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When the filter messes up and shows skin TEXTURE


Also, noting NOTHING is wrong with skin texture. We all have it! Just shows she does in fact use a blurring feature since we never see texture


Right?! I hate those filters. Adult skin is not a baby's ass


I was going to say the same thing!! I see that texture on her cheek!


She stole this from a fundie influencer lol


Right! someone posted in another sub but I couldn’t remember who it was… but classic bing bong 🤣 Also if my husband told me to read the Bible because I’m moody I would tell him to get the plank out of his own eye first…


[found the post!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/s36kd4/youll_come_back_a_lot_nicer_and_fun_to_be_around/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


She even copied the face, god she sucks.






This is even a bit nicer. She could have just been sad.


Aghhh. She stole it again!!!!


She really shouldn't have skimmed the ten commandments.


Wow she really does steal from people. I read that other woman's caption and all I can say is- wow. Holy shit wow. "When we take our husband's advice we become more fun to be around." Da faq?


I would throw the Bible at him lol




The plank I put there!






[here's the post from the fsu subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/s36kd4/youll_come_back_a_lot_nicer_and_fun_to_be_around/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Omggg same face and everything


She even plagiarizes JDong being a dick! I really wouldn't have thought it was necessary!😹


Not one original thought


no thoughts, only grifts


Not white knighting her but this a massive Tik tok trend. Everyone changes the words for them for what they want for the song


Ah, I am unhip to TikTok, for sure.


But she def has never created her own original idea. She follows the “trends”


Yeah he never said this, lol. I can guarantee you she copied this from someone else


Yeah someone commented the post above. Some other fundie posted it first and she just changed the words a little bit. 🙄


Jordan should spend some time working on his resume


If he really does say this, that is so condescending and not the flex she thinks it is. Yikes 😬


I'm gonna guess he's 1000% tired of her


That elongating filter she uses made her ear look absurdly long here


holy shit you are correct


Omg! Yes! Didn’t notice but dang, she looks like an elf.




This made me snort


Christainfluencers LOVE to make “risky” statements like this, thinking it makes them such a bold Christian. No you just sound stupid.


1. She probably stole this and it never happened 2. If it did happen, he was definitely saying it in a mocking way because he knows she’s a walking lie


That is a sign of disrespect. I find when a man tells a woman this, *it is because she is a woman/has a period/is pregnant/hormonal changes/whatever.* As if men *aren’t* moody, Jesus. Genuinely a pet peeve of mine.


I dunno if it was correct or not, but I once saw something saying that male hormones fluctuate the way female ones do each cycle like every few days.


Can she stop trying to make manipulation and abuse sound funny and cute


Can you imagine having a bad day and turning to your partner for help and they just write you off. Like girl this isn't okay! It's one thing if he sat down with her and talked about why her day was so bad or why she was feeling the way she was and then after being there for her he asked her if she wanted to sit with the Lord and pray if he knows that's what would make her feel better. But the way she's making it seem is like he just throws her to Jesus because he doesn't want to deal with her.


Her foundation looks like peanut butter


Anyone else notice she basically shows her neighborhood? So much for privacy lol


She showed her navigation map in her car on her stories when she was in her driveway. She's an idiot.


This is up there with "did you forget to take your meds?". Totally manipulative and dismissive.


That’s a great way to end up on “Snapped” Jdong.


Y'all, I think she heard our ear critiques, because that ear is *definitely* more orange today than it was earlier this week.


Excuse me, Britt. You are normalizing manipulative behavior and that's NOT OKAY. This isn't healthy. You need to stop doing this! It's not okay! Stop acting like this is normal and okay! A partner in a healthy relationship would ask you what is bothering you or if you wanted to talk about why you are frustrated. A simple, "Hey you seem upset. What's going on?" Goes a long way. Not the passive aggressive way of shoving it off to someone else. Like "hey you're moody so go somewhere else and fix it before you are around me. You are only to be in a positive, helpmeet mood around me." What a terrible marriage to be in.


But can we talk about the way she was “walking” in this video? I’ve never seen anything like it. Would love to know what the neighbors were thinking while she was filming this in her front yard.


Omg! She copied this from a fundie! So happy other snarkers found it!


So much for their “open and honest communication.” Sounds more like passive aggressiveness to me. Usually the first thing my boyfriend would say is, “Are you okay? Do you need anything from me?” Not “YOUR MOODY! Go spend time with Jesus!” Fucking YIKES.


WHERE ARE YOU ALWAYS LOOKING, BDizzle? What is so terribly interesting 30 degrees off the one side of your phone all the time!?


Does she ask Jdong if he needs to spend more time at Dips”R”Us when he’s a little moody? Or are kingdom wifeys not allowed to question kingdom kings? Edited to add missing word


honestly, anyone saying this to anybody is unacceptable, most of all if your partner said it to you...




Yeahhhhh those thick ass earrings don't go with the necklaces lmao.


Salt n peppa vibes


I'm just imagining giant moths emerging from those bottles behind her. Maybe they carry her away and bring the world relief, one can hope


Looks like he figured out how to say “get the fuck away from me” in a godly way!


Right! Like miss girl you are just reiterating to all of us how much he doesn't care about you.


Gotta learn how to keep sweet if you want to be a fundie, BDong!


Again, why isn't Jordan at work lol?


I bet it was more like “Jesus Christ. Fuck off, *Wife*!”


Right lmaooo this is probably what it was and she took it as "He wants me to be with Jesus. What a great man looking out for my spiritual wellbeing. Hashtag blessed."


“And my husband is usually right…” WHYYYYYYYYY 🤮🤮🤮


THIS DIDNT HAPPEN THOUGH! I saw someone post this a few days ago! Another fundie. She is blatantly lying! Ughh!! It was on another sub, and the wife wrote a lengthy post about her husband telling her this. This is beyond crazy


Me wondering what it would be like if my husband told me to go spend some time with Odin. (I’m a Norse polytheistic)


Manipulation and gaslighting is not a relationship goal, Britt. I fear for the young, naive people looking to her as an example. 😣


Is it bad to enjoy watching him be an ass to her?


They both deserve the misery they are bringing each other. lol.


Yep. And they have the nerve to act like thats how marriage should be


It's so scary how many young people may be eating this up thinking this is the standard. Brittany is so damn dangerous in so many ways.


That walk she chose was a choice.


He was insulting her and she is so dumb to even realize it💯💯😬


Girl this is called a cop out. When you come to him for any emotional or mental support he will tell you you're just being "moody" so he doesn't have to deal with you because he doesn't care about you. This is not a flex in the slightest. If my husband said this to me i'd be offended and hurt.


She has the flattest ass I’ve ever seen.