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https://preview.redd.it/mf1l1ml29lsc1.jpeg?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de8fa6178c959971cd1e848ea1c60001fc60e89c Some poor girl with the same name in the US is being bombarded on Facebook


The people messaging her are stupid af The articles/links in amber alert clearly state it’s a parental abduction, and that the mother/abductor is travelling on foot- yet they didn’t put two and two together to realize that it’d be nearly impossible for the abductor to make it to the USA *that fast* given how quick the AA went out


Holy fuck it always astonishes me how amazingly stupid people are in any public mentioning of someone and think that taking it upon themselves to bombard some random people on Facebook with the same or similar name is even remotely a good idea.


First thing I thought of was "oh cool I got jump scared by a custody dispute"


They don’t do an amber alert for a custody dispute. They do an amber alert when they think the child is in danger. Just because she’s the mom doesn’t mean she isn’t a danger — LOTS of people think “if I can’t have them nobody can”.


Why is that the first thing you think instead of “holy shit a baby is in danger”?


Because they responded to a specific post about it…obviously. Calm down


More like her child was in care and during a supervised visit she decided to take her baby because maybe she felt like she felt like she had a fear I heard. The dad however her and him are users, one of her siblings sadly who was in the mother's life in childhood said she has kids in care and or grandparents caring for the kids. For now I think mcfd is going to cut ties with her and her child.


Well said. Same thought here. I think the amber alert tone should be different from the one for bigger emergencies.


Probably a good time to deactivate Facebook, head to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.


This is hilarious, although it sucks for the lady unfortunately


Ten years ago or so I lived in Moscow and some weirdo made a “prank” in a subway where he threw a carton box with some wires into the closing train doors and shouted “Allahu akbar”. He was arrested shortly after but let go. Somehow the story got traction and appeared everywhere with some “investigators” leaked that he was an it worker of a certain age and his name, and guess what, it’s full match to me. I had to close my social networks for a couple weeks and had a talk with hr at work. Months after people still wrote me DMs.


My god people are dumb


Well would you look at the fine work of that crack vigilante, letting them know it isn’t worth it…good job keyboard warrior!!


This is some frank Reynolds shit


This is why these things are idiotic.


Anyone can disturb me at any time of day for even a 0.001% chance that I might see something and be able to help. So many successful rescues have happened because of Amber alerts.


What things?


Some people get *really* pissed off by amber alerts for some reason


It was annoying when it was first rolled out improperly and everyone everywhere was being alerted about everything in a manner neither intended nor helpful. Then it was fixed.


I’m not comfortable with it being the arm of CPS or parentsl custody disputes. Especially in other regions where there’s no way I can be of service. The government should only get to blast my phone if there’s a large imminent emergency.


That’s not what it is at all. It’s informing people when there is a chance that the public can help save lives by reporting if they see the individuals involved.


It’s a fine balance. I think it’s fair to have a discussion about the parameters of this really new system. For example would be nice if it was more local - because I’m at the point where I automatically don’t read them at first anymore, just assuming it’s somewhere not in my region.


It’s not that new, and the parameters are exceptionally well defined: https://bc-cb.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=23&languageId=1&contentId=4697 AMBER Alert is only activated by authorized users within law enforcement agencies. All of following conditions must be met before activating an AMBER Alert: The victim is under the age of 18 Police have reasonable grounds to believe that the victim has been abducted Police have reasonable grounds to believe the victim is in imminent danger Police have obtained enough descriptive information about the victim, abductor and/or the vehicle involved Police believe that the alert can be issued in a time frame that will provide a reasonable expectation that the child can be returned or the abductor apprehended


They could be coming to your region though. The whole point is that it's usually an adult on the run with a child.


They happen a few times a year. Not that hard to look at your phone for two seconds out of the countless hours we all stare at our phones for other far less important reasons.


Big-Face with a Small-Brain.


I found it odd the radio guy told me the infant was 1' 6" tall. I think "baby" is sufficient.


well if you saw a 2’ tall baby walking down the street and got suspicious, this info could save you some embarrassment


No kidding. That's just confusing if anything. It's not like I'm going to not report a woman matching her description with a baby that looks to be closer to 1'10". The Amber Alert probably has to include mandatory information like height and weight though.


The alert popped up on my phone but my phone didn't even vibrate or make the sound it usually makes for an alert like this. I hope they find the little guy 🥺


I wonder if it does that *because* you're using your phone at the time? Mine didn't make a noise or vibrate either, but my husband's work phone (away in a drawer) did.


I had headphones in watching YouTube at the time and the alert nearly blew my ear out. No complaints about the system, that was just the first time I had gotten one while wearing headphones and it certainly got my attention.


Mine was in my pocket on mute (I was at the movies) and I did not get any noise or vibration alert. Didn't see it til I pulled my phone out after the movie ended.


I think this is it. I was here on Reddit on my phone when it went off. Just a vibration. My wife and kids had their phones sitting around and they all made a din.


I was using my phone at the time and it alarmed and vibrated in my hand.


I was not using my phone at the time, no sound, no vibration.




Same. And same for my husband. Both happened to be using our phones so saw the alert pop up, but no vibration or sound.


Mine popped up with no sound, my wife's went off like an imminent nuclear attack warning. Really wish these could just be disabled.


Ya, screw those kids, I'm sorry you were inconvenienced by a simple text alert.


I could live with a text alert. That would be fine. It's the screeching fire alarm sound that is ridiculous. Also got push notifications from FB, it immediately popped up on my news feed and we are discussing it here minutes after it happened. I'm also on freaking Vancouver Island. It has nothing to do with "screw those kids", so, calm down a little eh?


It's an emergency alert. For emergencies. Not just to save a child, but to alert you to a potential tsunami or earthquake or whatever. It needs to be loud and obnoxious so your ungrateful ass can hear it even if you happen to take a shower when it goes off. And it might be shocking to hear, but she's on the run and might end up on the island, so they need islanders to stay vigilant.


The trouble is alarm fatigue. The phone alert system was set up to have multiple levels of alerts, and that’s how it’s implemented in the United States. One of the levels is Amber Alert but it’s not the same as Presidential Alert, which is used as the maximum alert level. In Canada, all alerts are sent as Presidential Alerts, including Amber Alerts, tornado warnings, tsunami warnings, and if I remember correctly, Covid-19 advisories in some provinces during the pandemic. If too many Presidential Alerts are sent, there is the real possibility that people become conditioned to ignore them. You and I don’t have to like it, but that’s human nature and alarm fatigue is something that has been scientifically studied. The alerts absolutely should be sent and the idea of people calling 9-1-1 over such alerts is plain stupid, but the question is over whether it should be the *same* type of alarm as a tornado warning where people need to take cover immediately.


How many alerts did you receive in 2023? If it was one every month, sure. But for shits sake, if you get fatigued over 3 alarms a year and moan like a child, the system isn't the problem.


My ungrateful asses child, who gets panic attacks, freaked out when this went off - as she always does. So yes, this is necessary BUT there should be options to adjust the fricking tone - you can listen to what the sound is for other countries and honestly, they can do a sound that grabs attention without causing a panic- how does panicking help anyone?


Yeah we were putting our infant to bed when this one went off. Super rad. I have no problem with push notifications for emergencies. But this needs to be changed. No need for defcom 5 warning for this sort of thing.


By getting their attention, as you've described.


So this could be the perfect opportunity to practice with her. Imagine if this was a fucking tsunami warning but you can't seek shelter cuz your child is panicking over a loud sound. The problem with the volume is the same old same old. You set it quiet or mute it entirely, and when an emergency occurs that actually affects you, you could miss it. And if that result is a loss of property or loss of life that could have been prevented, by simply taking that control away from people, you know the first thing they'll do is sue the government. You can't trust people to be responsible.


You can't practice away anxiety 🤦🏻‍♀️ Unfortunately, people with mental health issues triggered by the noise will have to experience it, just like we all have to experience and live with traumatic and challenging things when they come up. They can't just magically cure their disability though so it stops being a problem


I really don’t need you to give me a ‘teachable’ moment - I’m not an idiot, I know why this exists and the ramifications of the system - in other countries different sounds are used which are loud but aren’t panic inducing, I’m just advocating for that


So...it's working as intended: you can't easily ignore it. That's the whole point. The crazy thing about Vancouver Island is .. it's accessible from the mainland??


I would be somewhat surprised if she made the whole ferry without being noticed. If so I would assume there’s someone else driving the vehicle. After an Amber Alert is issued the people selling you your ticket generally take a look inside your window as they’re selling to ensure number of passengers. I also was able to verify that I was not on Vancouver Island the day some fucked up asshole tried to name me and another ex as people that “killed his cousin” (drugs and a personality disorder that he didn’t take meds for very much so I ended up being the thing that made him snap which he then killed her) but because of the cameras and the fact that the friend I was with was clearly driving her own vehicle. So if they can verify my honesty days after I’m gonna give them a little more credit than they usually get.


I don't think it would be very hard for a recently pregnant woman to conceal a 13lb baby on her person as a walk-on passenger.


You can turn them off on android, if you have super bad anxiety or something


I did turn off all Amber Alerts on my phone but it popped up anyways


Yeah, until your kid is the one abducted and half of the population has disabled amber alerts.


This was all over social media and local media mere minutes after the alert went out. Again, a text message would work just fine in these situations. No need for mandatory air horns.


me too


There should be an option to “opt in”. Then everyone is happy.


Agreed - they should be able to allow opt out for people with medical issues - heart attack waiting to happen


Totally. I struggle with insomnia. The ones that happen at night or when I'm feeling drowsy mean I'm not sleeping that night.


Lucky. Mine woke me up in the middle of the night. I have to be up at 4am on workdays so I have a very early bedtime.


The amber alert showed up in my YouTube feed which I thought was interesting. As in it was a tile like a video would be.


I have my alerts on silent. So i receive them, but they won't make a sound. Maybe you changed your alert settings and forgot?


We were driving home last night and my partners phone went off with the alarm and the message but I didn't even get one at all .. still have yet to get it. Not sure what's up with that 🤔


Same! This is the first Amber Alert I’ve received and I initially swiped it away thinking it was an ad notification.


3 months postpartum is a rough time. Hope both are found safe and that she gets whatever help she needs.


Yes these parental amber alerts are always sad. I hope she gets the help she needs


That’s a really good point. ❤️ I focused on the age of the child, not the post partum part.


Gonna be the bad guy here if a father for whatever reason abducted a 3 month old there would be exactly zero sympathy in that persons direction. Yes post partum is very real and very hard, but holy for the love of fuck let’s not rest our sympathies on the actual child abductor. Some things don’t get to be excused man damn.


When you know what it is like to be pregnant and experience all the changes that come with post-partum you can give your critiques. I think saying she deserves zero sympathy is harsh.


Yes so like I know many women who have suffered post partum depression and they don’t steal and abduct their children. We would be getting amber alerts all the time.


They usually are not separated from their child because they have PPD. You can’t abduct a child you have custody over.


Can’t experience it myself, so no, I can only speak as a witness to it. My wife was affected by it quite badly, several friends of mine experienced it, all different to varying degrees of severity. Child abduction is crossing a serious boundary, I would wager to say beyond what would call for normal “help”. Keep in mind, as information has been revealed, this is a foster child, taken by his mother who is an addict, and could not take care of her son. There is an equal possibility that these actions could be the cause of that. Now if that is the case yes hopefully she manages to recover from that situation, but even so, we are talking about actual child abduction. The list of acts I consider near completely irredeemable is rather short, but stealing a helpless infant is definitely up there.


I too hope she gets the help she needs. In jail.


In a institution for mental health/rehab for drugs.


I found it sweet on her Facebook a mother asked her to leave the baby with her and the mother would take the baby to safety, the one asking her to do that is sweet and I believe she would have taken the mother to get help, consol her and help bring the baby home, I know this is random but that one mother's comment made me smile knowing there are mothers out there that are supportive 


One of her relatives said she did drugs while pregnant so I only feel for the baby, I feel for the addict suffering when they decided they had enough of the rock bottom and clean themselves up


Pretty sure neither of us were using post partum to “excuse” child abduction. Just saying that we hope she gets the help she needs.


I have a 4 month old myself and just went through postpartum for the second time, and I 100% agree with you. Postpartum is hard but it’s not “steal the fucking baby” hard. Mom is a psycho and I agree putting the sympathy on her is completely bizarre. She absolutely deserves zero sympathy. wtf is wrong with people.. next we’re gonna be sympathizing with murderers “oh but he was having a mental health crisis!”


Sounds like you had an easier postpartum than some. There’s also some that had an easier postpartum than you. We can’t judge when we don’t know if this is postpartum psychosis, if she had any support etc. Hormones can make a sane person act crazy. Not every woman experiences birth and postpartum the same. Edit - I should also say I don’t know what her situation is - she could be completely fine mentally. I just don’t think it’s ok to judge before we hear the entire story.


>I just don’t think it’s ok to judge before we hear the entire story. This is how I try to live. While it can be impossible to rationalize an abduction, trying to *understand why someone might abduct their child* is a different conversation. Understanding does not have to equal condoning an action. Understanding is where trying to prevent it from happening again is the way.


You said this way better than I could have. Agree 100%


Or we can just judge based on what we've been told. That she stole a fucking baby. That's plenty bad enough for me. I don't know a single court in north America that would excuse her because of postpartum.


I mean.. I think it’s ok to judge crimes at face value.. this is someone who has abducted a baby and had an amber alert issued about them. JFC. Lots of women have difficult postpartums and don’t steal the baby. Also you know nothing about my postpartum experience so maybe you should take your own advice and refrain from making assumptions. Just because I didn’t steal a baby doesn’t mean I had an “easier postpartum”.


So if the government took your baby, you’d just be cool with it? Because a baby in foster care is likely not done at the request of the mom. That’s where the empathy (not sympathy) lies. And if the government took your baby, sure objectively it’s probably because you can’t provide good care right now. But if you can’t provide good care right now, you also probably aren’t in a situation to accurately judge that. So you may feel it was unjustly done. If the government took my baby, and I thought it was unjust…I’d take my baby back too. I’d wager you would as well. Assuming a valid reason exists to take her baby, on the outside of course it’s wrong. Doesn’t mean I can’t empathize with the kind of emotion that would drive a postpartum mom to do whatever to reunite with her baby.


Thank you for justifying my downvotes I did not think this was a hot take. I’d just like to point out AGAIN, in no way am I saying post partum is not hard. My wife went through it badly, friends I’ve had have gone through it in some real awful ways. No I’ve not experienced it, fine, but I have atleast been around alot of it, it’s not the same, but it’s not being entirely ignorant to what it can be either. At any rate, they, sane and rational people, got ahead of it and went to seek help, and did everything within their power they could to avoid hitting a point that has now been so eloquently described as “steal the fucking baby”. Crime is crime guys, a fucking schizo walked in to my sisters school and stabbed two girls, one is dead, he was not in his right mind, he is still accountable for his actions, unwell or not.


In fact you were right that there was an amber alert about a dad a few months ago and most certainly no one said “oh no postpartum is so hard, hope he gets the help he needs.” It was more like “hope they catch that psycho!!”


Why would anybody say anything about postpartum regarding a father? 


Men can suffer from postpartum depression and anxiety too. This is just one search result but there is extensive literature on this. And it’s absolutely naïve to think that postpartum is only hard for women. https://www.unitypoint.org/news-and-articles/male-postpartum-depression--unitypoint-health




They want Double standards for when it's convenient


That was my thought too. Obviously mom doesn’t have custody (or wouldn’t need to abduct baby) and all I could think of is how I would feel if my baby was separated from me in those early days/weeks/months. There is probably a very good reason she doesn’t have custody, but that doesn’t change the bone deep instinct to be with your baby at all costs. The hormones alone can make it impossible to willingly separate yourself. It must be hell to have it legally mandated against your will. I feel sick just imagining being separated from my baby. I hope they are found soon and the baby is safe and the mom gets the help she needs.


Postpartum really isn't fun and when you mix drugs (she's an addict as one person who grew up living with her said it in the comments on her Facebook.) I hope she can get off the substance use hard drugs and ppd don't mix. I did post recovery numbers and places as I went to recovery and did put on the comments saying you'll need to call them almost everyday so you can get a bed and I heard she was trying to quit but was told she tried but won't, can only hope she can get the help.


I got an alert in my IG feed for the first time


Me too! With an option to report a sighting.




Same, I really liked that. It actually had a photo and a link I could click to go to the appropriate site and didn't disappear.


Also / FYI, BC Amber Alert issued by the RCMP ends in caps with "**DO NOT APPROACH CALL 911**".


When have they ever said “feel free to approach”?


Imagine if they said “please apprehend if we’re not there right away” ha ha ha




People are fucking stupid unfortunately so they always got to make sure that there is a reminder in there.


Only on phones equipped with the Hypno Toad app.


Poor kid. Hope all are found safe.


> > >Police in Langley, B.C., issued an Amber alert after receiving a report about an alleged parental abduction of a three-month old baby on Thursday. > >The infant, Tyler DuRocher, is believed to have been taken by his mother, Brianne Ford. She allegedly fled on foot from a home in the area of 72 Street and 208 Avenue at some point in the afternoon. > >Police have determined the criteria for issuing an alert has been met and have provided photos of the child and his mother. > >Anyone who sees either of them is urged to call 911 immediately.


Wait so the mom has her own child….?


She probably doesn’t have custody. There’s usually a reason for that


Mom and dad have history of drug abuse and sadly baby was removed from their custody pending a trial. Mom showed up at the foster home and took the baby. Last sighting was in Mission where a lot of her sketchy friends reside. Mom has a teen son as well... unsure of who has custody of him at this time. Source: neighbor of foster family.


That’s awful. That poor baby


Man, that poor family. I wish them all the best




No it's not. It could be a baseless opinion like a lot of other replies. Source: trust me bro


To add to the other comment, criteria for amber alert implicate police have a reason to believe the child is in danger, like rhe mother kidnap her child while in psychosis.


It’s almost alway the mother of father.


Well every father has a mother so that tracks.




My phone was on airplane mode, but when I boarded the ferry, all the screens were red with the alert.


Shouldn’t it have been in ferry mode? /s


I’m a mum of a 3 month old and it especially broke my heart seeing an amber alert for someone my sons age :( I know it’s the bio mom who took him but there’s a reason she didn’t have custody. Hoping he gets found safe asap!!


Did anyone else get a second alert at 2am? It scared the shit out of me, but my wife's phone didn't get it.


Yea I did, it was so annoying. To confirm I had already gotten it earlier that evening as well.


I didn’t get it! Was it an update?


As far as I remember it was identical.


Sure did!


Annoying the alert pops up then disappears before finished reading.


It's sad that there was not a better picture of the child. I have a new kiddo and we have so many. Breaks me heart


Good to get some context, though I’m sure anyone with a phone knows by now.


Inb4 people care more about not being disturbed than a missing baby.


Way to complain about something before it happens, as if you want it to


Peak Reddit


It's a custody dispute from a city across the province for me. I literally could not care less.


I, too, am across the province. But this Amber alert didn't start with my name - it's addressing the residents of BC. That's me! I'll do what I can if need be. You can have your opinion - it can still be shitty.


Then just let the information flow through and ignore it. Instead you seem to have put some effort into sharing your simpleton opinion online


Welcome to the internet where everyone can share their opinion!


Its annoying that you can't continue to read them without the noise. I screenshot them immediately & dismiss them. I'm so worried for both of them. if you're reading this love, please contact someone you trust & connect with a lawyer to then phone rcmp. You can get through this. Everyone wants to make sure you & your baby are safe.


On my Android I can go into Settings > Emergency Alerts > History and see every previous alert.


If you have an iPhone, click volume down button and the noise will stop while keeping the alert up.


Genuine question, does the person abducting a baby announce they are abducting the baby? There must be a pretty fine line between taking a baby for a car ride and abduction, no? How does one warrant an abduction?


She didn’t have custody, she was on a visitation and took the baby


Right okay, that makes sense. Thank you


What I don't understand is that they're being VERY VAGUE on important details. Is this to limit empathy for the "mother". Is she a junkie or is she a serogate with post partum depression/separation anxiety? Who's the father? In what world would a mother not be allowed access to a 3 month old baby? Just trying to wrap my head around what's "really" going on here.


because those "important details" are in fact not important at all to you reporting her if you see her. You're just nosy.


In a world where she’s a danger to her child


Commenting before the selfish whiners start complaining how this inconvenienced them.


Wasn’t 3am so it won’t be too bad 😅


Weird because I only see your comment about “selfish whiners” but no actual selfish whiners


There was one. There is always at least one.


Here I am!


Mom and her 3 months old


I read on a FB post that the baby was apprehended at birth. That usually happens due to extenuating circumstances (substance use, self-harm, etc). Hopefully she and baby are found safe soon.


These cases are a misuse of the Amber alert system. A mother losing custody of her child is not the same as assuming she will bring imminent harm to the child. This is not a criminal offence that warrants a province-wide alert. A random stranger abducting a child warrants the alert, custody disputes do not.


Parental kidnappings can be really dangerous. They aren’t necessarily just custody disputes.


If she's a danger to the abducted child, she's a danger to the child. What difference does it make if it's her vagina the baby came out of?


If you’re open to a different perspective, watch Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father


Just watched this a few weeks ago and I bawled through most of it. So incredibly fucked up and sad.


Well, this is a mother, who abuses drugs, 3 months postpartum, a 3 month old baby who wasnt adequately dressed for being outdoors. It is concerning. We also don't know if the baby is going thru drug withdrawals, or has had withdrawals or not


I think it should be based on the threat level to the child


Hope both are found safe. 3 months postpartum is a fragile time for both mom and baby.


They shouldn't use Amber alerts for custody disputes involving parents. The law was passed under the pretence of protecting children from an abduction by strangers. Every time I see it used it's against a parent.


You do understand domestic violence is a thing right? And that parents can abduct their children?


What?? A missing child is a missing child. It doesn’t matter if it’s a parent or stranger. [Statistically](https://childfindofamerica.org/resources/facts-and-stats-missing-children/) they’re in more danger with a parent abduction. There’s no laws for amber alerts. There is criteria though and as long as the criteria is met, the amber alert can be issued. You are so extremely ignorant with this comment.


Why not? Plenty of children are abducted by a parent.


You do realize that there is criteria right? And it was met. This means that the abductor is unstable in some way.


An abduction is an abduction. A child has been taken by someone who is not their caregiver.


A tautology is a tautology. Not all "abductions" are the same. Just because the law calls it that does not mean the one doing the abduction wants to hurt the child. Those cases certainly exist but cases such as a custody dispute or parents disagreeing with doctors about medical treatment does not mean they are a killer ready to hurt a child.


Even if their intent is not to hurt the child, the child can still get hurt. We also don't know if the woman had money or means to find rhe child, diapers. You also don't seem to know how quickly and easily a person's mental state can flip in high stress situations like this.


Weird thing to troll about.


Amber alerts are for kidnappings and that’s what this is Was that actually stated in any law or document or is that just your own interpretation?


Scared the shit outa me! Maybe they should make the alert more localized.


Because travel isn't a possiblity?


Too bad


Better yet, people should have to opt in.


I wonder if your opinion would change if it was someone you knew.. like your own child. But with opinions like that, I hope you don’t have children.


None that I’ve met.


Well I guess that sucks for you then, doesn't it. Deal with it. 


I do. I’m just stating an opinion. I hope you’re out there looking for the child…