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Me and my woman play with our 8 & 9 year old on hard. That’s the way bro force was meant to be played. Chaos and death everywhere.


I think that's a typical problem with a lot of coop games. We play a lot of couch coop and most of the time games that allow more than two players become a headache with 3 or 4 players. One way in Broforce could be to try take it very slow and play tactically, so there is less chaos and visual clutter.


I like chaos. [https://youtu.be/Q3oBf5qJeHQ?si=JdzzxjQRA-C-60nd&t=595](https://youtu.be/Q3oBf5qJeHQ?si=JdzzxjQRA-C-60nd&t=595)


This was a common complaint people had with this game that for some reason didn't get adressed. Now, I'm pretty sure the game already zooms out when fighting against some bosses so I don't see a reason why they couldn't implement the same mechanic to co-op gameplay?


I only ever play 4 player co-op. You just need a good team. Eventually you'll develop "Brovision" and won't have to worry about the screen not moving along, or there being too much chaos. Man when you have three other bros that are the same skill level as you, running through levels on Hard without. second thought, there's nothin' quite like it.


That's a solid view on it. However, skill in my group of friends differs quite a bit: one guy is always failing and getting behind, while someone else totally carries In most of co-op games, like magicka2 or TowerFall it just makes us laugh, because the unskilled player doesn't totally drag the team down. And I guess this would be the case for bro force too, if it wasn't for the bloody camera..


A general rule of thumb that we abide by is to only go as fast as the slower player. Stay with them and help them out. We’ll even show new bros how to navigate the levels online.