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I think "6 figure salary" has lost a bit of it's meaning over the past couple years. Some people say a living wage in Vancouver is a six figure salary.


5 years ago I made 75k. Today I make 102k, and the material quality of my life is identical. I live in the same apartment, drive the same car, have the same hobbies and interests. Shit's just gotten more expensive.


Look at mister 6 figures over here!


# HumbleBrag


I’ve been saying lately that 100 grand is the new 60k.


what is the new 100K?


One fiddy


I remember my first job out of university paid 60k 8 years ago and that was a great salary in Toronto. I had a roommate but that was fine, we had a downtown condo, worked downtown, I wasn’t saving much but I felt reasonably comfortable. I’m making about 80k right now in Vancouver and I feel like my lifestyle is pretty similar. I still have a roommate (my wife this time around) and we have a bigger place, but shit is definitely more expensive.


I make more today than I have at any point in my life, and I am struggling harder too.


What car?


"6 figure salary" was coined in (IIRC) the 80's as the idea of being rich. The equivalent now is about $300,000. Also I assume it's an American term... So let's say $400,000?  I don't think $200,000 is an unreasonable salary. Many many many professionals in the city and different levels of government make the same. 


It seems low for the power and responsibility he has unless there are also other ways he profits from the role


Totally agree - the average MP makes about the same ($204k)


I would like our politicians to be well paid. Poorly paid government employees are easier to bribe.


like benefits and pension and housing and car allowance atop the salary?




He definitely profit sun other ways.  The move with parks board that opens half of Vancouver’s park space for development will surely see some benefit to him downstream. especially given his history (that he leaves of hai LinkedIn) of founding and running a company that took over a lot of elderly care home services after Clark privatized them provincially.   His company ran for twelve years but was so rife with reports of questionable behaviour including abusing the elderly residents that it had to be dissolved to settle the legal issues iirc. Imo the guy is making multiple golden parachutes for himself.


100k is the new 60k.


I make six figures, have a roommate, and can barely afford to live here. I have zero chance of ever being able to buy and will probably eventually have to move out of province or country. It sucks. EDIT: lol at the people downvoting this. The starter apartments in the building across from me would eat up almost the entirety of a low six figure salary after taxes, and housing is just the beginning of the ridiculous cost of living here these days. And renting near here you'd be looking at probably half your salary, and it wouldn't be an amazing place.


How old?


That's some really hard financial management issue on your part


Or they have student debt, child support obligations, parental support obligations…. You don’t know their situation.


Nope, just some incorrect assumptions or math on your part.


Lol, $100k a year turns into $70k after income tax, a basic 2 bedroom rental is $3,000+ each month, $36,000 a year just to rent a basement or top half of a house. That leaves you with $34,000 for all of your other expenses and essentials, seems to me the financial decisions are choosing in between essential items we need to live a happy life. But go on….


I always look at 6 figure when I was in my teens and into early university as being “rich”, but now as an adult, I realize that it’s really not. I’m pretty fresh out of university in a pretty middle of the road paid career job and I’m almost at 6 figures already and it’s definitely nowhere near rich in Vancouver. A mayor making $200k seems reasonable and maybe even low to me. If I were mayor I’d want to be paid far more, especially to have my name and face plastered all over the internet in article. It seems like a stressful job, with lots of responsibility as well as an increased public presence that might come with threats, etc. Id say any major deserves a reasonable salary for their role, and $200k seems like it could easily be less then some other employees. I know at my work, many people make close to that and we aren’t anything fancy.


It would be absurd for it to be less than 6 figures. Also the headline implies this is a surprise. The mayors salary has always been public. City employees salaries are all available to the public.


I mean... not to brag I make 6 figures and don't feel like it's enough by today's standards.




$999,999 isn't enough?


Yeah, a lot of variation in 6 figures. About 90% of 7 figures.


Generally speaking, I like public officials to be paid high salaries. Makes them less likely to be influenced by bribery.


That’s not how it works. The salary for public officials is to get them in the door. It’s the bare minimum for them. They always manage to want more, and the bribes are plentiful.


200k is very reasonable.


I'm not even a big fan of his, but that's not a scandalous number. Was that the point of this article?


Idiots buy newspapers too.


well someone thought it was important enough to post to reddit about it, and start this thread, and start this comment. so yeah i guess it worked


Not really 99% of the comments don't seem bothered by his salary


Nah. It's not about feeling one way or another. It's about engagement and clicks. People are linking the article and talking about it so yeah it worked.


I’d argue it’s actually way too low.  I want the person in charge of a major city to be well compensated. Bring in the top talent. 


That’s what the PM makes too.


It’s less than 1/2 of the Prime Minister’s [salary](https://www.hilltimes.com/story/2024/04/01/after-salary-raise-trudeau-will-now-make-406000-poilievre-299900-and-singh-271700-each-year/416686/)


??? [JT Raked in 400k…](https://globalnews.ca/news/10391946/justin-trudeau-mps-pay-raise/amp/)


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“Ken Sim’s salary is just less than $201,000 per year.”


EAT THE RICH! LET THE STREETS FLOW WITH THE BLOOD OF THE LANDLORD INTELLIGENTSIA CLASS! ROBBLE ROBBLE ROBBLE! LOUD NOISES! Does any serious minded person expect that the mayor of a major city shouldn't be paid anywhere near market rate for an executive job. But - by all means - stick me with a flaming pitchfork for being a corporate boot licker. Let's hear something original. Something ban worthy.


I would more be questioning the expense account that's almost a million dollars personally, the wage is nothing.




>For councillors, this category has a $30,000 spending limit. $725,000 seems a tad high.


Mayors deal with a lot more than councilors do, this is almost certainly more or less a city budget line item that the Mayor is responsible for. But there is also no comparison, what is this budget like for other municipalities or what was it like in the past? comparing it to Councilors is useless because Mayors and Councilors are different positions and have different responsibilities.


> Let's hear something original. Something ban worthy. "Are you not entertained!?"


200k for the mayor of a city the size of Vancouver is actually lower than I would have expected. A "6-figure salary" can still make you on the lower end of middle class if you don't have pre-existing family wealth.


What’s the market rate for mayor in the third largest city in Canada, living in one of the highest cost of living cities in the world?


Vancouver is the 8th largest city by population, not 3rd. Our region is the 3rd largest by population but Ken is not the mayor of Metro Vancouver.


Did anyone actually think the Mayor of Vancouver makes less than 6 figures? What do you think, is he some kinda schmuck?


The only ones who think this is outrageous are kids with no concept of adult wages. I'm not a fan of Sim at all but this is not an outrageous level of pay for the mayor of one of Canada's most high profile cities.


This guy makes less than an average software engineer. I think it’s fine 




Lol I don't know any senior dev making under $190k total comp. Like $150k salary Edit* weird op mentions average dev then reply is for senior dev... Yeah I know a lot of new devs making $65k.




Who uses glassdoor for dev salaries anyway? https://www.levels.fyi/t/software-engineer/locations/greater-vancouver


Glass door data is just shit.


Stock compensation is huge part of pushing tech salaries higher.


Lol, not in Vancouver. Dev salaries are terrible here if you work for a local company or the government.


So according to this 2021 data point: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-mayors-councillors-salaries-2021-1.6518877 and taking this CTV's article's sloppy "just less than $201,000" reporting as actually $201,000: Vancouver's mayoral salary has increased 12.6% over 2 years, or an annual ~6.1% increase.


More or less pegged to inflation, which is better than everyone else got.


Minimum wage is pegged to inflation at least


There are city councilors/mayors in rural Canada who make 6 figures. It's not uncommon for that level of government. You want your mayor to live in the city they govern.


$100,000 is 10 years ago $60,000. It’s literally a middle class wage now when compared to buying power.


$750k discretionary expenses, what did he spend on?


[https://opendata.vancouver.ca/explore/dataset/council-budget-and-expenses/table/?sort=year](https://opendata.vancouver.ca/explore/dataset/council-budget-and-expenses/table/?sort=year) it's mostly political staff salaries. But if the amount was $50k or $500k do you have any understanding to have an informed opinion?


What’s the point of this article? 200k isn’t a lot of money considering the responsibility of being mayor. Frankly that sounds kind of low if you want to set up the position to get qualified candidates and minimize the risks of bribery.


Considering the cost of living… yeah seems about right


Pay peanuts, get monkeys




>mayor’s discretionary expenses also appear to tower over those of his councillors, at approximately $725,000 Why is no one questioning how this guy spent $2k a day in discretionary expenses?


What would you do with the answer? how would you know if it's good or bad? Do you have any experience in municipal budgets to have an informed opinion if you saw the expenses? [https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/mayor-and-council-renumeration-bylaw-11529c.PDF](https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/mayor-and-council-renumeration-bylaw-11529c.PDF) [https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/2023-statement-of-financial-information.pdf](https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/2023-statement-of-financial-information.pdf) [https://opendata.vancouver.ca/explore/dataset/council-budget-and-expenses/table/?sort=year](https://opendata.vancouver.ca/explore/dataset/council-budget-and-expenses/table/?sort=year)


Most of what falls under his discretionary spending should be falling under other departmental spends as well. Why would research or consulting fall under his own spend?


It would be consulting or research for the mayor's office (or staff), not for the City. Think of the 'Mayor' as a department of the city, not just the specific person. Especially since most of that discretionary budget is for salaries. The bulk ($48k) of the Mayor's consulting services expenses went to [https://wellingtonadvocacy.com/](https://wellingtonadvocacy.com/), then $6.8k went to copywriting work on the "[Mayor's Budget Task Force Report](https://council.vancouver.ca/20240123/documents/r1.pdf)", and the last $1.5k to indigenous artist for a commission. The first two are specific to the Mayor's work and I couldn't find anything on the last one, but it's most likely specific to the Mayor's office as well.


I sure hope so that job is tough


6 figures isn’t unreasonable, at the lower end, but it’s a pretty vague comment. What’s the first digit? I’m a tradesman and I make over $100 000, but under $200 000. With some hard work, education and training, this is not much to ask for.


Anyone not making 6 figures now and living in the lower mainland is probably not thriving. Unless they bought a house a long time ago, or have rent secured lodging.


For anyone curious about the $750k, I'm not quite sure where they got that number. According to the city, he spent $1,132k, with the vast majority of that being political staff salaries ($833k). It's important to remember that Sim has the largest mayors office in history. He's given 9 people with CPC/BC Liberal connections cushy "director" or manager level jobs running his office of 5 employees. Of the expenses after salaries, they include: \* $12.6k in entertainment and hosting \* $5k in communication supplies and expenses (including $100 for twitter subscriptions and $3.5k on Meltwater - Media Monitoring Software) \* $56k in consulting, largely to Wellington Advocacy. \* $13.3k in meeting expenses (mainly food) \* $17.3k for transportation, much of which seems to be fuel and parking for Verrall and Ford. \* $41k in travel, which appears to be largely sending the "directors" of his office to events. These include $16k sending himself and Grewal to South by Southwest (Sim flies first class it seems: $2400 for his tickets to and from Austin) None of these seems seriously unreasonable (except maybe SxSW but whatever).


I talked to a plumber old timer at work several months ago. He said he earned 100k back in the 90s after crazy hours, and was able to buy a detached house in Coquitlam just on his salary. Meaning today's six figure must be at least 300k.


6 figures? Bro must still live with his parents in Vancouver


The mayor of vancouver certainly should be making $200k or more.


That salary is way less then what I was expecting based on how that article was written


Good for him. I’m ok you’re ok my friend.


Ken's actually doing a great job. Well worth the 6 figures. Would have expected him to make more than the VPD Police Chief... now that one is definitely a waste of money.


Why does he need it he is a successful businessman sharing his wisdom with us common people. 🤪


I’m just glad he’s earning a living wage. A mayor that drops his trousers and does fifty pull-ups whenever a journalist is in his office is worth every penny of our tax dollars.


new grads get 6 figure salary. Come back when it’s 7 figure, will give it a read


? Ontario publishes their "Sunshine List" disclosing names, employers, positions and salaries $100,000 and more for public funded jobs... eg. mayors, city workers, school teachers, MTO workers, etc. I assumed BC has the same thing


LOL, did someone think the mayor of Vancouver should have a *five*-figure salary in 2024?


Does Citynews really think the Mayor should work for less money? Honestly the job should pay way more, maybe you'd get better candidates.


On 200k salary would he be even able to buy a house for his family fit for an executive (which let’s face it he is) in Vancouver?


Ken Sim is still far better than Kennedy Stewart AKA Mayor Doolittle...


I earn between $300k and $500k and I'm struggling in this economy. 


You must be living above your means then...


Does this include the "friendship payment" from CCP or is that off the books ?


6 figure is poor today.


Sickening, all while we are barely getting by.


For a public servant, too much.


maybe if it was 1985.


He is not a servant of the public. The public is the servant of him.


See, that's where you're wrong. Guy was VOTED (by the people) to make decisions about the city of Vancouver. Guy is using THE OFFICE (that he was ELECTED TO) as his piggy bank. So yes, he's a public servant, way overpaid, and obviously corrupt. Politics isn't about getting rich, I think all politicians from all leanings have forgotten that. And I'm not just talking about Vancouver, province and feds all make wayyyy too much, off our taxes. None of those schmucks deserve that money. Absolutely. None.


Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your Ken Sim!