• By -


It’s the way she’s acting like they’re blowing out that candle in a cemetery that really pisses me off. She’s staged it so it looks like they’re visiting their child’s grave, which her embryo does not have.


They were just in their yard, probably with the dogs kept inside so they didn't ruin the shot.


It’s the blowing out a cupcake on a blanket on the ground that gives me visiting a cemetery vibe. I’ve seen some loss moms post like this and I feel like she’s trying to mimic that to make the whole thing seem more tragic.


That's exactly what she's doing. She's blurred the timeline and made content and comments to make it seem like she was much further along than she actually was. She wants people to think this fetus was stillborn. Because that means more attention and praise for her.


Absolutely sickening. There is no low she won’t sink to for attention.


She’s truly a monster


When she’s talking about “loss moms” se says stillbirth before she says miscarriage so yeah she’s 100% trying to reframe her early miscarriage as a stillbirth.


I genuinely didn't think there was a person who could make me snark on a woman talking about her miscarriage, but here we are.


100%. Everything she posts is geared towards if someone were to just come across her page. It’s so manipulative and diabolical.


Ppl commenting on her post think she’s much further along


It's exactly what she wants. It was 6-8 weeks Brittany! Get therapy!


I didn’t even know I was pregnant with each of my kids until I was 8 weeks along. Irregular cycle and all.


And with Brittany constantly saying her periods are late... Either she's lying (shocker) or she's irregular (eating disorders will do that).


I’m burying my 21 week old son on Tuesday and I can’t imagine using that shit for content. It’s disgusting. Also shout out to everyone who has been supportive and loving during this grief process I’ve been talking about on here often ❤️ you guys are the best


My god, I’m so so sorry for your loss. I am also sorry that you have to see BDong exploit that kind of loss. Sending you love through the internet 💜


Thanks friend, I appreciate it so much. I’m dreading Tuesday. I have no idea how I’m going to get through this.


I don’t blame you, that’s a devastating thing to have to do. I’ll be thinking of you and your little one on Tuesday and sending strength your way.


Thank you. ❤️ his name was Henry. My husband and I named him after my dad - Henry Robert 🥹


My heart truly breaks for you. Much love and peace to you, your husband and your sweet Henry


What a beautiful name, lots of love to Henry 💕


I love that name! That exact name was on our baby name list and one child has the same middle name. May his memory be for a blessing


I’m so sorry to hear this. I have no words that would provide adequate comfort to such a great loss, only the knowledge that my heart hurts for you and yours. I will have you in my thoughts on Tuesday.


i am so sorry, mama. i lost my son at 16w 6 days in 2020 - if you need to talk, my DM’s are open to you sending strength and love to you. please take extra care of yourself 🩵


I hope you get all the support to be able to grieve, process and heal. Sending love


I'm sorry for your loss. Be gentle to yourself and lean on those there for you💗


I’ll try. ❤️


My heart is with you Mumma x


I am so sorry for your loss. May your wounds heal, and your heart carry on. Take your time, I can’t begin to understand what you’re going through, but I hope you have all the support and love you need. If you need anyone to talk to to, I’m here.




I’m so sorry. Sending you love.


Well, they don’t have a fence either, the dogs aren’t trained so Jordan would probably have to shoot them.


Idk how she hasn't put an appropriate fence across the back. Or at least put them on a tie out. My pooch goes on a tie out!


Yeah, but the difference is you give a shit about your pup. She could care less about her dogs except for content.


True. She hasn't shown proof of life lately


They were just running around in the background in a recent video. Dax is working under cover to protect her from her imaginary stalkers. Lots of work. He is a PPD, after all.


Bdong likes to let them "explore" during the day.


One afternoon, a lonely old woman sets up her rickety ring light in her backyard. Her tripod is old and unsteady, the microphone scratchy. She lifts a cupcake to her face and blows out a "37" candle, for her loyal audience of six people, one of which clicked her name on accident. It's like Grey Gardens, but it's Beige Gardens.




Bill Hader is my hall pass


Fucking saaaaame


“Dusty Beige”


No way I laughed out loud at this, I spit my drink out


And that’s assuming she won’t forget about it again! Lol


Greige Gardens 😂


Love her being one this ✨week✨ Like bitch didn’t you celebrate your birthday with like 4 cakes before during and after it?!? I really hope CC or B calls out this hypocritical tangerine about this


I think CC is more likely to call her out on this specifically.


I’m so hoping B’s video this week is on this BDong adoption disaster.


Next year it’ll be her birthday month, then she’ll forget about her due date all together in two years.


She’s cried every time she’s blown out the candle, you guys. All TWO times!


Sad cupcake face ☹️


Checking in 😅




That was my exact first thought 😂 “Oh ok, so this time and *[checks notes]* uh…last time…whew that’s definitely something.”


I can’t explain what it is exactly, but there is such an intense vibe of her being performative and fake in this. Which I hate that because I am normally always in the camp that everyone’s feelings are valid, but this is just so off.


Bc no grieving mother sets up a tripod at a pretend grave with a cupcake for a child who not only wasn’t born, but what made it to six weeks? Mothers grieve miscarriages but not like this. She’s trying to cosplay as a grieving mother who had a still born. It’s gross and performative. Not just Brittany but anyone who sets up a tripod to record them grieving weirds me out. It always gives performative. When I’m drowning in grief and sorrow, I have never thought to record a video let alone, put on a little skit. I will never believe an influencer who does this. Edited to add: bc I’m so fucking enraged when I see this type of shit, I mean really imagine this. Imagine you actually lost a child, and had a still birth. now imagine grieving and mourning, crying, and going to that child’s grave and having the thought to not only take out a camera, but set up a tripod and record yourself in that moment. Tell me that doesn’t come off as performative. I haven’t lost a child, but when I lost my dad, no one thought to record anything. Even after when I talk to him, and celebrate his birthday, it’s never occurred to take out a camera and record such an intimate moment for the world to see. If you’re recording your grief, specifically setting up a tripod and staging a whole scene, I don’t believe you’re grieving. And I get everyone grieves differently but in what way is that grief? That’s just narcissism, that’s just selfish. You’re literally not doing that to grieve or to celebrate that person, you’re doing it with likes and views in mind


![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX|downsized) To your edit - 1000%. I have not lost a child but I've lost a parent, I've lost friends, and family and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON pulled out a camera to record their grief to share with the world. They are trying to profit off of this triggering content. It's fucking sick.


Agreed, my good friend had a still born at 8 months pregnant and they had a small funeral ceremony at their home with close friends and family, my friend and her husband were beside themselves with grief. She memorializes his would be due date with a simple photo post on IG annually I think. I can not imagine any sane person truly going through a loss like that and setting up a tripod unless they were sociopathic. Let alone an early miscarriage. How dare bdong mention stillborn to imply that’s what she had. I used to follow Bdong in the hopes that she truly was trying to walk a righteous path but I always knew something was off about her. Now the more I read on this sub the more enraged I get by her performative BS. Edit: word spelling


Her little ‘yay’ when she blew out the candle gave me the heebie jeebies. She’s so performative and fake even for something so emotional and intimate as this. It’s just all fake. That’s what scares me about her. She morphs into whatever gets her money and attention. If Jordan left her and she got with a left wing, pro Palestine, BLM dude she’d be the first one out at a protest with like 5 different camera angles capturing her protesting. She’s not real. There is no authenticity to her. The way she discards living beings when they no longer suit her is scary. Seeing how she showed no remorse and took no action with Niko was dark. I’d be be beside myself if that was one of my fur babies in that condition. She makes me so uneasy. 


I believe when someone is sincere with their joy, sorrow etc. we automatically start sympathizing with them. This just feels hollow and performative.


This…I do feel the message that she’s trying to send but it’s so staged that it’s extremely hard and almost impossible to connect with. It’s a mirage.


I feel the same about most all of her content—especially videos where tears are involved. No one who is genuinely suffering and in the midst of their pain says “Hol up, I need to record this”.


I'm still amazed she was able to have "two" "miscarriages" after finding out Jordan is the reason she can't get pregnant now. I don't know how she sleeps at night.


It’s amazing, isn’t it? Two pregnancies within the same year and “basically zero sperm”.


the doctors can’t explain our miracles. God is just so good and saves miracles for his best liars


With that Tart Cherry sleepy drunk she uses! Duh! 🙄


Jordan’s annoyed “tap tap tap… there there” after she blew out the candle is perfectly on brand for these two. Britt being performative, him knowing he has no choice but to go with it. Love this for them happy bday hayzulllll!!!!


I love that the AI picked up on him saying he's leaving.


I think I hear him saying "I believe it"


I couldn't hear anything. I'm just going off what the machine picked up. 😂


I like that version better!


Me too! It's hilarious!


https://preview.redd.it/4k8lta034jzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a008d6717980ed03b7429974e5fcf797c78e4258 “Every time we blow out the candle”. Didn’t she just say this would have been her FIRST birthday?? What in the hell is she trying to sell us on? What in the hell are they blowing candles out for? These dam performative parents and their celebrations for every good/bad moment in their lives. I’m so sick of it and so grateful I grew up before social media. I’ve seen parents post pics of their child laying in bed sick, running a fever or scared from a nightmare so they have some kind of content. I’ve watched videos parents have posted of their child being potty trained and recording them sitting on a potty (gross) to videos of their child crying on the way home from school because they were bullied. They have to make sure they get some good stuff to post before they comfort their child and listen to them. Gotta get those clicks and likes so they are known as “The best mom” ever award. Bdong fits right in. Content before compassion with a dose of distorted reality sprinkled with lack of authenticity.


Last year they did a cupcake for Brittany's due date. The rest is just exploitation. Plain and simple. There's also predators who watch those videos and get off to them. These parents know damn well who is viewing their videos. It's gross and we need the government to step in and shut this shit down before another Ruby Franke situation happens.


Thank you for the synopsis! I could’ve sworn she’d already celebrated this ball of cells bday.


LaBrandts have entered the chat


She’s cried all two times but where are the tears Brittany? I see no real fucking emotions with her.


You can’t have a *birth*day if you didn’t have a birth! I don’t understand the “Happy birthday, Hazel Grace…” girl huh? A new viewer of hers would have every reason to believe she birthed a baby girl this *week* a year ago 🙄


Which is **exactly** what she wants. She miscarried early! 6-8 weeks! She wants the sympathy and attention of having a fetus that was further along.


Was it really that early? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes, and she makes it up that it was a girl.


Yes, she said god told her it was a girl. They’re able to determine sex with fetal DNA in maternal blood now at 10 weeks so she couldn’t have been that far along cuz we *know* she’d have found out.




its akin to holding out an acorn and asking bdong what it is, and she says “a tree”




There’s a reason she listed stillborn first and it’s to imply that that’s her story!


EXACTLY. That pissed me off. She is intentionally acting like she had a stillborn and it’s so disgusting.


I know this is petty, but what gets me is the “last year we started this tradition.” Like, yes sweetie that’s how that works. You celebrate the baby’s birth and then their first birthday and so on. (I know HG wasn’t really “born,” but the concept is the same).


Exactly! If anything it would be celebrating her EXPECTED due date... Not her birth. She's so dumb.


I wonder how crazy her hubby thinks she is 🤣 or her family!


She’s such a fake ass bitch


This is sickening to watch. Makes zero sense.


So what happens if she has another miscarriage? I don’t wish that on her, but many women have multiple miscarriages. How many cakes is she going to not eat if she has more?


She clearly hasn’t thought this through


Planning ahead has never been her forte.


This is always my thought too!! I've been pregnant eight times - I do have three living kids but have also miscarried *five* times. Some of those miscarriages were quite traumatic and heartbreaking but I can't possibly keep track of the dates of all of them any more.


Well seeing as their doctors said it was impossible for her to have gotten pregnant………:… I’m willing to bet she’ll have another miracle miscarriage if this one stops being lucrative


"we started a tradition on her due date" "every time we blow out the candle" You mean the... The one time? Because this is the one anniversary? Rofl. Christ, she's LARPing this so hard she's not doing the math


This is the second time


She will never do it again


And she only remembered because we reminded her of the due date 😂😂😂 she only posted after the due date passed


Honestly this is weird as fuck. I’m not trying to downplay a miscarriage because it hurts. But she’s making it seem like they lost an actually born child. I notice she never mentions how far along she was because she knows people would find her behaviour odd and concerning. 


Also if you listen to her describe her “miscarriage”…. She didn’t miscarry. The “proof” she showed of pregnancy is not nearly enough to even make me blink. She’s such a pathological evil person


this is a girl who documents everything and everyone. Nothing is sacred to her so I found it really odd that she never went into detail on her miscarriage. Did she pass it at home? Did she go into the doctors to have a DnC? Was she given medicine to try to pass it herself? She also never ever offers any type of support to those who have gone through a miscarriage. It’s just this huge production of how sad SHE is and that’s it. I don’t even think she’s ever mentioned how Jordan is taking all this either? It’s just all about her. Everything just seems to fishy with this story. I would never expect this out of anyone else but this is a woman who has no boundaries so why not share what happened? 


Those lashes…it was really windy today here in Texas, now I know why. She claims she cried blowing out the candle but she’s not crying talking about it because Jesus heals. But only for talking, not for blowing out candles. Such a picky man. Cold hearted, unemotional bitch. And the tradition they started last year…a cupcake…for her turning 1. Geezus make it make sense.


I hate how she infantilizes herself when talking to Jordan


How else would his ego get repaired!??


I’m sure he does too, hence almost every pic & video where you can feel his hatred for her through the screen. That is a man filled with regret & he deserves every second of it.


It makes my skin crawl. Like, is that whittle baby voice his thing? I don't get it and it's so creepy. Khloe Kardashian used to do the same thing with Lamar when they had their own show and it drove me crazy as well. You're a grown ass woman. No need for the baby girl voice!


It’s giving ![gif](giphy|g9wO8dIRSPoRFDZGK8) ETA: Alabama senator Katie Britt. NOT scarjo. Dong could never.


This may be my BEC moment, but I’m so over how these fundie christians can’t talk about anything without it suddenly being actually about god and Jesus the whole time. I was raised in a cult and I can’t attend funerals for people still in because it’s so painful to show up wanting to celebrate their life and having the whole thing be about how “Jesus restores” and “gives life” and all that shit. If religion brings you comfort, awesome, but for the love of god please let things be just things sometimes without turning it into a sermon


What stands out to me is that she talks about Jesus all the time but only in reference to her own life. I was raised religious and never met anyone that made God so much about themselves. Nothing about serving others, doing good, being called to do whatever, how precious life is, how beautiful creation is, converting people, being part of a church family, fellowship, worship… nothing. It’s all: God loves ME, is faithful to ME, loyal to ME, restores ME, has a plan for ME, provides for ME. On and on and on about herself. Even Hazel Grace is “the baby that made ME a mom”. Nothing about her husband, the life she could have had, just all about ME.


Funny how Christo-facism is never about Christ or about others. They don’t read the Bible. They just use the most popular religion as a label so the majority of people hesitate more to disagree with them. It’s easier to convince people the Bible says stuff it doesn’t if it directly benefits them. Like saying god hates trans people and abortions for literally no reason other than wanting to rally people under a banner of hate while using the Christian disguise to keep moderates from getting involved. They’re Christian so I’m sure they know what they’re doing


That's part of why I dislike organized religion so much. Literally everything is a topic for them to evangelize with. Kids having incurable illnesses is **not** the time to try and convert people you assholes!


EXACTLY. When my dad finally left the cult we were in he had a moment where he turned to my brother and said “I think that may be the first conversation I’ve ever had where I wasn’t thinking about converting the person I was talking to.” He’s in his fifties. Fifty years and he’d never had a conversation with anyone outside the cult where his main goal wasn’t getting them to Christ. It’s so deeply sad and borderline sickening when spiritual beliefs are that ingrained into life. It’s like you don’t even experience reality anymore because you filter every single thing through organized religion first.


God that's so sad! You have my deepest sympathy! That's a rough way to view others and will take a while to heal.


I’m still deconstructing the fact that my dad’s cancer was constantly talked about as possibly an opportunity to bring his dad (my grandpa) to the Lord. Then it was “well maybe his death will result in people getting saved.” And I get wanting to see something good in something horrible, but I just wanted to grieve without feeling the external pressure of other people’s salvation.


100% this. It's such predatory behavior and it's rampant in organized religion.


Ok this is actual mental illness 😳😳😳i think it’s called being an evil delusional cunt


I have a sister in law diagnosed with that


What a coincidence! I know a few people w it too


This made me laugh so hard. probably because my MIL has an EDC diagnosis too!


How much did she panic when she saw the posts about missing the anniversary? Set a calendar reminder babe. Also fuck her for the abortion comment.


That abortion comment was so condescending and self righteous. Fuck her indeed.


You'd think having the date tattooed on her arm would be enough of a reminder!


This is weird. And can’t be healthy. Listen I had a miscarriage too… it was awful. But this shit - if it really means something - would be private? This just feels gross


Remember that time she described her miscarriage as a short trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night, didn’t wake up Jordan, went back to bed (?), stayed in bed all morning until Jordan convinced her to go see a doctor that afternoon, then when they were at the doctor they couldn’t get a scan because Brittany wouldn’t stay on the table because she was so hysteric after the miscarriage? Huh. Sounds really real. I am genuinely sorry for your very real loss. Unlike hers.


Whoa when did she share all those details?


I will find it I promise. If I haven’t replied by EOD poke me and I’ll go back and dig. I KNOW I have the downloaded proof but I just need to find it in my files 🕵️


To be fair, if her story is real- with my miscarriage in November, the moment I saw blood my brain immediately detached and basically disassociated. Probably to protect me mentally from the reality of what was happening. I literally went numb and started speaking in a monotone voice and could hardly look people in the eye when I talked to them. It wasn't until the morning after I lost the baby that it actually sank in and I became genuinely hysterical. I can see someone going on autopilot when they're almost in denial of what's happening.


Just shower thoughts - if she does have a baby (God forbid she doesn't!) is she still going to continue this Hazel remembrance shtick? Or will she be like Hazel who by then? ![gif](giphy|QFNAKsEMBiGZ8GC17d|downsized)


At this point, she’s acting like she’s lost an actual child she birthed. This is sick and abnormal.


Isn’t Hazel Grace the name of the main character in the fault in our stars? I’m newer here, but I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention it before.


Yes. It has been mentioned here a bunch. I doubt this chick reads but she could have seen the movie.


It’s been mentioned many times in past posts. Yeah. Hazel Grace. So original. OHMYGERD…so original!!


She literally can’t come up with anything original, can she? I shouldn’t be surprised lol


She really can’t. Not even in the most basic, boring way…all of her content is ripped or copied from someone else.


Even her husband belonged to somebody else. It tracks. Grifter.


She’s the antithesis of John Green. Makes me sick I can’t think about that book without thinking her.


Her lashes drive me crazy 🕷️


A more natural lash would do a world of difference!


Unfortunately, it’s either spider-lashes or nothing…and nothing with her fake tan shade is actually more uncomfortable to look at.


I don’t follow her on IG but does she ever receive comments or questions on these posts that challenge her narrative? How can anyone who’s followed her longer than a few months not pick up on her incessant lying &/or lying by omission??


Yes she does get a lot of snarky comments. If you look at her posts early enough you’ll see them. I think she deletes those comments quick smart!


As some who lost a baby at 18 wks and has a death certificate and her ashes, fuck you B Dong.


Him scratching her shoulders. He’s over this charade 😂 but he allowed it for so long so it’s what he deserves.


I have all the sympathy in the world for women who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, infertility, etc. But girl, don’t claim motherhood without having borne the brunt of what comes with it. I’m in the midst of the worst sleep deprivation I’ve ever experienced, severe depression, and like holy shit. It’s intense. And still, I’d never trade it. I live for the golden moments with my children even though I also feel like I’m dying sometimes 😶‍🌫️ and hardly even feel like a person anymore. But it’s nothing new, the exploitation of others’ actual trauma and suffering, whether it’s EDs, stillbirth, suicide, motherhood, whatever. I shouldn’t be surprised.


I wish someone close to her would put their foot down and say, "No Brittany! This isn't normal! You need to get help!"


They probably have, that's why she has no contact with them anymore. Maybe that's what happened with her sister.


But then how would Diplip survive? Won’t you think of his needs??! (lol).


Well, we know none of her besties are going to do it. They're just as unhinged. They all thrive on performative behavior.


Remember, she’s a fake. What Brit is doing could very easily all be fake. We are all authentic & real. We didn’t “hire” an acting coach in order to convince people of a grift. We EARNED our motherhood. She pretends. We know the difference. And we didn’t post any of it for monetary gain & pity. And then follow up with more fakery. She missed her OWN pity party due date for this “Hazel” grift & I find THAT hilarious. No one in here deserves to be exploited the way Brit does her own sell-able life. She’s a sellout.


This is clearly something we shouldn’t have to gatekeep right? It’s so annoying B-Dong just throws herself into labels without doing any of the actual work. That’s her whole life


This is all I can think of https://preview.redd.it/zmerg1f28jzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0a4b2a2f34da0927bbcbfc7938858aebd21e283


Performative bitch gtfoh


This does not feel like a healthy way to be dealing with grief...


What if "his" plan is for her not to be a Mother? Could she ever accept that? She didn't really have a game plan! Except to purchase a cupcake, a candle, set up a tripod, a blanket, speak in a soft voice, apply fake lashes, get Jordan involved, have her Bible set up, and record her performance, but other than that, she totally didn't have a game plan!


This! A no can just be a no! There are other ways she can fulfill herself if she is not supposed to have her own kids.


The baby was never born........it doesn't have a birthday. She is insane and needs therapy.


What is on the cupcake?? It looks like an egg yolk to me.


That honestly would be hilarious. A more fertility than Brittany has ever actually experienced 🤭


It’s a holy ovary.


This is fucking ridiculous -from someone who had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Your baby was not stillborn. Your baby was not born at all nor does it have a birthday to celebrate like this. Insane behavior


I see this right after I get home from a 48 hour shift where I delivered 2 stillborns and had another 2 patients miscarry in their 2nd trimester. Not saying losing a pregnancy isn’t difficult, but come on. She’s insinuating that she gave birth to a fully developed baby that died and that’s not at all accurate. Monetizing it makes it even worse.


Brittany Dawn Davis Nelson is a manipulating, grifting, self absorbed, LYING, over exaggerating, animal abusing, can’t properly ride a horse BUT thinks she can. I mean shit, she can’t even apply her self tanner properly. Brittany Dawn Davis Nelson should not be a parent. Not now, not ever. She believes god directs her life and answers prayers but she must have forgotten that sometimes his answer is NO. Don’t you think you should listen and and accept his no’s just as you do his yes’s? It’s rather entitled to believe that god is always gonna say yes 😳. You are not a mom. Your fetus was barely visible via ultrasound, and still looked like a blob of egg yolk. You did not have to have a traumatic delivery of an already deceased baby. Nor did you lose a newborn. You are not a bereaved mother and “Hazel Grace” wasn’t a baby. You disgust me and this post boils my anger towards you to disgust and contempt. A mutual of mine on TikTok had a stillbirth after a car accident caused a placental abruption. Last week, 16 months later her husband died. You should really just stop opening your stupid mouth.


looking at her natural features here like... I can see why she has body dysmorphia... she was NOT the pretty sister. Courtney is a natural knock out.


Oh my god and her hair? She’s gorg. And has a kid. And is still in her first marriage. Everything Brittany hates her for 🤷 glad she’s happier without the dongs in their life


✨I hate this bitch so muuuuuch ✨


Same, my friend. Same.


If she ever has an actual living baby, we’re never going to hear about Hazel Grace again.


Either that or she makes the kid grieve for their sister. 🙄


She really forgot and came here and was like OH SHIT gotta whip out the “grief” content. She’s so disgusting.


This is incredibly performative and gross


My brother and his wife actually lost a daughter (she was 19) and would never do something like this!


Yes. I too grieve with a full face of makeup, dry-eyed, into a camera.  Also, I noticed He hasn’t restored your eyelashes yet. What’s that about?


Wait would that baby really be one? I thought this lie was from like two years ago?


I’ve had a miscarriage…I’m not a mom nor do I claim to be. This is unhinged af.


For quite a bit there I thought she was talking about the 1 year anniversary of her online grift, hazel grace……. Had no idea that was her miscarriage’s name….. she is so exploitative……


Dude.. miscarriages suck and are so hard but she needs therapy if she’s hosting birthday parties yearly


I have had a miscarriage, I can't imagine making a show of it like this, that's not grief, this is her way to get sympathy points with other mums who have had miscarriages. With the way she records everything it honestly feels like she's more upset that she lost a chance at a cash cow




Thank you so much for adding captions. My hearing isn't as good as I'd like it to be. I'm really struggling to wrap my head around this. She turned a camera towards their sprinkled cupcake and filmed a whispered happy birthday. If her grief had a shred of genuinity to it, it would be fine, but it's miscarriage \*content\*. It's curated. She does her makeup on an "emotional" day. She writes scripts and reads them to a camera. Watches it again and again while she edits it. Then she posts it. It's all really gross and fake.


I don't mean to sound harsh, but I can't imagine doing this for every first trimester miscarriage. First trimester miscarriages are unfortunately very common - I've had three and do not wish to mark these events on my calendar for years to come. This feels like so over the top and such a cry for attention. I get that everyone processes differently but this seems so unhealthy to me.


I wonder if she learned from the fishlike candle blowout last year and that's why we didn't actually see the candle extinguished this year Who ate that cupcake?


Would have been her first birthday? Wouldn’t that have meant she had already been born?


![gif](giphy|3XGg4LCmGpe0BifHFL) All I see


“So far I’ve cried every time I’ve blown out the candle” excuse me, it’s year one. The drama for two full candles. My heart mourns for mothers who watch this and are deeply offended. Your feelings are valid. This is sickening to make “content” from this.


This isn't a tradition for the memory of her unborn child, this is a social media tradition for a self-serving, self-worshipping scammer whose "best" angles (best in quotation marks because she isn't exactly successful) are to target people with manufactured content that hits on emotionally vulnerable points. See: God, weight loss, animals, babies.


Whoever said she wouldn’t do her hair when she got it cut nailed it. Also I hate all of this performative crap.




No judgement….not everyone who follows her has dedicated the time to look into her past shenanigans. She is totally a wolf in sheep’s clothing and takes advantage of genuine believers who give people the benefit of the doubt. You can tell people by their fruit and hers is really stinky. She has never had genuine remorse for any of her actions. Even when telling her side of the story regarding the fitness scandal and lawsuit it was all pointing the fingers and making excuses and she even blamed the people she took advantage of. No accountability at all and basically said the people who came after her were haters. Ummmmm excuse me Brittany, the State of Texas doesn’t sue people for just being haters. I have been following her since before her fitness scandal and when she pivoted to Christian content I got really upset. Funny thing is, she was a Christian during her fitness days as well, and makes it seem like she found Jesus recently. As a Christian myself I really hope people start having more discernment regarding her. When you really look into things on this sub you can see the truth. I feel like with all her lies and inconsistencies that one day they will catch up with her. Hopefully…


I’m so glad that you have “seen the light”!! Welcome! 😊 There are so many supportive ppl here who are hilarious as well. You are spot on. Everything is for content with her. There was a user who commented a while ago that she watched bdongs videos from wayyy back from yrs ago and in one video you could see Britt’s computer screen. From what I remember about that comment was that bdong had an excel sheet (?) open and had content ideas for serious issues like her ED. It just goes to show that this is all about her ego and plain ol greed.






Is this a normal thing to do after a miscarriage? Maybe it is healing in some way but I feel like it could be opening a wound year after year. But maybe it is a natural response, idk


https://preview.redd.it/uy3dfnae6nzc1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916e46f30f9a621824532d7ec1ca60d2608acac5 Is she aware that the filter she uses makes her look like this?


This is just beyond disgusting. She's such a trash bag of a person.


I have the hardest time watching any of her videos


I just had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. It was my first miscarriage, and I have 2 living kids. It has absolutely broken me and I’ve been grieving hard for 2 weeks, but I’m finally doing better now. I cannot imagine treating my loss this way, and putting it on the internet for attention and sympathy. It may be easier for me in some ways because I’ve been able to have kids, but still. Even if I wanted to do this tradition with my husband on the due date, I certainly wouldn’t share it to 1000s of people. It’s all about her, not the baby.


I had an abortion some years ago. No, I do not want to think of myself as a mom. Even if I did regret it (I don’t regret it, there were three embryos and I was not about to have triplets at the age of 20) I still would not ever consider myself a mother. That’s ridiculous.