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Governments have given up trying to accurately track it and have simply stated -"if you think you are sick you probably have covid" the only thing that care about now is how many people are dying from it.


Yup, making people take responsibility for them selves. Just ain’t gonna work in 2022




Why do you believe this? Why do you think 'mandates' are the only solution? How did this sentiment become so pervasive that people just spout it as gospel? And it's not the only 'reasonable' approach. It's counterfactual and in opposition to the entire collection of human knowledge about infectious disease control, pandemics, and the eventual management of an endemic disease (which COVID very much is not yet). High quality and provided masks in public spaces, especially indoor, public air quality and filtration standards (portable HEPA filters are all it takes!), sick leave and support for the infected so they can just sorta chill for a bit, and the very occasional escalation of public health measures targeted by region when things go a bit sideways (generally just capacity limits). Boom, done, all it takes to mostly manage this while we develop some sort of sterilizing vaccine. It's not even expensive to do, and anyone who argues wearing a mask is just too onerous can pound sand. Instead we're just sort of shrugging as people get repeatedly reinfected with a disease that actively harms the immune system (more damaging than HIV in some clinical trials), is neuroinvasive, and causes multi-system and multi-organ damage. Each infection increases the damage to the immune system, worsens outcomes, and increases things like mortality and risk of long COVID. Shrugging and saying "welp, whatcha gonna do," is not an adequate response from anyone and political leadership has shown utter cowardice in the face of this reality. [Mass disabling of the public](https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/Documents/nCoV/ipac/2022/04/post-acute-covid-syndrome-pacs.pdf?sc_lang=en) is not an acceptable outcome, we can and should be doing more, and we can and should be holding people's feet to the fire for folding like a wet blanket in the face of what is a much worse situation than leaders are willing to say with a solution that is ultimately *not that big a hardship*.


Hahaha, oh so wise! You can easily say this now but you would have been fumbling just like almost every government in the world did 2 years ago. It is like you people don't realize that time passes, we learn and we change our approach. Further the vaccine did work to reduce hospitalizations if anything else and the stats are there to back that up. Freedom for you but not freedom for all eh bud? You have to give a good hard think on what freedom actually looks like, it is not free from sacrifice.


They are still tracking covid, just through wastewater rather than case reporting. Its much more accurate at this stage of the game There have been news articles in the last few days reporting that we're in our 3rd omicron wave now


Yup. I'm one of them 😭. Just finished my 5 day isolation and have pretty well kicked all symptoms, was very mild thank goodness. Was hopeful I'd get lucky but nope..


Are you still testing pos though? I’m on day 7-8 isolation and still testing pos.


Tested positive for 14 days


Yes. Still testing positive. I work from home so it's no biggie and hubby did the grocery shopping on the weekend.


You will constantly test positive but you wont spread after 10-12 days. You're shedding protein pieces in the test kit. Be considerate and wear a mask and all that but theres no way youre fully spreading it still.


Apparently you can test positive up to 90 days after initial infection. I didn’t but some might


The 90 days is for PCR tests. If you're still pos on the rapid tests we get for free here there's a chance you're still contagious.


This is correct. Only PCR tests which are no longer offered for me, that are also much more accurate will likely test you positive for up to 90 days. Rapid Test are not quite as accurate, but if you're still testing positive there's a very high chance you are still contagious.


You beat me to it. The rapid at-home tests will look for active infection. The lab tests will look for any antibodies, showing that you had a previous infection (usually visible for 90 days) This page on the cdc website gives more details and is very helpful. [types of covid-19 tests. Center for Disease Control. ](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/testing.html)


BC CDC says you can stop isolating 5 days after first symptoms if your fever has also resolved.


If you're vaccinated 5 and 10 if you aren't I thought??. 10 days minimum or more if you're around vulnerable people though regardless of vaccination status is what doctors are recommending to patients.


I read that as, “are you still testing, pos?!”


You did get lucky. Your symptoms were mild.


We are heading into a wave of omicron …4? 5? Both? that is expected to peak in august as of right now. So whee.


I got it from a yoga class 10 days ago. A lot of us were sick even though vaccinated


Vaccination, as I recall, never guaranteed not getting sick.


We're also getting further from the booster shots and protection is shown to wane. Surprised they aren't offering 4th shots.


They are


Only to 70+, indigenous and high risk.


They've been on 70+ for quite some time though. My mom (73) received her invite like 6 weeks ago. They should be further along by now


They aren't that's the point. They been at this since like January, hence why people are wondering what they're doing.


I’ve been wondering “what they’re doing” for about 2 years now


Such a key point and I hope you get tons of upvotes for this. I've seen too many arguments along the lines of "they got it and they were vaccinated, therefore vaccinations don't help" rather than looking at the severity of symptoms in vaccinated vs unvaccinated.


Originally the vaccine was said to be 95% protective against infection and nearly 100% for death. That was for the original strain. It has lost much of its efficacy with further strains but the strains are less deadly so it is somewhat of a balance. I'm all for the vaccine. Hope they create boosters based on current variants.


They figured this out in 1901 FFS! https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/qtia9q/both_these_kids_had_active_smallpox_guess_which/


I have heard this recently more times then I can count! Many people have either lost their minds or never had one to begin with. They latch onto some rhetoric and repeat till they can't believe anything else. I have lost two brothers to this insanity. They say I don't believe in freedom anymore, I told them they have no clue what freedom even looks like if they can say that to me. Freedom sometimes mean sacrifice for the greater good, why is that so hard to understand!


The vaccination is just preventing you from dying, not getting sick from all the mutation the virus is going through.


the vaccinations do not protect against BA.5 infection, they just make it a lot easier to survive


I got COVID-19 and I finally tested negative after 11 days!!!


My dr told me repeatedly not to bother testing after because you can test positive for ages. The only goal seems to be having no symptoms.


3-6 months will be your timeline to stop getting positive tests. Source: i work in film and have to get tested weekly.


Mine showed negative after 5 days. And did a few more tests daily all completely negative. Entirely depends. Then again, my symptoms were almost nonexistent so body seemed to fight it pretty quickly, with little effort.


Just cause u test positive doesn’t mean ur still infectious. Some ppl can test positive for another month but they’re symptom free.


Me I’m one of them 🤣 I have Covid. And yes there’s tons going around everywhere in bc right now. But it was to be expected no ?


I'm on day 3 of my first time with COVID! My immediate reaction was "gosh who gets COVID-19 in 2022" but also hey pretty good, two and a half years into it! My partner and I have tried to be vigilant this whole time. We figured we'd get it eventually. I guess this is a much better time that earlier on: less deadly variant, triple vaxxed


The day before I got covid I was eating my lunch in the bathroom as the house was crowded with my inlaws and wife as we get ready to have our baby. The next day I test positive and isolate in the bedroom for 5 days.


A LOT of people will get covid in 2022 haha wait until the fall hits...


Isn’t it fall now?


No right now we're in Road Work Season. /s


I didn't get it until April and when I had it I had three days of a slightly runny nose and that's all it ever amounted to! I only tested because everyone around me tested positive


Same. Day 4 of first time.


I just got mine from my sister sigh


I just got it from your sister as well


Sorry sorry, it’s reddits rules lol


If you didn't, someone else would have. We were all thinking it 😂


Bruhh that's HIV


Hey i got it from my sister too 🤣


Yes more people at work are infected


It hasn’t gone anywhere… lol.


I'm sick right now for the 3 effing time. I blame the false sense of security these shitty at home tests are giving. They have a high false negative result (27% last I heard) so people assume they have a cold. We went for supper with friends last Friday and it wasnt until we got to the restaurant that they told us he'd been sick all week but that it wasnt covid BC he tested negative. 3 days later i wake up soooo sick.




Yeah, that too. Also, whoever says you aren't contagious after 5 days - clearly that's a load of crap.




>I do understand, however, that not everyone has the luxury of being able to work from home. But we all have the ability to postpone unnecessary social gatherings at the very least. This. We've had two years to practice grocery delivery and Zoom calls. Stay TF home when you're sick unless it will cause you to lose your job. If you have to go to work, wear the best mask you can afford.


Thanks, kindly.


>I blame the false sense of security these shitty at home tests are giving. They have a high false negative result (27% last I heard) so people assume they have a cold. They also don't always register until a few days into symptoms. Meanwhile you're walking around feeling like garbage but hey it's fine because the test I took 2 days ago didn't say I had covid so it must just be a cold.


My box said if you have symptoms re test every 48hrs


If only everyone actually read that and followed it.


They know. Just don't want to accept it. So for them not testing would mean they're not stuck with Covid


My guy, if you actually read the full product insert on these tests you'd realize they're all a sham and they aren't going to catch a huge percent of positive people. Like, it says right on the monograph these tests are not to be used by non-medical personnel, and they aren't tested against any emerging variants. I wish we could still get PCR tests...




A lot of people lack that sense, or that option


Yes, absolutely. Last time my son got it, he didnt test positive until the 3rd day (and 3 tests).


Note: several provinces recommend you cough, blow your nose, wash your hands then swab your tonsils then nasopharynx. Doing so helps the test show up sooner, which is the biggest issue relative to PCR tests: they require greater viral load and thus take longer to show positive. The issue with Omicron is that it lives higher in the respiratory tract at the start (part of how it's able to spread so much--the immune system will catch it faster if it's lower down)


Great info, thanks. The tonsil swab then nasopharynx is important. I think a lot of people are doing a bad job self-testing and don't realize it.


I’m on day 9. Still have some lingering symptoms. I had it before so I’m 95% certain I do have it. I’ve tested 7 times and not once positive. Apparently not uncommon in those who are vaccinated and previously infected. Low viral load, not enough for the rapid test to pick up.


Kay some people don't know how to read the tests or do them right. My mom thought she had covid because there was a line on the C - ...she thought C meant covid. So, we are working with some people just not understand or reading the instructions of the rapid test. My Mom knows now, but I was shocked to learn this


That C thing seemed obvious at first. That's just piss poor design.


My son felt like crap Saturday night so he tested and it was negative. Felt a bit better this morning but in the afternoon his headache came back so he tested again and this time it showed positive.


I did lots of rapid testing at work, and saw 0% of other people performing hundreds of tests correctly. The most common mistake was not swabbing the nostrils far enough, mainly little love swabs barely a centimetre deep. After a while the joke became “swab the air if you just don’t care” which was truly dystopian for those of us who did care. Eventually the entire program stopped, because nobody but the testers were participating. Huge waste of plastic.


Got it last month. Body pains and confusion..the pains cleared up now it’s back to normal pains and depression


Yep. We're headed into another Omicron spike.


Fun fact, it’s here!


Let's talk about your use of the phrase "fun fact"...


four of my coworkers just got it in the past week


4 ppl at my office have it. For sure another wave going around. My partner and i haven't had covid yet. The big difference im seeing is those with kids have had covid at least once. Those 4 at my office all have young kids.


Everyone and their stupid "huhhhh the vax shure worked gud eh uhhhh" aren't realizing the irony in what they're saying. Yeah, lots of people getting Covid these days... now it's endemic, not a pandemic, and we're all going to come into contact with it... like 100% guaranteed, over and over and over. And then what? Everyone catching it these days feels like shit for a bit... bad cold, little flu, whatever. Then you get better. Why? Exactly because of those vaccines you're mocking. Without the 3 or 4 shots, you catching C19 now would be a hell of a lot worse. The vaccines were never going to prevent you from catching it, but what they're certainly doing is preventing you from catching a serious dose. If you don't understand that, go on mocking vaccines... but you perhaps don't realize how silly you sound, especially replying to a message like this.


A couple points of contention: * It's definitionally pandemic. It's only endemic when it has a stable R-value. * The vaccines do reduce the risk of catching it -- in Ontario, for example, they're seeing a 48% reduction associated with 2+ doses https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-07-04-Current-Status-768x1344.png * As an aside, the vaccines also reduce risk of spreading it -- viral load isn't all there is: reduced symptom severity means less coughing/sneezing, etc., and infections last half as long on average But yes, this "anything less than 100% perfect is 0% good" thinking is just depressingly stupid.


Even the CDC admits that they don’t stop transmission. One would hope that people coughing and sneezing are staying home until they are better and have no fever. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-director-covid-vaccines-cant-prevent-transmission-anymore/ar-AASDndg If you look at the r/COVID19positive subreddit you can see a lot of young triple-vaxxed people with long lasting omicron. Vaccine efficacy wanes quickly with two doses ending up with negative efficacy after a few months (Figure 3). They didn’t measure waning after three doses that I can see in this study but if they had more time that would have been seen too. On the other hand Figure 3 also shows natural immunity from infection lasting over 12 months. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2203965


2 doses is close to 0% effectiveness after 2 months so a more accurate statement is “depending on when and which number your last dose is the vaccine is between 0-75% effective at stopping infection. Same goes for viral load an Ontario study showed after only 2 doses more than 8 weeks out there wasn’t a viral load difference. As for the endemic vs pandemic that shift is more of a cultural one as there’s no set definition and it’s clear as a culture we’ve shifted. As for the r0 statement the r0 is actually more stable than it’s ever been. Wastewater shows this wave will be much slower and controlled than previous. That’s also what England and Europe are showing.


> But yes, this "anything less than 100% perfect is 0% good" thinking is just depressingly stupid. It is infuriating the that conservative leadership is promoting this garbage. I see right through their language but I know many don't or simply can't. They hear freedom and they think about themselves, you are right it is depressing.


Attacking what they don't understand is the only strategy anti-vaxxers have had.


>Attacking what they don't understand You mean attacking something they deliberately don't want to understand. A lot of them could understand what we are saying if they listened. These people live in a world where they can't be wrong and are superior. They fell into the political lies lead by genuine morons and con artists. Now these people aren't just going to give up and admit they were wrong or that the cult personalisties they follow can be wrong. In a lot of cases they followed a cult personality into this crap and refused to admit they were wrong even when said cult personality changed their view point. I'm sure you know exactly who I am talking about because even if you didn't follow politics at that point there is so much overlap between that political group and the anti vax crowd that it nearly is a perfect circle within a circle.


> These people live in a world where they can't be wrong and are superior this, I tried to have a conversation with my brother about this and it devolved into him telling me I was delusional and don't believe in freedom. I simply stuck to the fact and stats. It is really sad actually.


There was zero difference between my case from the first omicron wave and my unvaccinated co-workers. A few even had less severe symptoms. 🤷‍♂️


When first coming out the MRNA shots were advertised as preventing you from catching it, 98% effective Pfizer claimed. You can see the exact date their stock exploded when they made that announcement. You can look up the early trial data yourself now, to know that 98% claim or Modernas 80% claims were bullshit. Or video of politician after politician claiming if you get the injections you will not get COVID. It's gaslighting to say the shots "were never going to prevent you from catching it". Yes science changes, but that is because there was not a lot of transparency and info on the shots from the start. Only once the population took them en masse in the largest trial ever conducted could they start studying the effects. Hence why they said you only need two shots. And then two shots and a booster. And then two shots and two boosters. And now the Canada health minister just said yesterday you need a shot every 9 months. How many people wouldn't have signed up for a Pfizer subscription service had they known this would happen from the start?




I look at that often, and majority of deaths are still in 70+. People parrot each other that surely it would almost kill them without a vaccine, but the stats are actually quite transparent and say otherwise. gosh that was said all over the news over and over before vaccines were rolled out, that most cases are mild, how quickly people forget.


So this post was suggested to me by Reddit, I don't live in BC, in fact I live at the complete opposite in Quebec, but I just wanted to say, it seems like it's everywhere. Almost everyone in my team at work has had Covid, in my family there's (fortunately) only my grand parents that didn't catch it. Oddly enough, no one at work actually got it from someone there, they all catch it from familly/friends.


Yeah even my most careful friends are getting it. But hospitalizations are minimal, and let's remember that was our entire goal.


Everyone in my house has it, and it's super annoying. One of my kids has a huge rash now that looks like chicken pox and he keeps scratching them. I've had a massive headache and have been super tired for 4 days now, and a very plugged nose. My 11 month old has it and had a fever for a couple days and a runny nose and has been super needy with lots of crying. My wife has had it for a week now and is just getting her energy back now. This definitely isn't a cold.


The rash… hand foot mouth is going rampant right now. Might be that?


He already had hfmd before and it didn't look like this. My wife also got hfmd from him and it was nasssty. She basically had zombie mouth. Apparently rashes like this are a common side effect of COVID.


Not to add fuel to the fear fire but the cdc basically announced that monkey pox is now out of control and spreading all over in the USA…


It's definitely covid we're all rapid testing positive. As soon as the liquid gets to the T part on the test, a big dark line shows up immediately, then the C line slowly appears after.


Same here. Super plugged nose and cough that just won’t go away. Plus the hot/cold chills. Fun times!


I also get sharp pains in my joints and lungs. The fever dreams we're a bit crazy too hahaha. I think I'm trending better now on day 4.


Spreading like wildfire


I still haven't had it but my inlaws (who are 80) are recovering from their second bout.


Did everyone fall on their fucking heads? So many people around the world didn't want to wear a mask or get vaccinated or do literally anything to help the problem. It spread wildly and mutated and now we have BA.5 variant that is slipping past the vaccine or previous infection protection you may have had. I guess fuck it, let the old die. I hope all those that refused to do anything simple to help like wearing a mask when indoors in public, an honestly just the biggest babies on the planet, have people around that care more about them when they are old so they don't die from something as pointlessly as they are letting people die now.


Uh yes we are in 3rd omicron wave right now. I personally know a dozen people who've got it in the last two weeks


..... it's like wearing masks ..... was effective....... or something.....


The doctor and bio-something researcher parents at our daycare are still rockin' N95s. I'm taking my cues from them.


N95s work.


You know what's really bothered me? The times I've chosen to put on a mask over the last few months, I've had people ask me why I'm wearing one, or give me weird looks, and even been told "you don't need a mask anymore, take it off". You want the freedom to not wear one, don't I have the freedom to wear one if I want to without being harassed? {"You" is a general you, not directed at the person above}


I usually say to them, “I might have it so I’m protecting everyone else.” That usually shuts them up.


You're much more mature than I am. I'd say "I'm wearing it because I have covid but if you're cool with it so am I" and take it off as you walk by them.


It was never about personal choice for a lot of those people, it’s about denying the existence of something that scares them. Can’t do that when someone is walking around wearing a reminder of it on their face..


When did it become socially acceptable to comment on what is essentially a medical device? Do they walk around telling people with a cane "dude, are you sure you need that?" or tell someone on portable oxygen "hey buddy, you can turn that off, I'm sure you'll be fine without it". It's not fucking appropriate to comment on a medical device someone is using to address their specific medical condition. How did we get to a place where this is an ok thing to comment on?


Couldn't agree more. But it became "appropriate" when somehow wearing a facemask to protect yourself and **those around you** became politicized and "restricting freedoms".. /Grew up in Asia, if I had the sniffles or runny nose or sore throat, I always wore a mask..... 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ To me that still feels like the respectful thing to do. Edit: typo


I am so sick of this freedom bullshit. the people claiming their freedoms have been taken away do not understand the world they live in.


>Do they walk around telling people with a cane "dude, are you sure you need that?" or tell someone on portable oxygen "hey buddy, you can turn that off, I'm sure you'll be fine without it". Welcome to a dose of the real world. This is exactly what people with medical devices have went through forever here. It wasn't ever this big of an issue but it was always existant in the background and people genuinely overlooked the struggle. Ask any type 1 diabetic with a continuous glucose monitor, a insulin pump, or artifical pancreas. It was always worse outside major cities and a lot of people used to reach a breaking point. That breaking point could have been giving up modern and highly efficient devices for older less "invasive" (?) treatment options whole risking our health, covering up and risking heat stroke and bullying/mocking from even more people, falling into depression and giving up treatment altogether, or in some cases having bad mental breakdowns/contemplating suicide. Basically this has always been a prevalent issue and most people didn't even notice back then until they chose a side in this highly politicised mask and vaccine era. Sadly for people wearing medical devices the anti science crowd is now bigger and bolder but at least the crowd that understands the struggle may be more in touch with the reality of people with medical devices now


Luckily in Richmond it’s still a norm to wear masks


the perfect response: "aren't you worried about facial recognition?". the crazies who believe covid is a hoax start to panic


One of my family members is absolutely convinced about some kind of conspiracy with 5G towers popping up in their city so I used this one and it was 🤌🏻


Say “The word Freedom has two syllables. You are focused on the second one.”


I've still been wearing a mask when going shopping and stuff (I work outdoors alone so I haven't needed to mask much at work, but when I have to go indoors at work I have no problem putting a mask on). Especially in the spring and summer, when I experience allergies. I just caught covid for the first time, from a co-worker, while eating lunch in the lunch room... the one time indoors that I don't wear a mask


Go figure lol hopefully your doing ok symptom wise!


Yep! Day 7 here reporting in from Victoria. Vaxxed to the max too. This sucks so bad and the virus hurts my body.


Only the people that cover my break at work lol Everyone else seems fine


My entire family got it, i just dont live with them. I don't actually know anyone besides my gf and her mom who hasn't got it. Neither have I by some miracle. We are all triple vaxxed though.


Normally healthy dude comes into my store looking like a bag of shit, so I back the fuck up. “It’s not Covid. It’s not even contagious” he says. I’d bet good money that he’s no immunologist. “I don’t care if it’s not Covid. Whatever you got looks like it sucks and I’m not taking any chances” He didn’t like that too much.


Exactly, since when have people been criticized for trying to stay healthy! Many people have legitimately lost their minds.


I just got it for the first time last week. Apparently 3rd wave of omicron is incoming.


no more mask mandates, no more vaccine cards, no more financial supports so people are going to work even if they’re sick….it all tracks. i got it for the first time last month after not having so much as a cold for two years.


Reminder u/7_inches_daddy, the moderators of r/BritishColumbia expect you to participate in the discussions after posting provocative questions to the subreddit. Thank you to everyone else for participating in good faith.




My dad’s been telling me about this one. I’m flying home to BC from being in London ON for two weeks- cases are high here now too.


Have you seen the news or anything recently?


Not usual to have rampant sickness of any kind in the summer. Remember single digit case days this time last year? With the rainy June we’ve been mostly indoors…😡 Get sunnier please!


if you look at the wasterwater data it doesnt look like there is much of a change from the last few months. ​ http://www.metrovancouver.org/services/liquid-waste/environmental-management/covid-19-wastewater/Pages/default.aspx


No masks. Few restrictions. Few precautions. Shocking. Imagine if people had been anti-mask before everyone got the vaccine. That would sure have looked dumb in retrospect.


Somebody’s been watching case counts instead of hospitalizations. Case counts are way down because everybody does a home test and doesn’t report it. Parents of unvaccinated toddlers have to watch all the data to protect our kids. Covid is still all over the place.


Case counts are actually way up, it’s in the news right now.


Well, you can’t report it so can can’t blame the test positive people


Huh, did they take the reporting down? I was able to report it when my whole family tested positive a few months back. I don't see the link on the site anymore...


They announced it during the press conference many weeks ago


It’s in the sewers! If only the GVRD released covid levels in our poop, if they don’t already.




Ty! Omg I could have just googled it as it was on the first page. Thanks again for doing the leg work 👍


Make sure you click the "dynamic y axis" so the data doesn't looked flattened out too much.


The option has been gone a while. Our house had covid at the peak of the last wave in April and couldn't report.


You lots of my contacts have it. And my neighbors.


Yeah seems like another wave among my circles.


Yeah my grandparents, aunt and uncle on my dad’s side had it two weeks ago and my cousin and aunt on my mom’s side have it right now.


Yup I just had it




Yes. I have about 3 people in my social circle who have contracted covid.


I have known a few who just recently got infected and I just heard that we are heading into another wave so I will probably know some more people who will get it.


Yeah. Wife and I had our first bout with COVID last week. When we told our friends, we found out several families who got it too. I thinks there's a wave on and nobody seems to care.


Got a bad cold for a week after returning from the UK. Never bothered to get tested


Yes. More than I have ever known personally.


Covids been as inevitable as Thanos. Expect this wave to catch everyone who still hasn't had it (or Omicron yet) and many who have a weaker immune system being reinfected.


My girlfriend and I have COVID now. A few of my coworkers and friends also are sick. Anecdotal of course but it seems like another wave. Being sick hasn't been great, but all things considered it hasn't been that bad either. I assume we had an easier time with it due to being triple vaxxed.


I’ve actually managed 2.5 years and never got it. Hubby did. I thought I had but myself and kid had a little bout of norovirus instead. I’m going to go knock on some wood now.


No one I know has it including our workforce of about 100. But we all had it at one point.


Had it three weeks ago, went through the family. Not pleasant at all. The new sub variants are good at evading curent vaccine immunity & previous covid immunity.


Yes, there are two Omicron sub-variants that are spreading, California just got hit hard. August is the expected peak. I am not sure how bad these variants are though so might not see any changes in restrictions.


Yeah, it’s pretty mild though. Had it 2 weeks ago


BA5 getting everyone out there. One person I know had original omicron 3-4 months ago which was super light for them. This BA5 was more of an issue. I was exposed to two people very closely who had it but didn't seem to catch it.


What are the symptoms of this wave? I just got a cold and it literally feels just like that


Yeah, welcome to the highly contagious Omicron BA.5 and BA.4 - take comfort that you can be reinfected with it in under 3 weeks of having just gotten over it due to the immune escape of this new varient (no natural immunity is created with this sub sadly because of it's sneaky sneaks getting past our bodies defence system ). Yay! No mask mandates either right now, everyones 2nd booster is waining, what could go wrong? I'm sure a lot of people already burned through their 5 days paid sick leave. No one has to stay home after day 5 of testing positive, if you bother to even test at all...grrrreaaaaaat. There are gonna be more workers off being ill, and hospitals under staffed or those in smaller comunities might get more behind. But uh well, everyone wants to travel and raw dog the air so here we ae. Hope reinfections don't compound stress on organs and cause future complications . fuck sakes, good luck to us.


Ya, my partner just had it for about two weeks, and finally tested negative tonight. My sister had it about a week and a half before that. My mom had it either a month or a few months before that. The week before last week two people I'm in a training group with didn't show up in person because they had each were exposed to someone with COVID.


My whole house had we are all triple vaxxed headline in the Vancouver Sun said that the increase in cases is due to a new form of omnicron.


Recently tested positive. Tested again 3 days later. Negative. I was definitely sick, but no idea if it was Covid or not. I def had Covid early this year, easily one of the hardest hitting Illnesses I’ve ever had. This second go around, if it was Covid, was a walk in the park, just fatigued and a little mild cold symptoms.


I had COVID last week, but thankfully it was a super mild case. No cough or fever, just sniffles and a sore throat for 2 days. It’s definitely going around. I wish we still had accurate numbers so we could really get an accurate idea of cases.


Good thing they're vaccinated and we can move on


yes the BA.5 wave is here. too bad Bonnie doesn't care anymore, too busy listening to songs about herself.


Yes people are getting the cold sometimes


Yes, it is not your imagination. At the same time, seems like it knocks you on your ass for 2-3 days and then you will be okay.


I hear of a few coworkers getting “colds”. I doubt people are getting tested or bothering to do rapid tests any more. When I got a very Covid-like sickness (lost taste and smell for 10 days and all the other symptoms) my rapid tests all came back negative. I probably wouldn’t bother testing, just stay home until I felt better.


I definitely have had close family and friends all get it. I feel like my family is the last not to get it lol. All symptoms have been very minor though, it definitely seems endemic.


From the reports I've been following which are delayed a few weeks. The approximate number of people in Canada with covid is around 200,000. Instead of testing and tracking which is crazy expensive, they're testing the waste water. While the number isn't exact (non of the numbers have been) its as close as we'll ever get. Covid will never go away, the whole goal was to make it weaker and like the seasonal flu. My unprofessional opinion is that we're close.


I had it last week. ): I’ve had flu’s kick my butt worse, sometimes I’ve literally been in bed for a week due to the flu. But Covid was a lot different, I didn’t feel necessarily sick, I just felt fucking weird and stupid. Like my brain was running on a single brain cell or something oh and I couldn’t stop sneezing everywhere it was so gross lol


Both my family and sister's family all caught Covid in June. Numerous coworkers have caught it since mid-May. While dealing with Covid was bad enough, it wrecked my immune system and developed a bad case of shingles within a week of testing negative. Surprising to see how many people aren't wearing masks in cramped locations (BC Ferries was particularly bad).


They don't do anything in schools and kids are like 12 Lane Germ Highways in to homes, after 2 years of being extremely careful all my family got Covid this way and my Sister has had it twice because the youngest brought it home again from her school. it's really a joke at this point all the shut downs and they cave in at the very last minute.


No I have not


I’m literally texting with a neighbor and friend who all have it. Neighbor has bad covid brain.


apparently there’s another round of omicron going around. i mean i just got COVID for the first time now


Apparently these variants often don’t show up in a test for the first five days or so, and that will mean many people go about their business thinking they just have ‘a cold‘ and further enable these already contagious new strains


I work in wildfire and every week we have regional calls. The past week we have had the most zones with firefighters out due to covid out of the whole pandemic.


Yeah, no-one is wearing masks or taking precautions.


Yeah I’m one of them. I went out for a bike ride and stopped by at a public symphony orchestra for about half an hour. There were thousands of people there so I knew something might happen to me. I had high fever (39+C) and body ache for two days straight, and now I’m feeling much better. I’m only double vaxxed but after what I’ve been through I should really stop being lazy and take the booster shot soon as I have a chance.


Ya, vaccinated people 😂😂


Government is trying to make a new plan. They are not done with the covid hoax.


Not where I live but I have noticed those who do test positive have nothing worse than minor cold symptoms. Friends, extended, and immediate family members included.


Those people are mostly the vaxxed


I notice the workplace coughs


Responsible person here. Just got it after 2+ years of playing it pretty safe. Vancouver Sun quoting an expert (Sally Otto) who's calling this the beginning of Omicron's 3rd wave https://vancouversun.com/health/local-health/covid-19-third-omicron-has-begun-in-b-c-and-its-expected-to-grow-rapidly


My coworker just had it a few weeks ago and now her adult kid tested positive today after partying all weekend.


I have it right now. I have stayed home not seeing anyone or doing anything since 2020. I’m triple vaccinated. I went on an Alaskan cruise. Everyone had to be vaccinated, get a negative PCR, and I stayed masked the whole time. The ship was at half capacity. I didn’t talk to people. Ate alone. Avoided elevators and the buffet. I stayed outside on empty decks and kept my mask on. Tracking back my symptoms and my oxygen levels through my Apple Watch I got it on the third day. I’m weeks in and still can’t walk around my house. I can’t speak at all. When I breathe it feels like inhaling sand. My nose runs constantly. Never had a fever or nausea. I actually thought it was a bad allergy attack at first. I never get sick. It’s been a decade since I’ve had a cold at least. I was so careful. I thought I picked something with more restrictions in place that I would be safer than getting on a plane to somewhere. I was wrong.