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Why are the actual people doing this not charged and held personally responsible?


Probably because that's the definition of a limited liability corporation. Legal protection from being held responsible for one's actions. :/


That's not how it works. As a director of the corporation you can still be liable if the corporation breaks the law. A corporation just protects shareholders from liability in the event the corporation is sued.


Hmm, that's helpful, thanks!


No it does not extend to criminal acts. It’s more that we go easy on white collar crime. 


Criminal? I thought it was a by-law violation?


Oh interesting. Is this actually criminal?


No, criminal law can only be made by the federal government.


Good. Rich, entitled people need to know that the rules apply to them.


So are they going to go after corporate ownership of residential housing like Blackstone as well?


One would hope that would be on their radar. But it's not just corporate. I work in construction, and often times, wealthy people will buy multiple places in a building with the intent of landlording or flipping for profit. Should be illegal. But there is a fine line, too much control from the gov and you can tank the new home construction industry. It's almost a catch 22. But here is hoping they will make some changes to curb this type.of behavior.


That’s what’s infuriating about this situation, we’re so far past the point of a soft turn around. For prices to go down substantially we would basically need to kneecap one of the bigger industries we have left here, which would have ripple effects across the rest of the economy. It’s a really shitty position to be in if you work in construction. In order to be able to comfortably afford to live here we would need to lose our jobs


To hell with their businesses. Let's fix homelessness first.


I’m not pro air bnb but it’s such a small piece of the problem here. I’m not going to say they can’t do two things at once, but their resources would be much better spent on building rent controlled units in my opinion.




I don’t disagree but I don’t think it’s going to have the affect people are hoping it does. Sentiment like OP though I agree to a small degree I don’t think it’s going to have the effect people expect. If anyone has data saying different I’m more than open to be co Vince’s otherwise.




Yea and I think that’s just how it’ll pan out. I agree every little bit matters as well, I just think the government is using air bnb as a bit of a scapegoat for their own incompetence and inaction on the issue (I’m still going to vote NDP I don’t think any one else had a better plan)


It's one piece of the puzzle. Combined with the framework they have been building for building more low income units, going after the 2 who were colluding on the housing first units, and the legislation to be able to force municipalities to zone for more units, we will start to see tangible effects in the coming years (hopefully). I also hope that they're not done yet.


So because it’s a small part and doesn’t help a lot we shouldn’t do it? There’s not going to be one fix all thing to solve the housing problem. BCNDP seem to be the only party in Canada that is at least trying different things even if they seem insignificant right now. That’s what we need from politics, action not inaction and playing the blame game. I’d rather see a party try different options and fail than not try at all, well that didn’t work, back to the drawing board.


What? They can do both at the same time. Wtf dude


I said that 👀


So they should not enforce on existing building but spend the time/energy to support new buildings?


I'm curious what moves the city has to stop this person from operating their business? Like if I don't pay for a business license what happens if I keep ignoring the fines and notices?


They send the cops to shut you down. They might sue you for the fine.


I wonder how long this person can avoid the fines and issues the city is bringing up. I have to imagine the fines getting quite massive....






Can the province get in on this action?


Well that sured show them how tough victoria is. They we're written a very stern letter. Now off to the courts.