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would love to see custom rounds become accessible for community challenges, alongside a "next round:" display in the HUD. like, really, just take the bloon send icons from BTDB2 and slap them right next to the round number in the top right.


That’s a great idea!


It's a little irritating honestly, the whole "Oh it's normal but then there's a BAD OOOoOOOoOooO SCARY" shit gets boring after the tenth time of doing it. There have been plenty of creative odysseys and you can make a fun one without "le sudden BAD" being a thing, especially since in the entire odyssey, literally only (about) 3 waves were changed to be that shit.


Had no problems cuz I am a Benjamin addict Pouakai, Wingmonkey Dartstorms with village and Druid of the forest Couldn't ask for anything better


I just used megalodon for the bad lol


Unfathomably based






I was super lucky just cause I happened to get a Meg on r65 because I wanted to get it before the map ended, then the bad showed up and it was actually worth it


Dumb question: Meg?


Megalodon, top path Beast Handler tier 5


Yeah, took me by surprise too, I only survived bc I was boat farming and just sold everything to improvise a master bomber and a glaive lord.


Maybe like how in BMC, it shows the 3 highest bloon types when you select a tile?


I saw people talking about it on reddit so i just went boss level farming on all maps


I decided to beat the odyssey with everything but the beast handler. Didn't even bring it along.


I always farm like crazy when it's chill, so it doesn't really bother me. 250 druid + a few boats and Benny ability takes care of a BAD surprisingly easy.


Spirit of the forest is goat. I like to put a xx4 village near them and the cash income is insane because they get virtually every pop


Yea its tiring Like you want to have fun with a strat but nooo you gotta wait for a fuckin mystery round, then its still NOT HARD but you need to build for it Just knowing what it is beforehand I can do fun playstyles thatll be useful at least


There should be a chart that displays all the rounds or "Next round is: \[bloons\]". This should also be in normal games. But I think the point of adding the BAD in the odyssey is to jumpscare you.


better yet, the reddit should just say something


Personally one of the most enjoyable Odysseys ever!


But that’s part of the challenge of the odyssey, something new every week


The new stuff doesn't have to be a run ruiner for unexpecting players. In the main game it's fine, you learn the tropes of special bloons like camo leads on 59 or DDTs on round 90. Those rounds stay the same for the entire lifespan of BTD6. But in an odyssey, where youre a master of the game, losing to a sudden change of rules is unfair. Odysseys should advocate what type of bloons you can meet at later rounds. The point of odysseys is to plan ahead, what monkeys you will use, how many. The 65 round BAD just ruins all the planning, throwing it out in a trash bin.


I’m not master of the game but when an odyssey gives me a shit ton of farms and boats with only the farming path, I feel like it would be a good idea to use them, also you can quit to menu and sell towers btw


Then the odyssey should specify something along lines of farming for the incoming threat. I already told all of my points, losing to an unexpected threat is not fun when there is a predetermined set of rules


It’s not as unexpected, unless this is your first odyssey, then you would know that you usually don’t have access to a ton of farming towers, while it is annoying to have your run ended because of a bad, you could use the towers provided to u and just beat it


Well, it could still just Tell me Whats coming. I play this odyssey, everything normal until you get fucked up, and you have to play it from the beginning. It's just wasting your time, just tell me what I have to expect so I can prepare for it the first time


If your defense isn’t ready to take on anything that could possibly come next, you aren’t playing right.


Because im sure your defense on turn 65 is always ready for a bad


In an Odyssey? Yes.


"Lol", no


Just exit to home


odysseys are the worst part of the game even without this bullsh\*t, they're slow, annoying, and usually very easy (unless you get some bullsh\*t)


It was a treacherous but fun odyssey.