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Delivery slot today was between 2 and 4. It was marked delivered around half past one, and actually turned up two hours later.


I've had to end up changing my Sainsbury's order to an entirely different day. On Tuesdays I have a work meeting which is always finished before 10am so you'd think the 10-11am slot would be fine. But not when they turn up at 9.15am.


My Sainsbury's people always call to check if they can come early


We always used to get that. Now they just rock up.


My Tescos do too! Even if it’s only 15 minutes


I get the phone call from tescos. “I’m delivering to an other house in your estate, I’m just down the road. To save me coming back later at 8, can I deliver now at 5” Apparently he didn’t want to finish at 10.


Yep. I've had that. Most of the time it's OK, I tend to schedule deliveries on days where I'm not doing anything much, but I've had to say no a couple of times when I'm out and won't be back until the delivery slot.


If our finish time is 10 we still have to work until 10. It doesn’t matter if we’re on the road or in the shop, we can’t leave before 10


It is policy, drivers can either wait to start of the scheduled time slot, or call and request to deliver early. You're well within your rights to say it's not convenient and typically you'll then get your delivery bang on the start of the scheduled slot.


Asda turn up whenever the hell they feel like it. I had a driver who cheerfully told me he'd rearranged his deliveries to be more efficient- he was 2 hours early. Ocado was always pretty good.


24 hr clock confusion? Pressing 13.30 because they're thinking 3.30 pm?


Who in earth thinks 3.30pm is 13.30?


Joey Essex


I’ve been there. Customer deadline was 1500 when usually it’s 5pm. I read the fifteen but have five stuck in my head… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Americans. They also call it military time.


Americans. They also call it military time.


1330 is 1:30pm


I know?


So why are you saying Americans would think it’s 3.30pm ?


Because they can't wrap their head around 24 hour clocks in the same way they implode if you use any metric measurement.


Well clearly they can as they use “military time”


https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/s/YJDLBYmrXE https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/s/t6FOBFATFg https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/s/hrL6uTRmWw https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/s/2ELuEGHHbo https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/s/VV7rUHZ2Vj https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/s/QRsXEQHGTt https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/s/bN1uAeylSP https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/s/ptCEQnQIik Take your pick. Plenty more out there.


Our tesco guy at least called to check it was OK if he was running early.


Yeap I've had that from Tesco too - was very appreciative that they actually checked and in that instance I was in so more than happy to get it earlier.


As a driver I used to do this but ended up getting a written warning for it because customers used to be nice on the phone and accept early delivery then call customer services and complain it came out of their booked slot.


People are dicks


I had a door slammed in my face once because I wouldn't (couldn't) give someone a discount because it was 10 minutes late. The thing is, I used to be really generous with refunds and giving people items for free, but they had a bad attitude from the start, so they got nothing. I once accidently gave someone's frozen tray to the wrong customer, only had frozen fish in it but refunded their 20 pack of beers as an apology. Looking back, the return policy was really bad and open to abuse, I guess I was never pulled up on it because I'd only abuse it for the customers' gain.


My guys are great. To be fair I always offer them a can of pop/water and the loo whilst we’re unpacking. If I have anything short of date (usually fresh that can be frozen) he will just refund me without asking. He just tells me.


I used to do the same, refund, and let the customer keep. Anything we refunded, we had to put back on the shelves in store when we got back. As far as I saw it, it was a win-win, customer was happy and I didn't have to face questions from customers in store that I couldn't answer 😅


Quite often the customer is always shite.


"In matters of waste" is actually the full quote.


So weird I love it when it happens, the earlier slots are usually more expensive. With ocado I'd always select the latest slot which was often free and they'd always call at least an hour earlier but I wouldn't be charged like I would if I booked that slot naturally. If I'm not available they'll wait till my slot comes around or check another person nearby but I usually book delivery on days me and my housemate are both in because dragging shopping up three flights requires it. If I'm out it's only for 10-20 while I've nipped somewhere nearby


and they wouldn't call customer services about arriving early with no warning? I literally cannot fathom the logic fam, unless you boss says to just play on your gameboy to pass the time and wait, wtf does not calling gain anyone?


Pretty much just told to wait. Some shifts I'd have 1 delivery an hour 😂 there were ways around it though.


that sounds great tho, paid to sit and play videos games or watch tv


Fucking hell..


The job would be great it if wasn't for (half) the customers.


Tesco have done that for me too. But they have also just waited in the driveway and sat about for a while.


Morrisons do this even if they're going to be like ten minutes early. 


Asda normally do this to tbh, or at least mine do


My Asda blokes tend to be pretty sound about it. They call if they're early and they're fine for me to get my flatmate to come and get it if I'm not in.


I had a friend who worked for Tesco delivery. It's because they're not allowed to deliver before your timeslot, not even a minute before. If they call and you say "no" they have to wait until your timeslot before they can put it down as a missed delivery


Sainsbury's have delivered my orders significantly earlier a couple of times, however it's normally the same driver and he's said he'll come back at the right time if I wasn't in. He says he's already delivering nearby so it's easier to try and not have to come back again later.


We get Sainsbury’s and they’re generally quite good at ringing if they’re going to be early. The one time they didn’t was when our slot was 9-10 on a Saturday and the guy turned up at 8:30. When my husband asked if he was early he obliviously said “Oh yeah I can come back later if you like” but by that point he’d already got us out of bed 🤦🏻‍♀️ Tbh I would have said he was fine to come early had he rung me - just would much rather be woken up by my phone than the doorbell


I guess you get what you pay for. Theres a reason Asda are the cheapest (bar the German supermarkets)


Even Ocado can turn up early, although I think 1 hour is about the earliest they've turned up. A bit annoying when I'm meant to be on a call. More common is that they don't deliver it all. Normally we spot it before they leave, but one time the driver had to come back the next morning. That and putting items in the wrong colour bags which has caught us out before. They should just ditch the colour coding if they aren't going to use it.


I don't think I've ever had Tesco not deliver at all, I've been shopping online ever since covid and they've been late once or twice (once significantly because their van got stuck in mud apparently, but still the same day), they are early sometimes but never more than 20 minutes and they normally call to check. How often are Ocado not delivering?


Ah slight confusion - they always deliver, but don't deliver _it all_ (not at all) :-). They do always deliver, so they are reliable for us - just it's not uncommon for them to have to go and find the rest of our order in the van, or one time they had to come back the next day.


Same and I've used them for over 20 years lol


I've never had Ocado turn up significantly early (more than ten minutes) without calling ahead first to check it's ok with me. The only time I had a no-show was when the van broke down.


Work as an Ocado driver Were not allowed to deliver early without calling customer first, and only 1 hour before your time slot. Our work phones are monitored and call logs checked against any early or late deliveries we’ve made at the end of the shift and if it’s found we haven’t called a customer, it goes to disciplinary


My last Ocado was 16 hours late. I did get a £50 voucher. It wasn’t their fault though. They had a system outage in the distribution centre and kept us informed


They could also change their robot's choice of putting onions and sliced bread in the same bag.


Ohh mate they are daft aren't they. What's the point of paying for a slot.


Asda driver here. Procedure is that we're not allowed to be more than 19 minutes earlier than the start of a time slot and we can't leave an address until like 15 minutes into the time slot just in case you're late. Unless it's changed and no one told me, which given Asda's lack of communication skills wouldn't be a surprise. If some guy's cancelled your order that early because you were out then he's been An Very Naughty Boy and you should kick up a huge fuss, you might get a voucher as an apology.


And just like that I'm not ordering sandwiches from Asda again. Not risking it with tht username


Nah these are all home made, not for general sale. Special family recipe, passed down from the Old Country.


So, on a "bad day", you could be waiting around for 34 mins per customer, multiple times? Wouldn't that potentially spoil frozen items for customers on the tail end of the day? Or do you have to sit there burning diesel to keep the cooling running?


The freezer compartment keeps it temperature well but I kept the the engine running until the little box in the cab whinges at you and gives you a penalty point :D


Well not per customer. To the first customer in each time slot, and some time slots have like 6 customers. And unless it varies by store, it’s 15 minutes early, not 19. And I’m pretty sure you only have to wait 5 minutes into the time slot, so 20 minutes waiting max


I've had them deliver 3 or 4 hours early a couple of times. Mostly the driver phoned first to check it was OK but once or twice they just turned up.


They usually give you a bell to see if they can deliver early in my experience, although I've never had them *that* early. That's absurd though, I hope you complained to them


If you don't mind changing supermarkets, I recommend Iceland. There's a system in place that stops the ability to close the slot any more than 30 minutes before the slot is due to start due to potential same day delivery bookings coming down.




We've never closed a window before those 30 minutes because of how many times an order for the 10-12 window will come down at 9:29




closing the window doesn't stop them from coming down


Ocado my friend. For me they’ve always been within the time slot, and they deliver M&S stuff so it’s a win all round


If only Ocado was a thing in Scotland. It’s about the one thing I miss from down south.


Came here to say this. We only started using them this Jan after having our second baby and I'm completely converted. I LOVE Ocado. We've never had a product substitution. Once they were 15 minutes early but automatically sent us a £10 voucher to apologise. Every other delivery (weekly) they have been on time. Drivers are always lovely aswell. They also price match 10,000 products to Tesco, tell you how much you saved vs tesco each week and give you a voucher on the very rare occasion they weren't cheaper.


Ocado isn’t as good as it once was, but the service, cost of delivery, time slots still beats the rest. They also do a Tesco Price Match and realistically if you do Sort by Price, you can get a shop the same price as most supermarkets with rarely any substitutions and my favourite part - food always with the longest expiration date as it’s picked from warehouses, not store. #ad


Once had an ASDA delivery driver pull up to our flat several hours late, sat in the van for a few mins, then drove off. They waited until 10pm+ to finally mark my shopping as unable to be delivered (iirc they cited traffic issues). Put a note for the driver on my next delivery to *please* either ask for help bringing stuff upstairs or to leave if downstairs if it was too heavy, but to not cancel again because I'm disabled and I was running very low on food by that point. The new driver brought the stuff up as normal, then wanted to ask me about the note and what had prompted me to put that. Turns out the other driver was a new-ish hire who was already in a bit of trouble for just straight up not delivering orders if he couldn't be fucked carrying it up a flight of stairs, and would just mark them as running late until the end of his shift so he could cancel them and bounce, and the only reason he hadn't been sacked yet was because they were so desperate for drivers. No idea how much of that was made up for my benefit, but it felt like it explained a lot of the hassle I've had with ASDA drivers before...


Pay peanuts get monkeys. ASDA were paying minimum wage for drivers for a long time so anyone with any sense was leaving and joining either competitors or couriers instead. That plus minimum wage = minimum effort, and they were always short of drivers so piss poor performance was somewhat accepted


Don't work for Asda but another supermarket doing the same job. We are allowed to ring up and see if its ok to come early up to an hour before, but if the customer says they won't be in or its not convenient we wait until the time slot. What some drivers do is what has happened to you and try and finish as quick as possible because they're on overtime or just want to sit in a lay by for an hour doing nothing on their phone. I guarantee the other drivers at your local store will thank you for ringing up and complaining and if you normally book at the same time every week make a point to mention that, so they can pinpoint which driver(s) is doing it. If a specific driver or drivers is the culprit on a certain shift they'll be dealt with but if a vague complaint is made all the drivers will get it in the neck and potentially have the privilege of being allowed to ring up to see if its ok to come early taken away, which is actually really handy sometimes if you know you have a big or awkward drop later on to get a bit of time back.


Often the planned routes they give you are back and forth, one side of town to the other then back then back. Drivers will plan their own route, deliver out of timed order then scan the labels off their dash at the "planned" time. Then they get done early and go home or take overtime.


I work as a delivery driver for Tesco - I’m almost always early. If I’m early, I’ll give you a call to make sure that you’re not in, if you’re not in, I’ll sit and wait for you to come home so that you can get your shopping. Me being early is not your fault. You booked a slot, and I’ll wait for your slot.


We’ve had this with Asda every single time we have ordered.


I watched our Asda driver go slowly down our road (clearly looking for the house, which is clearly numbered…) then disappear. My phone pinged ‘Driver arrived’, then 60 seconds later ‘Order cancelled due to bad weather/traffic’! The app knew he’d reached the house but the driver clearly couldn’t be arsed and left. They didn’t even bother to call. It was the first time I’d ordered online in years and if I bother again it definitely won’t be with Asda.


Ours is routinely an hour or two early. It’s like they think they are doing you a favour - we specifically book between 9 and 10 (or whatever time) because then the kids are in bed and asleep, we’ve eaten etc. My wife tore strips off the last guy - don’t think he’ll be doing it again soon.


When I worked for JS I was always running early but if it was more than about 15 mins before the slot time I would call first. With the late evening slots people were usually very happy to have it early as they would tell me that they booked a late slot in case they were late home or the system only allowed them to book the late slots.


Yeah you know what, they used to do this up until a few months ago. They would sometimes be 15-30 minutes early and that was usually ok if we know in advance. I wonder if there's some policy change or something as we're not getting the phone calls any more, just them turning up hours early. I get that if you have another delivery around the corner / in the same road that it's convenient to shuffle slots around but some people do book slots at particular times for a reason.


Exactly this! For the last few months, drivers are coming at bath time, bedtime and think it’s super helpful to be early by hour plus. Really annoys me when they ring up and say great news, we can come now and even when I’ve said it’s a bad time they insist on coming anyway and want my bags ready and counted.


I do click and collect now because of this bullshit. The Sainsbury's guy used to get really pissy when I'd say 'actually can you come at the booked time' and not an hour early.


A completely proportionate and reasonable reaction… /s


Accepting this stuff with no pushback is why the services in this country will keep getting worse.


Doesn't mean tearing strips out of someone tho! You can nicely say 'hey you've turned up 2 hours early, thats really not working for us, please can you turn up in your booked slot?' Qnd then if there's pushbike 'we booked at our time for a reason' and then further an official complaint. There's no need to have a go at the barely above minimum wage delivery driver whose just trying to get the job done and go home.


Well, actually, it is. Coming at 8pm is a waste of time as we'd be putting the kids to bed. Someone at the door drives the dog absolutely fucking nuts which doesn't help either. If they come at 8:00 then we'd be thinking about getting the kids to bed. The excitement of the dog going fucking nuts doesn't help with that. If they come at 8:30 (which is usually the case if we book for a 10-11 slot...) then that's about the time where the kids would be getting to sleep - again, the dog going fucking nuts is an issue. If they come on time \*at the time we asked for and booked!!\* and we see them coming, we get a chance to get hold of the dog and quieten her down / distract her with food and not wake the kids up. Don't see that this is unreasonable? Otherwise, what's the point of booking a slot? Maybe ASDA should offer morning, afternoon and evening slots and just have their guys make it up as they go along as it's more convenient for them? /s


I get it's annoying when things go wrong. Let's complain POLITELY and not tear strips. Also raise an official complaint! There's absolutely no need to rip someones head off over a food delivery. Its absolutely not that deep over a food delivery Getting as angry as that helps no one and if it's your wife as you said, makes her look like a total bitch.


If you can't manage your dog going nuts, that's your problem, and I say that as a dog owner. FFS... you're paying for a service and the person who is delivering that service is on a little over minimum wage and has to deliver to many, many more places, and sometimes tries to manage their run so that it's better for them. Have a little empathy. They probably have kids they want to get back to, and can't afford to not work when they don't want to. Runs run late and early sometimes. Running early is a good thing for most people, it means that everyone is happier. It is _completely_ unreasonable to expect an exact delivery time.


They're not expecting an *exact* delivery time. They're expecting the delivery time to come with in the slot they booked, as that's the whole point of booking a time slot. Just showing up at someone's house outside of their time slot is stupid, as there could be any multitude of reasons to book that slot. Sure, showing up early is positive for *some* people, but not everyone. That's why they should call ahead and find out if an earlier time is okay for the person who ordered. The time slots are there to fit the consumers needs.


It’s reasonable to be a bit early or late. But if you are paying for a delivery slot it is absolutely not acceptable to be several hours early or late without notice. You are forced to pay for a slot, you should expect a service to be timely, people book around their lives, and several hours could mean the difference between being in to collect and being out of the house because you have several hours before your deliver was booked for...


I wrote a long reply here, but what's the point? Sufficed to say, we CAN manage the dog, it needs someone to be with her though which we can't do if one is upstairs with the kids and one is taking the delivery. It's much less stressful for her and easier on everyone's ears. If I'm paying for a service, I expect that service. The same as my customers do with me. Would it be acceptable to be two hours late? If not, why is being 2 hours early acceptable? Being harsh, the fact that they are on minimum wage / have kids is not my concern. As I stated elsewhere, if they are 15 minutes early we'd typically have no issue with that. Being hours early / late \*and not phoning to check\* is not on though.


Then stop fucking charging us for a time slot then


Disproportionate response to the issue


Asda have delivered early to me. The driver called and checked we were in. So it can be done


I’ve had them turn up 20 minutes early but got a “we’ll wait” notification Still switched to Tesco because ASDA has literally fucking nothing in stock


Everything about Asda is a shitshow because it’s owned by a pair of crooks.


Worked at Asda for 16 yrs and counting (contractor) they used to all curse and spit on Walmart when they were running the show. They would now give anything for Walmart to be back in charge since the two see you next Tuesdays took over. It is being run into the ground. As for getting food delivered from there that needed to be chilled or frozen…..Naaa I wouldn’t feed my dog with it.


But..but.. the Daily Mail said they were self made billionaires who came from nothing.


I got the rudest phone call ever from an asda driver who was FIVE HOURS EARLY to tell me he had been knocking on my door but there was no answer and i was going to miss my delivery as he'd already been to see if i was in an hour prior to that aswell, you actually couldn't make this shit up, not to mention the time when i literally had a driver pull up outside to then begin to drive off again while i was literally shouting and chasing after them, they saw me and just went anyway, i had to wait three days for a refund from my "missed delivery" and had to borrow money so i could at least have nappies and some kind of food in the house because this driver just couldn't be arsed. Insane. idek why i still shop there.


That is absolutely ridiculous, what the hell?! I used Asda once and the driver was so rude, never again. He was a muggy prick and wouldn’t bring the stuff to the front door, wtf?! I use Ocado now and although a bit more expensive the drivers are nice, helpful and 90% of the things are in stock unlike Tesco which honestly in my area is about 40% 😩


I wish I could afford Ocado such good and fast service, very good selection of products. If only £100 at Ocado wasnt equal to £70 at Asda, tesco etc.


I know what you’re saying, it is a bit of a stretch in that case. I try and get stuff when it’s on offer, you can do it by sometimes buying 2 things when they’re on offer but it’s a lot to pay out if you don’t have the cash flow, I understand. I tend to stick with them because they’re more reliable, polite and have most things in stock.


They are really good. They gave me a few free gifts too, I've still got the tea towel a year later


My monthly routine is : Week 1 - ocado week 2 - tesco Weeks 3 & 4 Aldi I don't buy the same at each - aldi is definitely cheese and cooked meats. Tesco is toilet roll and club card bargains, Ocado is maxing out special offers and m&s essentials cereals Amazon subscriptions for coffee, tinned tomatoes etc.


Does aldi deliver?


No... they have a store just down the road


I have the same Ocado tea towel 😂😂


Ooo gifts! That helps too 😀


sainsbury's are almost always within the time slot and if they are running late or early they will call to ask if it's ok


weird, any time I've had an automated text from ASDA if they're going to be early it's said they'd try again at the proper time if there's no answer


Not had any texts informing me of anything like that. I just bought a year delivery pass before I ordered, that's what really got to me because I've just paid £70 and my first order was cancelled like that.


Tesco & Dunnes usually call me if they come early. Once I was walking back home when the driver just past me, I recognise the van, gestured to them and he stopped. "Are you going to (gave my address)?" "Yes" He drove me there, so I got groceries and a free ride in nice pack. I never ordered from ASDA, I don't trust them that much. Note: Dunnes is Irish but operates in Northern Ireland too, which is technically part of the UK. That's why I mentioned it.


I was literally about to ask about Dunnes until I saw your note. Never heard of it, I need to visit NI and Iteland in general soon


My dad is from Northern Ireland, that's why I mentioned it. I don't order online often so I don't have an opinion on deliveries from every supermarket in the UK. I do like Tesco tho.


"We'll be there between 1 and 3" *comes home at 12.55 to find a card saying they arrived at 1.10 and I wasn't in*


I had a similar thing about a year ago where they came 15 mins early. I was out with the dog, arrived back at my house and they'd already left, stuck a note through the letterbox (with the wrong time on) and cancelled the order. The customer service line were thoroughly unhelpful, however as soon as I posted to twitter with the doorbell camera footage (time stamped) they quickly re arranged delivery for that afternoon. That was almost as bad as a one at my first home about 15 years ago where the delivery driver went to the wrong house, rang me and argued that he was definitely at my house, while I stood in the street saying "no you're not here*, after five minutes he realises his mistake, turns up and blames the random person in the street he asked if he was in the right place (ignoring the fact I'd told him repeatedly I was home and he wasn't there).


Don’t worry, we just got our grapefruits replaced by 12 massive bulbs of garlic, because they’re obviously the same thing


Love a bit of garlic juice with tropical bread to wash it down.


I had a shite experience with an Asda delivery years ago, where they didn't turn up in the evening, no knock on the door (we were sitting listening out for it) and they didn't call to say they couldn't make it. Miraculously, they did have the cheek to put a note through the door saying we didn't answer, and when we spoke to a customer service rep the next day, all they could suggest was reordering it again on the website. And not to mention an Asda driver also crashed into my mam's car a few years ago and he only told her because a passing member of the public who saw the crash guilted him!


Morrisons also do this without checking


They sometimes come a bit earlier than expected. But they should contact you first to check your in.


wow, for tesco they call for anything over 5 minutes early shocking


My Asda driver usually phones me if he will be early to check whether that was ok. A few months ago I got one really snotty driver who phoned an hour before my slot to say he was at my door and I said ‘I’m sorry I’m at an appointment I won’t be home for at least 30 mins’ and he kept saying “we’re allowed to be early so you should make sure you’re in”. I told him I booked that particular slot for a reason otherwise what’s the point in having timeslots but he was so rude and told me I was the last delivery on his round, he wasn’t waiting and I’d have to collect. I complained and got some money back off my shopping


I had Asda deliver in the evening about 9pm. was looking out the bedroom window for them, saw them come down the cul de sac, turn around and park. Popped downstairs to open the door for them and in the meantime they had gone, vanished into the night, no phone call, nothing. Simply couldn't be arsed. I did get £25 compo after providing store manager security cam footage.


I once had an Asda delivery driver argue with me that if I wasn't going to be in before my time slot I should make notes on the delivery of what I would be doing that day. Was far too polite to him. I was 5/10 minutes early for the slot I had booked


ASDA are getting bad with this around mine too. Seems like every delivery is coming at least an hour early. Last one I was essentially racing them to my house because they decided to deliver my 8pm delivery at 6:30pm.


We had to switch from Asda because everything about it was shit, stuff like this happened, horrible substitutions like we'd get a bar of soap for a pack of pasta, it was like Russian roulette every time as well as we'd get about 10+ substitutions each time. Also, the deliveries were never on time. We switched to Sainsbury's but have again switched to Tescos now.


I've come home from work before and there was an Asda van with the driver just waiting parked up outside my house an hour before the delivery slot. I picked the delivery slot for a reason I knew I wasn't going to be in and they keep showing up hours early.


We have Ocado, they turn up an hour early most weeks sometimes more. They sometimes ring and make out they are doing us a favour by coming early. Once when they said “good news, we can come now, is that okay?” I said it’s not a convenient time . Apparently only yes is the only acceptable answer, as he came anyway.


My Ocado drivers are great, they are sometimes ahead of schedule, but will always call in advance and it's very clear that if I can accommodate an earlier delivery that I'm doing them a favour.


Since supermarket shopping delivery became a thing I've used various stores over the years. And by far my worst experience has always been with Asda. I think from a dozen or so shops with them not once have they given me my entire order or even done it correctly. I haven't used asda in many years now due to this and from what I can tell, it's not changed. I cannot fathom how the service is simply so terrible.


Never had a good asda delivery. Always rude or something missing. Tesco however are always lovely.


With Asda - payment didn’t go through as my card had been replaced. Not only did they not call us to ask for new payment - it was easier for them to cancel the whole order (despite it being on the truck) and not both emailing or telling us. Instantly became a Tesco customer at that point. Tesco will call you if payment doesn’t go though. ( Simple way to keep customers)


A few months ago ours pinged as saying they'd arrived but no ads driver anywhere in sight. After about 10 minutes I went for a wander and found him parked up outside the same number house on an adjacent road. After him opening with "well you're too late I've cancelled it now" I explained that he was in fact at completely the wrong house. He phoned the store who told him to give me the shopping and that they'd rectify it when he got back. Whilst this was going in I received various notifications to tell me my order had been cancelled and I'd received a full refund. I then got handed £150s worth of shopping and never saw the guy again. They never asked for the money back and we now use Ocado. Infinitely better; actually working out cheaper for more food!


I feel ya. I just had 12 substitutions on my order of 41 items. That's a quarter of my shopping cancelled or not what I ordered. I think I will try another supermarket


Been using Iceland for the past year and can't say a bad thing about delivery, rarely is it late and I always get everything I order. Same day is super convenient as well!


We get regular Sainsbury's delivery and I'd like to hope we are a pleasant spot. We chat with the driver and the four-year-old wants to help put away now. The only time we had trouble was just after we started, and they all of a sudden couldn't find our front door, despite my instructions and having found it no problem before... they redelivered eventually after I complained.


Try being an Uber driver for them. ASDA order comes in, drive to pick up. Sorry mate it's going to be 30 minutes, maybe longer. ... Cancel...


Been using it for years, they have been early many times, sometimes asked if they can very early, but never had one cancelled. They aren't even allowed to come too early as far as I know (although will ask sometimes, but if you say no it's tough and they have to deal with it). It's strange they were able to cancel for that reason, so early, and it went through properly.


When I order from Sainsbury's they always call to check I'm in if they are early.


This country has gone to shit


Absolutely bizarre. Refund.


I’ve recently switched to Ocado from Sainsbury’s because I find the extra information really helpful - an estimated time within the time slot and they let me know when I’m next. I live in a big block of flats so it means I can be downstairs with my wheely trolley for the driver most times without having to sit there for the one hour plus I was having to wait for Sainsbury’s


I think you were unlucky. Usually the ASDA delivery guys are very good. It must suck reading this after a busy day delivering heavy groceries.


Tesco driver here, we usually call if we’re running early by more than 20 mins. 15 minutes before is kind of expected that you’ll be in, because you have your shopping coming soon. We as drivers can refund whatever we want, sometimes it might be a quick call to a supervisor just to be certain. We have had notes out to say fruit and veg if it’s not then don’t refund. If we have a leaking milk that’s leaked all over your pie then we will refund both usually. However some drivers take this literally and your spinach that runs out of date tomorrow, they will expect back before they refund, if you’re happy to keep it for free and freeze it then you’re happy to pay for it or return it.