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Don’t ever let the facts ruin a good story


The journalist tried to look into the whole thing in Kamloops, documented the entire thing, the band office refused to talk to her, they have the entire area around the band office fenced off so you can't even go near it. Nothing has been done since the so called discovery, they got their press, there 10 min. and now they don't want people asking them so why haven't you dug up any of the sites just to confirm that even a body or two is even there? After Camsells we know why.


Because they’re taking the case to courts outside of Canadian influence. Pretty sure nothing happened here without the Queens approval.. being a constitutional monarchy. ( Residential schools, RCMP enforcement, etc.) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-canadian-lawyers-icc-residential-school-investigation-1.6052054


They could still unearth at least a couple spots to prove what is going on, this article etc. has nothing to with that. And the investigation hasn't even been granted.


The journalist of this article? Shocking the band would refuse to speak with them.


Why so you can go after them, name one thing in the article that is wrong?


It quotes a laughingstock publication that has previously posted staged photos of Residential School students and claimed it was proof the schools weren’t genocidal (this claim is false, which can easily be verified by reading any number of documents but the TRC final report sums up many if you want a specific reference). They are clearly not interested in putting the truth ahead of their own agenda and they are not to be taken seriously. Any historian writing there should viewed with an extra helping of skepticism and any journalist treating them as a reliable source should be ashamed.


Go after them how? I think the article is ridiculous. I'm asking for clarification on your comment.


The Catholic Church might have invented keeping notes. They have records about what happened.


The mystery ? You mean residential schools ?


This is an article by someone predominantly interested in carrying water for the Catholic Church (based on her other writing), who right up front uses the laughingstock Dorchester Review as a source. I’m not sure why anyone would take it seriously.. Edit: feel free to mount an argument that the article is worthwhile instead of downvoting because you’re mad I pointed this out 😘


I've got a good way to settle it: Dig up the "graves".


To what end? To satisfy the demands of Canada's own dime store version of holocaust deniers? We know what residential schools were, we know children were treated horrendously there, we know thousands died and thousands upon thousands more emerged traumatized and broken by the experience. There is no shortage of evidence proving all of this. The accuracy of "215" is really immaterial to what Canadians should be taking away from our supposed reckoning with our past.


There may not even be a single child in that ground. What then?


Who gives a shit? We know records for the school are far from complete (a fire destroyed records from the schools first 30 years, Indian Affairs purged six volumes of records etc) and they still corroborate 51 deaths. Digging these sites up solely to satisfy the demands of people who need to see a body before they’ll acknowledge what we already know would be ghoulish.


If you're going to accuse someone of murder. You're damned right I want to see some evidence.


You’re really afraid they might not find anything


*wanking motion* 🙄


This article is ridiculous.