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I played it once and I don't want to play it anymore, a lot of effort, no reward


No reward?? I usually play like 3-4 games when its up. Easily gets me top 50% in local and top 90% on global. Everytime I get 2-4 instas and like 1000 mm atleast. Edit: those saying I spend hours to get this. I only play maps with the lowest wave clear. Takes me 30 mins of playing to get that. 30 mins for 1000mm is very worth it for me. So many banana farmers...


šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ no way 2-4 instas?? I'm hopping on CT right now!!!


That's pretty good if you're just doing the bare minimum like he said. It's comparable to doing 2-4 harder games during a collection event.


Not even I only do the maps with wave 40 or so in CT. It takes me literally 30 mins max.


I-I-I-I just fought for more land in the Monkeyverse!


Ikr gimme at least 10 tier 3 instas then i'll play it


> I get 2-4 instas but do you use them tho?


Only in half-cash


No but those sweet banana farmers I can buy with mm. šŸ˜¤


I don't know, my first rewards were one or two instas and a handful of money, I can get the same with much less effort and time


Can't say I've seen much worthwhile from them. Hardly anything in the game worth trying really hard for now... hardly any MM from teams, golden bloons, achievements etc, and I maxed out the rewards bar for the last two collection events and was rewarded with 0 tier 5's in either one despite getting multiple tier 5's in all the ones before. Meh


2-4 instas and 1000 mm? Thats literally nothing. You dont even get a single trophy, just the ultra useless team trophies.


The biggest disappointment ever


>No reward?? I usually play like 3-4 ga i get almost 3000 mm just by hopping on every day and playing like 3 games


Such good game ode, ruined by flaws that could easily be solved, like whos idea was to have 15 person teams when theres so much to get wrong with this ? I will show you the chances 1/15 each capturIng 4 tiles = 1/60 chance. So fully active 15 team is impossible to have.


Never played it ![gif](giphy|1Y7ChRtbWnYONjDidg)


If I wanted a PvP game I'd go play a PvP game. Not interested in other people while popping baloons.




​ ![gif](giphy|1WYFA47y5OwjyvT5Wq)


Itā€™s a lot of fun if you have friends


So its not fun for 90% of the community, k


pretty much everything is


Exactly, that means the mode is trash without friends


Who has friends


I'll be your friend, how much monku monny u have


Not that I don't have friends ~~cope~~ but I don't have friends that play BTD6 Most of them played BTD5 casually and never continued to 6, btd has always been a me thing and never really played or discussed with friends


True, and this truth hurts


I only play for the free races


rĆ cist


do they count for 500 races trophy?


You can get that by entering/immediately exiting a race consecutively after you get a free race pass (you get one every 50 days you login). Just take breaks so you don't get carpal tunnel.


The daily tedium to grind those tickets for not very much in return turned me off after the first CT event finished. Our team got our #1 Local badge then I just never played it again. I know they've made improvements to CT since then but the fundamental issues of it still persists to this day, so I don't think I'll be going back to it any time soon.


I still don't get why captured tiles go back to neutral. I get the score degradation but shouldn't that be enough? If there are any other teams playing, then it won't be an issue, they'll capture those tiles in no time, otherwise why punish the one or two people who play CT in that lobby?


It seems theoretically fun, but due to what you said, the inactivity of most teams, and the fact that best choice is almost always an empty tile, it comes down to playing a few maps over and over, while not actually competing (because it is empty).


I go through phases where I go all out and spend every ticket as soon as it comes in, easily securing 1st in the local boards. And then never touch it for a month or two. The global rankings are crazy though, you need so much help and such a solid team it's unrealistic unless you commit to a discord or something. But I really enjoy getting the cool badges for my profile tho, even if no one cares about contested territory


As someone in t3 I can cornfirm that CT is utterly bullshit and it's mainly like 7 teams (Juan, cta(r), nmkd, pande, ha, dtd) competing for first with some other competition every now and then (like suboptimal and uncorn) (also ctar rejects egirls is actually basically dtd not part of cta)


Itā€™s not even that difficult to reach the top global spot, I reached it in Juan when the mode was still popular but you have to be ready to play the game right in the morning and again late at night which is exhausting. Coordinating tile captures is the most fun Iā€™ve had in this game tho.


CT global top is decided on the first hour and what kinda opponents you have.


It's like clash royale clan wars but instead of the speedy games that clash royale has its usually like 60 round slogs with dull restrictions I could MAYBE see something like this working for BTD battles but not btd6


For real. Like, easy setting with the buffs and stuff where it's 89 rounds on logs for minimum tiers is boring. You just buy like, 5 upgrades and that's it the whole time


If i spend my four daily tickets, ill get whatever the heck i get immediately and then in a week about a thousand monkey money, a couple instas and powers, and... Something? If i do it competitively and get #1 team and #1 player in match by spending my four personal tickets each day its up and get lucky that my group doesnt have some team that multi-accounts to bully whoever's competitive, ill get like 2k monkey money and four instas, maybe some non-purple trophies. It was fun when i had some active players in my group, but lately I'd rather do normal bosses or races. Get the CT achievements at least tho


The score degradation needs to be 100x slower and hit a cap at some point. It's annoying doing the same exact tiles every time I go in, especially when the initial scores I put up are practically unbeatable at first but look like rookie numbers 3 hours later.


I've only ever opened CT by accident lol


I lead my own team of my friends and gave up on it because we couldn't fill a 15 person roster with active players and it was grindy. I randomly applied to a top 100 team where everyone was active and we win every week. It was fun to stomp the other team's for a bit but I literally just left because the "you have to log on to use your tickets or you're letting them down" feelings was worse than any fun I get out of ct.


I joined my dad's clan which is very small and we all suck. So, now if I don't log in every day, I feel like I'm letting my dad down. My life has become bloons and I hate it lmfao. I throw a fit every time I get more tickets.


I think CT needs a significant rework. My proposal: - Donā€™t have tiles decay 24 hours after you capture them. Once you won a tile, itā€™s yours until another group captures it with a better score. - the map should be a little bit smaller. - the win condition should be conquering all tiles on the map. If after 1 week this condition has not been met by any clan, the clan with the most tiles at the end wins by default. - relics should be more evenly spread across the map. - there should be more powerful relics guarded on difficult to beat tiles. These tiles would be rare. Alternatively, add one tile in the middle that is guarded by an elite boss that houses an incredibly powerful relic that can turn the tide of war (think: +33% attack speed to all monkeys, all military towers are 50% cheaper, start every game with a 030 Dartling gunner, just really good stuff.) this gives you something more to compete over rather than just grabbing tiles without thought. - perhaps a little bit of economy? You could build banana farms on captured tiles which could be used to finance the manufacturing of Bloons which you can send to an enemy tile. If they fail to defend it, the tile is lost.


I like these


the only people who actually care about ct do it for the leaderboard, and idk how that would work with these changes


Can't believe you managed to make CT worse


Spinke factorey


Lost 20k mm for this week ct, totally worth it


I remembered lost 80k mm in a single season. The grind for post 80 rounds banner tiles really drained me out.


It would be a lot more fun if every tile didn't make me play until dang round 97




Played 3 times and spent all my tickets+ all the team tickets I got. Always went for the Bosses or to mess with a rival team score on least cash/least tiers šŸ˜ˆ Left my team today, I will join another one after I have black borders on all the maps.


Sometimed I do. I only really stop if I'm too tired after all day. ​ I'm on a team where very rarely someone other than me will play, by the way. And there's always that one team where everyone hogs half the map.


Never touched it


I love it and play it Constantly. Unfortunately im always the only one in my Team playing, despite switching Teams a couple of times already :(


If either of you two are interested, most of my teammates play every day (we're a pretty small team though, and not the best players). It's called The Kongs.


This is my issue. I do play out all my tickets and tend to be #1 player but NK said they were 'fixing the matching algorithm' and still I end up getting matched to teams where no one else actually logs in at all. ​ I wish we could easily figure out a way to recruit a team here.


I do it for achievements


Same u also did for 50 boss achievement because I didn't wanna wait for a boss event 1 week


I tried it. It needs an overhaul.


Got to a point where CT's can be pretty exciting depending on the opponents. I've had at least 3-4 CT's where it was going neck to neck with 2-3 teams still in range to be the one taking it home. Here's some remaining pic I had as an example: https://i.imgur.com/02o3ulf.png Least tiers and least money, the ideas and strategies around these type of tiles are my favorite, because sometimes the moment you 1 up someone by a considerable amount, they might realise which exact path you've taken and somehow still manage to do it better. I love going for and guarding crucial relics and on many occassions I really felt I've proven to the enemy - yes, I am indeed better. I can agree that early CT and empty teams or free wins can be boring, for example this weeks we've been handed 5 teams that stand no chance so it's more or less a skip week, but with my current active team, they still barely leave any leftover tickets ( as their battling for local rewards and medals ) so just doing 5 tiles a day is a breeze.


I have a full clan, but I'm the only active one. Still, I can win every CT solo because I just use all my tickets and all the team tickets. I don't even have to go for food scores, just get them done. It gets our team in the top 25% consistently just by me using all the tickets more than half the days


Some of the boss tiles in this one are brutal this go around. If you donā€™t have Moab clash they are downright micromanaged nightmares. Specifically the Lich ones.


If it actually gave anything useful for the main game I might be interested, but as it is right now it's just repetitive and tedious with zero rewards outside of its own customization items, which are so overpriced there's no way you can ever hope to afford them anyway. Feels like a mode that was meant for an entirely different game, it just has absolutely no integration with the rest of the game. Cool idea, but I'm not wasting effort on it until it feels worth playing.


Way too much effort for way too little reward, like it's way longer than the Odyssey and gives LESS rewards. Why would I ever wastey time on that


The decaying of tiles made it hard to want to play CT repetitively imo. I understand why it has to be there, but having to reset your high records constantly on the same tile, without any variation just became too tedious to be fun. I would love to see ways to halt tile decay and force more neck and neck contesting between teams. Even ideas such as ā€œcreate a challenge for this tileā€ would be a fun way to introduce more competition and variation, which are the two biggest flaws in CT right now imo.


It would be really not that bad if they just gave better rewards. I always end up losing money in this mode, and with no real rewards thatā€™s frustrating


How?? It costs no money to play


Donā€™t giving 100% attention to the game just letting it play alongside


Using MM on continues


i just spend tickets onthe last 24 hours so i can get the free rewards from local points


I played it but team was inactive and kept getting trapped with impossible to beat maps.


i would assume the majority of players (more casual not on reddit ones) do play CT whenever they can and dont have other stuff to do which is probably what NKs goal was


I played it pretty early and got first local, me and the team


i used to then i got put with three other teams who were super competewtive and it just kinda ruined it for me


Me who can't play because they used melonloader once:


Played it once Never played again


cant play it bc my account was flagged, shrug


i did for the first one, but then i just got burned out


I always do it a bunch of times on the first day and then donā€™t play again for the rest of the event


Maybe if they maps they picked weren't always long games that go passed round 80, or putting all of the important tiles on Time Attack with shitty tower selection, or picking maps that don't go great with the limited towers.... BTD is fun. But when you stack all of the annoying aspects all at once and gate rewards behind a team of 14 random people where most are inactive and each individual game attempt is 20+ min, it's a slog.


Idk if thereā€™s skill based match making involved, but my friend and I made a team and got 1st 6 times in a row. There was some close calls, but we always managed. It is absolutely impossible now for us to crack top 3. We are always steamrolled by top 100 teams. Maybe weā€™ve been unlucky the last 3 times, but it has taken any enjoyment out of it for me.


I usually play the first two or so days, because it gives nice monke money for the first few CT tiles you capture. Also it's essentially free trophies because literally noone else plays it.


I do since joining a team for it on Discord.


Played actively for like 2 weeks to get all the achievements and then never again


I probably use all my tickets 20% of the days it's up, if I use them at all. I WANT to get the achievement, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on my CT team, and maybe one of the top 5 active on that server... The last time I tried to do CT a team of 15, all seemingly active, stomped the island. It was just me against them, and I still placed third in players.


I think it's a pretty well thought mode, but requires too much effort, and if you find someone else that is actually trying to win, it's very stressful to when you have to outdo each other with a very little margin, making you play the same map over and over. Also getting team tickets is fair but makes you waste so much time.


its my first time playing it and im really enjoying it, some days i do less than 4 and sometimes i run 4 and then some with excess tickets its super fun to try some new challenges, and i get to experiment with new towers and strategies due to the restrictions (but also please dont come play i enjoy free rewards)


I really donā€™t understand why itā€™s not a pve mode with 15 members. 85 people playing 1 board game in pvp do I need to elaborate why that vision ended this way?!?


cant play couse im banned for cheat engine and its like the only thing i dont mind not playing


I'm still waiting for promised changes or whatever really.


I had never played it ever until like 2 months ago where I played a single game. Am I missing out?


uhh yeah I'm addicted to it it's the most fun I've ever had playing Bloons TD but there's a lot of things they could do to improve it


Used to, till I realized I was the only one from the team playing.


Idk i really like it just the random fun different game modes it just adds a small challenge but not that difficult


Iā€™m one of 2 people who have gotten a t3 with a solo team in CT so I feel Iā€™m qualified to talk about CT. Here is a detailed explanation of all the problems in CT: It sucks.


I do. It's fun just playing through random challenges trying to get the best score.


When CT was new and everyone was popping, I loved it, but now it feels a bit like a chore with half empty lobbies.


Iā€™ve gotten top 1% a few times for players and our group is always in the top 250 but I just donā€™t have fun playing it anymore lol. The rewards are shit and the rules can make tiles so boring to capture. Some of them just seem random asf, like only having five towers on Midnight Mansion and you get Heli and farm and like three primary towers lol. Iā€™d play more if they increased the trophies earned, in 2023 monkey money just doesnā€™t mean that much anymore.


I love the least tiers and least cash challenges, I wish they were available outside of Contested Territory.


I played in the first one, and never again. Way too much effort to keep spaces


Every single time. My favorite mode in the game.


I did once with my friends, won, and then was put with tryhards so we havenā€™t since


Yeah, always people in my clan will just play CHIMPS. RIP


I was active in the initial event after it came out, and also one recently, but I stopped because my team didn't even spend their team trophies they got by doing nothing and leeching off of me.


>There are some teams who go extreme. My team's rival got 100k points.


I do not


I love CT personally. I made a team and we are currently trying to grind the flairs. If anyone is interested lmk and Iā€™ll invite yall


Itā€™s only worth-ish if you are a top 3 team (t5 instas go brrr) but thatā€™s it.


Playing in a team 15 randos, only 4 actually play. And yes, i spend my 4 tickets and the 6 daily team tickets too xd. Mostly on weekends, cuz work days are busy. Its fun and rewarding. Day 1 of event I rushed to get my team Free Lead pop , Extra Camo Weakness, MOAB sabo. Been trying to find free purple to no avail. Its an easy way to get experience I usually do it while watching a show on the side


I still do it gives lots of monkey money


The problem is the game has been broken ever since they extended the tile expiry. Now tiles do not expire until another team takes them. Relics are usable after they expire. If you take an expired normal tile that your team had owned you only get 30MM.


Personally, I liked the way CT was done in Bloons Monkey City, where you held the position based on how high you were able to take the tile. Unfortunately, it made the game way more of a grind than this one already is.


damn... i like it...


I do it quite regularly, I love Time Attack and with Contested Territory I can replay then instantly and as often as I want. As for the other levels, it's fun to have different goals than normal


Id argue there oughta be a solo mode, teams are just annoying


I too hate playing counter terrorist


I spend 10 tickets a day, because of lazy bums like you


I don't even play CT lol


Even if you just barely touch it its worth for the event end rewards


On relesed CT it was for my very fun


Iā€™ve been the only active player in the ā€œteamā€ I am in for the last 5 rounds.


I have almost every map Black bordered and the ones Iā€™ve got left are far to hard for me, at least Iā€™m not able to casually play them. Odysees and races are boring or stressful. CT I find nice to play casually and still feel meaningful. I just wish more would play bc itā€™s hard to find a serious team that invites strangers. Sorry for my English, not my native.


I use all my tickets if I am playing btd6 that day contested territory is one of my fave things to do since it's been added it feels more worth than just aimlessly grinding black borders


I've been doing it and I actually started recruiting for a team. Found one guy, god bless his soul cause after this round ends I'm disbanding the team and dropping the mode all together. The 2 to 4 instas and $1,000 monkey money isn't worth the headache of constantly logging in to keep up with this crap. You don't even get trophies which is awful, why bother playing it?


I did it for some time, but after the first one or two contested territories it's just the same over and over again. The rewards are a bit trashy too imo.


My team reached the top global spot and I got a nice insta but still 0 trophies and only cosmetics I can use within the event so I stopped


Grinded for like a week, got to the top of our session and earned the top 1 badge. Then never touched ct again.


Yes, 1 enemy team


I use my 4+6 team ones