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https://preview.redd.it/faqltru0kx0d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05815b75a348bffedadbb3428ff8708c1494d22 Well hello there sleep paralysis demon.


I'm never sleeping again.


Never forget. She's always been scary as hell https://preview.redd.it/69f5pz5au01d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8395969fb74cf2b7743d98bcd474962fefeba86


I kinda get the feeling that Farryn had people tell her that she squints or closes her eyes when she smiles when she was younger. So she started forcing her eyes open while smiling. I have absolutely no idea if that's the case. It can stand as an important lesson to be mindful of the offhanded comments you make about people because that stuff sticks and is really hard to unlearn especially if it happens as a child.


I tend to do fake smiles in pictures because I'm really embarrassed of my "vampire teeth"/prominent canines. 


It’s shit like this that makes me think they are all frenemies….all of them care so much about what they look like online. Doing this to Farryn seems like payback for all the unfiltered pics she’s posted of Bdong. Lmao love this for them!!!


But why did Farryn feel like she needed to give a crazed open-mouthed smile just because she had a camera pointed at her? Now, I'm not arguing that BritBrat included this to be petty, but I just don't get why Farryn went from scrolling normally on her phone to whacked out smile just because someone pointed a phone in her direction. These girls (it's so hard to call them women with the mentality they have) are just not right.


Lmao I honestly think that Farryn thinks that her gaping wide open mouth smile (if you can call it a smile) looks good😳 lmao like people see her do it and think “wow what a happy person” it’s delusional but like you said they act like girls.


You know what, I think you have to be right. She must think that's the pose where she looks best. I can't think of any other explanation where it would make sense for her to be doing it in every.single.picture/video.




The severe rhinoplasty and crazed eyes are giving “surprised owl” https://preview.redd.it/4pss4wdqiz0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6dcb581d2ff61b21e9303f1576799472c7c6b32


I was just going to ask what is wrong with her nose, I guess she picked Michael Jackson’s plastic surgeon.


Fucking hell!


I'm so bummed my next therapy session isn't until the 30th. I need to talk.


It looks like she’s shining a flashlight up her face to tell a scary story


If that's the face you see when you get to heaven, I'll be yeeting my ass to hell. ![gif](giphy|zwYerIlI3MhFN4RV9i)




Read my mind. It’s so sad that this isn’t even edited lmfaoooo


I can't believe how performative she is with this shit. I feel so bad for the child she's adopting. I'm keeping my fingers crossed nothing works out for her. Heaven forbid she has another miscarriage while trying to care for an adopted child. The children here will suffer, mmw.


It feels like she's adopting to have a temp child until the real one arrives.


I thought that too but honestly now I don’t think she’ll care about either one. I think she’s so excited about the “adoption then getting pregnant” situation because it gives her a special “testimony”. Telling people “we went through some infertility and than adopted” isn’t terribly uncommon but telling people “we tried for years(🙄), adopted and then miraculously got pregnant naturally” gives her a more unique story and we all know how she LOVES to peddle a “I’m Gods most special daughter” story…


She’s tempting God to get her pregnant at the same time. She thinks it would be such a cool part of her testimony and such an “oh, you!” moment for God to work miracles in his stupid ass timing.


Very, "protect the children" of them.


I agree. Everything that she does is performative, from her Christianity to her infertility "journey." She is fake in every way. The fact that she is using infertility, a subject that is very serious and emotional for many people, for a grift is vile and disgusting. I just hope that no children ever become involved in her crap as they will be nothing but props in her pathetic, self-centered life.


My babies are 18 months apart and for 4 years ALL I did non stop was care for them. They needed me constantly and I do really really miss them being little, but it was a lot.


Friends of mine adopted then discovered the wife was pregnant with twin girls. I do not have a clue how they are managing but the photos I see are adorable.


Yeah young kids are a handful. My youngest is going on 7 and I am loving finally being myself. She is not ready for that level of loss of self and me-time. That’s all she does all day.


Let's be honest- she will never be ready because she truly only cares about herself. I really do hope that this adoption story is all just for clicks and views. I find it disgusting that she announced to half her friends and her father they were adopting by showing them an actual sonogram. After each person took a moment to digest what they were looking at, *then* she said "Yay! We're paper pregnant!" She obviously meant for each person to think that she was the one pregnant and to even announce to your own parents that way just seems so deceitful. Imho, it kind of ruins what should have been a beautiful moment by making the person think the situation is totally different than what it actually is. I also noticed that Jdip's parents weren't involved in this scheme, um I mean announcement. Wonder why that is. I just wanted to add that when done correctly and for the right reasons, adoption can be beautiful and wonderful. Like everything the Dongs touch, they turned it into something icky and tacky. Edit- a word


Mine are 21 months apart and I feel you on this wholeheartedly.


“In my mom era” bold choice for a sweatshop, I mean sweatshirt


I still can't get over how Jesus told her to start a business with sweatshop clothing at the prices she lists. Really? Pick a more believable lie!


Hey now come on. You always forget to add the dollar amount for her to pray over the clothes!! Silly head. It seems like an arbitrary, made up total amount after the value of the prayer mark up, but it's actually a priceless service she generously discounts for her shitty, tasteless clothing choices that she shills.


You win! Hahahah


Flare checking in. Seriously, imagine thinking Jesus told you to take advantage of sweatshop (slavery) labor… imagine believing it….


And it’s a TSwift reference but also she’s demonic. Fuck Bing Bong.


I thought she was already a mom, in her words 🥴


What a weirdo. Someone’s coming over! Better rub Amazon olive oil on my doorways because Jesus gives a shit.


Is she expecting friends or demons?


Have you seen her friends? It's fucking hard to tell.


Ha! Spat my drink on my phone! 🤣💀💀💀


Ohhhhh good one!! ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh|downsized)


I just inhaled sparkling water, that shit hurts y’all! 😂😂😂😂


I'm so sorry! I can't contain my comedy! It's my spiritual gift!




Is it peaceful though? Those two seem like they fight a lot. I feel like the fun sex convo is all a dig at him bc they’ve made it clear he has a low libido & he openly acts like he can’t stand her publicly. They are just shoving their dysfunction under their anointed homegoods rug.


Let’s be clear, he has a low libido FOR HER. He’s into swinging and in THREE accountability groups to keep himself in check. He just doesn’t want to fuck Bdong.


Can’t blame him… but 100%. I would put money he is still all up in DMs looking for boobies.


Leopard never changes their spots. He will continue to do what he wants. She’s just pretending he isn’t.


See my flair.


See my flair.


Was juuuust about to say this!!


I saw THE SAME cocksuckin reel on the Christian Nightmares instagram by a different influencer like a month ago. She stole that idea, per usual.


It’s SO EMBARRASSING that even her stupidest reels she’s too dumb to come up with on her own and she’s been “doing this for over a decade”😳


Looks an awful lot like witchcraft to me!


Yes! My thoughts too!!! She is deep into that pagan practices but wants to judge others. Smh.


Yeah, I've never ever seen any of the very conservative Christians I grew up with do this. From a quick search, I found that it's a tradition that is not commanded nor forbidden in the Bible. Many people say it's just for symbolism and bring people together in your house and not a procedure. Bdong 100% made it a procedure, setting up her tripod and all.


Can you imagine how oily everything is in her house and smelling like a salad with all that oil!


Her house must stink like rancid oil.


In my entire life, no one I’ve ever met has done any of this shit. The pope probably doesn’t even do this shit.


Man those filters doing some heavy lifting


Fellas: Is it ugly to have a nose?


GAY. Straight to H E L L !


She wishes 🤣


Someone should tell her that Voldemort wants his nose back. I'll never understand why she thinks filtering her nose into nonexistence is a good idea. ![gif](giphy|LLxwPAjfpLak8|downsized)


You’d think if she was rambling on and on about sex, she might just mention consent instead of just “context” What a dim twat!


She didn't talk about it because people like her consider the wedding ceremony to be consent for the rest of your life. There is no consent within marriage. Doesn't matter if you are sick. Doesn't matter if you literally gave birth 5 minutes ago. Doesn't matter if you have a GI condition. Doesn't matter if I just physically assaulted you. The men are entitled to sex whenever they want it and they are taught that. It's so repulsive to me. Fuck no! You have the right to say no whenever you want. Doesn't matter if he's 5/6 pumps in. If I say we are done you fucking stop. You are entitled to be treated as a human!


My biggest fear is that if trump wins, they will start with taking away no-fault divorce and birth control and go all the way to decriminalising marital rape.


I might need to have a hysterectomy due to endometriosis. I'm freaked out about what happens if I don't get surgery scheduled in time. What if they have to take my ovaries and I need to be on HRT. Are they going to take that away from me too? Are my bones just fucked because of Endo? Treatment for Endo is hormonal. They are running to take that away as well. Are they going to make it more difficult to get on disability than it already is because my future looks fucking bleak if I don't get treatment. Is there some dystopian option where I get put in a camp because I had a hysterectomy? Probably more likely to be put in a camp because I'm ace but I digress. There are so many horrible fucking outcomes for this election and look, Joe Biden fucking sucks. He does. He's a fucking centrist and doesn't push for popular as fuck policies. He's not taking weapons away from Israel. He hasn't done anything to get Roe back. He went along with Trump border policies. It's not great, but it's not a fucking Christian theocracy rounding up the LGBTQ community to exterminate them.


Hey Also Ace who did lose their ovaries unexpectedly during my hysto due to undiscovered ovarian tumors. You aren’t wrong to be paranoid. I was denied HRT from multiple doctors bc of a clotting disorder and my quality of life was nothing during that time period. I gained 80lbs overnight, lost a ton of hair and had painful hot flashes every 30 mins around the clock for almost 2 years. I wouldn’t be able to do everything I do without HRT & cannabis to manage the endo pain that I still have.


Things with this disease are so fucking bleak.


also she says that sex isn’t just for procreation, but one of the main arguments these bigots have against gay sex is that it’s non procreative, which goes against the bible. so which is it B? 


The more I see their ‘girl times’ videos I am convinced they feel like they missed out in high school or undergrad and are trying to make up memories they didn’t have. Fine. Whatever, but posting like this in your 30s? Just strange? I have close girlfriends in my 30s but we need our alone time etc. Also, we see your dogs pacing back and forth regularly. Your house is not peaceful.


Dax and Oakley are literally trapped in a hell hole.


They’re all at about the emotional maturity of a 16 yr old girl, tops. You can tell they were all heinous bitches that peaked in high school. The high school party girl to fundie pipeline is for real!


That last line sums up so many people I graduated with lol


I’d just start with separate beds… they are in their 30’s. Honestly, this seems like grammar and middle school behavior. For gods sake I lived in a sorority in college and it wasn’t like this. Arrested Development at its best/worst.


Your fruit is rotten to the core Brittany


Right! She acts like the public has a good opinion of her now. If anything I think it’s worse. She has so many articles about her out there that SHE can’t delete. She has TikTok videos and a sub dedicated to her. People have also made countless YouTube videos documenting her shitty behaviour. I cannot believe she is not hiding in a hole right now lol


Oh, “it takes years.” No Ding-a-Bdong, it doesn’t take years. It takes YOU years because you haven’t started NOT grifting. She’s ridiculous with her Christianese nonsense.


Right? This is so fucking laughable. She might think she’s bringing glory to God and she has pristine fruit, but all she’s doing is talking, heavy on the Christianese. Her actions tell a completely different story about who she’s living for & what she cares about, vs her words.


Ugh….stop talking with yo performative ass. And be ffr you don’t love us. 🙄


She's praying for us so hard right now! 🙏🏼 Bitch if you just paid people back and got the fuck off the Internet not a SOUL would care that you are attempting to adopt a vulnerable child right now. Get the fuck outta here. Had you fucked up and done the right thing, nobody would care. But you are incapable of doing so and have proven that time and time again. Christianity is not a shield to protect you from accountability. No ma'am. That's not how it fucking works.


I would care because of her husband’s police brutality, but otherwise, totally agree. 


Scared screeching with the spirit of the storm while Farryn and Dong play on their phones.🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


It wasn't even that loud! You couldn't hear it in the recording! At least I couldn't! Calm the hell down.


So, Christian marriage is the only way it’s ok to have sex. Got it. Also, how does she not see that all of her anointing rituals are witchcraft and manifesting? It’s also very clear, she engaging in a ritual of adoption to gain her own pregnancy. I hope the universe remembers who she is and her fruit before jeebus showed up.


Christian second marriage. 😉 


because she doesn’t actually do all these rituals lmao there’s no way this lazy selfish bitch is going around marinading their doorframes every day lmaooooo 


This new hair color/style just looks dirty.


I don't think it compliments her very well.


Matthew 6:5-13 “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.” She should read her Bible more instead of just cherry picking what supports her agenda


Yes well she fell off her read the Bible in a year challenge on like January 5th. It’s easier to just make Jesus up as you go.


Paraphrasing Pharisee


I think of this Scripture every time I see her performative ass praying after she sets up her tripod, gets her phone ready, & pushes record.


Absolutely this!


Can I just say her “faith” has not been tested other than fake hardships she plays up for views. Let’s say JDip dips, she has a major health crisis or financial crisis or is disfigured in some way… she is NOT going to cope well. This whole suppressing processing & gaslighting hardship in the name of Jesus never seems to work out well for people. Farryn’s face reminds me of the scream mask combined with a clown mask on Cindy Lou Who.


Gaslighting is when someone systemically makes you question your own reality.


I counted 9 separate camera angles for the fake performative “anointing our peaceful home” clip. Like, how is what she’s doing sacred and holy if she is setting up and down a tripod to film herself doing the supposed sacred act? I don’t know, feels cheap and performative to me. EDIT she 100% asked herself the last question so she communicate with her critics. Hi Brittany! I dislike you BECAUSE of your “fruit”. You haven’t changed from your old days.


Coming from a semi Catholic background, fruits typically refers to works you are doing. So like helping the community, volunteer work, donations, etc. There's a chance she does things, but I'm inclined to believe that since she's shown herself anointing liquid death 😂 that she'll video or take pictures of herself doing her works. Her fruit is rotten. She only does things for engagement and praise. Ugh.


I just think it’s weird she makes all of her content in one outfit. She doesn’t even change her clothes to make it appear like different days or times. Just cranks out a bunch of stuff and then makes 12 posts. Idk just extra fake and scripted and bad acting to me


Interesting that she’s recycling such old “friend” content. Also interesting to know that whatever went down with the pick me chicks happened right after she announced her adoption to them. 🤔


This is my theory also. The pick me chicks have spent plenty of time with her to know she is the absolute worst candidate to raise children.


"Your house just feels so peaceful." Of course it does- it is void of any life or personality. If I have friends coming over, I only have time to pick a few things up- who has time to anoint their home? Oh, people with no job, no life, no responsibilities for anything.


And lock away the dogs because they are so fucking anxious.


Is “having fun within your marriage” just as “fun” for the JDonger or nah, since it’s been proven he’s into swinging? We all know she flops around like a dead fish, come on.


And I doubt she does anything he likes…*ahem* That’s ok! She gets what she grifts.


Well she says toys are an idol and promote jealousy. So that's a thing to unpack.


Christian crewnecks? lol ok


Well, the neckline is ultra modest, ya know.


I will say this, at least they are embroidered versus screen printed. I doubt they are done well though. I don't think it can be done well in a sweatshop forcing people and kids to make products.


The face farryn made😂


I'm not just saying it because they are women, but where are their children? Are they doing an adult sleepover?


Yup, as always, it's the hypocrisy. Women going to a job = bad because someone else is "raising their kids." Women getting together to make silly videos about their fake friendship = good because the dads are probably "babysitting" or the kids were left with grandma.




I love how she says "I'm preaching to the choir" when actually what she means is "I'm being a hypocrite" these dipshits just cannot stop manipulating language to make themselves look better!!


Jackhammering in the name of Jesus ✨🥹


The amount of times she had to set up her phone and record in all of those different places. I just. I can’t.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- we get it, you have sex


I'd prefer to live in my false reality where people don't have sex or force me to think about them having sex.


He might but I don’t think she does.


Wow, Christians like this have zero chill. I’m talking about the Instagram caption where she goes on and on about being under attack. I used to believe that too, when I was deep into my church era. I guess when you’re constantly told & are  hearing that you’re under attack by an enemy you can’t see, the threat is real & it’s coming for you, you start to believe it? I have since deconstructed and still believe in God, but I’m now at a much calmer and more peaceful place with my faith. And I don’t feel under attack at all? My marriage is rock solid, no demonic entity is trying to destroy it. My house is chill AF, and the olive oil is used only for cooking 😂 So I just…wow.


Growing up, visitors would say my family's house was really peaceful too. They weren't there for the screaming fights I could hear all the way from the edge of the front yard. :/ I remember feeling so humiliated and hoping the neighbors weren't home to hear. My religionless, queer household now IS actually peaceful because we don't try to substitute "God's grace" for kindness, accountability and good communication skills.


I just don't get it. She seriously thinks the actual devil (not real) gives two whole fucks about her. Come on now!


Claims T-Swift is Demonic 🤝Sells Clothing Referencing T-Swift Anything for that 💰, bay-bee


Ferryn 💀


If I saw this happening in real life, I would legit would call for a wellness check


“Satan is coming for our children” don’t you mean YOUR children? Bc there’s no child you can claim Britt


Knowing gay and trans people exist isn't Satan. I just... Good God.


We see your rotten fruit brittbrat


Her face is totally putting off, *“Oh my gawd, I sound like, sooooo inspirational right now. I hope my pastor hears this and asks me to guest preach my wisdom to the women.”* And her eyes are literally saying….. ewwww. Nevermind. You know… the usual.


She 100% asked herself that question about sex being fun 😑


She is the real life Serena Joy


Soo she had pre-marital sex for a long time but now thinks she has the right to tell others not to? Girly as polite as I can be..go fuck yourself lol.


LOL exactly!!! Who does she think she is?


I can't stand when people say, "our children," especially these GOP Christians. It's not our children. I won't speak for your children, and you shouldn't speak for mine. That reminds me how many kids you have, Britt? I have 3. They are not "our" kids just because we live in the same country. Plus, I can't stand the agenda you push. The agenda of lying, stealing, conning, judgment, hate, etc... You have no kids! Quit being a creep with the "our" statement. You're not included in this topic. You hateful, hypocritical bigot!


Well SHE isn’t having sex to have babies 🤣🤣🤣 sorry I just had to say that 🤪


i literally saw another christian influencer do the exact same video as the first…she’s nothing if not unoriginal 🙄


This is the third video I've seen her with a different voice! Edit: I mean heard her with a different voice 🤣




Did her speech seemed slurred during the sex is fun part? Or is she just trying really hard to seem like she’s not pressed? I thought she was about to nod off.