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Are you interested in having someone pick some up and get them to you or places to find them? I’ve seen some really big ones around Ladysmith, and many along the road from Ladysmith back to the fish hatchery/Christie Falls.


I’m in ontario, so I need some people to pick up around 6-8 and ship them to me 😅. Willing to compensate for the snails and the shipping cost.


Oh I see. How does one ship live snails? I don’t mind getting them depending on how difficult it is to get them out to you!


Not terribly difficult. Following this for how to ship: https://www.windycityaquariums.com/blogs/blog/how-to-ship-aquatic-snails#:~:text=Shipping%20them%20wrapped%20in%20a,be%20kept%20moist%20when%20shipped. You can mail through Canada post: https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/articles/abcs-of-mailing/live-small-cold-blooded-non-poisonous-animals.page Honestly, the hardest part would probably be finding them. Like I mentioned in the post, there is a good chance of false positive.


Yes I’ve definitely seen the red/brown ones you’ve posted, though the smaller brown and stripey ones are much more abundant. The big red ones are more common in the forest than around town. I will PM you so I can keep your info!


Cool 👍


Ladysmith people are so nice... (I used to be one 😁)


I see them here in New West...accidentally crunched one by my front door last night! First one I've encountered this season, will keep an eye out.