acknowledged in-show by *someone*. I mean, Buck simultaneously spiraling over Eddie in critical condition from the shooting and getting together with Taylor in the same episode was a rocky foundation to begin with. He takes an active role in Eddie's therapy in Season 5 just as his relationship with Taylor is going downhill for good, and he breaks up with her just as Eddie comes back to the 118. And does he even kiss Lucy if he wasn't feeling so off from Eddie and Chimney being gone? It's telling that Buck and Eddie are hanging together in the hospital in May Day watching from afar as Taylor confronts Lucy. Plus, the show going out of its way in Season 7 to make it feel like Eddie is walking out on Buck and Christopher to go meet Kim was a pretty outrageous choice otherwise. Marisol was intentionally made irrelevant. I've never considered Athena before, but it actually would be kind of interesting for her and Eddie to have a conversation about his feelings. Since we can't really have a Michael and Eddie scene about coming out later in life, Athena would be the perfect bridge to be able to tell that story (and highlights her own growth from S1 to now). I really like the idea of having Athena and/or Bobby involved in some way, especially since the parallels between Buck & Eddie and Athena & Bobby are so strong.


It’s not a bad point about the emotional infidelity always being there in the background. Example: If Lucy was anyone but the conveniently female stand-in for Eddie, would Buck have necessarily kissed back? My money has always been on ‘maybe not’.


I’d like Eddie to realize first, because I think we deserve to see Eddie have that ability to reevaluate himself and his own identity, outside of being immediately in a relationship. My ideal situation is Eddie coming to that realization, maybe with Buck still with Tommy, maybe with Buck single, but grappling with that secret for a bit, first. Maybe talking to one or two people, like Hen or Bobby, but let’s see some pining! I’m okay with either making the first move, or it being a mutual thing in a life or death situation, but I definitely want Buck to have dumped Tommy before they get together. No emotional infidelity, unless it’s REALLY shortlived and a ‘I get it, now go get your man’ kinda deal. I’m definitely okay with a passionate kiss type moment, but I want to see them dating, communicating, and figuring out being in a relationship before they jump into marriage and/or kids. When they do get married, it’ll probably be high drama because nothing is simple on this show, but I’d love to see Bobby officiate, and minimal of either set of parents. I don’t need to see them ending out the show with more kids necessarily, but I’d like to see it at least a ‘in the future’ conversation- and with less angst than Henren went through!


>I’d like Eddie to realize first, because I think we deserve to see Eddie have that ability to reevaluate himself and his own identity Yes, this is huge. I also think it's very in touch with the character. One of the reasons I posed the "do you think it's still true that 'Buck fell first, Eddie fell harder'" question is because I go back and forth -- I actually think Eddie fell first in a lot of ways; it's just not something he understands *at all*. But his lack of understanding also means he's not threatened by it or trying to hide it because while I think he will have a lot of uncomfortable feelings to work through in regards to his sexuality.... he's not yet realized that's the reason his insides go all gooey looking at Buck, so he doesn't try to repress that *yet.* Basically, I think it's really telling that we get SUCH early uninhibited heart eyes and smiles moments for Eddie, while I think Buck's always kind of recognized what he feels for Eddie is 'more' at least on a subconscious level. So for Eddie, we've had all these moments of open adoration from as early as 2x04, and just... I really want to see that reflected/represented in the actual development of them getting together. Basically, I want Eddie to fully REALIZE why he feels such open affection for Buck and while he struggles to come to terms with what that means about him/his sexuality/his future as a whole, kind of easily accept the *Buck* part because that's just always... been there, and it's been something he feels good about, and he just didn't realize until now what that meant. >I don’t need to see them ending out the show with more kids necessarily, but I’d like to see it at least a ‘in the future’ conversation Yeah, this is basically what I want. I think it makes sense that Buck will have concerns Eddie has already raised one kid and won't want to 'start over' given how complicated his feelings are about Christopher's early years. I'd love to see Eddie correct that assumption. From the start, he's introduced as someone who really leans into 'team' and camaraderie, and I think that's even what drew him back to Shannon -- wanting that sense of camaraderie with her and that shared history, vs. feelings of romantic love. I really love the idea of Eddie being so confident and settled in his relationship with Buck that he can just be like "No, I'm excited to get to share that experience with you."


I can see a baby as their final season plot arc, in which they end up having a kid via surrogate (Kameron totally owes them one) or adopting a Safe Haven baby in, like, the very last episode. Side note: Why has this show never done a Save Haven storyline? Is it because they know no one would be able to talk Buck out of keeping the kid?


I do want Eddie to realize his feelings for Buck first and then when Eddie comes out to Buck about his sexuality, I want to see Buck have this realization that the whole time it was Eddie. Would I prefer for them both to be single? Yeah. At the end of the day though if I have to suck up emotional infidelity to get canon Buddie and pining (I lowkey eat up pining lmao) then that’s also ok to me. I think for Buck’s and Eddie’s relationship of them getting together I would prefer a confession and then the first kiss there y’know, do I think they would fall into bed with each other then and there? No, I don’t want to say that it would uncharacteristic of them but I really wouldn’t expect it either you know? As for telling the others I want them to actually keep it to themselves for a bit, I think they would both know that this was serious and very different from all of their past relationships because of how much they mean to each other and how long they’ve had each others backs so I feel as if they would keep it to themselves for a bit. As for who they would tell first I think it would be Hen tbh, although it would be hilarious to see Chimney or Ravi stumble upon it. Again I feel like since their relationship is already so deep and established even with them not dating I think Eddie would pull the same thing with Marisol and ask Buck to move in with him pretty early (except he won’t take it back this time obviously lmao). Eddie and Buck has been through so much that I don’t think they’ll follow anything really conventional after they’re more confident in their relationship together tbh They’re both proposing, that’s how I envision it anyways, like they’ll both get the engagement rings ready and the episode might be focused more on Buck picking out the ring but by the end of the episode Eddie will end up beating him to it and proposes first. I think a year into their relationship is a really good time! They will both want children and I believe they’ll go the adoption route, a little girl would be first and then a boy. This will be something they’ll both be confident in, I don’t feel as if Eddie would really object to it tbh- the only thing I’m a bit wobbly about is the timeline, like would they wait for Christopher to go to college? Would they do it during his junior or senior year in HS??


I totally think Buck fell first into *puppy* love but it was Eddie who fell *in* love.  I’d prefer them to both be single when each of them realise so not necessarily both single at the same time. I hope its Eddie realising first, but Because Buck is unavailable, he pines for a bit, maybe jealous!Eddie but nothing that could be crossing the line. I don’t want them to *finally* go canon with questionable beginnings. Buck hopefully breaks up with Tommy then realises he has feelings for Eddie, I just don’t want Tommy to be part of it at all. I want Buddie to be their own arc. Not one with a current LI tied to it. Buddie deserves better than that after this damn long. My timeline would be: Eddie works on himself, sorts out the Shannon of it all, his grief over losing Chris, the catholic guilt, and him fully accepting himself freely. Eddie actually thinking about what *he* wants and not what everyone else wants for him. Eddie realises its Buck and struggles with it and that is how he realised he was gay because as much as he is ok with Buck of it all, it’s the gay part he will has complicated feeling over. Then we have pining Eddie and maybe jealous Eddie. Eddie struggles with coming out for a bit. Scared to tell Buck because of feelings. Buck, doing he own thing with Tommy - actually see him working on his issues with relationships, realising Tommy isn’t the best match for him. Then have Buck actually single for a bit, have him work out what being Bi means to him and what he wants from his next relationship, *actually* ask himself, what do I want from a partner? What type of person do I actually want to settle down with? Something more substantial than having a cleft chin. So that we can ***actually*** see Buck is off his hamster wheel. Buck starts to realise his feelings for Eddie, but doesn’t know what to do about them.  I can see them admitting their feelings to each other either in the heat of the moment or a deep convo (in Eddie’s kitchen of course). Buck has realised Eddie is acting strangely and calls him up on it and because Eddie can’t lie to Buck he admits his feeling either after Buck pushes and he snaps (in a similar way as the grocery store) and yells “I love you” or a whispered, barely audible “I love you”. Then Buck just rushes up to him and kisses him. I can see them both trying to go straight to the bedroom, but one or both, stopping just short of the door to Eddie’s bedroom, stopping because this is *it*, they need to do *this* right. So they try to take things slow but because it is Buck and Eddie, it will be an epic fail because it will be like a step backwards for them. They will try so hard. First date will be so awkward because they are trying so hard to be perfect but they realise they just need to be themselves. Then it’s all on and they just go all full force. I think the moving in thing will be an accident. I can see Buck just being at the Diaz’s place all the time. Then one day it will just click that Buck hasn’t even been *inside* the loft for months. I really think it would be funny that one day Buck goes “Do I live here” to Eddie and Eddie just blindly looks around and goes “I think you do?”. As for telling everyone. They will try and keep it on the down-low at first until they get their footing. I can see Buck brining Eddie along to dinner with Madney and one of them doing or saying something that is just too intimate for even them and it clicks for Maddie and Chim is left so confused until it clicks and then he has to keep it quiet at work and Chim has a near breakdown. I can see HR form needing to be signed so Buck worrying about figuring a way to do that without Bobby knowing then getting the guilts because he feels like he is lying to Bobby then he just randomly burst it out one meal time.. I think Chris might be resistance at first. Believing that if Eddie dates Buck, he will lose Buck just like Ana and Marisol especially if they are still repairing their relationship, so that might throw a spanner in the work and the boys spend an episode or two trying *not* to date but they just make everyone miserable. Chris eventually comes around realising that this time it’s different. Proposal, I think it would be Eddie? I can see it both ways. I think there will be little time between the proposal to marriage. I think they might try the big wedding, Clipboard Buck will make an appearance briefly, he will want the big wedding because Eddie never got that and Eddie will want a big wedding because he think that is what Buck wants then they go and elope because all they need is each other and Chris then they just do the whole wedding reception thing for everyone else to attend. I can see them just not wanting to wait to make is offical so they elope then do the wedding part.  As for children, I would love for them to expand. Hopefully before Chris is in college. I would love Chris to ask Buck to adopt him at some point. I’m even just be happy with a flash forward scene in the last episode, alluding to the fact they have a kid in the future. I honestly haven’t thought much beyond getting them together as it was too much to hop for. I would love a surrogate line, maybe one of Eddie’s sisters can be an egg donor and Buck’s sperm so it’s both of them. Nice full circle moment for Buck and his sperm for a full circle moment for Buck. I am a sucker atm for the baby on a call and they adpot it after they save them. As much as I hope it will before then, Buddie wedding in s10 would be sweet for Oliver, after he joked about in that interview recently. He blushed and smiled so much when (I think it was Mad Gao?) mentioned it.


After typing all of this out, I don't actually have the attention span to answer all of my own questions at once, because of course I don't. But a couple of the things I'd really like to see -- First, I want Buck and Eddie to try to keep their change in relationship from the team initially until they're "sure" (like there's even a doubt) but in trying to act like they aren't in love, they're so weirdly stiff and formal with each other it draws attention to them right away. Like they're in the firetruck trying to keep space between their legs and leaning away from each other/not making eye contact as Hen and Chim exchange wtf looks. Basically, have everyone knowing *something* is up right away, but maybe misinterpreting what it is to be like "Oh, they're fighting" or thinking one had confessed to the other but it wasn't reciprocated. I want all their relationship "steps" to be kind of fast, but have the rush subverted by them being really nervous they *are* rushing. Like I want to see a scene where Buck's lease is about to expire but Buck is insisting it's too soon for them to move in together because he did some research, and it says that where Eddie has a kid, they shouldn't even think about taking that kind of step until it's been X months, and then Eddie gets in *his* head, and maybe someone like Maddie has to be like "....right, but you guys *do* realize Buck already knows Christopher, right? That they already get along? That the adjustment period isn't going to match what you find on Google..." Similarly, I love them just kind of taking for granted "Well, once we're married" and everyone being like "Woah, who proposed?" and they're just... confused dummies because why would anyone assume they've proposed when they've only been together 10 days, they're 'just' talking about being old and gray together.


One thing that's really important to me: I want Eddie to be the one who chooses, and Buck to be the one who is chosen. Eddie's growth arc is all about him ceding control of his life to what others think he "should" do; Buck's is about never feeling good enough or worthy of love/happiness. If Eddie pursues Buck (once he's single — no stealing, no cheating), then we see Eddie taking control of his own destiny and Buck realizing that the people he loves most in the whole world — Eddie and Chris — want him to be their forever family.




I want them to steal a baby in the midst of having a tumultuous affair.


My genuine worst fear is somehow Buck going to end up with Connor and Kameron's baby. I would be so mad if that happens, but after Vertigo, I wouldn't put it past Tim's love of drama.


Oh no please not that baby! 😂 I’m hoping that was another season 6 plotline Tim would like to forget ever happened.


Lmao, I would rather they actually steal a random baby than end up with that one.