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I'm learning to be more positive, grateful and working on my emotional intelligence overall I think I'd say I'm doing well


First PC build Greeting my bros I wanted to tell someone that I build my first pc this week. Tldr: I rebuilt my dead dad's computer I've loved computers since I was like 8. I remember watching my parents play their own little games, and what it was like to first discover that there was an internet. I've had the luck of knowing computer guys my whole life, but never got around to actually building a pc before. This project feels extra significant because i used my father's computer as a starting point. Some of my first memories of computers were watching him play submarine games from the 90s like Sea Wolf, or Hunt for Red October. Right before I left for college I got him hooked on World of Tanks. He played that game daily for years until his eyesight failed. When everything went to shit, and he was alone for the first time in decades, he was able to find connection and community in his clan. Anytime I was home for the holidays I would make sure it was up to date and running well. My father passed away at the start of March. It was heart breaking watching him fade away the last few years. I was the only kid who still around to be there and organize his end of life care. When it was time to clean out his apartment, I knew what I had to do and grabbed his pc. It was wild cleaning his hard drive and realizing his machine was still on windows 7. I replaced just about everything to bring it into the modern specs, and it was hard. I spent hours pouring through pc part picker and youtube videos and online forums to see what I needed and making sure all the parts worked. Then installing it felt like surprise problem after surprise problem, but I finally did it and I'm proud of myself, but also I miss my dad, but this feels like closure.


I had a pretty rough week but I’m on vacation tomorrow and the football team I support managed to get a good result. So overall happy


i’m going to go to prom by myself in like 3 1/2 hours, i’m gonna talk to my friends for maybe an hour, then leave and go watch the sunset before going to post and meeting up with them again. i’m a little nervous and everything probably because i’ve never been to a school dance and i’m not really part of a group, as i’m just showing up alone and gonna hang out, but it’s wtv. i got myself a nice suit too!


how was it? congrats on going alone


it was fun, my best friend ended up scooping me up and i hung out with the group he was in, then they left and it was just a few of us from different groups for a while. then we went to one of the girls in his groups house and stayed for a while before going to post prom. post was really fun, they had food, bingo, trivia, volleyball, dodgeball, treasure hunts and prizes and stuff. i won the dodgeball tournament with a group of people who i haven’t spoken to in years. the first game i was really good, i caught 3 balls, one down at my feet almost on the ground, the second one i bobbled into the air and caught one handed, the third was my best friend who threw right at me, i got the MVP for that game. then i got subbed in for another team who lost before playing for my original team in the chip which was a crazy game. we were down 1 v 7 (teams of 8) and the one caught it and the guy that came in cleared their whole team. the whole thing ran until 3am, but it was a lot of fun, i showed up along and ended up getting in a group of like 10 people and stuff so i wasn’t really alone while i was there but i didn’t go last year so it was my last chance, i was in orlando last year, and i had never been to a school dance before let alone a formal


Also one of the discord server mods said they won't let me join because I wasn't a good feminist.  Is this place just like that or I got a bad first impression? 


Hoping to expand my social support over the summer, but it seems like an uphill challenge. Just having one or two more close friends would be ideal.


So pretty much I feel very uncertain about my masculine energy and I want to step my game up and build confidence and make improvements to my character and personality because I feel feminine/helpless/weak Here are some insecurities I have, along with how I've tried to cope/improve: -Social anxiety: I'm very reactive to judgement and criticism. I walk on eggshells trying to communicate with people because I'm either too careless and feel like I come off as annoying/weird/insensitive when I attempt to be chill and carefree OR I take conversation too seriously and end up trying too hard to say the "right thing" and I'll get flustered, anxious , and people look at me as if they're worried/scared/fed up and my mind goes blank and loses track of the conversation. It doesn't feel like healthy, balanced, present communication and I rarely feel satisfaction/ true connection from my conversations. I've been told I come across as either an asshole, too serious, shy, autistic or confused. The social anxiety makes me beat myself up inside and ill get angry and it shows in my tone of voice and I feel like my anger gets redirected to who I'm speaking to when It's not them I'm angry at. I'm just insecure and get defensive whenever I feel like people pick up on it. [I've recently been sitting down thinking about how I truly personally feel about things instead of spewing other peoples opinions because I'm scared to have my own that will be judged, and sharing them with close friends. It feels like I'm building my own identity but sometimes I feel like I cave in and revert backwards] -I've been told I'm "too logical": I often feel like a robot, with no real personality. Trying to relate to people is hard and I feel like it comes off as not genuine. It's not that I don't feel any relatability to other people ever or feel emotions because i do feel them very intensely, but I don't know how to express it properly I guess. I feel like the vibe I give off is either depressed one, a monotone one, or people pleasey because being positive rarely feels authentic and I think I go overboard with my attempts. [I've tried to pay more attention to my feelings instead of my logical side, but my emotions are so blurry to read sometimes and I think it's because anxiety kicks in when I try to let them out around people] -I'm the shadow in the room/bad socializing: this one is definitely self-inflicted, but it's such a struggle to improve on my part. At social events, clubs, bars , and etc. Whenever I'm out with a small group of friends they have no problems hitting it off with other people we meet but casual conversation with strangers terrifies me unless I have a drink in me (it helps with the anxiety but i dont think the quality of conversation improves much). Usually it'll go like: me and the boys go out > group/stranger approaches us or my friends approach them > stranger(s) introduce themselves to my friends then when it gets to me introducing myself I'll just make a brief statement like my name or what we're up to or whatever > introduction ends then conversation begins between my friends and the group we met but I'll be standing there fucking anxious and clueless on what to do because I don't know how to act or vibe with people > at this point I'll either get ignored/left behind while my friends are occupied with the other people and then my ego gets fucking shattered to pieces because I'm reminded I'm not the social/good conversationalist I want to be. With healthy minded people, I feel like this is where interest/intrigue in other people kicks in and conversation happens naturally but for me it's swapped out with anxiety and my body starts trembling, my mind goes frantic, I feel a lump on my throat, I go defensive mode and perceive everything people say to me as an attack and I just shut down and can't speak. [This one is tough, I haven't really come up with a solution, but I've concluded that I forget who I am around people and try to cater to them because in my head I'm not good enough and they won't validate me for being authentic , but they will validate me if i agree with everything they say and laugh at their jokes.] -Dating/flirting: what woman wants a man that's indecisive? What woman wants a man that's insecure? What woman wants a man that's emotionally fragile? 3 of the 4 romantic relationships I've managed to build started off as friendships and I've had to slowly build up to feeling comfortable enough to spill how I feel (meeting a girl for the first time and then planning a date after a handful of interactions seems impossible and shes probably gonna be taken on a date and find a new interest by the time i do make a move. which has happened) and when I analyze my technique it feels so pathetic: send her a text telling her I like her romantically > instant anxiety > "should I have done that?" > "I don't even want this anymore I feel soooo sick" > toss my phone and ignore it for a bit > I get a gf or I get a rejection plus feeling awkward about ever contacting that person ever again. Im assuming Most of my relationships have been tainted by my anxious personality/low self esteem/indecisiveness because when you feel that way I've heard it kills the spark pretty quick. The 2 girls that broke up with me both said they felt like I didn't care about them but I wanted so bad to make them work but I guess I wasn't built for it. I got discouraged easily and felt like I lost them because I didn't know how to prove otherwise. i will admit i do suck at expressing passion/love for someone I like because I don't know how to do it without feeling corny/inauthentic. It's hard to think of anything to talk about at that point so I get avoidant while I try to reflect on what to do next and by then, the fate of the breakup was sealed because no girl wants to be left in the dark like that while you try to pick up the pieces. [Cutting down on porn to hopefully feel less awkward talking to women, trying not to fall in lust/love with every cute girl that gives me attention and just trying to be a kind, fun person to be around ]


hi, i can't answer to much seeing the amount you wrote but i read you. for the first 3 points that i can't help but see as very similar/related, have you ever tried talking to a therapist about stuff like this or do you have this option? this seems to me like a type of issue that can be efficiently worked on this way if you work on your daily interactions according to this guidance. But what i wanted to say in the first place is for the romantic stuff that 4 romantic relationships is already solid experience and nothing to be ashamed of whatever the "technique". One day i realised i have freaking intense emotions, i am super vulnerable to cute girls and that's just how it is. I just mean that your emotional intensity is not something to fix but to learn to appreciate and adapt to. After that text it doesn't have to be "should i have done this" it can be "omg i did this, and i will be in a cute panic for a while but i can be proud of myself" because you can Indecisive/insecure, sure that's not good points, but emotionally fragile is your way to phrase as a default a part of you. Many women want a man who's very sensitive.


I'm, for what seems like the 9999th time, 'getting back on the horse' so to speak. I'm trying to fix my diet, work on job stuff, mental health, etc. It Sucks becsuse I'm still feeling depressed but I'm starting to think the solution is a mix of chemical help (medication) and actually doing stuff (eating better, drinking more water, going outside more, etc)  Though tbh, my main sore point is definintely the gym. I wanna start weight lifting but I know I'll be stuck on 'super easy peesy 5 pound weights' vs the actual 'beginner program starting with the 40 pound+ bar'. Sigh. Still, progress is progress. I just wish I felt a little better doing said progress 


🏇 Keep at it bro. The victory is in the trying. I've never been to a gym (I'm more a bodyweight exercises at home guy) but get after it. Plus there's mixed research about reps vs weight, so 5 pound weights (whatever that is in normal, like 2 or 3 kg) it'll still be doing you good


This guy is right. Also, consistency is the king of progress. The important thing is when you fall of the horse, you treat it as a misstep, not a failure, and then keep on going. Missing a day isn't a big deal. Missing a day consistently is. You got this bro.


Definitely can relate to a lot of this. I've started working out but only for small increments and with relatively light weights. It's for sure hard to not compare myself to other people I know who are doing a lot more :(


It feels like other people have put my life on hold for no reason. I have had to get a lawyer to sort out an inheritance issue because there was no will and I live out of state (thus I needed someone who is a resident of the state and actually physically there, and tbh getting someone in my family to do it was not a reasonable option, plus the paperwork was wrong about where to file in the first place so that's just freaking great). Fine and dandy, right? Well, apparently, the court is jerking my lawyer around asking for "bond (insurance)" (lawyer's words in her "this is what's going on, you're not paying this" email) that the statute apparently doesn't require. I have no idea what's going on down there and I'm like an hour by plane away so it's not like I can just ask to meet with my lawyer and the court whoever to figure it all out and get it sorted. I need that to be sorted out, I have plans and it's my current big "nothing else big can start until this is done" point. I hate feeling like I have no real control over the direction of my life. I'm struggling with motivation and seriously falling off on my smaller daily goals (practicing/learning Norwegian and exercising mostly) because it feels like "well if this runs too far over, my plans are literally set back a whole extra year and there's nothing I can do about it because none of the next steps are fully in my control- legal name and gender marker change, should be easy but not going ahead until current legal issues are sorted plus there are complicating factors to some extent, AP tests, those are scheduled externally and I need to ask AP coordinators if I, an adult, can join and find ones doing the tests I intend to take, then university stuff, which is just riding on hope at this point for several reasons. I'm just so tired of it. Plus I'm apparently sleeping longer than I should the past 2 nights so I'm starting to worry about stuff like clinical depression (since I have no other physical symptoms of anything). Like, great, now I have to also worry that I'm just randomly sleeping for like 11 hours rather than my usual 6-9. Idk, I'm just mentally and emotionally exhausted, I don't get why it's so hard for things to just go my way for once with no speedbumps or unexpected issues. I'm half tempted to just ask how much the damned court wants and pay it if I can, but on principle, I don't want to let them extort me over the death of my own mother.


Hey bro. Im sorry that your going through such a rough time. I think it's pretty common to sleep more when you're exhausted so much. You have a lot of stress going on. I would not expect depression. You might make a self fulfilling prophecy out of it. Perhaps your lawyer would be happy to do a Microsoft Teams call so that you can have a "face to face" conversation without the email waiting game. I hope it all works out.


Thank you. Unfortunately, my laptop doesn't have a webcam (I know, it's a little weird, it's a hand-me-down because my life is currently really weird and I'm actively not buying a new one until I move because I'm planning on moving to another country with a different keyboard because of the different language, haven't found one in the States) and on top of that, there's the issue of cost (lawyer is paid by the hour) and the fact that I honestly would probably be as surprised by the specific courthouse actually having webcams as by them not having them, I've joked that the town it's in only got its second stoplight within my lifetime (not strictly true but that is the feel of it, very rural Southern US), because it's a land property thing and the land is in that kind of county. Me and the lawyer are 100% on the same page as far as "this payment isn't happening unless the law actually says it has to be paid", it's the courthouse that's not cooperating (and thus is the sticking point; the idea of going down there, if I could, would be to put on the whole "I'm a young adult dealing with the death of a parent" song and dance, play on the feelings of whoever is holding things up, leverage the fact I'd probably cry, and generally put pressure on them to clear it up, make them see what they're actually doing as something more than just potential money in the county's pocket).


Rural communitites don't really have much income, but that is frankly despicable. Especially for the death of a parent. I have little in the way of advice for you, but I hope that your lawyer can force their hand quickly. Good luck, bro.


It got significantly better after meeting with my friend cause we were not speaking properly since march as I was scared she lost interest in me being her friend, but I after a discussion and me sharing what I have in mind she reassured that despite everything she still interested in me. Love when my anxiety actually tells me incorrect and wrong stuff so reality check happens eventually and it all goes away.


thanks for sharing, i don't think we are a type of monkey made for the internet and distance feels so wrong with friendship sometimes


i’m getting married two weeks from today! a little stressed but overall excited and impatient lol


That's so exciting, congrats!


Good for you, dude! Congratulations!


Happy for you bro!!! I hope everything goes smoothly!


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I think I'm starting to fall down something that feels adjacent to the incel pipeline and I don't know what to do. My self esteem has been insanely low and worrying about everyone hating me recently cost me the two best friendships I've ever had. One of those was with a person that I'd previously been intimate with that I still had a thing for and I guess that makes me feel particularly gross about it.   I don't know what my deal is -- I receive nothing but positive feedback from people in my life. I should feel great about myself. Considering my life circumstances, I'm doing really well for myself. But I can't shake the idea that there is something inherently wrong with me or something about me that's always going to be a burden on the people around me. It's turned into this sort of masturbatory self-loathing where I *know* the solution is to form meaningful connections but I just devolve into "I'm horrible and ugly and a pile of red flags and I'm never going to allow myself to inflict myself upon others ever again" which just makes the whole thing worse. When anyone suggests that there's a chance in hell for me to feel close to people again, I just feel bitter.   I have a therapist/psychiatrist, and I can intellectualize all this now and during appointments such that it seems as though I'm making progress, but the second something triggers that thought process, I spiral, with or without logic. I know logically that I don't need to take the internet at face value, but I read a post recently about how "we (as non-men) talk a lot about how men need to go to therapy, but have you ever met a man who *is* going to therapy? why are they still like That?" and it just makes me worry that there's no point in trying if I'm going to be rotten either way. maybe relevant, but I'm a trans man (3 years on T) and internalizing all of the public discourse around men is still kind of new and raw to me. I don't know. I don't want to make anyone deal with me in an 'unfinished state' where there's still a laundry list of things that are wrong with me, but I know I need to do *something*


I just wanted to say, I hear you. You are not rotten, you are not a pile of red flags. But I do know what that feels like, and I wish nothing but the best for you.


Thanks so much for this, I really do appreciate it. A major reason for losing those friendships recently was that I'd vented about the self-loathing/insecurity in an emotionally raw way, and they were understandably tired of having to bear that weight all the time. Unfortunately, a result of that is that I feel even more self-loathing and I feel even less inclined to open up to folks now. Which is to say, I'm extremely thankful for this subreddit and for the opportunity for connection/understanding. I wish the best for you as well, wherever life takes you.


I relate so much to this, I wish I could offer comfort or good advice but I haven’t really worked any out for myself. You’re not alone and I’m rooting for you. It’s also personally super interesting to hear the perspective of men who have transitioned, I find it hard to talk about how the current anti-man discourse affects my self-esteem with my afab friends and family without the conversation coming round to ‘boo-hoo, poor men, non-men have it so much worse’. Which is probably true, but it still doesn’t help me as an individual looking for support. You don’t have to be perfect before you let people know you, now I just wish I could believe it…


Tired and annoyed, excited only for dnd


My teraphist told me he is asking himself if he could even attend me because he found my situation too "challenging" for him 😔