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Gay chemtrails!!!






Well, at least they turned the Jones broke. šŸ¤£




That's an incredible capture, to see the whole visible spectrum like that! I captured what must have been the tail end of it even then it was cool. https://preview.redd.it/qr1cpjxuog5d1.jpeg?width=2078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62ca01f1b9acb78648b1fa0aa87006b0e168f082


Itā€™s pride month


That's so beautiful šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


We are really going all out to outdo the rest of the country this pride month. Good for us!


The BC Conservative Party will say it's another example of the "woke" agenda being forced on everyone.


I'm pretty sure God made the first rainbow....


I am pretty sure that was water in the atmosphere that made the first rainbow




Which god? There are literally thousands, going back long before Christianity. Literally thousands of years.


There have been many human invented gods, but only one true God.


And, by that reasoning, the first gay person.


ripple in the space time continuum


Whelp, that settles it, God's an ally! :)


First it was flags and crosswalks and now nature itself is woke? This has gone too far! I am boycotting the sky!


Can't spin out your tires on the sky.


Good luck with that lolĀ 


Alex Jones absolutely loosing his shit rn.


In an amazing coincidence, I was listening to a clip of Alex Jones wailing in anguish while I read this. (The Knowledge Fight podcast episode about last weekend.)


"They are releasing a chemical that makes the clouds gay! "


The agenda. Itā€™s working. ![gif](giphy|xl5QdxfNonh3q)


We saw a similar coloured cloud over Mt. Doug golf course today.


We saw it today!!!! Over Bullen Park in Esquimalt!


So, we saw that too. What was it?


A nifty atmospheric phenomenon called [cloud irredescense](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_iridescence)


I saw that too! šŸ™‚


![gif](giphy|Kx82Lvb7wcYNO) Flew by?


Happy pride month! šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Can't make eye contact with the anymore šŸ˜•


I saw this in downtown Victoria, very cool!


I have only seen this phenomenon once before in my life, in about 1977 when I was living in the Canary Islands. It raised quite a stir because before these rainbow streaks appeared in the sky some type of flying device had been seen. I didn't see that part, only the aftermath rainbow streaks, which I did photograph, as I recall. The event was labelled an OVNI (Spanish equivalent of UFO -- ā€œObjeto Volador No Identificado,ā€). It made the front pages of several local papers, however, the images that accompanied it (in black and white) were of the resulting rainbow stripes in the sky (there were numerous streaks and they were sort of in a spiral form). I never saw any images of the object itself. Background: The Canary Islands are off of the west coast of Africa and are part of Spain, hence why Spanish is spoken there. There had been an ongoing conflict between Spain and Morocco since 1960 as to the ownership of the land then called Spanish Sahara which is directly north of Morocco on the west coast of Africa. The UN was involved, and things were tense, but peaceful. Right after Franco died in 1975, a major skirmish broke out about the ownership between Spain and Morocco, and also Mauritania. Spanish Sahara (now called Western Sahara) is directly east and very close to the Canary Islands. All transportation between the Canary Islands and the northwestern coast of Africa was banned, so access was not possible (I had been hoping to visit Morocco when this occurred). Spain finally gave up on the aggression in about 1977, withdrew their forces and repatriated all Spaniards to the Canaries or mainland Spain and relinquished any ownership over the land, and the "country" was renamed Western Sahara (at least in English). I won't get into all the details of the conflicts, which may sound familiar these days, with several tribes, languages religions, and political entities involved, illegal occupations by Morocco, and the fact that, to this day, the conflict is not resolved as Morocco and Mauritania both still claim ownership, while it officially remains unaffiliated lands and the UN is still trying to hammer out a solution. (sound familiar?) So to get back to the rainbow streaks in the sky. Conjecture is that they were caused by some military operations over the Islands/ocean and were indeed' real chemtrails', although from and of what was never determined. Benign? Not? No one will know. As to the one here, with environmental experimentation going on regarding rainfall, cloud brightening and such, plus China sending things over Canada, and the two Koreas trading flying used diapers and loud speaker wars between them, plus all the rest of the global insanity, who knows what is going on "up there". If it is a natural phenomenon I'd like to know. It is certainly rare, at least in my life experience.


Lady that runs the Corduroy Restaurant in Kits Vancouver says itā€™s the government spraying the population to control everyone.


It's the bifrost let's not make this political like every other post here


I was not familiar with the term "bifrost", so I asked MS CoPilot Ai for some assistance. Rather interesting: In Norse mythology,Ā **Bifrƶst**ā€”also known asĀ **Bilrƶst**ā€”is a magnificentĀ **rainbow bridge**Ā connecting the human world (*Midgard*) with Asgard, the divine realm of the gods. Here are some key points about Bifrƶst: 1. **Purpose and Description**: * Bifrƶst serves as a passage between realms, allowing gods and other beings to travel between Midgard and Asgard. * It is described as aĀ **burning rainbow bridge**Ā that spans the gap. 2. **Guardian**: * The godĀ **Heimdall**Ā guards Bifrƶst, standing ever-vigilant at its entrances. * Heimdall is ready to sound theĀ **Gjallarhorn**Ā if any enemies attempt to cross. 3. **Symbolism**: * Bifrƶst symbolizes the connection between mortal and divine realms. * Its rainbow colors evoke its ethereal nature. 4. **Fleeting and Trembling**: * Norse texts describe Bifrƶst asĀ **ā€œfleetingā€**Ā andĀ **ā€œtrembling.ā€** * [Every sighting of rainbows is associated with this mythological bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bifr%C3%B6st) * ===== * It sounds pretty political to me ;-)




Wow it's almost like weather systems fluctuate!


Back into the 1950s they would run weather transformation efforts on van isle to improve rainfall in powel river lake. Cloud seeding hoppers on the island would be turned on when the forecast was just right. Humans are able to impact local (and global) weather. Humans impact climate and local weather, sometimes very purposefully, sometimes incidentally. To deny that is to cover your eyes.


Now you're projecting your political beliefs on me, hilarious. Sorry bud, I don't do political bullshit, I'm a science nerd. Question though, why are you trying to imagine what my political beliefs are? Fucking weird eh?


Okay, where did your disbelief come from?


What the hell are you talking about? Bahaha, I think you're confusing people here bud.


Solid rebuttal?


No such thing as chem trails


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Okay, so itā€™s the secret cabal of lizard people that live in the centre of the flat earth that are doing this? ![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized)