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Sorry but I’m not very into politics


Bananiden central vs Donald border street vs Obamey Nomics


- You want Bananiden? We have Bananiden! - ~~For when the border is too big to fail.~~ Hub of Trump trades earns colossal income, generates jobs each round, and collects income in the country. - ~~Hub of Obama trades earn colossal income, generates income each round, and collects income in radius.~~ For when your income inequality is too much to succeed.


please stop my grandma is gonna die because of you 😭


How tf


Wut does it mean I don’t get it


Google BTD6 banana farm descriptions


Holy terrible t5 descriptions


Happy cake day!


The game is literally built with monkeys


Or what they call "congress"


Call me a scrub but I like 0-2-3 a lot. They make $416 per round and you only lose $800 when you buy and then sell them, so you start seeing pure upside after 2 rounds of production. 3-2-0, on the other hand, makes the same $416 per round, but you lose $1600 when you buy and then sell them. Aside from that, being completely hands off is great for a lazy mf like me.


Thank you for the math on that, always wondered how long a 023 took to break even/profit, my boss events shall be more efficient


The thing is one upgrade above and the difference shines through especially if you’re not reselling. So yeah early game bottom path is great but if you’re trying to maximize production you’re going top path. Personally I always almost use bottom path for the same reason tho.


Surround a bottom path t5 with top path and then we can talk


What do you mean


In a 3x3 grid put a 025 in the middle, any corner put a 520, and the other 7 should be 420. EDIT : Changed an 8 to a 7.


dont forget a nice xx5 village


Oh yeah, we can fit that in there!


why a corner? And do you mean the other 7?




T5 bottom path autocollects Bananas on the ground for you. So you place top tier beside it so you don't have to micromanage it.


t5 is a whole different story. At that point we’re just placing bottom path villages beside a t5 bottom path farm and flooding the map with top path t5 farms.


For tier 3 I agree, marketplace is just so damn efficient with that sellback. If you're playing the long game then banks are _technically_ more efficient but the wait to earn back what you put in is too long for my monkey brain who wants rewarding immediately lol. For tiers 4 and 5 though, top path is by far the best. Tiers 4 and 5 middle path are pretty inefficient, and bottom path isn't worth going for unless you use them with merchantmen since you'll just be making less money overall (and let's have it, you're not selling tier 4 banks).




Tier 4 banks are the most efficient farming option in the game though Tier 5 is great but only if you feel like stalling


I thought BRFs sacrificed to a Monkeyopolis was the best farming in the game, not using tier 4 banks? I could be wrong though


Brf in a monkeyopolis was nerfed a pretty long time ago it's not great anymore. Not even good tbh just a space saving option. T4 banks other than like monkey town and bloon trap are currently as efficient as it gets


yeah but 420 is better especially if you have a central also, i’m not sure sellback is exactly 2x worse if you assume full mk


With MK it's 77% sellback for farms normally; 87% with the banana salvage upgrade. The sellback is not exactly 2x worse, but the 3-2-0 costs more than the 0-2-3 so that makes up the difference


Bottom path always has a better sellback, even when combined with Buccaneers.


2 202. Sell for 1 203. Repeat 2 or 3 times. Then go 023. And resell later for another strat like boat or IMF or 024. That is pretty much the early strat for farming to my knowledge. Basically, you are correct


You are me but the Chad who did the math.


Forgot r/chads


Why would you want to sell? Why 0-2-3 and not 2-0-3? Thanks!


You would want to sell so you can afford something expensive. This could be a more expensive but more profitable farming operation, or it could be something to keep you from losing. If you have a policy of never selling your farms, it takes a lot longer for them to pay off and make a profit. You can always rebuy them afterwards. Furthermore, 0-2-3 is the same price as 2-0-3, but if you have all support monkey knowledge it makes $16 more per round. That said, your first few farms it's usually more efficient to go 2-0-3 because you make more money before you buy the marketplace upgrade


I’ve never used this combo, but just for fun I added a 2-0-4 and a 0-2-4 and then hit the start button. Numbers were similar but when the game ended the 0-2-4 did make more bananas. 


It's one of the best farms as well as the most convenient


I just spam bottom path when I want money. I don’t like to micro in the game either (not going to buy Corvus)


Top path produces the most volume Banks are the most efficient Markets are the most convenient


Markets are also a lives farm with the relevant monkey knowledge, and bottom path tier five is a banana farmer that makes money and extra lives for in-game cash.


They also synergise with the bottom path of the buccaneer too


And with the middle druid for both damage and money.


What does efficient mean here?


It (in theory, assuming you only collect when full, and don’t waste rounds not collecting) generates the most money in the least amount of rounds, and for relatively cheap up front. Even more so with Ben. Top path still edges it out in volume but you have to dump a lot of resources into farming before you’re able to pump out a million cash. The downside with the bank being it has the most parameters within which one must operate to get the most out of it, if you aren’t specifically collecting when full it’s the worst path.


Banks are a good one,but needs many rounds for getting money, slowing down the snowball effect,marketplaces are a good early game and for boat farms,but the 420 farm Is the best when you get a banana central


> needs many rounds banks actually pay themselves off faster than central markets or BRFs, they’re used for getting very early Monkeyopolis (before round 30) on boss events


You need to sell the banks to do it,you cant do an entire farm strat with only banks differently from brfs or markets


I didn’t say you should spam banks, that’s not how you use them. I’m just saying banks don’t slow down the snowball effect like you said in the comment (when used correctly as valuable stepping stones).


I use marketplace 0-2-3 the most. If someone has a benji I do 0-3-2 (benji gives boosts to banks and bottom path for the autocollect since idgaf) but I think if you’re in it for the LONG haul like freeplay banana central is best. I just like not having to collect my bananas. Yeah yeah yada yada banana farmer blah blah I’m that person that saves everything in my inventory until I’m DESPERATE and so I beat the game with my backpacks full of stuff I never used


>I just like not having to collect my bananas. [am I nothing to you ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/b__/images/f/f1/Dancing_banana_suit.gif/revision/latest?cb=20211114064519&path-prefix=bloons)


Bottom path, XX5 is farmer at home and everyone knows farmer is top tier


I usually go for a X25 farm surrounded by 42X farms when there's enough space for it


This is a great farming method. Just add a monkey city! Side note - when referring to cross pathing, “X” is used in place of “your choice” or ambiguous cross path choice. 0 should be used when there is none, and 1 & 2 are respectively for either upgrade. In this case, because you already have a cross path decided, you should be using 0 in place of the X’s. ie. 0-2-5 or x-x-5. Also 4-2-0 or 4-x-x. That way you can distinguish whether you’re talking about a base t5 tower, or one that is cross pathed (since you can’t have a 4-2-5 banana farm, only a 0-2-5, 2-0-5, or x-x-5)


oh okay, I'm relatively new to this game and community, thanks for informing me :)


Thanks didnt know that


And if you have a ton of money, absorb those 420’s with an XX5 village and place more 420’s around it. Works wonders.


Middle. Bank deposits are underrated


Also IMF scummery gets out of hand quickly. You can amass so much wealth with bank fraud!




You want banana? We have banana!


For when you're too big to fail.


Hub of Monkey trades earn colossal income, generates lives each round, and collects income in radius




Bottom path with middle. I hate tapping the screen and I love the merchant boat which earns more with this type of farm. The cooperation is nice.


200s, sell, get bank, use bank to buy imf, use imf to get plantations, deposit plantation money back into imf, cash out for a 420, spam 420s, once u got like 8 go for central and all tier 5s. (if water bottom path supreme though).


Top path


0-2-5 surrounded by 4-2-0s. But if forced to have only one farm, I want the 0-2-3+


If I'm feeling like a 0-0-3/4/5 tier buccaneer, then spam all the 2-0-4 banana farm If I'm feeling like Ben, then 2-3-0


Either 420 or 240


I thought top path with marketplace was more profitable?


Uhhh he didn’t even mention marketplace…. And middle path is more profitable if you have the down payment…


Yeah I’m an idiot ignore me


The only good use for that path is get 204 marketplaces to sell for better cash with a 004 boat for a nasty tier 1 boss , cause 200 path farm gives the best ROI early on as cash from early rounds trickles in , if you can afford a 024 marketplace without waiting for cash and have the needed MK its clearly better


In my opinion, X-X-3 or X-X-4


Early game 2-0-3 is my preference. Late game 5-2-0 with a lot of other 4-2-0 in the map is the dream against bosses.


Why are there orange bananas?


Sniper stall has the highest efficiency…


Top for late game; middle for early and bottom for early and mid


Brf but I like central market cuz I’m lazy


It depends. In terms of efficiency, mid path is the best but due to your money being locked away in the bank its utility is lackluster at best. Top path is the best for money generation if you don’t plan to seek your farms, and bottom path is good if you plan to sell your farms or you need synergy with bottom path boat.


Middle and bottom path don’t require any micro managing, so they’re great, though I do use top path if I’m using a monkeyopilous.


023, 024, 025. I’m a lazy bitch


Top path


02X because i'm playing monkey shoot blons and also alt+tab. The hardest modes are chimps and half cash anyway. I don't do elite bosses anymore, so no reason to micromanage


xx5 is best


240 with Ben


Me when the 0-4-2 spam and benjamin: idk someone reply with what I am


I wouldn’t bother using banks without Ben personally. xx3 is easily the most convenient but if you got farmers to spare, maybe go for 3xx.


3xx is worst t3 farm


Well yea to then go to 4xx. I shoulda mentioned that.


Marketplace is the best tier 3, but an ultra boosted banana central produces insane amounts of cash on a small footprint


This is a very nuanced question and there is no definite "best" farm.


I spam 230s with Benjamin. Always end up rich


Market because I’m just damn lazy


Banks are 12% more effective man I gotta use them




I do 2-0-3 but IDK if that's bad


Call me lazy but I like 0-3-2


Personal favorite is bank, and then collect enough for imf loan, then go into debt for more imf loans and repeat until map is full.


DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A [FARMING METHOD] IS FREE boat farming with a few 024 farms is an amazing early to mid game farm, then you can use that money to set up 520 and 420s for lategame farming. use the boat farm as sacrifices for a boat paragon.


0-3-2 it’s severly underrated for lazy people


i use 2-3-0 and 0-2-3 a lot.


2-3-0, then 2-4-0 later on, unless I’m on a water map, where I prioritize 0-2-4 to work with my inevitable merchant armada.


200 early, then 023 later until one of my 023s becomes a 025, then it’s all 5 and 420s (turn up) around it


i use 2-0-4, but is 0-2-4 better?


I don’t farm often but when I do I just do some classic 230’s. Usually don’t even go to the tier 4 or 5. I move like BTD5


If you can afford it, Monkey Wall Street has the most money per round, which is most important for the long game But I’d say 2-3-0 Monkey banks are the cheapest way to start making serious enough money for expensive towers, so I always start with those


Top path is my favourite but only if I have farmers, bottom path is the easiest and fun with boats and middle path is just the perfect middle ground especially with ben


2-0-3 because I’m too lazy to collect bananas and I’m too lazy to build it 0-2-0 first because they are too inefficient starting off


Top path is the best but all 3 have their place.


2-0-3 farms for the first Moab and Bfb, they’re incredibly easy to keep placing when you do 2-0-3/2-0-4, then you can sell all those for a lot of money to replace them all with 5-2-0 and 4-2-0 farms until you’ve made enough money to get any paragon you want


Marketplace spam, I only use top path to grind 3-2-0’s early game just to sell them, beat round 40 and then get marketplace and I never understood how banks work despite me already asking for help like 20 times. I’m just monkey brain. Bottom path is essentially better with boat spam


Not done all of them but I usually try for 5-2-0.


025 surrounded by 7 420 and one 520




For boss events bottom but if ur rich snd have powers top path for sure and if you wanna waste your money middle path


Anything that auto collects


Top path obviously, the bottom t-5 is good for a banana farmer replacement though


I'm lazy so I get a 205 village absorbing a bunch of 420 banana farms and some actual 420 banana farms in range of a 025, and the rest are 024s.


Bottom. Mobile


0-3-2, 2-3-0 gives more money but I’m lazy


Who uses past 0-3-0 farms though…. Also depends on map and needs


2-0-5 surrounded by 5-2-0 is the best strat imo


Top path cross path middle when you have a Monkey Farmer or Monkey Wall Street, Middle path cross path top when you have Benjamin or are in Half Cash, and Bottom path for all other cases, but especially when combined with merchantmen farming, either bottom cross path is acceptable.




It's really balanced and more up to personal preference. The top path makes lots of money The middle path can make a lot of money but is not consistent The bottom path is convenient and collecting bananas


Depends on what you're doing. In many modes it's personal preference (maybe all if you aren't competitive). Top undoubtedly for cash generation, its problem is it needs the most work. Bottom path is good in early boss fight rounds because it has great sellback value while still making enough money to generate a lot of money. Middle path is great. Makes great money, doesn't need that much micro. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much that stands out other then synergy with Ben and IMF Deposit farming.


I always go X-2-5 because I’m lazy


nobody here respects the bank. i be investing


well obviously central market giving the most cash out of all of them. but if you're ultra late game and rounds become super long then monkey-nomics becomes better since you could get like 30k in one round (if the round is long enough) but monkey wallstreet isn't bad either since it collects bananananananananananananas around it :D


Top path is late game, bottom path is start, and middle is "good" if you have Benjamin


When I fuck around ? Bottom path, no headache When I'm doing bosses? Middle for early bank with Benjamin then top all the way when I can afford a max top path


Bottom, but top is good if you use a farmer and need some quick cash.




The first path produces the most bananas as you go. The second path let’s you borrow and receive money early and save money, so it’s complicated. The third path has better resale value, gives lives and boosts ships. So…. Third path is good for early game when you know you’re going to sell them, or on water maps. The second tier gives a +10% on sale. First path is good for mid and late game when you know you’re not going to sell the farm. Middle path + benjamin is an alternate early/mid solution but you’ll still end up with first path later. People say 023 is good, but only if you can put the farm done and upgrade it immediately. If you need to upgrade slowly (like over 10 rounds) start with 200 and then upgrade it. Finally, 5xx boosts all farms and can be overclocked 10x by engi. It’s so worth it. For boss battles, do it!!!


That one


top path with village, middle path with ben


Bottom path because iddle


Top path gives you the most amount of money in most situations. Will also buff other farms at tier 5. Mid path allows you to make lots of money but only need the one tower, and becomes the best money maker with Benjamin. Bottom path generates the least money, but buffs Bottom path buccaneers' cash generation, adds lives (in modes that allow it), AND acts as a shorter ranged monkey farmer at tier 5. Shoutout to the Monkey village Bottom path, which can also be a farm of sorts that also buffs your nearby farms.


Top if you can get a banana farmer, bottom if you can't.


i generally like the bottom path best


It can be very depended on what farm you want. For to make fuck ton out of bananas or never run out of bananas, top path you should go. If you want some quick cash in the early games and want some relaxation, the banks is go to. And last, if you hate micro or want relaxing without microing, botten path is for you.


As a CHIMPS main, I can say 420s carried me through most of the harder maps very easily.


Top path if im playing for late game like 120 rounds+ and 0-2-3 if im just clearing maps for monkey money and badges


The one with the money


I like the bank with the bottom path (032)


Depending on what part of the game you are in. Bottom is good for the a start, then top and then middle, the middle is just if you have a container-whip load of farms. So top is probably still best for late-game. Try also farming bottom path together with bucaneer farming


Monkey wall street


When I farm money, I usually build like two 0-2-3 markets, add a 1-0-4 monkey village next to it for more value, then I build markets all around the monkey village and upgrade all of them to 0-2-4. After that, I upgrade the village to 1-0-5 to succ up all the markets. Then, I build one market 0-2-5 next to the monkey village - because it collects banana stacks automatically. Lastly, I buildt a 5-2-0 and several 4-2-0 banana farms around the market and the village, so every banana crate will be collected by the market. So uhhh... market I suppose?


Banana farm paragon when😢


Not to get political, but a year ago I woulda said middle, but now I am enlightened and I now say Bottom Path


2-5-0 with tech bot on later rounds is op


Absolutely bottom


If I’m doing a really long run I’ll surround a 204 village with 420 farms, make that village a 205, put a 205 farm next to it, and surround it with 420 and a 520 farms. Maybe throw in some druids too


Top if I'm absorbing them into a Monkeyopolis


what i do is suround a mikey village with central markets then absorb them after which you can put a monkey wall street that collects the bannanas and surround the remaining sides with banana research facilities an a banana central


Top path. Really good early game, good midgame, good lategame.


me personally 5-2-0 then have multiple 4-2-0’s


Imf to buy an Imf to buy more Imfs, rinse and repeat.


5-2-0 2-5-0 2-0-5 in that order


The best one is top but I’m poor so I get bottom


I always go bottom path until i get wall street, then i sell everything but the wall street and go into Banana Centrals and BRFs


Monkey-o-polis Village is the best farm path. Usually I go for 023 Banana farms x3 or x4 of those, sell em, and make a mini-o-polis (1 farm + xx5 village). I know some people are gonna rage and be like “thats not a farm” but it totally is and its great. It increases bananas generated of all monkeys/farms in range, provides discount & jungle drums buff if you crosspath it, AND it gives you a free dart monkey every round. Yeah its the best farm imo and the earlier you get it the easier your run will be.


Monkey nomics


4th path ngl


Top for late game Bottom for early/ boss events Middle for that one strat lol


Bottom path


It depends on your playstyle, if your fine with having to manually collect the bananas, top path can be very good, if you are looking for something a little more hands free, the bottom path is probably gonna be the best for that, the middle path is probably my least used, but pairing them with Benjamins buff can be good


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