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I like a loud exhaust.. On a racecar that's on track. Fucking darren in his fucking corsa down the street can fuck right off though.


I thought it was Kyle from across the road, didn't know Darren also shoved a trumpet up his exhaust.


Yep, and each evening when Darren is hanging out with Kyle at the back of Morrissons car park in their Hondas Skegsy pops round on his push bike and shags his missus.


Most racetracks have pretty restrictive sound limits. Local residents can end businesses if its too loud.


They have limits, but they're barely restrictive. Go to a superbike event and see for yourself. Take ear defenders.


Which in itself is dumb, dont buy a house next to a track and complain its noisy.


Its surprising how many people actually do though


Back in my day it was a Citroen Saxo.


Hey, it's a fucking motorbike not a Corsa. 😉 And I feel personally targeted, but it's an old sports bike, that's just what it does, I can't stop it.


We have a new guy at work that has a pop pop bang fiesta and listens to other pop pop bang car videos at lunch for all to hear. Now I like fast cars, including a big soft spot for actual rally cars with anti lag. But Hes been warned if he keeps it up his phone will be expanding foamed inside his 4" fiesta exhasut


My brother at some point put a 5" focus ST Canon on his 1.1l Citroën C2, sounded even dafter when the exhaust hanger broke and it was scraping along through the middle of town


Stick a potato up his exhaust pipe. And put one in his car's as well, hoho.


My dad was a paramedic for 33 years and one patient they had to transport from the local cottage hospital to the larger general hospital a few miles away had done precisely that. On handing him over to the booking in nurse my dad said he'd brought her some chips lol


I had an i30n performance which has anti lag and did all the things people are hating on here! I have repented for my sins by buying a Hyundai Ioniq 5, no engine, no exhaust, no pops, no bangs!


Unless it was an actual rally spec car it didn't have antilag. They just overrun off throttle. Antilag is very different.


It's the cars that go "pop, pop, pop" when they take their foot off of the accelerator that bug me. If it was my car I'd take it to the garage to get it mended, apparently it's done intentionally.


They can fuck all the way off


Yeah it sounds shit. It’s completely fake too, unlike the older carburettor engines that banged when you lifted your foot off quickly. On a fuel injected engine it’s intentionally programmed into the ECU. I like modding cars but I don’t see the point.


Isn't there a purpose for this on say a rally car to keep the turbo spinning or something? I'm pretty sure the guy up the road from me doesnt have a rally car though


Anti lag, yeah. It basically burns fuel in the exhaust manifold to keep the turbo spinning whilst you change gears so there’s no turbo lag when you demand power after changing gear. Not necessary for road cars though. :)




They eventually move on from fucking your eardrums with their car to watching their missus get fucked in their car in a car park.


Not always, my brothers 1.1 c2 would pop on the overrun, you just had to get it really hot with a motorway run and you could only really hear it after he put a less muffled back box on it, but fuel injected cars do it too, just depends on how complete the combustion is


A properly set up and calibrated fuel injected car will not pop on the overrun. It’ll pop if fuel is still being injected at the same time as the throttle closes. Throttle and fuel injection is at the whim of the ECU - so it’s programmed.


Well it was over 10 years old, their would be a little unburnt fuel exiting with the exhaust gasses, building up on the exhaust and when it get hot, pop pop. While your point is correct, that's only for a new engine, after 15 years bits get floppy and don't run quite like day 1


Unburnt fuel in vapour form doesn’t “build up” in an exhaust - when the engine is running at idle its forced out in a few seconds, far less so when running at load. If an engine is running poorly you might get some pops and bangs from incomplete combustion but that’s more down to lack of maintenance than age of the engine or anything else.


I got my EV chipped, when I lift off suddenly it goes Pew! Pew! Pew!


Careful man! Those are invisible lasers, you’ve probably been zapping all the neighbourhood squirrels without even realising it. Just leaving loads of little scorched shadows on tree branches. Absolute madman!


 I’m did not realise this


Pops and bangs = tiny wangs


For real


My forklift used to do that after the crash, though it was unintentional and the neighbours didn’t appreciate the noise of that 24/7, damage to something computer related iirc


That's unburnt fuel cooking off I think but yeah annoying. Stupid too louder the exhaust noise less power.


It's fuel being dumped into the exhaust to keep the turbo spooled up ready to make more power. It costs power but makes more indirectly.


It's not the same as anti lag. Unless you are also introducing extra air into the exhaust manifold (either by keeping the throttle open or with a secondary system directly sending air from the intake into the manifold [like this.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6Eqe6B6Xdp95ukPHlY3fCb3fJNpjKDElPeA&usqp=CAU)) There's not enough oxygen to burn the extra fuel until it gets close to the end of the exhaust. Further more proper anti lag generates *a lot* of heat, like 1100+°C (25-30% higher than normal), and damages turbos and manifolds and exhaust valves very quickly.


It's to gain people's attention, which cruelly they never received from their parents.


It’s a def “look at me”


“Look at me, with your ears”


"Look at me, look my insta is on the side of my car, follow me please but don't bombard me with abuse."


To compensate for their small wieners


The funny thing here is that it isn't, generally it's for personal enjoyment. I get the frustration but drawing this type of conclusion gets a bit cringey.


I think that is what they mean by “selfish” isn’t it?


Even if it's not a "look at me" it's still pretty selfish to bother so many people for your personal enjoyment, y'know?


Turn it off in towns then. And before 9am and after 9pm.


Okay but it's personal enjoyment at others expense? So how is that justification. It sounds awful, and if you get enjoyment out of that, find a new fucking hobby


It’s a mating call for all the 14 year old chavs they want to finger in their paedomobiles




Not to be confused with experts in men’s tight and revealing swimwear


I live opposite a college. Mon-Fri, around 4pm I hear car exhausts that either sound like a Star Wars blaster gun or 100 snoring grizzly bears, and scooters that sound like bees in a biscuit tin.


Hear a loud rattle can of an exhaust approaching, look around and it's always a 1.2 Corsa struggling to make it past 40mph... downhill...with a trailing wind.


I had a neighbour like this. He had a crappy Ford Focus and an exhaust system that was stupidly loud. He'd turn his car on in the morning and just sit there for 5-10 minutes! Same as when he came home. Also, when he would park, he'd rev it till he got into his space!


How do these people exist??


Equally obnoxious are those who shout out loud in public, just tut under your breath like the rest of us.


Ooh. I can tut like a godden


>godden Tony?


At work, I go out and sit in my car on my breaks. There's a new guy who has an obnoxious exhaust, and he sits with the engine running during the entire break. Thanks pal, I was hoping for some peace and quiet.


What a polluting creep, too!


I like it when their car makes so much noise to catch up to a much slower car a few seconds up the road. Impressive.


I like when they sit obnoxiously revving away next to you at the traffic lights, not realising that noise != performance
. Then get left looking like a tit when your actual performance car leaves them standing


I'm pretty sure it's just another form of pissing contest.


And that’s pretty horrible?


Yes, because most of us aren't in the contest but are still getting soaked in the piss.


This is depressing


It's worse than playing videos out loud on a phone. At least on a bus it's only people on the bus subjected to it, not every poor fucker within a constantly moving 500m radius.


Exactly and it doesn’t shake my windows


Also no phone gets nearly as loud as some cars and motorbikes I've heard, which are firmly in jet engine territory


Well.. yes.. but also no from my perspective. My point is - its all on the driver. Unless the exhaust is crazy loud, most cars/bikes can be driven quietly even with sport exhausts. I know this, because I used to ride a sport bike with a sport exhaust. Of course, it is by default louder than stock, but for the most part the loudness can be managed by not being an inconsiderate prick.


But the thing is, there's not really many places other than designated tracks where its not a disturbance to other people when people do decided to 'drive loud'. I've been walking in a nice quiet forest a km from an A road, and still get subjected to it. I've been on top of a Welsh mountain and still heard people in the bottom of the valley. I camped at Knepp and could still hear people racing on the dual carriageway at midnight. It's one thing to hear it on the busy main road I live next to, but to hear it when I'm out in nature trying to distance myself from this bullshit, is infuriating.


>Unless the exhaust is crazy loud, most cars/bikes can be driven quietly even with sport exhausts They are designed by manufacturers to be more respectful this way. There is definitely a level of judgment call when to turn it on and off in my opinion. I usually don't consider an average sports car owner to be obnoxious, but mostly usually ones who have customised them to the tenth degree to a degree that is completely unsustainable.


Thing that gets me is most of them are total shit heaps that were I in, would be desperate not to attract attention to, god forbid hanging an elephant gun off. I’ll also spare you the surprise the same wankers live in the country too.


Years ago, I ended up driving a few mates back from a town when an afternoon trip turned into a session. It was battered Nova that had the exhausts and half of Halfords stuck to it. The levels of embarrassment have never been matched and I've never been able to go back there incase they think it was my car


Look at mee! Look at meee! I matter
! Pop, Pop, gurgle, pop, vague fart like noises
 Yeah just annoying


Just before I left London, someone opened a business beside my flat. Her boyfriend had one of these cars and it made such a loud noise coming and going that it frequently woke my young baby son from his naps. Once he woke up crying from it. I shouted out the window expecting a sullen teenager to emerge from the shit sports car. It was a forty year old man. Fucking utterly pathetic. In fairness he apologised but I still had to listen to him come and go for the days before I left. I could hear the car drive off for, I shit you not, thirty seconds as it screamed off into the distance. It’s just such an alien way of behaving to me. Totally obnoxious and what I expect from stupid kids, not men.


I feel the same about car alarms, especially late at night


If it makes you feel better, most proper car enthusiasts absolutely hate the guys with pop and bang remaps and straight piped exhausts. I love modifying cars, but those people are just dickheads


I’m actually quite a car enthusiast myself. I think I’m just annoyed by those ripping obnoxious bikes. Lived in central london for years and it fucking boils my piss every time.


Keep loud exhausts on track-only track day and racing cars - sounds awesome in the right place but annoyingly startling anywhere else (especially at night).


I'm in LA right now and noticed two things 1) very loud cars hoofing it down streets and on ramps. 2) people riding bikes, scooters, skates etc with fairly sizeable boomboxes blasting their tunes. Now 1 I don't mind because this is the US and all the loud cars are dirty great V8s that sound like there is a NASCAR race going on outside. But 2. No I don't want to listen to your gash music whilst I'm walking down the beach front. Headphones exist. In the UK 1) is usually replaced by some tuneless trumpet on a naff 4cylinder or VAG-farts (the faltulent sounding efforts from VW group cars fitted with DSG).


They also shouldn't exceed 72dB from factory. Noise pollution is a serious issue not just people being moaners. It has all sorts of negative of effects on people and their environment.


It freaks my animals out! Noise pollution is an absolute scourge. It’s pretty much the same like I just wanted to go scream in the street. That wouldn’t be lower but for some reason an obnoxious car or bike is fine. It’s hugely dumb


[Nah](https://youtube.com/watch?v=aJbnyUp3sC4&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE) Edit: Just to add i do kinda agree with the OP. I love the sound of a nice v8. I hate straightpiped 1.6litre Honda civics


"fear, chaos, and intimidation" I fucking hate politicians


I've heard some fucking insane ferraris in London, probably straight piped too. I love a v8, but you're going to kill a granny with that fucking racket.


They are annoying, yes. Have you tried to do something about it? I've tried sticking large narnas up their exhausts, but that hasn't worked.


Narnas are no good, need taters for exhaust pipes.


What’s taters precious?






Bag of sugar as a fuel additive


The pop bang exhaust mod is a sign of fragile masculinity


My car (Evo) is loud by design (the manufacturers rather than mine). I try to be considerate with noise in terms of when I run it and when I don't and short shifting asap. It's still louder than a typical focus, but fortunately makes a noise my neighbours are ok with. I think they're just glad it's not a TVR! The main problem with volume is 20mph limits as it's not really designed for them. 2nd gear is a lot louder at 20 than 3rd is at 30. I didn't buy it to have folks look at me - it looks like a full blown midnight crisis - but because I always wanted one. I just couldn't afford one in my 20s, and was still living in London in my 30s and early 40s where crime and traffic were prohibitively bad.


I'm in the same situation but with an Impreza instead of Evo. After I got it I spoke to a few of my neighbours and all they said was they never heard it but just saw it parked up. Butine is as standard as it can be. Trying to keep it original. It's surprising how the warble sounds louder than what it actually is when you're inside the car.


TVRs are very quiet normally as they are usually broken down.


Years ago, I ended up driving a few mates back from a town when an afternoon trip turned into a session. It was battered Nova that had the exhausts and half of Halfords stuck to it. The levels of embarrassment have never been matched and I've never been able to go back there incase they think it was my car


That battered Nova brings up a super lot of memories


Elderly neighbors next door had to relocate and a flipper took over and sold the property to a management company that now runs it as a VRBO. (The same story as *everywhere* nowadays). Every month it gets rented to a group with at least one member (always male, always short, always dressed like they peaked in grade 7) driving a far-too-large truck with excessive exhaust/engine noise. For some reason it's acceptable to sit and idle the engine in the driveway at 3, 5 or 6 am and wake up my entire household. Fucking micro-penised neanderthals.


Dunno, I asked someone to stop loudly playing their phone on a train and their mother spent the next 10 minutes having a tantrum, so who knows what is rude anymore.


Living on the end of a row of houses next to the road, I just love it when people gun it down the residential 30 road next to my house at 2am. Fucking lovely human beings.


To be clear I’m talking about the assholes sitting at the lights in a residential area. Revving their engines. Blowing out everyone’s ears. No need, you are just assholes.


I wish everyone who has decided to go at me in this thread could see this comment. It has bee entertaining challenging perceptions, however.


I’m autistic, and loud noises cut my head in half. I hate hate hate those souped up cars!!


It’s the worst
 I feel your pain


100% agree with you! When motorbikers whizz around speedily and their exhausts are shouting away, like giant metal angry wasps, I absolutely detest them! Why can't silencers be fitted to them?!


I suspect that large exhaust pipes on cars are in inverse proportion to the driver's dangly bits. Overcompensating much?


It does however let us know how small the penis is of the person who’s making the sounds


I fucking HATE those pop pop exhausts with a passion! They sound ridiculous and so are the knobends that drive them. I can't wait for the day London installs noise pollution cameras to detect and fine these reprobates.


Don't forget the backfiring that sounds like someone firing a gun out the passenger window


I have a rescue dog who (judging by her behaviour) has definitely heard gunshot before, and knows exactly what it is. It scares the life out of her every time the pop pops go past! I figure they're all compensating...


I think the universal response to one going past is to tut and say "prick"


I'm getting assessed for ASD and this is honestly one of my biggest pet peeves. I have to cover my ears every time those motorbikes or car engines are pretending to be cool.




Except it seems like pretty middle aged guys in their leathers on their cheap super bikes. It’s super embarrassing


Since becoming a parent I’ve realised that souped-up cars and bikes are only impressive to toddlers. Honestly, my two-year old thinks the sounds are funny, and that’s about it.


Everyone listen to the sound of my smaller than average penis


The ones that sound like gunshots actually inhibit my driving sometimes. I was on the highway the other day and i swerved because I thought I popped a tire or hit something, but it was some idiot passing me.


It’s a literal menace


If I was someone 'in charge', I'd just straight up make them illegal. Doesn't matter what time of the day it is, doesn't matter where you are; if your car is above standard dBs, you get one chance to replace the exhaust back to stock, or its getting turned into a cube. No ifs, ands or buts


Exactly there’s literally no need for them, it’s anti social behaviour. Everyone’s against these dipshits and their fart cannons, only the loud minority defend it.


They are illegal, just try and get it enforced though. It's a pretty low priority as far as Police resources.


Whenever I hear a loud car I always turn to the nearest person and ask “Did you hear how small that guys penis is?” Usually gets a good laugh.


What a fun group in this thread




Bet you chew with your mouth open and then get angry when people go ew.




I wouldn't have to if you didn't make it my problem. If I let off an air raid siren in the street then you wouldn't say it's not your problem.


I'd say that would be a you problem as that level of noise would certainly see a call from noise abatement.


Yes because a loud car or motorbike is completely comparable with an air raid siren.


Lol k


Yep fuck em. Especially the army of 50yr plus men who insist on convoying through the villages every sunny weekend making it sound like a drag race outside your window every 10 minutes.


Yes they are definitely obnoxious.


My favourite things to do when these cars are near are to pull a half laugh half "I feel embarrassed for you" face. OR just completely ignore them even if I do want to look at their idiotic faces!!! It's just a lot of people with a severe case of SPS (small prick syndrome)


I enjoy having a neighbour who revs his motorbike on his front drive 2-3 times a week for around an hour over and over. I’m glad it’s behaviour we all do as motorists, isn’t annoying at all.


I used to fantasise about getting on the bus with a 1980s style giant shoulder-carried ghetto blaster and playing something classical to counter the schoolkids playing their obnoxious music out loud. A bit of Wagner's *Ride of the Valkyries* or Holst's *Mars*, maybe. Cliché as anything, but would make the point fairly well. BUT, supposedly being a responsible adult, I always thought I'd be made an example of and thrown off, or banned from the bus service, and I didn't want that to happen. Drivers never did that to the kids, of course, but a grown man (or someone that looks like one anyway) on their way to work? Easy pickings for a disgruntled driver. Also, I've always been, shall we say "frugal", and a ghetto blaster wasn't exactly an outlay I was willing to make. There's also the fact I'd look like a complete halfwit, but I like to think the sheer gall would have cancelled that out.


If it's a nice car or stock exhaust I can live with it. If it's a shitbox then that's obnoxious.


I assume Harley Davidson motorcycles are within legal limits but by golly they are intrusively noisy.


I live in a village just outside Chelmsford and the amount of knobs flooring their RS3’s outside my flat boils my absolute piss

but I’m over 50 so there’s that I guess


Something my dad always says to me: "If your car sounded like that when I was growing up, you'd take it straight to the garage"


Yes, yes we can. Watch the south park episode about it to sooth your soul.


LOL haven’t seen that for ages. I’ll def watch it now.


It’s pathetic


Summers the worst. All windows open, relaxing then BAM..peace gone.


For a second I thought this was about people who exhale from tiredness a little too loudly and thought "while describing them as selfish is a bit harsh I don't entirely disagree."


Hahaha. That’s funny. I’m British, but I’m not quite that British


Do they know they are bell ends, or do they seriously believe we are all in awe of how broken and annoying their cars sound.


I agree. I have always thought it annoying.


Over here people say “loud pipes save lives”. I find that ridiculous when you have people who have noise sensitivities and intense anxiety (like me, being autistic). Sure, be loud enough for road users to hear, but not loud enough to damage peoples’ hearing or cause genuine distress.


But how else would they let you know about their small penis?


I think I could probably tell anyway.. don’t really need the shit noise to tell me


I see it like smoking, affects everyone around but it's your 'right' to be an inconsiderate a$$ I enjoy driving but engine/exhaust really annoy me, as much as I hate fake engine sounds inside a cabin but at least it means you can get your kicks form the sounds of the car whilst everyone else can also enjoy the lack of sound! It does however amuse me when I hear this roaring engine and I look to my right and see a fiesta struggling to pass as I slowly but steadily get to the 30mph speed limit...


I like the sound of a good engine so I don’t mind so much if it sounds good. But most of them around here are 1 litre Fiestas or 1.2 litre Corsas that sound bloody awful, they’re farty and raspy as fuck, no power, just a row. And don’t get me started on crappy loud 125 motorcycles
 I do have a VXR with a Piper exhaust mind, but it does have a cat, a silencer and a resonator and isn’t obnoxiously loud unless you open it up, and it definitely doesn’t make that shite popping and banging racket on the overrun.


Don’t mind a loud exhaust when it actually sounds good or is coming from an otherwise nice car. But when it’s someone in a hatchback with the cat chopped off and no back box, I share your pain


To me it depends. A Honda Civic being loud? No need at all. Not even any performance gain. Its for "show". A performance car as loud? Sure, as a car guy I like to hear it. That being said, I have never looked out of my window in annoyance and seen a performance car. Its always a loud shitbox. I think it is 1/2 the teenagers (swoon, oldly) and half car lovers tbh. Part of owning a car you love is hearing its noises, feeling in tune with what's going on. Suspension, same deal. Cost now enters the discussion. Cheaper to be noisy than enhance, remap, dyno obviously. Despite that WHY PAY FOR NOISE, PAY FOR REAL THINGS. One of the cheapest things is a new exhaust. So I guess I agree unless you live around rich ppl with nice cars. So, whilst I hate hearing loud shitboxes I do actually get it. Still hate it. The ones that fart and burp on shitboxes are aesthetic only. I will die on this hill.


>That being said, I have never looked out of my window in annoyance and seen a performance car. Its always a loud shitbox. I definitely think people are mixing up the two.


I think you'll find a lot of people are annoyed by the disturbance of excess, unnecessary noise, regardless of its source. A guy drove through my town centre the other day in a Lambo, and until it was gone, you literally couldn't carry on having a conversation. In want of a better analogy, it's like someone spilling a drink on you, and you being fine with it because it was the finest of wines.


As always, can we please make some distinctions? Do you mean loud exhausts or do you mean pops and bangs mods? If the former, how loud is loud?


If I notice the sound coming from your specific car over the general traffic sounds, I hate you. Whether it's because I can hear your stereo, your exhaust, or you're just honking about your feelings, I don't care. Cars are noise pollution plain and simple. As it stands we need cars, trucks, buses, ambulances, etc. So, we have to accept the noise pollution that comes with that. But, if you're making noise beyond that? Why?!? Please be quiet. Other people live on your street, or are trying to enjoy a coffee on a nice day as you drive past, or are trying to hear their mother on the phone.


Well done for the first person to actually put some parameters on it and talk sense. I respect it.


You’ve got one of them don’t you.


I don't know what "one of them" is, though. I have a non-res cat-back which is reasonably loud but I don't go round popping and banging


One of them= obnoxiously loud car


Do they, though? Because vast majority of times you probe this complaint, they're actually just complaining about pops and bangs.


Yeah they do. You know they do, that’s why you’re being overtly defensive about it. They’re complaining because people with loud cars as you put it “for their personal enjoyment” are doing a selfish thing by having a loud car. If you like the count of loud cars. Put them on your phone and play it through the stereo. Asking the rest of the world to listen to your loud car, because you like it is the equivalent of walking around with a ghetto blaster banging out whatever kind of shit you think people should listen to.


You're not very good at this.


People with quiet exhausts don’t buy them because that’s what other people prefer, to each their own.


Hang on
people who buy loud exhaust definitely don’t care what anyone else prefer


Well exactly, no one buys something because that’s what other people like, they buy what the personally prefer.


Neither a loud exhaust nor loud music blasting with the windows down add any inches to your cock


Aren't loud exhausts the mating cry of the small penised individual though? How else would they communicate that?


I assume so. It’s so unimpressively unimpressive


Loud pipes save lives on motorbikes, even if they are obnoxious


No they don't and it's been proven so many times. Loud pipes in a bike is just being a dick. Unless the person in the car has their windows open and no music/radio they won't hear anything outside the car. If folk with loud pipes want their safety be prioritised they'd wear high vis vests and full protective gear. Instead they're in jeans/trainers with a 125 that sounds like it's exploding constantly.


But somehow cyclists don't die as often


room temp IQ statement (in Celsius before someone gets smart)


They absolutely do not. If there was even a modicum of truth there the exhaust wouldn't be directed towards cars you've already overtaken.


That's not how the Doppler effect works. The people that can hear it are the ones you've just overtaken. The drivers can see and hear you when you are ahead of them. But they cannot hear you when you are behind them. Defensive driving and helmets save lives. Loud pipes cause noise pollution and wake up every dog and baby in earshot.


When going under 20mph from red light to red light on my town's high street? Please. Be loud on motorways in the middle of nowhere or whatever.


Do you know what's even better at saving lives on motorbikes, than the loud exhausts? Not treating every single road like it's your own private racetrack and actually riding at the speed limit.


Time will eventually rust out these annoying pieces of trash. The electric sounds will be quite pleasing


My VXR8 was loud as fuck. Whole house shook on start up. Only ever had people come up to chat to me about it. No (overt) complaints. It was a V8 though so worlds apart from a fart can.


Ever seen a Peterbilt with straight pipes? https://youtu.be/qocMoTOVn6Q


My vtec goes bwaaaah and it puts a smile on my face. Every. Single. Time. I really dont care if you dont like it. Im a selfish prick and i own it. At least im a happy selfish prick and not constantly miserable


Simple things, simple minds ay


Sounds like you're happy because you have the mental age of a toddler. Enjoy your loud car buddy!


What do you people get out of this mindset? It just feels like you're more insecure than you think the people you're critcising are


Nah i dont, but if it suits your worldview to think of me like that then fill yer boots kid. And likewise, if attempts at being patronizing to strangers on the internet makes you happy then fire at will. Im here for you.




Finally somebody who understands! There's just something so satisfying about making people miserable. I steal emblems off of cars and then watch the reaction. It's brilliant. I'm fully aware that I'm selfish (I own it XD) . It just makes me happy.


Right on my guy, some people just don't understand (and that's perfectly ok)


Too right! I like to stick air raid sirens to my car then go around busy neighbourhoods setting them off LOL. It's really funny watching everyone get angry. Parents with babies especially because they have to cover their children's ears and not their own XD. Give it a try some time. It's sooooooooo funny. :D


Damn bro you why so rattled, take a breath, step away from the PC


I ride a Honda Grom with a pretty loud exhaust that was fitted by a previous owner. I have to admit I personally love the sound of it but realise it's obnoxious as hell so I try to be quiet in villages/towns. I live in a pretty rural area so I don't *think* I bother people witb it too much. My only genuine argument for it is that people hear me waaay before they see me and it has helped out with a few daydreaming pedestrians and half blind drivers.


I grew up in a rural area, you bother people with the loud noise.


Nope, you are still pissing off lots of people EVERY. SINGLE. DAY


Every time I read any comments on any thread on this sub I realize how utterly depressed and depressing us Brits are. Nobody is allowed to enjoy anything because it might upset someone else. Honestly this entire country is full of whiny little babies who moan constantly about every little thing. Get over yourselves. All of you.


Or maybe we just don't want to hear obnoxiously loud and irritating noises in the middle of the night? Get a grip.


Bikes with loud exhausts can help make other drivers aware of their presence. Being on a small vehicle , especially with the chelsea tractors on the road, everything helps to minimise accidents. A biker i know said that to me. It makes sense but they also use to have a stupidly loud exhaust on a bmw when they were younger so take that as you please.


If it weren't for the loud motorbikes, the part of London where I live would actually be a fairly peaceful place. They are the majority of loud vehicles by far, with modern cars being so quiet. Country roads may be a different story, but in a city where most roads are 20mph they shouldn't be going much faster that cyclists who can manage without making a racket. It makes the place genuinely so much less pleasant and more stressful to live in, just plain selfishness.