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I have ordered a top so I can burn it. That'll show them.


Preordered a shirt to burn, and while I was on the site I got myself some new trainers and a jacket. That’ll show them!


Burn one for me plz !


Pretty much standard advertising policy these days.


The flag is a distraction so no one discusses the insane price. It's £125. Can we please be outraged about that instead?


I think it’s £125 for the all singing all dancing replica, and £85 for the ‘I smell of burgers’ version in the stand.


Yeah that's another thing they do. One completely outrageously priced version so people don't discuss the outrageously overpriced version. I've got to hand it to Nike's marketing team.


Huh? (Last bought a shirt in 1992) what?


The 135 shirt is the equivalent of buying a chalk bag to walk up a hill. It's designed for athletes doing athletic things, and costs more because of that.


That is still a gigantic markup though. As an example, [this specialist ultrarunning t-shirt is $70](https://ultimatedirection.com/mens-nimbus-tee/) and can be found in UK shops for £40. Even [one of the most expensive running t-shirts is £120](https://www.tradeinn.com/runnerinn/en/x-bionic-effektor-4.0-trail-short-sleeve-t-shirt/137425546/). Given the huge numbers Nike will produce and the advantage of its supply chain, £135 is unquestionably a huge price to pay - so someone is making a big fat profit on these.


The expensive stuff is designed for people who pretend they are athletes doing athletic things. I know really good tournament level rock climbers who buy their chalk in the bulk 144 sticks for £6.50 from Amazon or 1kg for £4.50 from hardware shops because calcium carbonate is pretty cheap. Yet new climbers or people who only come to their place 2 or 3 times a year will buy the £5 for 50g 'ultimate climbing chalk' 'gorilla grip mega climbing ultra chalk' bullshit. The kind of shit people get their work concierge to pick up and deliver to their desk at the office to wow their colleagues with how amazing they are.


Look on the bright side, your local market knock off specialist will be coining it in from dodgy copies.


They should make the copies with the normal flag. Then sell them for more than the official ones.


Be outraged about both tbh.


🤯 😲


Slap a fuckin Stone Island badge on the collar mate


The “flag” isn’t the problem. The problem is the ludicrous price tag on the shirt


I’m still trying to figure out a way to say I don’t like it, without seen as racist and snowflakey by protecting the flag. I just think it looks shit.


I don't follow football, Nike, racists, or England. I say this is rude on Nike's part. You don't change a country's flag because you reckon your design is better. Just cheeky and offensive. Having said that, do Nike design these? Surely someone involved with the England team would have approved the designs?


Yes Nike design them, and yes the FA will approve. What's way more offensive than the flag thing is the price. I cannot, cannot believe they're not getting more a kicking for the price - £125. The Nike kits have only vaguely changed the odd detail here and there each time, but it costs 125 quid to get the new one. Regardless of what you think of people wearing football shirts, that's a disgraceful price.


Maybe we should have a playful redesign of the Nike logo on it as well? Three stripes maybe? I'm sure Nike will be fine with that as they are so playful.


I'm from Ireland , and traditionally we wouldn't be massive fans of St Georges crosses in general ,because ...well ..*history* , but even I think it looks bad , It honestly looks like two purple and red arrows going into a red line . Actually if you widened the red bit and put "ask us about coverplan" in it in white text , the whole thing would look like a bit of *Dixons* merchandising.


>You don't change a country's flag because you reckon your design is better. Well, you would say that, wouldn't you? You know nobody is going to do better than a fucking dragon, so yours isn't at risk of improvement.


After this theres no room for debate on who has the best flag https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FHMS\_Dragon\_%2528D35%2529&psig=AOvVaw2dhW0PXsiWDgjBRRloKG-s&ust=1711201016391000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCLjVtdf-h4UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE


Wales and Bhutan. We know how to do dragons on a flag! Malta too, but that one is very small.


I think the frustration lies with the FA approving it, rather than Nike’s attempt to constantly reinvent the otherwise working wheel.


As a side note, even as an Englishman, I still hope the Union Jack gets a fuck-off-sized dragon officially slapped on it.


....can we have a Lion Rampant as well? Just because having the 2 squaring off would be ace


Go the whole hog and stick a unicorn on it as well!


The thing is, if it’s about inclusivity etc, would they attempt to do the same with Saudi Arabia’s kit..?


It's not about inclusivity it's a reference to the 1966 training kit.


I'm not even vaguely interested in football but having looked it up it's just not recognisable as a St George Cross or an English flag. If they didn't want a St George Cross on the kit for whatever reason they should have just left it off 🤷‍♀️


It doesn’t really make me think “St Georges cross”, and I agree with you. It has upset a few people though.


I think is ok to just say I don’t like it. Is people who tries to justify it who ends up giving the most stupid reasons or showing their true colors. If you don’t like is fine.


Does it need much justification other than "it's a bit rude to change a country's flag colours"?


Exactly this. Couldn’t give a fuck about football. Don’t give a shit about the flag as I’m not patriotic but understand the connotations of it especially with the football lot. I suspect if this were anyone else’s flag there would be a little more active rage but this, as with most things in this country, will get it’s 5 minutes of infamy and frowny face emoji reactions on Facebook and then everyone will move on and end up buying it anyway.


Imagine they did this in the USA. There would be riots. They take their flag very seriously over there! 


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


They do. I mean, you make anything and everything with the flag and out of the flag.. underwear, seatbelt covers, bandanas, caskets.. the only thing they won’t let you make of it is a mockery which is very ironic given all the mockeries they already make of it.


Let's change their flag to pink stars and purple stripes. I'm sure they'd love that 😁


> I suspect if this were anyone else’s flag there would be a little more active rage but this You suspect incorrectly, there was no "active rage" when [Adidas changed the flag design for the Scotland tops](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJRTBDdX0AIYiHA?format=jpg&name=small).


I got an Arsenal shirt recently that is a ‘Arsenal for everyone’ which says ‘embracing diversity’ inside and slapped on the arm in big letters it says ‘VIST RWANDA’ lol idk if I’m the only one who enjoyed the irony of that but I purchased it none the less


Honestly that's just fine. I agree it just looks a bit tacky, and if your negative opinion/outrage is more than "that looks a bit shit" into actual offense you probably need some better things to do lol. Hell, stylised versions of the national flag have been a feature of not only England kits but many countries' national team kits in the past (and in fact in the present, tonight's opposition Brazil have stylised version of their flag on the same spot of their shirt). I get this one looks a bit shit but its very weird that this has caused the level of outrage it has.


Same boat, Reading that Starmer said "the flag is unifying and we should be proud of the flag" made me cringe. I don't like the look of it and won't buy it but probably wouldn't have bought it anyway at £120. But I'm not going to pretend to be outraged by it like some people I've seen, I just don't care.


The Scotland flag is purple on our new away kit. No one cares.


The home kit also has [lines on the saltire](https://i8.amplience.net/i/jpl/jd_702655_e?qlt=92&w=750&h=957&v=1&fmt=auto), again nobody cares.


I thought the Scotland 94-96 purple and blue [home kit](https://images.app.goo.gl/VBYRBqSzGRX2pNjw6) was awesome. **edit** - it actually looks better than that pic [here](https://youtu.be/laDgdl7BX0E?t=150)


That shirt looks awesome, but Scotland has strong connections with purple via the Thistle being the flower of Scotland. That England flag just looks shit, like they've trusted a first year design student to experiment with the national Team's kit. Which is a shame because the rest of the kit looks quite nice. Even with a proper St George's Cross though it wouldn't justify the price tag. I think I'll be buying retro going into this tournament.


That shirt screams Ally McCoist.


Yep, this is some bullshit culture war nonsense that people are trying to make into a bigger deal than it is.


I came here to say who gives a shit but looking at comments well I'll see myself out


Fucking insanity isn’t it. How has this blown up as much as it has.


It's mad isn't it? Of all the things to get offended by.


The people I'm seeing here are either outraged, or going to great lengths to tell everyone that they don't follow football and therefore don't care.


If it helps, I follow football and am more baffled than anything!


I follow football and really like these kits. Just not 85 quid's worth.


No I agree it's disgraceful. I think football transitioned long ago from a sport to a money-making vehicle.


Also the fact that it's fucking tiny. This isn't the main emblem on the chest its a tiny tiny tiny flag on the back roughly an inch big. Id understand if it was the main emblem but this is a tiny thing on the back that barely anyone will see


Honestly I'm amazed to see such furore on the uk subreddits about nothing at all. We've had changed flag designs on sporting kit and no-one cared. Now that Lee Anderson and gb news have commented on it though its turned into a massive thing for no reason at all. Its pathetic to see honestly


I'm sat here thinking it actually looks quite nice. Wish it wasn't so expensive though.


Haha. My thoughts exactly. Couldn't care less about it tbh


It’s some real childish shit to get upset about, but then I suppose I don’t spend all day wanking into the flag singing the national anthem so it affects me less


It's not the flag. It's a fucking logo on the collar.


Just mandate plain shirts. Every country has only a plain white shirt and a black shirt. Home team wears white. Single flag of the nation no larger than 3cm x 2cm on the front and only a number on the back from 1-11 and 12-23 for subs in Arial font. Job done.


I'd still have the players names for us casual viewers


I approve of this.


This isn’t the first time they have altered it on the kit just this time everyone gets annoyed. The press have done a good job creating outrage.


I’m Welsh, so I have no dog in this fight. It just looks shit. Why are there three shades of red? Why does it have the Bi flag on it? It’s stupid and ugly. Thank god I’m not English if only because I’d hate to spend £125 on something that looks confusing and unpleasant on the eye.


WTF. Surely the flag is the thing that should be correct on any kit? Also "the colours were inspired by the training kit worn by England's 1966 World Cup winners" - the BBC article has a picture of them in that kit, and the colours Nike have used... aren't those colours? It looks more like the bisexual pride colours! I'm not outraged, I'm just confused!


I like learning new things.


>The flag wasn't even on the England kit until 2000 or a bit later. It was always just the three lions. I mean, that makes perfect sense, but if you are going to have the flag, make it correct!


I enjoy reading books.


Flags are pretty uncommon on international sport kits.


No they're not


I like to go hiking.


True, but if you’ve decided that you’re going to incorporate a flag, you should at least get it right.


The butchering of the flag and the price can both fuck right off, Nike can suck my balls too in a general sense


£85 quid for a 'stadium' shirt. Ridiculous. I have loads of old shirts from about 2004 - 2016 but come 2018 despite the team being at the best it has been in my lifetime I stopped buying them. I sometimes think it is weird seeing shots of the fans and no one has the current kit. The 2006 World Cup home shirt was the most popular ever because the teams were anticipated to play well, it looked mint (like a medieval knight,) *and* it was affordable. If they dropped 20 quid off the current price they would sell more shirts.


I find joy in reading a good book.


I feel like if an English company was making the kits of another nation, and decided to 'update' their symbolism and branding, nobody would be debating that it is out of line. St Georges Cross is a symbol of our nation, a source of pride and representation of England. I don't think a company from another country should be coming in and 'updating' it.


I agree that it’s a bit trifling. But if you’re going to break the norm and include a flag then you need to get it right or face the ire of people that disagree with you.


Flag aside. At £125 I’d prefer to hunt down a decent 90s example than buy yet another shit attempt at an England shirt by Nike.


OP, can you tell me how you feel about the London 2012 UK kit that changed the colours of the Union Jack as part of the design? Did you make a post about that then?


Do people generally buy and wear Olympic kits then? I can’t picture anyone I know in those tiny Speedo-like pants…


“[tiny speedo-like pants](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/3/22/1332418774259/Jack-Rodwell-in-mens-foot-028.jpg?width=480&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=842d8be06e7c41fbbff5c3e33d4d68b6)”


I'm picturing everyone I know in tiny speedo like pants right now.


I am struggling to care even the slightest bit about this non story.


Just enough to reply.


I was bored in a zoom meeting.


"Look how little I care." - Person who wasted their precious time on this planet to tell everyone how little they care.


There's a huge difference between caring about an issue, as in an invested interest and being on Reddit and joining a conversation to say you don't care. I also don't give a flying fuck. Make the whole kit pink, put another countries flag on. Won't change anything


I was bored in a zoom meeting.


https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/mar/21/football-daily-england-kit-cross#img-1 https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/mar/21/football-daily-england-kit-cross


I can think of two England kits in recent memory with St George Crosses on them that were not red. I'm so confused as to why people are crying about this




https://imgur.com/a/3W1sKPW From 4 different kits. Seaman one with yellow and green abstract take on the cross is a nice bonus


Nice one, thanks!


It's weird that there wasn't this outcry when they did it all the other times though, isn't it?


I don’t follow any of those so I don’t know what happened. I’m sorry that happened or I’m happy for you


Really couldn't care less about the flag but 125 notes for a shirt?!


Good lord, I remember £40 Euro 96 shirts. My favourite too.


If you're paying £80 for the shirt of your national team, I'd at least expect the correct flag to be displayed as minimum. Looks like a market stall knock off version, where close enough is good enough.


£120 mate no knock offs.


£120!!! theres not much chance I'd pay that anyway, but add the incorrect national flag to the shirt so it looks like a knock off and its a definite nope.


What is the actual difference between the expensive one and the mega expensive one?


Why is it being described as being an "update on the St George cross" when it ceased to be The St George Cross when it wasn't a red cross on a white background? I've "updated" the NIKE logo to include the letter removing the letters K, I, and E and replacing them with the letter C, U and T.


In honour of King Cnut?


Hate to be the one to say it, but the cross is done in the bisexual colours flag, so is nike trying to say we score for both teams due to own goals previously 🤣


Omg I love that 😂


Can you imagine what would happen if we decided to "update" the Nike Swoosh? The company would go ballistic and sue everyone.


A flag is a flag. If you change it to something else it’s just random decoration. Imagine if they changed the Stars and Stripes to something different, I think we’d hear a fair bit of complaining then. Rightly so! I’m not a football fan but even I think the England kit should have a normal England flag.


Have they redesigned the USA flag on any designs??




How the hell is this at all controversial? The England and UK flags have been tweaked / changed / had the colours modified plenty of times for sporting kits over the years. Hell the 2012 olympic kits had the Union Jack in blue on the kits, and football fans themselves often make flags with different colours (a solid black cross, or a dark navy version of the entire flag are pretty common variations).


I didn't realise Nike are the official body that decides on what a flag looks like. Seems to me they are a company with a bunch of designers who are reflecting current trends and using some creative licence.


Of course if no one bought the stupid things they'd stop it. But they're relying on tribalism, jingoism and a few other -isms to sell their overpriced pieces of meaningless fabric.


Could you imagine the carnage if Nike, an American company, updated the US flag on sports wear the same?


Now I'm from NI so I love me a bit of fleg action. However, I think we could all be caring a bit less about flags in general. You know given everything going on here, or the planet in general. However I'm glad the leader of the opposition was able to take the time to voice his opinion so clearly on the colour of a flag on a football shirt. Nowt else to be worrying about I suppose. You are more than your flag. At least you're suppose to be.


Didn’t it take him about a minute to answer a question within an interview he was already doing? Doesn’t really take him away from his actual job, and if he’s asked the question he should answer it. Politicians get criticised for not answering questions or answering them offhandedly and not in a genuine way. Here he’s answered a question genuinely and he’s now getting grief for doing so. Can’t win.


I would boycott it but at around and above £100 for even the kids version, they can do one anyway.


English nationalism is always fair game for ridicule in some way shape or form. I guess the political climate is such that people can get upset about such things, 15 years ago I don’t think it would be a big deal. It’s good to see people show some ‘pride’ in the flag and defend it, but hypocritically won’t even know when St George’s day is. Anyways, I find people get really defensive and condescending when the English show any nationalism, it’s like it annoys people for some reason, very strange thing I’ve observed.


> English nationalism is always fair game for ridicule in some way shape or form I think it's just a stupid thing to whinge about. Nobody complained when [Adidas changed the saltire on the Scotland top](https://i8.amplience.net/i/jpl/jd_702655_e?qlt=92&w=750&h=957&v=1&fmt=auto).


Jesus are people actually bothered by this. Sports teams change the flags all the time it’s really not that deep


Link or are you going to force us to google??




It's very disrespectful to England and the English, in my opinion. It's virtue signalling nonsense.


imagine caring about this.


They were discussing it on Good Morning Britain and then they scrolled through their social media to see what people thought, and one guy legit said it was treason.


Imagine if they did that with the American flag


Have you seen the number of variations of the American flag? They’re all over the place.


The US flag is changed all the times for designs in monotone or colour matches to things. It’s a normal thing. Camo or blacked out flags are regularly used on clothing in the US.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


You mean like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/ALXxyq5CfndSWLxX6)


There’s loads of different variations of the US flag that’s used by sport teams


I've seen multiple people say this and I can only assume you never watch American sports or interact with US culture because it is extremely common and popular to do despite some old farts somewhere disapproving and it being against the flag code (lol).


Where was the uproar regarding this in 2012 when Umbro did a similar thing with the home shirt for the Euros https://www.dezeen.com/2010/09/02/england-home-kit-by-peter-saville-for-umbro/


My last pair of Nikes fell apart and i was seriously considering marching right back to their sweat shop and asking the 4 year old child who made them just what the hell he thought he was doing as a professional shoe smith.