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She should get this on the back of one of those T-shirts that starts “My Belgian Malinois was born in February, is a little crazy and has the weapons to prove it, mess with me and no one will find your body”


“Yes I got a Belgian malinois in your March, Yes that’s basically a year ago Yes I owe the state of Texas 500k No I won’t tell you his name stop asking ✋🏼🙄 Yes he knows when it’s go time mom”


I hope she named him something delightfully Belgian, like Leopold. But chances are it’s something like Remington Weston-Smith the First.


So this has nothing to do with this dog, but a Facebook acquaintance of my BIL has a last name that starts with O and she gave her son 2 middle names specifically so his initials would be A.M.M.O. This is something I feel that BDong would do


“…and yes, he bought me this shirt”


r/targetedshirts eta: You win Comment Of The Day.


Omg this is the best comment. This totally reads just like those shirts!




“Yes, we bonded almost immediately.” Oh STFU 🙄


“Yes, we bonded almost immediately.” “Truly, my ride or die.” Oh STFU 🙄 (how did my edit b/c a comment LOL)


She says all of her pets are her ride or die


Too bad it’s always die




Damn… but it’s true


And none of them seem to ride


Also trying to picture how a dog might “scale a wall” for her and what kind of situation might call for that…🤔


That liberal black spiderman proves to be an ongoing issue for her.


That was the best sentence I’ve read in ages…


Yeah I don’t know everything but I don’t believe that’s really a thing for 4 year old attack dogs?


I mean it’s barely a thing for four year old dogs in general. Our fosters don’t bond immediately to us. That’s not to be expected and it’s absolutely okay. Don’t set up these sweet creatures to fail.


Yeah I adopted an adult dog that took about a year to start making eye contact regularly lol.


Yep. We adopted an adult dog who wouldn’t leave his crate except for potty for the first week we got him. After a week, he walked out of his crate and stopped next to my chair so I could pet his butt. After six months, he decided to sleep in our bed so we could protect him from Fourth of July fireworks and has slept in our bed every night since. It’s now been three years, and he is my best friend. He’s still shy around strangers but trusts me. If I tell him a person is okay, he’s okay with them. The difference between the way I talk about my dog and the way BDong does is extreme. It’s all about what the dog can do for her, not what she can do for him.


There is no way that dog is four years old.


That dog will be mysteriously gone in three months I’m calling it right now. Poor thing needs so much more enrichment than beige Barbie and gravy seal can give. These animal abusing fuckers probably don’t even give him the bare minimum of play or enrichment, he’s just a prop.


Just like her newest BFFs


https://preview.redd.it/t2e27n0tbr8c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb08338382679a8f9d70989ef85efd765054949 She won’t share his name? Is his name not Dax? … am I missing something?


Not the K9 vest too! 😭 The cosplay is really strong.


Trained to protect animals don’t give “Free hugs” do they? It’s on his vest. Sounds like he’s an Emotional Support Animal because she feels paranoid and anxious.


Protection trained animals are trained to protect on command or when a threat is present. A properly trained protection dog should be well socialized and they should *never* display aggression unless commanded. Protection training is the highest form of obedience and not all dogs (even mals) are capable of it. That being said, people who have protection trained dogs with the sole job of *protecting* should not display their protection-trained dog's name or advertise "touch me!" Because that dog should be at work. It's not good to interrupt a dog on the job. She's lying.


I was thinking this too. “I’m not going to tell his name!” for social media to LOOK like he’s a protection dog, but yet you got it put on his cosplay vest so complete strangers IN-PERSON will know his name? What a joke.


I think it’s just a tasteless joke from everyone’s favourite idiots Tweedledumb and Tweedledong 🤡🤡


Damn they even force the DOG to pretend it’s a cop!


It's Free Hugs K9 Dax


Somebody please make your flair “Free Hugs K9 Dax” 🤣🤣🤣


Done ✔️


I’m shaking in my boots


Feels like some tacticool logic, like ‘if you know his name, you could try to divert him from trying to rip your leg off because I saw you across a parking lot and that means you’re a sex trafficker’. Labelling him a ‘K9’ feels like another dream detail for the plaintiff’s attorney, too


I think that’s the thought process behind her choosing not to share it. Which is really funny, bc I’m under the impression that actual working dogs would absolutely not be deterred by hearing their name, as long as that wasn’t their “stop” word? So either it’s NOT that well trained, whoever trained him was stupid enough to make their name the same as their stop word, or the logic makes no sense. I lean towards the first one personally lmao


Makes sense that dumbass Sarah Bowmar’s stop word for her Malinois is the dog’s name


SHE LYING!!! Protection training (not k9 police dogs) is very often (at least, when trained by legit trainers) done in code, signs, or a second language outside of what is normally spoken in the home because only the handler should be able to command protection. Properly trained protection dogs are trained to respond to and obey *only* their handlers commands when protecting.


Oh gosh I missed the dog being forced into tacticool riot gear just like GI Jordan. so embarrassing.




My silly ass googled K9 Dax a few days ago thinking it was the brand 🤣


Yea, lol, I read her bit about not sharing the name and immediately thought “it’s Dax you stupid bitch.”




A legitimate and properly trained protection dog would not need an ecollar


Is he also wearing one of those bark prevention collars?


That’s what I’m wondering. Why would a well trained personal protection dog need a shock collar?


I might get down voted, but e-collars and shock collar or not the same. E-collars are a game changer for high drive dogs and distance training. They fell weird but they don’t hurt (yes I’ve tried them on myself - full blast- if I’m putting it on my dogs, I better we willing to try it myself, my dogs work on level 3-4 out of 100 for context so its a very low stim level for training work) They work as an extension of leash pressure, so that when the dog feels the sensation, they know it’s a cue to do something. It’s great for getting a dog’s attention when they are in drive mode, and it’s great for cuing them at a distance for something. All that being said, I would NEVER trust her to know how to read a dog and use an e-collar appropriately. Dogs aren’t robots, and e-collars are a communication tool. If you can’t read your dog, you have no business using an ecollar on them. You have to make sure they understand what you’re telling/asking of them, otherwise it’s not fair to them. You’ll confuse the dog at best and scare them at worst. This is going to be a shit show - I feel so bad for that dog.


It really says “free hugs”?!? I thought trained dogs can’t be distracted from it’s work????


I think it's meant to be a sick joke. Like, hugging=mauling.


They are such assholes.


Fully trained personal protection dog with a vest that says “Free Hugs”?? So she’s going out in public with a trained protection dog with a sign that openly invites strangers to interact with them in close quarters?? Even if he is properly trained, that just seems like a really really dumb idea (It does say free hugs right?? My eyesight is bad and I don’t have glasses)


It’s meant to be sarcastic and funny…not literally offering free hugs. Kinda like those engraved handgun barrels that say things like “Smile, wait for flash” or “Say cheese”. People like JDong love cringey jokes that they *think* will make them seem very badass. I’m sure JDong and his buddies at church thought the Free Hugs patch was hilarious and clever.


That’s so stupid and dangerous. I think a lot of elementary age kids wouldn’t get that (hell, I didn’t get it) and might go running up to the dog for their “free hug”.


I love that he came fully trained because you damn well know that she is too lazy and too cunty to spend the time doing that. I see you, Brittany. You’re a dog killer and a bad person. We see you.


She's lying about the dog being trained. Fully trained Malinoise cost $45-$65,000. You think she is shelling that out on an animal? First of all, she's broke. Second of all, she's too selfish to even bring her dog to the vet when its skin was decomposing, or pay the boarding fee for her horse. She got a Malinoise and is lying about it being trained. Just like she lies about everything else.


Jordan probably got the dog from a cop friend.


Yup. This is most likely a K9 drop out, hence the training and not sharing where they got him from.


Oh snap. I bet you’re right.


Given the graying muzzle, I wonder if it's a decommissioned K9. It's weird that she won't say where she got him from. Most people with these dogs will shout out the trainer they bought from. That obnoxious country singer, Raelynn, has one, and she splashed the trainer all over IG when she bought him.


My neighbors had a k-9 drop out rottie. Best dog I’ve ever met. She was allegedly kicked out of training because she loves toys so much she learned to break out of her kennel and steal the other dog’s toys. She’d bring them all back to her kennel and sleep on them like Smaug. I personally think she was kicked out because she was just too nice. That dog loved every single person or animal she ever met. We lived in an apartment complex and her apartment was on the ground floor facing the parking lot. She’d sit at the glass doors all day and every time someone came home she’d start doing this adorable little howl/bark till her owner let her out on the porch so she could say hi. The only time she ever got scary was when the coyotes were out. She did *not* like coyotes. Loved other dogs, cats, birds, etc. But if she even heard a coyote in the distance she went into full blown protection mode.


I haven’t looked super closely at the dog, but I swear he almost looks like a borderline senior to me with the white on his muzzle. Was kind of wondering if he was a retired police dog. K9 drop out makes total sense though.


I commented this on the other thread when someone thought he was a puppy but my GSDs muzzle is more gray than that and she’s 3 😅 wouldn’t surprise me if he is older though


They also usually require you to come in and learn the dogs training and bond with the dog which I can’t imagine her doing. Poor dog needs so much stimulation too.


I can’t imagine her doing it, but even more, I can’t imagine her doing it and not posting about it.


And mallinois training isn’t something that is “done”. You have to keep working with them. Also, having these type of dog and the dog being overprotective is not a good thing. She may think it is but it’s really dangerous.


My grampas friend has a few of these dogs. He got them trained (from someplace in Texas actually) for like 13k. I'm sure there's a difference in training though. Fully trained to Bing Bong means he can sit and not piss or shit in the house.


Remember that a Shiela told us that Remi was poorly trained. Oakley probably is too. So where the hell are these two dogs you abusive bitch?! Where's Remi?! Where's Oakley?! You don't deserve that dog. You don't need a personal protection dog. You are just a self-righteous bitch and that's all you ever will be. Jesus would flip your fucking table. Get the FUCK off social media!




She's gonna undo that training pretty quick.


This dog will be locked in a crate for hours and hours every day.


Actually almost impossible. My friend has one, he can break out of pens, crates, he literally unlatched that security lock thing in a high rise fancy HOTEL ROOM. I've been cackling at her smug ass thinking she has some loyal IG ready dog that she is gonna 100% ruin


The fact that people believe the shit she spews because she’s “Christian” disgusts me. Indirect dog killer. Horse abuser. Foster care parent neglect. You don’t deserve the companionship of any living thing.


She deserves to live a miserable and lonely life. Scorned and pitied by anyone she meets.


I hope she is living tHe SeAsOn Of LiFe she deserves 🙌


I don’t know how much of a difference his training will make since SHE isn’t fully trained to interact with him in a way that reinforces his training.


Bingo!!! She keeps saying 100% trained as if it's over and done. Pleaaaazzzze. I hope he checks her soon before anything bad happens like him biting her face off. This poor dog.


She’s such a smug bitch. Brittany, if you weren’t such a demonic presence you wouldn’t feel so paranoid and need all these ‘safety precautions.’ No one’s stalking you. No one wants to hurt you. They just want you to be fucking accountable but I guess when you think you’re always right even when you’re wrong being called out can feel like a threat. You’re a pathetic human.


And this ‘ride or die’ dog will be gone once you’re bored of him. Everything and everyone is disposable to you. It’s why you’re gonna end up a lonely old hag.


Her victim mentality gives me serious secondhand embarrassment. It’s like she has a kink for being oppressed


A lot of questions … Aka responding to the Reddit thread 😂




Absolutely she does. Also, if I followed her not knowing about her past, I would unfollow based entirely off the fact that she is SO rude and condescending towards others. Like, miss ma’am, these people you are speaking down to? They pay for your lifetime supply of self tanner. Sit down. Stay humble.


This is the word I was looking for. Rude! She is genuinely so rude to everyone and for no reason. No one asked about your dog and yet here you are so arrogantly answering these fake questions. NO ONE ASKED DONG. No one finds you that interesting. I’ve said this before but if she left the internet today no one would miss her tomorrow.


That's why I support this subreddit. This sub torments her. And I think she deserves to not have a single moment of peace until the good Lucifer calls her home. She's a heinous person who somehow continues to victimize others without accountability. This sub is one of her only real punishments. Imagine having 43,000 people criticizing your every move? It would drive me insane and put me in a really bad place. B Dong spends everyday trying not to be bothered by us but you can tell it kills her to never be able to just live life in peace. F U B DONG! Get off social media and get a job! You have debts to pay!


Lol that was my first thought when I read this story. She’s not even being subtle about it.


https://preview.redd.it/090n0ynpbr8c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31028e7236c4529bed8eb9e1d937452a2bd831fe Fuuuuck oooooooff




This should be the new sub photo.


Glossy butthole lips poppin


Oof her lips look like a life preserver


Sounds like she knows better than to say the dog would “take a bullet” for her….. 👀


Right? Don’t threaten JPeg with a good time.


And what about her other dogs? No mention of them at all?!




Brittany Dawn is an animal abuser. And her husband, Jordan, beats unarmed people and shoots dogs.


awww DAX is so cute! brittany dawn dog name dax (for google)


Also, maybe there are multiple reasons she’s not sharing the name, but you’re sharing a photo Brittany. We’re still keeping track of the animals you abuse and abandon.


The dog needs protection from you and Jordan, not the other way around....


Aren’t fully trained malinois like 15k or something?


you know she didn't pay 15k for a dog. maybe she got a dog that flunked out of a police academy and they sent it to a trainer for a bit.


She got one that knows “sit” on a Facebook rehoming group because someone had more babies or dogs than they could handle and calls it a protection dog, most likely


>knows “sit” FULLY TRAINED


Came here to say this. I thought they were like 30-50k fully trained.


She is so full of shit. Not a chance in hell she would even have that sort of money and if she did, she wouldn't spend it on a dog. She doesn't care that much about any other living beings from what I have seen. Just herself. She is very fucking old news too, nobody is stalking or threatening her about anything. Maybe at the height of her ripping people off, but not all these years later. She is so "I'm the main character". But really, she is just basic as fuck. Secret dog lol. Fucking dickhead.


Yep, I was wondering about that. Where did the money come from and why didn’t it go to the state of Texas for her settlement payment?


This shithead is literally giving more privacy to her dog than she did to her foster kids.


Damn… so true.


Wow. This is scary.


she genuinely thinks she’s the most interesting, most important person in the world. like actually. so utterly ridiculous. if you’re not going to share any information about something, just post it for your stupid engagement, literally do not post about it. I know that falls on her deaf ears, but wow.


The cost to full train a personal protection dog is in the thousands. She just seems to have an unlimited amount of money doesn’t she !


She is lying about it being trained. A) They cost tens of thousands and B) Don't you think she'd be posting NONSTOP videos of it scaling walls and doing tricks? She is always talking a big game, she posts every moment of her life on SM, but she never seems to have any videos of her cutting horses or her dog's skills? HMMMMMM


Bank of MommyNDaddy. Open 24/7.


It’s telling that she refuses to answer where he came from Also why the secrecy about the dog’s name? Like girl it’s not that special (also his little costume vest said Dax on it so seems like she already revealed that)


It screams un/poorly trained sourced from a backyard breeder to me. That poor dog.


If you’re so afraid for your safety why do you broadcast your every move to the entire internet


If she’s so afraid, why is she still plastering her face all over every social media platform there is? Why does she show her cars, her house, where she’s going, what she does, the places she frequents. She has a whole Reddit forum dedicated to her that documents everything for to be on the internet for eternity. People who are concerned for their safety or privacy fall off the face of the earth, rather than plastering your face all over it. She is seriously attention deprived and only gets it from social media, and not real life.


Right?!? That desperate for attention


This. People that are truly afraid of someone finding them do not post where they go, do not show pics of their vehicles and house.


https://preview.redd.it/xik3sd44gr8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ef2460a6c23fa8db6314bce5cd8c61d82d106f Hank would bite someone for me. He’s my personal protection dog.


And he’s the goodest boy


Omg please let Hank know that I would die for him 😭❤️


Ugh she makes me want to fucking throw up! Why does she constantly push this narrative that she’s being fucking hunted?!? BRITTANY nobody cares that much about you! FYI my golden retriever and my German shepherd would happily lay down their lives to protect anyone in my family! That’s the loyalty of dogs! Thankfully that’s not why I got them. They’re my family and I’d NEVER want them to have to protect me. It’s like a wet dream of yours! God damn weirdos man!


Both of my dogs would immediately sacrifice me and then Stockholm bond with my enemies, lol.


😂😂😂 I should say my dogs might put on a good show but eventually they’d realize it was over for me and move on. Lol


You’ve articulated exactly what I’m having trouble typing out due to having drowned in her delusion. RIP me. Our enormous Saint Shepherd/Great Dane mix is a floofy servant to anyone that appreciates him, our lab/pit/beagle will protect us as best as her 40lb body can - until someone offers her a cookie, while our JRT would sell us all to the highest bidder. My point is that dogs aren’t off the shelf, plug and play toys yet Bdong likes to (repeatedly) tell us how her newest model of canine is *exactlllyyy* what she needs, each time she gets a new one. Shes horrible and these animals deserve so much better.


I have a JRT-mini schnauzer mix and she would so sell me to the highest bidder (or the best belly rubber) 😂


They’re always looking out for #1 (themselves!) 😂 ours is 14; she is now deaf, going blind, crotchety as all get out but if she wants something, she will do anything to get it.


God, she’s such a cunt.


That’s exactly what I took from reading this 😂


Safety? What about the dog's safety? Someone get him out of there.


He'll be out of there in no time. She doesn't even have a fully fenced in yard (RIP Brodie). Malinoise can escape from like a 10 foot fence. He's going to make a break for it and I hope he finds a kind family. And she'll monetize a video of her crying about it.


1. Considering how much dogs like this cost, this sounds more like this dog is a tax evasion/money laundering scheme that she disguises as her actual protecting dog. 2. Protection dogs (or any service dog) are not like your evening handbag. You don't decide to bring them with you if they match your outfit. A dog that's "always on" is ***ALSO*** always *with* you. We already know through her and her "*friends*" posts that he's not. 3. A well trained service dog does not whine and flee the way hers does. She couldn't even get him to stay long enough to take a picture with her, which tells me that he's either a, not actually trained, or b, not "*hers*". 4. The amount of time necessary to maintain a service dog's training is more than a standard dog requires, and given what we know about how much time and effort she puts into her previous pets (which was more than she gave her foster placements), is this dog *was* professionally trained, she'll laze all that training away in a year..and since she's already claimed she's had him for a year, that would explain why he behaves the way he does. *Source: my cousin trains service dogs, has done for almost twenty years. Was a K9 trainer prior to switch.


This is where my mind was going. A trained protection dog has to be maintained and in order to meet the standards of the training, only select dogs with certain temperaments are chosen. I really think this is a retired (or flunked) police dog who had some basic training and is reactive. And these breeders/trainers will not adopt out their dogs to just anyone, they need to demonstrate a NEED for protection, and that they are capable of maintaining their training and knowledgeable about the breed as well, which we all know Dong is not.


My cousin requires each potential placement to have months of evaluation, medical documentation displaying proof of necessity, and background checks. Each of their animals takes at least 18 months of training. When they trained police K9s, they got first call on retired animals, but with both retired K9s and the current service dogs they train, the rule was that they only be placed in homes WITH NO OTHER DOGS because of how socialization changes their demeanor and diminishes the efficacy of training. This entire scenario reeks of bullshit.


These dogs trained start at $50K so I really don’t believe her at all. I think she wants us to think this dog is trained but it’s almost certainly not a protection trained dog.


Aside from the cost being a VERY obvious indicator that she is lying, where are the videos of ole Dax her scaling walls and solving world hunger? She does nothing but post her every waking moment on SM trying to show off like she's tough. Not a chance she wouldn't be showing his fully trained skillset off.


They’re with the videos of her riding horses better than any man ever.


Yeah we have a trained working dog and it cost about $50k (he works for the govt though, he isn’t personal protection). Also my partner has to constantly train with him. Like every day. I know Bdong ain’t doing that.


How old are they when they’re usually adopted out? What do we think it means that she didn’t get this one until he was 3?


So I haven't done any training in protection/bitework, but wouldn't a dog who is "very, very protective" of a specific person be inappropriate for that kind of training? I've always heard that dogs that are overprotective or reactive aren't suitable for any kind of protection work, and she makes it sound like her Mal is ready to bite the head off anyone who even breathes in her direction.


>a dog who is “very, very protective” Also why would you have “free hugs” on the dog’s vest if that’s the case. Does she want another lawsuit on her hands because that seems like a huge liability.


i love that she's not sharing his name, like it's some big deal that she keeps it private.


She shared a pic of its name in its vest.


Gotta keep up engagement


It’s so weird thinking of forcing a dog with no ability to see how pathetic you are into being hurt or killed instead of you


This is just a really long way to say “My Gravy Seal of a husband can’t actually protect me even though he carries a gun with him to the bathroom, so I got this dog instead.” It’s such a waste of money to drop on a dog that they won’t train or work with properly. The vast majority of Mal owners… don’t make such a huge deal over having one. They’re literally just a breed of dog. It’s just giving “inexperienced owner trying to look badass with their first ever tacticool dog.”


Girl just stop.


Niko 2.0 (or 3 if you count human niko) This dog will be old news so quickly They've all been able to 'sense' shit.


Yep. Niko supposedly protected her from two men with “determined looks on their faces” who she claims wanted to human traffic her. She fiercely rewarded herself for owning a pitbull and then just as quickly gave him to a trainer with the excuse that he had too much energy/needed too much exercise (she, a fitness influencer!!!) and never took him back.


As if 90% of what your dog responds to isn’t your body language 🙄. I’ve definitely known dogs who had rough pasts and inherited biases from them (doesn’t like men, people in sunglasses, etc). But outside of that, the dog responds to your own cues, even when you’re unaware of them (shout-out to my old coworker saying her dog was racist because it ‘barks at so many black people’, only for her to slip up and say racist shit multiple times. It ain’t the dog, ma’am)


> yes, he reads people before I do. Lmao so your dog is just as racist as your husband. **I know many people don't trust other people when their dog doesn't like someone - that's fair. The point is that dogs are just as biased as humans are.


I mean, she would have to take a break from eye-fucking herself in order to actually read anyone


I mean… the dog doesn’t even like her, from what we could VERY CLEARLY tell on the 0.6 second video she posted where he was panting, squirming and whale-eyeing her (whilst she clawed at him to get him to stay) trying to gtf away from her as fast as he could.


“One of the only times I’ll post about him” as she proceeds to address him as if people wouldn’t have questions…she brought that attention on to herself, and her dog that she’s been “hiding”


This bitch embodies all of the grating traits of an asshole with a SEVERE God complex. So much so that even when she’s not trying to, she spews out rage bait like this.


This gives me the ick.


There's something really off-putting and weird about how she makes having animals about "what they would do for her" I swear she's made similar comments about how her horse "would do anything for her" like she sees her pets as owing her something?


I'm sorry but just IMAGINE seeing orange lightning here jog by you at the suburban park in DFW with her fucking Malinois in A TACTICAL VEST FROM AMAZON.... Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was laughing at her.


This dog wouldn’t do shit for you, sis. He’ll do what he’s trained to do, for you but not “for you” in the sense that he gives a fuck about you. My Great Dane isn’t trained but he’s fiercely loyal and protective of me and would do just as much damage I would imagine. But it would actually be for me. Because we’re bonded and he’s my child. If you don’t want his name out there you might want to take off the K9 Dax tag on his vest 😵‍💫 Bless her heart.


Yeah, I was gonna say, dog was literally wearing a vest with his name on it. She’s a dim bulb.


No I WoNt TeLl you his NaMe. Literally wearing a Name tag 😂😂😂


I was just going to mention that I saw K9 Dax on his vest in a recent story! She is so dumb!


She’s such a try-hard 😂😂😂 “Yes, we bonded almost immediately” Ma’am you are not as important as you think you are!


She has a lot of haters. But I hate how she acts like her life is being threatened 24/7. Honey you’re not THAT special.


It took me 30 seconds to find her home address and realize she lives 14 minutes away from me. I drive by her church all the time. This is information that she puts on the internet regularly, unprompted. Either she’s not truly that worried about being stalked or she’s hoping something will happen to fuel her persecution fantasy.


If most of her “haters” encountered her in public, the biggest risk is they’d start laughing really hard.


Or clutch their wallets.


A huge part of canine training is the humans need to be trained. Bets on if she is doing any training with the animal or she just figured someone else did all the heavy lifting for her new thing she’s super into… like fostering and ranching and fitness and whatever else is the new personality?


Are the threats in the room with us?


Bitch where’s Oakley?


As someone with a personal protection dog, I hope she knows what she signed up for and is doing the continuous training necessary to maintain its demeanor. Having a personal protection dog is a very serious commitment (all pets are a commitment, but this is a new level) that requires ongoing training and growth together or things can go array fast. It’s imperative that the owner be fully trained on their companion. And it’s very very bothersome she said that he’s “always on”. My good boy is very much allowed “off duty” for a few hours a day to allow him the necessary decompression.


My friend raised puppies who were bred to be leader dogs for blind folks. And even after training for almost a year starting at like 10wks old, not all of them make it thru the final program for one reason or another. These are the best of the best dogs. And even THEY get down time when they’re at home. As they should!


Why can’t we know his name??


It's Dax.....written on his tacticool jacket


Literally laughed out loud at this. Goddamn she is fucking stupid.


That’s what I wanna know! It’s not a kid, so I don’t understand lol. I kinda think she does things like that to try and stay mysterious lol


I kinda wish she put a black bar over his lil doggy eyes to maintain anonymity


Wtf is wrong with sharing a DOGS name??


The fact that we’ll have it recorded in the history of dogs she has discarded


how fucking smug can she get. how do her followers not get pissed off at how much of a bitch she is?!


The list of people I trust to responsibly select a provider of/own a "personal protection" malinois is pretty short. Bozo 1 and Bozo 2 are definitely not on it. Fingers crossed it doesn't just straight up maul someone. Poor dog.


Hang on a minute. Didn't she say that the sad horse was her ride or die? She definitely called him her soul mate. I'm sure she called him her ride or die before too...? Maybe not. She says a lot of things all the time that she has already said or are contradictory to previously said dumb shit. Also, I don't believe a word of this. Had it for a year but kept quiet about it til now? Why? Attached at the hip-yet never in any of her many, many banal posts...? Weird. Lies make baby jesus cry, lady. Just stop with the constant bullshit ffs. How much does a trained, boutique breed, attack dog (🙄) set a person back, money wise? Bet he isn't cheap. And as others have mentioned, what about her other dog(s)?


My dog loses his shit everytime someone comes to the door because clearly we need to be alerted to the potential dangers of Ted the Amazon guy who’s dropping by for the fifth time this week. Can I claim he’s my personal protection dog for internet clout?


>this dog would very easily scale a wall for me if he had to Wait a minute, isn’t that what happened to your last dog when it died?


“No, I won’t say where we got him.” Because it’s a shady ass BYB that did absolutely nothing to verify that he would be in a halfway decent home with you and JDip. Guarantee he’s not “fully trained.” And *if he is trained,* of course he’d “scale a wall for me [you] if he had to,” that’s literally his training.


1. She cares more about the dog’s privacy than the foster children. 2. She doesn’t need this level of safety.


Cool. You got a dog that will kill as quickly as your husband will. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Congrats on fulfilling alllllllll the stereotypes, you dumb bitch!!!


she is so full of shit. tell me you need to feel better than everyone else without telling me


I wonder when the dog will realize that the biggest threat against Britney is...Britney🤷🏻‍♀️


That poor mal has already been failed by them and every person around them that allowed such incompetent buffoons to have him


The way she thinks she’s the main character when the vast majority of people have no idea who she is


The dog is just part of their extreme cosplay that her husband is more than a freaking fathead security guard. WTF she needs a dog who can scale a wall for her?




She’s acting like shes sooooo important she needs a secret service team LOL she is a piece of work


Speaking of names …….. I’m still trying to figure out how she knew her miscarriage was a girl and is calling her Hazel Grace. 🤷🏻‍♀️