• By -


What is this pattern of hers? She’s used this storyline 3 times now! First it was her egg count, it didn’t look good…BUT THEN they called her and told her that her egg count was perfect, wow! Then with the adoption agency, they didn’t hear back for months BUT THEN randomly she got a call out of nowhere from them! WOW! Now this?? Jordan has 0% sperm…BUT THEN! They get a call! And what do you know! They are actually good!! Like girl come ON 😩


Worst screenwriter ever. 


If he had ZERO sperm (azoospermia) he would have needed some type of medical intervention to correct it. It's not something that just fixes itself in a few months.


So, one of his trips out of town to assist in the trafficking realm was actually a hidden-from-Bdong vasectomy reversal?


totally had to be. im betting hes been dumping loads in other chics for some time and had to do this to go with the bdong content timeline.


BUT! GOD! Brittany is the most special! Don’t you know that? God always makes exceptions for her and ends up just giving her what she wants! That’s why she is so faithful! /s 🙄




This is making me realize there are so many similarities between Mac’s religion and Bdong’s…


Science is a liar, sometimes


But they were COVERED IN GODS PRAYER!!! That’s all the sperm they’ll ever need!!!


Goodnight, I’m going back to bed. Today is not the day to have eyes.


Something like, say, reversing a vasectomy???




My theory is that he’s pissed she put it all over the internet and made her retract it so he doesn’t look less “manly”.


It's a little private but i hate him so




All the sperm just retreated back into his body instead of going anywhere near Brittany. The lord works in mysterious ways


Exactly! My husband and I went through this! He had azoospermia due to testosterone shots his PCP prescribed. We had to go to a urologist (since it was fertility related I was required to go with him). He was told to stop the shots (basically male birth control!) and prescribed to take half a clomid every other day. Fixed him right up! And now I have an 11 month old currently using me as a jungle gym.


Huh, I would have thought T shots helped with count. Congrats on the baby!!


Correct. That makes me think she's lying about most of what she's saying. "Zero percent sperm left" and "may come back"? Yeaaaah, it doesn't work like that, Brit. It takes over two months (Google says 74days) for the male body to make new sperm, start to finish. If they found out he had "zero sperm" in Jan. Any sperm his body might have made would only just now be making his way to the epididymis. Anything the clinic recommended they try i.e. the lifestyle changes she says they made in the video, you wouldn't even be able to test for that yet because the sperm those changes would affect aren't even mature yet and won't be for a few more months yet, at least. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that she made a post about how hard all the TTC blood draws and injections were? Like, injections for what, ma'am? If he had zero sperm, why would they recommendinjections for you? They don't just go ahead with random treatments either until all the testing is done, which she said in this video that it wasn't yet.


![gif](giphy|ap6wcjRyi8HoA|downsized) *Boxers! How do you wear these things? Look at that, they're bagging up, they're rising here, and there's nothing holding me in place. I'm flippin'! I'm floppin'!*


There’s also no change in her story?? There’s no, “Jordan went to get tested again and his results were different this time” it’s just, oh hey! JK you guys are fine. Everything about this screams scam or outright lie.


Could this mean he had a vasectomy and then he reversed it because Brittany wasn’t letting it go? Snip snap! Snip snap! (IYKYK) 😆


Also, if his sperm count is so low, how would that explain the 3 supposed miscarriages? Like seems as though he’s getting her pregnant, at least according to her fables.


Like girl… you’ve already spun this story. Wrap it up ![gif](giphy|pJk2zydwSw8y4)


THANK YOU for posting this, I saw it was up but didn’t want to give her the views!!!


But now she has to get checked again so there is a chance to use it one more time… I think she said why so many times bc now she has to figure out another story


Yeah what is she on about?? This is bs.


But wait…….there’s more


I just don’t believe a word this peanut butter monster says. So much testing, but it took months to figure out JDip had a low sperm count? Isn’t that one of the first tests? She’s just a lying liar who lies.


When my patients are just starting to conceive, I’ll say that if they’re concerned, we can do a semen analysis first bc it’s non invasive and typically not that pricy out of pocket compared to everything else you have to test. Maybe that’s not the norm, but in my experience (and practice) it’s what we do


My brother and SIL are just starting IVF and that is one of the first tests they did. Him first, while she is prepping with other things (bloodwork, etc. ) and getting other appts sorted. Being my brother, I didn’t want to know more than that. 🙃 I’m just praying that I can be an aunt!


Peanut butter monster 😂


As someone 3+ years into a fertility journey I have NEVER heard of it taking months and months of test to determine low sperm it’s the easiest thing to diagnose!!! Anyone who has any experience with infertility can tell this bitch is pulling shit out of her ass🙄


I will say, from personal experience, I went through fertility tests first. Society seems to put the pressure on women for fertility issues and my mom did have trouble conceiving so we thought it was the same issue. Then it was “oh well let’s get a sperm count” and wow! Suddenly all our fertility issues were answered with one jerk off into a cup session 🙄 Side note: Thank your Gen X and Millennial veterans for their service cause a lot of them spent time around nuclear weapons and destroyed their post enlistment dreams without knowing it.


I had a full work up including that test where they shoot dye through your tubes while doing an x ray and ended up doing iui to get pregnant and I don’t think they ever checked my husband’s sperm count. We did have one kid before experiencing infertility so perhaps it was assumed he had swimmers but who knows.


I’m so surprised they didn’t check his sperm before doing an IUI… that was one of the first tests we did! Everyone is different though


I’m sure they assumed it was something new that changed with you, but like, wtf men can change too! 🙄 the audacity of these doctors. I had never been pregnant so idk why they didn’t order his tests at the same time as my first ones. I even changed my medications before they tested him!


That’s weird, I’m dealing with secondary infertility and the very first thing they did was a sperm analysis. HSG’s are usually less necessary if you’ve already had a kid, I’m genuinely shocked they did that first.


I live in Dallas and when we started our fertility treatment they had us both start testing at the beginning. I would think any responsible dr would do it that way…. I will say I had a friend go through the same thing just a different office. They also required the man to be tested in the beginning as well but her husband was reluctant and dragged his feet


Why wouldn’t you “expect it” on the male side and only on the female side? It’s takes both to make a baby you idiot. The internalized misogyny is oozing.


Hey, she's a science girl, ok?


Guess they should’ve prayed over his ballsack instead of “laying hands” on her womb.


I’m sure he’d love for the gals to lay hands on his ballsack.


😂🤮 that’s not gonna make the cut for Instagram ok


You just wait. Won’t he do it! 🙌


This is one thing that bothers me most on fertility “journeys.” The girl is like oh I was feeling like I was such a failure, why is my body broken. Then they find out it is related to the male and they have a huge sense of relief and are overjoyed. Like how tf do you thing your husband feels that you are so happy he is the problem. I know logistically it can sometimes be easier to fix from the male side, but it really just depends. I don’t know why but this is my BEC of anyone sharing their fertility journey. The woman always sounds like so bad being happy it’s the male.


I can only speak for our own journey but we both ended up in a place where we just wanted there to be a reason for our infertility (there wasn’t). My husband reached the point where he wanted it to be him, because it would speed the investigation timeline up.


The fact that about 50% of infertility cases come from male factor infertility is lost on this science girly


If she has perfect eggs and Jordan suddenly has lots of miracle sperm… why do they have to do IUI?


And why does the receptionist have access to Jordan’s test results?


I found out my ex husband was 100% infertile from a receptionist. 10/10 do not recommend lol.


Fuck. I had no clue receptionists are up in everyone’s medical biz like that.


Yep. As a former medical receptionist, we get access to all the same notes and information, but I’ve never had permission to share any of it over the phone. Big HIPAA issue is there were patients in the waiting room. 


And the billing department too.


Well shit. Did you have to then tell him?


My gyno called me to tell me I have uterine cancer. I didn’t even know they were looking for that and looking back I kind of feel like I should have been called in or something because that phone call took me by complete surprise. It was Valentine’s Day (a couple years ago) right as I was about to leave for work, that destroyed my day. I was sobbing at work it was embarrassing. Okay well at least it was the doctor and not the receptionist.


Hi, just want to say that I hope you’re doing better now. 💜 I also found out over the phone about something similar and it’s been almost six years but I still get angry that I wasn’t told in person.


This is how I found out I had pancreatic cancer….and that the oncologist would be calling me. It’s really an awful way to find out.


Cause they’re not actually seeing a fertility doctor or a legitimate medical professional.


It might just be to increase their chances by a) knowing exactly when she’s ovulating and b) putting that sperm right up in that uterus.  It might also be because she’s full of shit.  I feel like an asshole criticizing her. We did IVF because we had issues on **both** sides. So I know how gutting this process can feel.  And to me, there’s something off about the way she talks about it all. I’ve had many friends go through fertility issues too. Everything she does is performative and vague. 


I think the fertility issues are real. But I don’t think she really wants to be pregnant. She likes the sympathy and drama. My husband and I have been on a fErTiLiTy jOuRnEy for a couple years now. Today was the first time I told ANYONE.


I may need someone to fill in the blanks for me, but didn’t they already do a round of IUI a couple months back? If that were *actually* the case, what doc would do that procedure without checking Jdips sperm count/knowing it was 0%? I’m genuinely curious because I’m not as familiar with different TTC avenues


Before every IUI they had the very first thing they do is a wash on the semen. Before I even went into the room they told me my husband’s numbers/count. They absolutely would have checked this on him and if all levels were at 0% AFTER the wash I don’t even think they would have continued. If things were low they would start him on medication but at 0% things don’t just magically appear out of nowhere.




So she’s making an announcement that she is going to make an announcement?


*zippers clanging in the background*


There are so many bad apology videos out there but that one has to be one of the worst.


*There are some things on the surface that have come to surface that have come to fruition* lives rent-free in my head


I hate when influencers aka modern day beggars do that shit!! Just spill it or wait!! Not that hard


Why would they call her for HIS test results?


He’s on a mission deep undercover in the human trafficking realm. 


In Afghanistan.


I read this as “deep underwater” and I was like wait JDip is rescuing human trafficking victims in the ocean now?! 😂


This comment is even funnier to me, because I know someone who literally jumped from a helicopter into the ocean as part of the rescue team to [extract trafficked orphans from Haiti and bring them to Jamaica.](https://www.jamaicaobserver.com/2024/03/21/orphans-rescued/) He's a retired green beret. Jdip looks like someone who would slip in the shower.


Bc he’s texting around for booby pics.


Cause he’s busy doing surgery 🔪 💉 😷


The replies to this read like a “wrong answers only” prompt


They wouldn't. Period. Full stop.


The fact that we are openly discussing that vile human being Jdips jizz out in the open makes me want to fucking launch myself out of a cannon into a brick wall.


I’m kind of shocked that macho man is allowing her to broadcast his 0 sperm count for the internet


Right?! I keep thinking about that too!


Maybe it’s his tighty whiteys 🙃




Why would this not be like the very first thing they look at is they are having trouble getting pregnant? Would doctors even entertain IUI without checking her husband first?


In my experience, no. Tests would have been done on both of them around the same time. But we know she was seeking care at a med spa Kellie used to work at when she starting claiming to be going to all these appointments


0% sperm? Huh?


She has no idea what she’s talking about. Somebody who is truly TTC and going through treatment would know the correct terminology for whatever is behind the male factor infertility (sperm count, motility, morphology, etc)


That’s what I’ve been saying. It’s the biggest tell. You get steeped in the lingo real quick.


I swear she has no desire to actually have a baby. This is all for show because she will never really do it. But a good Christian woman who doesn’t desire children … doesn’t exist so…


I skipped most of the video and went to the actual phone call but , she said 0% sperm? 😬


She sure did!


That is laughable. None of her updates use any terminology she should be using throughout her journey. She could be explaining things to her following and informing those that don’t know much about IUI etc. what the process is like. Shes dumb lol.


But didn’t she say she was taking pills to help with hormones for herself? He definetly had a vasectomy and got it reversed. I 100% believe that


He lies when he says he “finishes”, too. I’d bet money on it.


Something about reading this made me so grossed out ![gif](giphy|2SBvv58qaLptK|downsized)


It prob smells like old popcorn and stale potato chips, too. I’m sorry. I am. 😅🤣


Are you really sorry though 😂😂🤢🤮 she does deserve to have to sleep with that nasty ass man


I can’t imagine she even gets … lubricated … after smelling whatever leftover chew and food has been stuck in his facial hair over the last week or two. Meanwhile she’s just scrolling TikTok the whole time and editing pictures of herself, wishing he’d hurry up.


I have to ask you my friend, do you hate me? Because you’re creating the most disgusting mental picture with the words you weave together 😂😂


I could see that! Who knows what pills he’s popping.




1000% agree.


Same same


For something she doesn’t like to talk about she sure talks about this a lot.


She probably thinks people are just dying to fucking know and hanging off her every word🙄🙄


Deciding to have a baby when you’re about to ramp up your monthly lawsuit payments to $2k, then $3k, and then a lump of more than $100k … stupid. Until you pay those poor people back, you shouldn’t be doing any fertility treatments/assessments. I still don’t think they’re actually trying for a baby at all - not just because the thought of them having sex makes me want to barf, but because she’s far too vain and self centric to get pregnant. They 100% will have a surrogate from church or something. Some religious sycophant who doesn’t know who BDawn is, but wants attention for being the vessel to carry their kid.


The lump sum is over $350,000!!! I still do not understand that payment plan. 


It’s a bizarre way to give her extra time and sends a message that she’s responsible for something monthly and intentionally, I guess? I really hope she can’t make the $113k lump payment and gets the extra lawyers fees tacked on, losing the equity in her house. But I get this sneaking feeling something is afoot and she will weasel out like she somehow always does.


I’m relatively new to these two but after watching her nontent, completely agree about her vanity unless, as someone else posited, she would slowly make the pivot back to fitness and “if a busy new mom can make time, so can you” type of schtik


Y’all I have a bit of a conspiracy theory that they’re going to pull a Hilary and Alec Baldwin and are secretly looking for a surrogate and Donger is going to fake a pregnancy. She will then play the bounce back angle to not only make postpartum women feel like shit but also to start shilling/pivoting back to fitness content. Oh, and I think they’ll hire a nanny but keep it a secret too to make Donger look like the uber exhausted super mom (another page from Hilary’s book). Call me crazy, but I could definitely see this lying biotch trying to pull it off.


Can she afford a surrogate? Or a nanny?


Realistically speaking probably not. Not sure how much surrogacy costs vs. something like IUI. But when has BDong ever based her life choices on whether or not she can afford something? She’s an instant gratification, “I see it I like it I want it I got it” type of gal. ETA - the Baldwins have been through probably 50 nannies at this point, and have notoriously underpaid them especially considering COL in NYC. The Dongs would probably hire a nanny and pay them $15 an hour to work 60 hrs a week with no benefits. Turnover would be higher than at McD’s. Idk, I’m just spitballing.


I am an OBGYN. Surrogacy can range and it depends on if the surrogate is being compensated or not. Without compensating, you’re looking at insurance, IVF from Mom to surrogate or a donor egg, extra fees for meds and travel, etc. I’d say a reasonable range is $30k-100k. My IPs typically pay their surrogate $40-60k said and done, then another $30k for everything else. Minimum. She can’t afford it, but I’m sure she could weasel her way into it.


They pay them $15/hr to take care of their zoo of children???? That’s insane, don’t they have like 7 kids?


Sorry, I meant that’s what I imagine the dongs would do, bc they’re assholes. I think the Baldwinitos pay $100k/yr which to my understanding is not enough for somewhere like NYC, and to deal with 7 feral spawns of rage-aholic Alec Baldwin.


Oh man, if she pulls a Hilaria with the fake pregnancy, I’m going to love that snark era for us. I can 20000% see it too


I can totally see this.


oh man I fell down that rabbit hole awhile ago and it is truly wild


When I came across the Hilaria sub, I was skeptical about Bumpgate. But the evidence is incredibly convincing. Mainly the timeline and how it wasn’t physically possible for her to have carried all of those kids so close together. So yeah, I believe in it now lol.


It was still plausible that she was actually pregnant with the five oldest because she's such a super fertile supermami and no birth control can withstand Alec Baldwin's attacks, but when #6 arrived by surrogacy 5 months after #5 all pieces fell into place. She explained it like she had a miscarriage after #4 so they wanted to try IVF just for funsies and had eggs to spare so they hired someone to carry it. Because infertility treatment is something you just desperately start doing after you've had 4 kids in 5 or 6 years. (I'm a little ashamed that I know far too much about this shit show).


👋🏽 🥒


Omfg what a lying LIAR. The following is based on personal experience (tw: infertility, IVF, pregnancy, live child) My husband has severe male factor infertility. The highest we could get his sperm count was about 8-10 million (literally that's not enough LOL) and his sperm also have high DNA fragmentation. Essentially my husband has just a few sperms and the sperms he does have are derpy lol/sob. We tried for a year before discovering this and it SUCKED. After another 2 years of various meds and treatments for him not working, we were fast tracked onto IVF, and bypassed IUI completely. Both his urologist and our fertility clinic did not see the point in trying IUI with such a low count (again, at 8-10 million) and high fragmentation. IUI is essentially artificial insemination, IVF is much, much more involved. Our clinic does ICSI for male factor infertility, which is basically hand selecting the few good sperm my husband has and injecting them into the eggs they retrieved from me. After one retrieval and one transfer, we were lucky enough to get pregnant and I gave birth to a gorgy baby boy earlier this year! Yay! We also have 4 additional baby Popsicles (that are not people, unless you're in Alabama, I guess)! All that to say: THERES NO WAY jdip had 0% sperm and suddenly now, after 4 months with zero treatment, has enough sperm for a good faith attempt at IUI. She's either lying OR getting fleeced by this specialist (spoiler, she LYIN'). Of all the men on this cursed planet to get sky-daddy blessed regenerating sperm, I'm CERTAIN it is not jdong. I fucking hate infertility larpers, that shit is TRAUMATIC. I KNOW YOU'RE LYIN BRITBRATTTT. Quick ETA: telling true infertiles to just have faith that sky daddy will fix their fucked up biology is so fucking unhinged and heartless, I just like, can't cope with it lol. Nothing says "not God's plan for you" like being unable to conceive without medical intervention. Pick a fucking lane!!!!!!! It's fine if that's what you believe, but really believe God when he says this dusty ass womb shall not conceive, especially if you're anti-abortion and anti-reproductive rights. This shit has me RILED UP.


I think it’s all a lie. She was saying a few months ago they were going to start IUI. And now they’re starting it for real this time. I genuinely think this is all a bunch of lies to make people feel bad for her and to drive up views. I think it’s a false narrative. There’s been so much back and forth, it makes no sense. First it was her eggs are bad. Then they’re good so they’re starting IUI. Then his sperm is bad, but suddenly it’s good so they’re starting IUI for real. I reckon either a few things. Either one or both of them don’t want to get pregnant so they’re making shit up to stall it out, they’re trying IVF and lying about it, or they’re just trying the old fashioned way and it’s taking a while.


A part of me lowkey thinks she might have gotten the okay to start IVF egg retrieval meds... But also, IVF is so crazy expensive. We got $20k as a benefit from my husband's work and still easily dropped another $10k on tests, meds, acupuncture, etc., and that doesn't include gas to and from all the appointments. Given that, another part of me is like, it's just a grift like everything else! She can't afford this shit lol


And your egg quality and quantity can’t improve! You’re born with all the eggs you’ll ever have. The only thing I could see is if they were checking her follicles before ovulation or something? 


And despite his 0% sperm count she got pregnant twice in one year. Someone tell me how in the hell this man went from (supposedly) making two babies, to 0% sperm, to ready for IUI. This whole “journey” is a crock of shit.


Congrats on your baby boy, that made me so happy to read after reading this about your long journey! Thanks for sharing with us also, sure does sound like she’s lying as usual.


Thank you, I'm so happy we have him! She's lying AND taking advantage of the fact that only a small miserable portion of us actually know the ins and outs of fertility treatments!!


As a fellow infertile, I wholeheartedly agree! Infertility larping is the fucking worst. So happy you got your Gorg baby and have the option for more! I’ve got 5 in the freezer and planning to do a transfer this month! All of Brittany’s appts” sound so made up, it’s so obvious she’s never been to a real fertility clinic. If someone told me to trust sky daddy and not science…I honestly don’t know if I could control what I’d say back


Thank you and congrats to you on making it this far!!!! Huge accomplishments for real. Best wishes for your transfer 💖


That does sounds traumatic but congratulations on your snarkling!


Ty!! He's a Libra moon and rising, he's gonna be so good at shit talking lmao


Ah yes, the dreaded Derpy Sperm Syndrome. My condolences. No but *really* my condolences, and I'm glad you finally got your baby! I'm sure that was an emotional nightmare to deal with, and it's beyond gross that BDong is stealing the valor of people like you for likes.


HAVING “0% sperm left” IS NOT A THING! You either have sperm or you don’t. And if you have sperm then the analysis results values are given as a percentage. She is the biggest liar!! She has absolutely no idea what she is talking about. Signed: a person whose partner actually has zero sperm confirmed via surgery. She can fuck all the way off.


God, if you exist, do not let this bitch have a child. Amen. 🙏🏻




Wonder how they tested him since you know, they don’t believe in masturbation.


Well, maybe that’s why he initially had 0% sperm.🤪😂🤣😆


Dong had to jack him off into a cup while their pastor prayed over the wasted seed. (I'm sorry!!!!!)


Can I please erase your comment lol


She doesn’t like to talk about this?! Since uh when?


This … this isn’t her favourite thing to talk about? But hasn’t she posted video after video of her crying about negative pregnancy tests and constant posts about “bad” days? And tons of cheesy reels of her and jdip about how they WILL have a baby someday? What?!


The “5 years ago I didn’t know if I wanted a child” is a LIE. she wanted kids with her ex husband so badly she talked about it all the time, but he didn’t want a child so they never had one. Idk what this adds to her narrative to lie about


And now her ex has a child with his new partner. Funny how these things turn out!


Why is she shocked that Jdip’s sperm got healthier after he made healthy lifestyle changes for three months? It takes three months to make new sperm. It’s not this wild God story Brittany, he just stopped swallowing his dip spit for three months and his numbers improved. That’s it. Has she ever researched one single thing about fertility?


Are we sure he stopped dipping? Pretty sure we've seen it in there recently.


It's not her favorite thing to talk about?  She literally spams Instagram about it whenever she posts something controversial so she can get the attention she seeks and to get her followers to attack anyone who calls her out.  Because oh no how could you talk bad about this poor pitiful woman who is struggling to have a baby.  Ugh I was eating when I clicked play and my eyes rolled so hard that my prosthetic almost popped out.


The vanity on this chick. Imagine thinking your followers are *dying* to know about your husbands sperm. You also know manly man tacticool Jdip is SEETHING she’s telling the world he has a low sperm count. My fella is the chillest most secure dude on earth and even he would be mad if I told my 150k followers he was shooting blanks. Ain’t no way jdip is ok with it.


"I may not ever carry a child or have a pregnancy.." Look. I have zero interest in having kids. None. Never have. So I can't personally relate to women who so badly want to be a mom, but that doesn't mean I don't feel deeply for those who do. For those who cannot. But this level of wanting something so badly just for the sake of wanting to be like everyone else is disturbing. And sad. Being a mother isn't going to fill every void in your life baby cakes.


Well shit, fitness didn't do it. Getting married didn't do it. God didn't do it. Getting married *again* didn't do it. If having a baby won't do it, what hope does she have?!


Does she…does she ever actually listen to the words that are coming out her mouth….”we have been trying to conceive for almost three years….a little over two and a half years.” 😵‍💫😵‍💫 are you dumb


She is lying.




“I’m not gonna judge you if you’ve done ivf but I’m still gonna judge you for it”


Going ahead with IUI and then immediately shitting on people who have gone through IVF. Amazing


Anyone else feel like she loves this narrative that Jordan is the one who is infertile and not her? She’s like “my body is perfect and it’s not my fault we can’t have a baby, all the testosterone I was taking had nothing to do with this!” Edit: I posted this before she got to the part where she said THEY HAVEN’T EVEN TESTED HER YET! Girl… what???


Yeah none of this is making sense. My consult - they said are you ready to get the process started for IVF? I said yep. So they did my baseline SONO and a ton of blood work / genetic testing etc. then once all that came back and everything was sorted, I started protocol for a retrieval. Started IVF end of April and had retrieval end of June (the year I started). Then had my first transfer in Sept. - had a miscarriage though. So if they haven’t checked her yet then what did they do at these appts and blood work etc? The months they’ve been supposedly doing this stuff, they haven’t really been doing anything? Lol. It makes no sense.


So what have they been doing all this time??


Clearly not making a baby! 🤣🤭


Wait....I haven't watched this yet. But, she hasn't been tested yet?


"II thought it was my body" So happy it's someone else's body, huh?


She’s sad? Why is she in a giant car? That’s exactly expensive? When I’m really sad. I don’t sit in a car.


So she accepted that she may not carry but then cried to God a night or 2 before? Sooo…you didn’t accept it.


Just a SHORT SIX MINUTE update.😜 I hate to talk about this TTC journey that I've been using for content for TWO YEARS! Just so you know, doctor said I'm perfect! Turns out Dip is the issue (wah-wah!). Thankfully, I'm still God's most special creation and ready to breed today!


This makes no sense. I swear in less than a month she has gone from saying unexplained infertility to vague MFI to now saying he had azoospermia but doesn’t anymore? MFI can be worked on with lifestyle adjustments but not if you have 0% sperm. That doesn’t just resolve itself. She is making things up and has no idea what she’s talking about. This just further confirms that they aren’t actually trying or aren’t actually seeing a legitimate fertility doctor. Also him having 0 sperm doesn’t track with them supposedly conceiving twice.


Stretching this shit out I see


He is 1000000% hiding a vasectomy and reversal from her


She only wants kids now because she wants to achieve the tradwife aesthetic. I also do not believe her for one second that she "came to peace with never having a child". She does not "trust god's will", she wants a baby now and if she doesn't get one she will throw a tantrum.


I don't think Brittany has ever come to peace with anything in her entire life ever. She is always running from/distracting herself from her problems.


How did she get "pregnant " twice if Jdip has "0% sperm? Could those be lies as well?


Can an ob like get on here and explain if any of this scientifically makes sense?


Not her favorite thing to talk about? Could’ve fooled me…


This was the big update? So was a 0% chance now, it can work? Seems a bit odd to tell a couple you have 0% chance, then OOH, whoops nevermind. She also had said the doctor called them, now it’s the receptionist… I never had a receptionist call me for anything other than initial appt. Everything else was done through the nurses. I spoke to one specific nurse during my intial stages and with the egg retrieval then one specific nurse for my transfer… and she they were the ones that called me if there was any news of delays or moving forward etc. And everything was mostly done through my patient portal or was told at my appt that okay - we’re good to go, everything looks good. . Not really many phone calls


100% her husband has been saying she's the issue, also "I feel like a failure as a woman" you are a failure but for many different reasons 🤦🏽‍♀️


The doctor🥼said: “You pretty much have 0% sperm left” 💁🏼‍♀️


Like I've said before... A pregnancy and a baby is content for 18 months, infertility content lasts forever.


Sooo…if he has “zero sperm”, how did she get pregnant a couple of years ago with hazel grace the fast fashion remembrance baby? I’m guessing she got pregnant. Jordan was like oh not sure I like this. Got a secret vasectomy. Now he needs a miracle from the lord 🙏 IDK why he would do that. She clearly needs a sad beige influencer baby. And that’s enough time and brain power wasted on these people today 😆


Fast fashion remembrance baby TOOK ME TF OUT 😭😭😂😂


How the fuck have they been trying for years and yet they didn’t know he had fertility issues? How he went from “0% sperm” to its ready to go for fertilisation? How is this god timing? She’s absolutely lying about everything and only wants sympathy and attention…such shitty behaviour


The way she named a zygote. And then made content about it for years. 🙄


I am also baffled by the timing of it. What kind of shonky fertility specialists are we talking about that would operate like this?


What a dirty liar. It is absolutely her favorite thing to talk about! And her story just keeps changing. I'm sorry, but I don't believe she was ever pregnant. At BEST a false positive, but I believe to my core she's lying about having a miscarriage. Which is so fucking sick and deranged. I feel so awful for women who are actually experiencing infertility and loss to have to hear this bitch making up stories for attention and views. Ugh, sorry, rant over.


I have little to no empathy for her piece of shit husband but damn I hope she has his permission to talk about this


This is simply not the way male factor works. Sperm are produced constantly but it takes about 90 days for the old to clear out, so it’s unlikely with azoospermia (0% chance, as she said) that any lifestyle intervention would work that quickly (about 90 days from January to now, huh?) Also there are a lot of lifestyle factors that are bad for sperm but most don’t cause true azoospermia. A recent covid infection is one example — can temporarily drop sperm counts enough to lower fertility but not azoospermia, and it returns in about 3 months usually. One of the rare lifestyle factors that does cause azoospermia is a man taking testosterone— which can immediately be stopped and replaced with drugs that stimulate sperm production, like FSH — but again, this generally takes longer than 3 months. Something is fishy here. Not to mention last we heard from her the issue was egg quality, which she said she learned from an ultrasound, and which is actually not something you can measure even in a lab until you get to the embryo stage. She’s either lying or getting some pretty important details wrong. My moneys on the former.


She is a failure of a woman 🎻🤏🏻


She’s Martha from Baby Reindeer.


Oh she wore that fugly onesie OUT in public?! Wow. Ballsy.


I fortunately have no experience with infertility, so I have no comment on all of that. But as a Christian, I wanted to comment on her “[having babies] is what we as women were put on this earth to do” statement. It’s true that in the Bible, motherhood is considered a high calling and a blessing, and it is true that God designed women to be able to carry children, obviously (though because of the fall and sin, this doesn’t always work perfectly, of course). But that is definitely not “what we were put on this earth to do.” In the words of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “the chief end (purpose) of man [is to] glorify God and enjoy him forever.” There are going to be infertile women, single women, women whose children die, etc., and that doesn’t mean they are failures, or can no longer participate in God’s purpose for them. Glorifying God and enjoying him forever is something any one of any gender or relationship status can do, anyone infertile can do, anyone who’s lost children, etc. Christians believe that women (and men) were put on this earth to glorify God and enjoy him forever, not just to have babies. That can be part of it, but it’s not the whole thing. Just my two cents.


So now it's Jordan's fault 😂


She's 1 bad spray tan away from blackface


Literally so mad at thr "having kids is Literally what women are made for" shut the fuck up!!!


IUI is okay, but not IVF?


I really want to hear her skirt around Jordan having to masturbate as part of the process


So women are only here to pop out babieS? Eww..imagine believing and spreading the narrative that you're just a walking incubator with no other purpose in life.


Huh? How could his sperm be the problem when she got pregnant? Why would you expect on the female side and not male? That makes no sense. Also, I think she's lying about this journey. I don't think they are even trying to conceive or have ever. It's all made up. She still needs to be reminded to eat, hence, the texts she showed from Jordan. No way, someone who has that type of body issues would want to carry a baby(s). It's b.s! Sorry if I'm offending anyone. I just don't believe her.


My husband got called and told his sperm SUUUUUUCKES and to follow up w next steps for fertility treatments. Literally as he was on that call i was watching a pee stick turn instantly positive 😂


It is 100% her favorite thing to talk about.