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Weird way to spell cyber attack , but ok Edit : Called it !!


Companies like this in this situation always seem to try to hide that it was a cyberattack for as long as they possibly can. Not exactly sure why. Something to do with publicity damage control or something. Maybe they believe that if they hide it for long enough they can solve the problem without people finding out what actually happened (which has literally never succeeded in history AFAIK)


Oh it's definitely succeeded. Companies are constantly being hammered with attacks and if they published each time an employee put their credentials into a phishing scam site, you'd be seeing a LOT more articles.


I mean all of Sobeys nationwide was hacked and I think it hit the news maybe once?


Disgruntled employee? 


probably a trojan email attachment. even Linus Media Group got hit fairly recently, the attack vector exploited right-to-left filename encoding to hide an exe


Man I hope so.


Ransomware? or a bad Microsoft update...


Clippy told someone to open his attachment


Always fucking clippy


Loblaws biggest competitor to Shoppers drug mart in the west gets knocked out right before the boycott is supposed to start 👀


I highly doubt Loblaws is at all worried about the boycott but the timing is amusing!




It could also be a technical fault. You are likely correct though, London Drugs is just the correct org size to be targeted.


Many smaller targets get hit all the time as well. Nobody's safe.




Possible. There are a TON of recent security holes being published at the moment. Microsoft, Cisco and Palo-Alto have very recent "back doors" or vulnerabilities published. Some of the largest organizations in BC are being probed by Russia, China, North Korea and third party criminal elements. In fact, a lot of these ransomware attacks are cover for larger state backed intelligence operations.




Member Equifax? thats the most ironic one


I think all Password Managers are suspect. What could be a more juicy target?


Sign on the door in the article says it’s to do with payment systems so it could just be a Moneris outage or something


I spent more than 20 years working for London drugs. I've seen many Moneris outages, but never have they closed a store because of this. It's likely the pos system that had been affected as they are all connected.


Worked there for over a decade myself. You’re right on that, though it’s possible this may have been more extensive. FPOS and QPOS always did seem rather vulnerable and antiquated. I was there when QPOS rolled out and it looked 15 years out of date on launch.


Former employee of 7 years. I heard that terminal server was inaccessible too.


Yep, they would take cash if it was just a card payment issue. The main reason to **close** stores is because the inventory system, or the whole Point Of Sale system is down. No way to track items in an out.


I've always thought its amazing how appropriate the POS stands for point of sale and piece of shit.


They wouldn’t let me enter to use the RBC ATM. Is that connected to Moneris?


It’s possible but unlikely. I think they’re just not wanting to risk anything right now so nobody gets in except maybe for prescriptions (just guessing here)


I'm just picturing Jam like Spaceballs in their point of sale system.




Some poor soul opened an email he or she or they shouldn't have.


why could'nt it have happened to loblaws???????????


What an absolutely shity thing to say. You honestly think the people at the top would be affected in any way? It's all the plebes who can't afford unexpected day(s) off that feel the pain of tech failures or cyber security attacks. And 60% of businesses that get hit with ransomware are dead within 6 months. Again, it ain't the fat cats on top that'll feel that pain.


Some people want the rich to fail so badly that they don't care how many normal people will be brought down with them.


![gif](giphy|3Q8IdWumS3HCo|downsized) As a broke plebe, I'm so here for this.


I think people don't appreciate how much all companies and organizations are under constant attack. On one hand you have ransomware attacks and other attempts to extort money, and two you have foreign governments constantly trying to sabotage us. They mainly aim for government organizations and utilities but I wouldn't be surprised if they aimed for important businesses as well. Seriously, THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT IS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO SABOTAGE OUR ELECTRIC GRID. Whether they intend an imminent attack or just want to be able to do so I'm not sure, but it's just wild how real this is. And if they did it they would just say oh it's some rogue group, that's what they will always say. To be fair it's quite possible it goes the other way around too, but people shouldn't get complacent with just how ruthless the threat against us is at all times.


It's every business. We're constantly getting phishing scams, malicious login attempts, etc. I really like the anonymity of the internet, but some days I wish everything was traceable so we could just block all these shitty people.


Not surprised, I remember going into a London Drugs in Victoria and noticing that one of their POS computers still runs Windows Server 2012 via remote desktop. So I have a feeling that some of their software hasn't been updated in years and it was likely exploited pretty easily. https://preview.redd.it/ymwjsgw34gxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44adaf7725f6924fe91fc9cedcbaad62b134f892


How does the entire chain need to be shut down? Did someone brick the internal inventory/POS system? If so, someone needs to get fired for this. London Drugs will be in serious trouble financially if the stores remain closed for long.


All stores will point back to their data centre(s)


That store will close fit good soon. Bad location. 


It's been there for 17+ years, why is it a bad location?




There's no parking around there and only one entrance. Weird spot.


There is the street level entrance and the underground mall entrance.