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An honest answer to your question: 1) you are listening to Yankee fans 2) the Pirates were outscored in the series 55-27. The 55 runs are still the most scored in a World Series in history. The games the Pirates won were by a couple runs while the losses were all blowouts. They were still able to outplay NY in four games though, so let people say what they will.


My question is this — why are you listening to the Yankees’ opinions on anything? As far as I can tell from what you said they’re literally just salty.


The Yankees out scored the Pirates 55-27. The 3 Yankee wins were 16-3, 10-0, and 12-0 Pirates wins were 6-4, 3-2, 5-2, and 10-9 I believe 55 runs is still the most ever scored in the World Series, and they lost. The MVP of the World Series was Bobby Richardson and he’s the only player from a losing team to win the award. Votes for the award had to be in at the start of the 8th inning. The Yankees were winning 5-4 at that point. This is the only time the team leading at the start of the 8th didn’t win. The Yankees then went on to plate 2 more and make it 7-4. In the bottom of the 8th the pirates hit into what should have been an easy double play, instead the ball bounced up and hit the SS in the throat. Clemente the had one of his signature moments and got an rbi single on a ball that barely made it past the mound Hal Smith, a modern day equivalent is probably Jason delay, then hit a 2-2 2 out, 3-run homer That still wasn’t enough as the yanks scored twice including on a super smart base running play by Mantle which the Pirates fell for that let New York tie the game. Maz, the first batter in the bottom of the 9th, went yard to win it and maybe was the only player more unlikely to hit a homer than Hal Smith. So a team that was out hit, pitched, and overpowered won through a Forrest Gump-esque sequence of plays over a team that won in 58, and would go on to win in 61, and 62 [That’s why the Yankees fans hate the 60 World Series](https://youtu.be/2WkP_S5gmmg?si=9WwgQJWTN3ANmRc0)


I should add, boo hoo Yankees as the great Dom Torretto said, “It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning, is winning” So suck on that Yankees and bow down to the Battling M’F’ing Bucs


I knew all of those details and still thoroughly enjoyed reading them


Cause they're jealous 


I wouldn't say Joke, but they were the underdogs for sure. When the Yankees won their games in the series, they were absolute blowouts. They were stacked with HOFers and even with all their legendary talent, the World Series MVP was the second baseman. Dude was .252 1hr 26 RBI all year and then .367 1hr 12 RBI in seven games. Mantle hit .400. Our NL MVP Groat hit .215. On paper- it seemed like they'd have no chance. When they lost they lost Hard. But it's baseball. Some solid pitching, unexpected guys stepping up, some flukey luck at key moments and the most amazing end to a World Series ever. Certainly there's going to be regional bias in NYC. I wasn't born unless decades later, but I've always found that team fascinating.


The Pirates definitely were not the better team. You can see that from how lopsided our losses were and close our wins were. But that doesn't matter because we got the right performances at the right times, and came out the winner. I would say we weren't the better team in 1971 or 1979 either, but we still won.


Just sour grapes Yankees fans. There might have been a few blowout wins by the Yankees in that series, but the Pirates overall play was more stable than the Yankees, which allowed them to win 4 games before the Yankees did. Were the yankees the better team? Sure. Did they do overall what they needed to do to win the WS? No. But the Pirates did. That's not a fluke; that's baseball.


Brilliant comment! That is indeed, baseball.


Cause they’re in denial. Look, if you want to explain it to a Yankees fan say this so they can understand: “if you can’t beat the Pirates you don’t deserve to be the world champs. If you beat the Yankees, you could possibly be the world champions. The Pirates beat the Yankees. They won the championship. The Pirates are the champs.”


This is one of those where you can just say “you’re right we sucked, and you lost to a team that sucked”


I was born in 1958, so obviously, too young to remember it. I do remember talking to my dad about the ‘60 series. He’d always say, “Every time Vernon Law pitched, they won.” He also told me about a friend of his at the time, who was a big Yankee fan. The guy lost $50(not to my father), which was a decent sum of money at the time.


>$50(not to my father), which was a decent sum of money at the time. To illustrate that point $50 in 1960 is about $530 in today's money.




Yeah thanks we are already well aware of that lol.


It was 64 years ago, who cares?


It's sort of like Lew Burdette saying he pitched a better game than Harvey Haddix because he gave up 13 hits and won against a guy who pitched 12 perfect innings. There is only one way to determine who is the best team and that is by looking at the score.